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Bioreactors - design and control spring 2009, KBT090

Status: Avslutad
Öppen för svar: 2009-05-25 - 2009-06-05
Antal svar: 15
Procent av deltagarna som svarat: 30%
Kontaktperson: Carl Johan Franzén»
Utbildningsprogram som genomför enkäten: Chalmers

Your background

1. What was your previous education?

If you ticked the "Övriga" ("Others") tab above, please describe your background more explicitly here! (e.g., Nationality, University, Study program)!

- I could only tick others, there were no other alternitives. I am swedish and this is my fourth year at Chalmers. »
- svensk, Chalmers, Bioteknik»
- Chemical engineering»
- Bachelor in biotechnology»
- Sweden, Sven-Erikson gymnasiet, IB-naturinrikting»

Your own effort

2. How many hours per week did you spend on this course?

We mean total time, that is, it comprises the time you spent in class and the time you spent on your own work. Try to estimate the average time over the entire study period.

15 svarande

At most 15 hours/week»3 20%
Around 20 hours/week»7 46%
Around 25 hours/week»1 6%
Around 30 hours/week»0 0%
At least 35 hours/week»4 26%

Genomsnitt: 2.66

- Beror på vilken vecka» (At most 15 hours/week)
- because, I never contact about matlab, hence, everyday, I both spent at least 5 -6 hours to study it» (At least 35 hours/week)
- The course didn"t give any other option than study everyday all the time» (At least 35 hours/week)
- Den mesta tiden la jag på matlab-uppgifterna» (At least 35 hours/week)

3. How large part of the teaching offered did you attend?

15 svarande

0%»0 0%
25%»1 6%
50%»0 0%
75%»6 40%
100%»8 53%

Genomsnitt: 4.4

- Vad jag förstått saknades en röd tråd i föreläsningarna. De verkade inte riktigt vara relevanta för kursen. Skulle vilja ha föreläsningar som behandlade övningsuppgifterna med. Fö var röriga och svåra att följa med i.» (25%)
- about math and equation, I often forgot . » (75%)

Goals and goal fulfilment

The course syllabus states the course goals in terms of learning outcomes, i.e., knowledge, skills and attitudes to be acquired by the student during the course.

4. How understandable are the course goals?

15 svarande

I have not seen/read the goals»2 13%
The goals are difficult to understand»3 20%
The goals give some guidance, but could be clearer»8 53%
The goals clearly describe what I am supposed to learn»2 13%

Genomsnitt: 2.66

- I"ve seen them but do not remember them» (I have not seen/read the goals)
- From the beginning, one thought that the course was going to be focused on bioreactors, but as the time went by it could be seen that maybe 30 % was relevant.» (The goals are difficult to understand)
- I dont think the content of the course correspond to the course goals. » (The goals give some guidance, but could be clearer)
- Tyckte inte man lärde sig något tydligt. Oklart vad som var meningen att man skulle lära sig.» (The goals give some guidance, but could be clearer)
- The goals seem quite clear, and I got a picture of what the course would be about. And now that I look back at them, I think the course could have been very worthwhile. However,it didn"t live up to my expectations and I"m quite disappointed.» (The goals give some guidance, but could be clearer)
- Menar ni det som fanns med i första powerpoint presentationen som calle höll i? De var helt okej, men skulle hellre funnits i informationen vi fick utskriven. » (The goals give some guidance, but could be clearer)
- Men kursen följde inte målen som var uppsatta för kursenm, vi lärde oss annat » (The goals clearly describe what I am supposed to learn)

5. Are the goals reasonable considering your background, the course level and the number of credits?

15 svarande

No, the goals are set too low»1 6%
Yes, the goals seem reasonable»9 60%
No, the goals are set too high»2 13%
I am not aware of the goals»3 20%

Genomsnitt: 2.46

- There was actually not many new things in this course. I did not learn anything new. It was just a mix of old things that we have studied before. » (No, the goals are set too low)
- but, I really hope , next time, please think about student do not know how to use matlab, because it is really hard to manage in the short time.in addition, it really occupy too much time .» (Yes, the goals seem reasonable)
- I don"t consider myself to have sufficient knowlage to do the matlab exercises. » (No, the goals are set too high)
- I am lack of reactor backgroud, so it is hard for me to understand some knowledge, especially exercise it"s really hard.» (No, the goals are set too high)
- I"ve seen them but do not remember them» (I am not aware of the goals)

6. Did the examination as a whole assess whether you have reached the goals?

The course was examined in four parts:

Written literature assignment report (0-20 p)
Oral literature assignment presentation (0-10 p)
Exercise asssignment report (0-20 p)
Final exam (0-60 p)

The final grade was based on the sum of points from all parts.

15 svarande

No, not at all»0 0%
To some extent»6 40%
Yes, definitely»6 40%
I don"t know»3 20%

Genomsnitt: 2.8 (bidrar till totalt genomsnitt/jämförelseindex)

- ej gjort tentan ännu» (I don"t know)
- Konstig fördelning av poängen. Grant proposal som tog kortare tid att utföra ger totalt mer poäng än Simuleringen som är betydligt mer tidskrävande och komplicerad.» (I don"t know)

7. Did the final exam assess whether you have reached the goals?

15 svarande

No, not at all»1 6%
To some extent»6 40%
Yes, definitely»1 6%
I dont know»3 20%
I have not done it yet»4 26%

Genomsnitt: 3.2

- I don"t think the goals really agree with what we have been taught, but I think the final exam was quite good based on the material we had gotten. » (To some extent)

8. Did the Literature assignment / Research proposal assess whether you have reached the goals?

This concerns both the written report and the oral presentation.

15 svarande

No, not at all»2 13%
To some extent»6 40%
Yes, definitely»6 40%
I don"t know»1 6%
I have not done it yet»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 2.4

- Det enda man lärde sig var hur man skriver en ansökning, men det var väl inte relevant för kursen?? Svårstartat och svårt att få ett vettigt ämne.» (No, not at all)
- Förstår inte hela iden med grant proposal, välidgt luddigt och otydligt vad det är, hur det skall göras och innehållet. Känns som om detta lit arbete bygger mer på tidigare kurser än denna. Känns mer som något man kunde göra på gymnasiet än på master nivå på universitetet. Jag har inte fått någon behållning av att göra detta arbete. Var kommer biorekaktionen in???» (No, not at all)
- I think it was quite blur regarding the grant proposal. I should have DEFINETLY been soom intro to what IS a grant proposal, how to write it, purpose ect. We had to ggogle everything and still got a low grade» (To some extent)
- Again, I don"t think this assignment agree with the goals, but I do think it was interesting and important. However, it took alot of time and was quite stessful (from day one), even if it paid off at the end.» (To some extent)
- Good way to do a project. It felt as a more relevant and professional approach to do litterature studies and presentation than it normally does. Definately a keeper for next year» (Yes, definitely)

9. Did the Exercise report assess whether you have reached the goals?

15 svarande

No, not at all»2 13%
To some extent»7 46%
Yes, definitely»1 6%
I don"t know»5 33%
I have not done it yet»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 2.6

- Fick väldigt mycket dålig kritik som inte riktigt höll. Var rapporten läst? Sedan tycker jag att det ska framgå lite tydligare vad en grant proposal ska innehålla, för tydligen hade christer än tydlig bild av vad den skulle innehålla men han förmedlade den inte till oss än om vi frågade.» (No, not at all)
- I dont think it is right to give out a hard exercise two weeks before the report is due. I also think it is unaccaptable with all errors that were discovered in the exercises. » (To some extent)
- Devoid of reactor knowledge makes me often deriate the correct ways in solving the exercise. Too hard! » (To some extent)
- I think the exersizes were to difficult. It ended up with that you Calle did alot by youself. Itäs better to have easier questions so that one can actually learn things.» (To some extent)
- Good way of preventing people from slipping through by getting too much help from others since it should be quite clear in the report wether or not people have learned or not.» (Yes, definitely)
Genomsnitt totalt för detta stycke: 2.8

Teaching and course administration

10. How did you like the overall arrangement of the course contents?

This question pertains to the whole course content: i.e., the mix of lectures, the lecture notes, the computer exercises, the literature assignment, the final exam, the split exam form (with points from both exam, research proposal and exercises), the course homepage, other information about the course etc)

15 svarande

It challenged my abilities and contributed to my learning»2 13%
Arrangements were good, showed the contents from many angles»6 40%
Arrangements were confusing, made it hard to see the content»7 46%

Genomsnitt: 2.33

- The arrangement was clear from the beginning. And one good idea was that one could count in point into the final exam.» (Arrangements were good, showed the contents from many angles)
- Bra tänkte men genomförandet funkade inte. En röd tråd saknades. Framför allt att föreläsningarna kändes off och man fick alldesles för lite instruktioner till övningarna. Fick ju i princip bara uppgifterna att lösa. Kan ju gå hela kursen och antingen inte lärt sig alls eller lärt sig fel för att man inte förstod.» (Arrangements were good, showed the contents from many angles)
- As I already said, the course content is very broad and sometimes you wondered why a specific lecturer was there. » (Arrangements were confusing, made it hard to see the content)
- felt like three separate parts with no conections to each other. many lectures had no bioreactor connection» (Arrangements were confusing, made it hard to see the content)
- Each part of the course felt relevant I had some difficulties seeing what some parts had to do with each other. The pieces were good but it felt they were from different jig saws.» (Arrangements were confusing, made it hard to see the content)
- Kursen saknade röd tråd, det var som tre separata delar, även om delarna var okey var för sig så skulle de kunnat ha relterat till vanndra bättre, en del förläsningar kändes inte som att de passade in i kursen, som nematoderna» (Arrangements were confusing, made it hard to see the content)
- Väldigt dålig kvalite på kursen i allmänhet. Ingen direkt röd tråd genom kursen bara en massa små plock. Det ända som kändes som kändes som bioreaktion var Kalles föreläsningar och simuleringen. Resten kändes inte som det hörde till kursen.» (Arrangements were confusing, made it hard to see the content)
- I think this course could have been the most important and worthwhile if it would have been better arranged and planned. But it feels like the examiners wanted it to contain too much, which in the end just made it confusing and gave us a low amount of useful information based on the time we spent. Unfortunately I think if the examiners would have narrowed it down a bit and focused more on teaching than letting guest lecturers have long lectures that didn"t give very much, this course could have been great. Non of the students are lazy and just want everything handed on a plate, but what is a teacher if it doesn"t teach? You have the knowledge and a picture of what you want us to learn. Then it is also your duty to convey what that is.» (Arrangements were confusing, made it hard to see the content)

11. To what extent has the teaching been of help for your learning?

15 svarande

Small extent»6 40%
Some extent»4 26%
Large extent»4 26%
Great extent»1 6%

Genomsnitt: 2

- Some lectures were outside the scope of the course and did niot contrubute to the learning process at all.» (Small extent)
- again, sisnce much was irrelevent, and when there actually was something relevent, there was absolutely no line in the lecture notes, just an image copied from a result from an article. There HAS to be more explanations, more text and specially a line so that one don"t have to spend hours just reading articles. » (Small extent)
- Som sagt ett väldigt hopplock av föreläsningar. En av föreläsningarna var det tredje gången jag hörde och det är ju inte direkt motiverande. Känns inte som om föreläsningarna riktigt motsvarade vad kursen heter och borde innehålla. Och då en av föreläsarna själv säger till mig att han inte förstår varför han ska föreläsa på kursen så börjar man ju fundera. Sedan tycker jag att alla föreläsare skall vara spikade innan kursen börjar. Har vart väldigt rörigt. » (Small extent)
- Det blev för rörigt med så många olika föreläsare. De flesta var väldigt intressanta som intresse föreläsningar men inte för att lära sig något som sen skall tenteras. Nivån på många av föreläsningarna var alldeles för avancerad för att man skulle hänga med. Och hängde man inte med och antecknade så var det ju helt omöjligt att läsa inför tentan. » (Some extent)
- Lecture notes should be handed out before the lectures so notes can be taken at the appropriate slides and times. Not one week after. » (Large extent)
- Dock var blandningen av förläsningar förvirrande» (Large extent)
- especially, I know how to use matlab.» (Great extent)

12. To what extent has the course material been of help for your learning?

Course material pertains to the written material, i.e. the course PM, the exercise collection, the Matlab tutorial, the written instructions for the literature assignment, the reference articles, slide show hand-outs from lectures.

15 svarande

Small extent»5 33%
Some extent»4 26%
Large extent»6 40%
Great extent»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 2.06

- boken Bioreaction Engineering Principle, finns det nån bättre att ha istället? som täcker det vihöll på med..!?» (Small extent)
- the info about the literature assignment was sufficient but otherwise no» (Small extent)
- Kallar inte det kursmatrial. Skall slides vara kursmatrial måste det stå någonting på dem och inte bara vara bilder och diagram. Svårt att anteckna och man inte fattar och efter det omöjligt att ta igen.» (Small extent)
- Hand outs har väll fungerat hyffsat. Information om litteratur arbetet har varit obefintlig. MatLab uppgifterna har bara varit patetiska - Dessa borde vara klara då kursen börjar och inte innehålla så himla många fel. Att säga att det är en inlärningsprocess att hitta fel i uppgifts texterna är bara en befängd ursäkt. » (Small extent)

13. To what extent did the exercises help you learn the course?

15 svarande

Small extent»5 33%
Some extent»7 46%
Large extent»3 20%
Great extent»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 1.86

- difficult to answer since ít depends on the final exam.» (Small extent)
- Då kursen har varit väldigt rörig så har det inte direkt funnits någon direkt koppling mellan gästföreläsare och simuleringen. Men givetvis har det hjälpt till att förstå kalles föreläsningar bättre. » (Small extent)
- Berror på vad man menar med att lära sig kursen. Jag lärde mig matlab och att simulera, men det gav inte så mycket inför tentan tex. » (Small extent)
- Har kommenterat det tror jag ovan» (Some extent)
- Det var ju en separat del av kursen, men man lärde sig en del på det, minnas matlab igen» (Some extent)
- The exercises were too difficult regarding the matlab programming and it was not good that they were not available from the beginning and that they were changed all the time.» (Some extent)
- They are useful, but something to get us started would have been good. Going through some easier excersices in the beginning to help us could have been good. So much help was needed in the beginning (too much for one teacher) that that weeks went by and we almost didn"t get anywhere.» (Some extent)

14. Did you get enough help with computer exercises from the exercise teacher?

15 svarande

Yes, in the computer studio»2 13%
Yes, at other times»4 26%
No»8 53%
I did not actively seek help»1 6%

Genomsnitt: 2.53 (bidrar till totalt genomsnitt/jämförelseindex)

- in addition, I also gain a lot of help at the other times. thanks Carl.» (Yes, in the computer studio)
- Men borde inte behöva fråga om allt. Antingen matrial att söka hjälp i eller övningar/föreläsningar.» (Yes, at other times)
- Det var alldeles för lite matlab tid för så många elever och för så många uppgifter. Om de första uppgifterna (A) hade gåtts igenom i ett tidigt stadie u kursen, tex lv2, så hade man haft mer tid med B och C uppgifterna, eftersom vi kom igång så himla sent med de svårare uppgifterna så var det väldigt ont om tid i slutet. Men vi fick väldigt mycket hjälp via mailen vilket var väldigt bra!» (Yes, at other times)
- never during exercies hours» (No)
- Alldeles för lite hjälp med tanke på vad som skulle åstadkommas, mer personer skulle hjälpt till minst en till. » (No)
- Absolut inte. Då man har en klass under en lektion på två timmar kan man inte sitta och hjälp en person i en timme. Man får inte den hjälp man behöver. Ni kanske ska ta och fundera på att ta bort litteratur arbetet och lägga in några flera schemalagda simulerings tider samt ta in en till som kan hjälpa kalle och svara på frågor.» (No)
- He did the best he could I think,.. but not enough time. Besides that I think he should try to come down to our level when he is trying to explain something...maybe use simpler words and focus on what we actually asked. We haven"t done research on this for several years and therefore the teacher must understand that we our knowledge is limited. He should try to explain based on the students knowledge and not complicate things further. And if he doesn"t know what knowledge the student have...just make it as simple as possible.» (No)

15. Please tick the statements that you think are relevant for each lecture.

This lecture ...


- Mer teori bakom det vi gjorde i simuleringarna, mycket saknades och fanns inte i boken (Bioreaction Engineering Principle) och artiklarna föklarade inte mycket. speciellt när det kom till uppg C3.»
- Som sagt ingen röd tråd mellan föreläsarna. Vissa föreläsningar har man hört innan. Koppling till bioreaktionsteknik?»

Calle Franzén - Mass balances, basic theory (Two lectures)
15 svarande

(på denna fråga var det möjligt att välja flera svarsalternativ)

was relevant and interesting»3 20%
was irrelevant for the course, but interesting to listen to»1 6%
was an important part of the course, and aided my learning»4 26%
gave me a broader perspective of the course contents»2 13%
was boring and uninteresting»2 13%
included too much info, difficult to know what to learn»0 0%
did not leave me any lasting memory»1 6%
was difficult to follow, but relevant for the course»5 33%
inspired me to learn more»0 0%
The lecturer explained things really well»2 13%
The lecturer was better than average»2 13%
The lecturer was barely ok to listen to»0 0%
The lecturer made a poor impression»0 0%
Change it for something else!»0 0%
Keep it!»6 40%
Did not attend this lecture»0

Calle Franzén - Physiologically based control
15 svarande

(på denna fråga var det möjligt att välja flera svarsalternativ)

was relevant and interesting»3 20%
was irrelevant for the course, but interesting to listen to»0 0%
was an important part of the course, and aided my learning»2 13%
gave me a broader perspective of the course contents»2 13%
was boring and uninteresting»1 6%
included too much info, difficult to know what to learn»3 20%
did not leave me any lasting memory»2 13%
was difficult to follow, but relevant for the course»4 26%
inspired me to learn more»1 6%
The lecturer explained things really well»2 13%
The lecturer was better than average»1 6%
The lecturer was barely ok to listen to»1 6%
The lecturer made a poor impression»0 0%
Change it for something else!»2 13%
Keep it!»6 40%
Did not attend this lecture»1

Lisbeth Olsson - On-line monitoring and Process Analytical Technology
15 svarande

(på denna fråga var det möjligt att välja flera svarsalternativ)

was relevant and interesting»3 20%
was irrelevant for the course, but interesting to listen to»1 6%
was an important part of the course, and aided my learning»0 0%
gave me a broader perspective of the course contents»2 13%
was boring and uninteresting»0 0%
included too much info, difficult to know what to learn»5 33%
did not leave me any lasting memory»1 6%
was difficult to follow, but relevant for the course»3 20%
inspired me to learn more»1 6%
The lecturer explained things really well»2 13%
The lecturer was better than average»1 6%
The lecturer was barely ok to listen to»2 13%
The lecturer made a poor impression»1 6%
Change it for something else!»1 6%
Keep it!»4 26%
Did not attend this lecture»1

Calle Franzén - Gas analysis and RQ control
15 svarande

(på denna fråga var det möjligt att välja flera svarsalternativ)

was relevant and interesting»4 26%
was irrelevant for the course, but interesting to listen to»0 0%
was an important part of the course, and aided my learning»1 6%
gave me a broader perspective of the course contents»3 20%
was boring and uninteresting»3 20%
included too much info, difficult to know what to learn»2 13%
did not leave me any lasting memory»4 26%
was difficult to follow, but relevant for the course»3 20%
inspired me to learn more»2 13%
The lecturer explained things really well»2 13%
The lecturer was better than average»1 6%
The lecturer was barely ok to listen to»1 6%
The lecturer made a poor impression»1 6%
Change it for something else!»2 13%
Keep it!»3 20%
Did not attend this lecture»1

Tomas Brandberg - The ETEK lignocellulose ethanol pilot plant in Örnsköldsvik
15 svarande

(på denna fråga var det möjligt att välja flera svarsalternativ)

was relevant and interesting»5 33%
was irrelevant for the course, but interesting to listen to»0 0%
was an important part of the course, and aided my learning»1 6%
gave me a broader perspective of the course contents»2 13%
was boring and uninteresting»1 6%
included too much info, difficult to know what to learn»0 0%
did not leave me any lasting memory»1 6%
was difficult to follow, but relevant for the course»3 20%
inspired me to learn more»1 6%
The lecturer explained things really well»3 20%
The lecturer was better than average»0 0%
The lecturer was barely ok to listen to»1 6%
The lecturer made a poor impression»1 6%
Change it for something else!»2 13%
Keep it!»5 33%
Did not attend this lecture»2

Kristina Hedfalk - Heterologous protein production by Pichia pastoris and other yeasts
15 svarande

(på denna fråga var det möjligt att välja flera svarsalternativ)

was relevant and interesting»3 20%
was irrelevant for the course, but interesting to listen to»2 13%
was an important part of the course, and aided my learning»3 20%
gave me a broader perspective of the course contents»0 0%
was boring and uninteresting»1 6%
included too much info, difficult to know what to learn»0 0%
did not leave me any lasting memory»1 6%
was difficult to follow, but relevant for the course»1 6%
inspired me to learn more»0 0%
The lecturer explained things really well»4 26%
The lecturer was better than average»1 6%
The lecturer was barely ok to listen to»0 0%
The lecturer made a poor impression»1 6%
Change it for something else!»0 0%
Keep it!»5 33%
Did not attend this lecture»2

Christer Larsson - Ethene production by recombinant Saccharomyces cerevisiae
15 svarande

(på denna fråga var det möjligt att välja flera svarsalternativ)

was relevant and interesting»1 6%
was irrelevant for the course, but interesting to listen to»2 13%
was an important part of the course, and aided my learning»4 26%
gave me a broader perspective of the course contents»2 13%
was boring and uninteresting»1 6%
included too much info, difficult to know what to learn»1 6%
did not leave me any lasting memory»1 6%
was difficult to follow, but relevant for the course»0 0%
inspired me to learn more»0 0%
The lecturer explained things really well»4 26%
The lecturer was better than average»4 26%
The lecturer was barely ok to listen to»0 0%
The lecturer made a poor impression»1 6%
Change it for something else!»3 20%
Keep it!»3 20%
Did not attend this lecture»1

Marc Pilon - Physiology and control of plant nematodes
15 svarande

(på denna fråga var det möjligt att välja flera svarsalternativ)

was relevant and interesting»2 13%
was irrelevant for the course, but interesting to listen to»7 46%
was an important part of the course, and aided my learning»0 0%
gave me a broader perspective of the course contents»0 0%
was boring and uninteresting»0 0%
included too much info, difficult to know what to learn»2 13%
did not leave me any lasting memory»0 0%
was difficult to follow, but relevant for the course»0 0%
inspired me to learn more»1 6%
The lecturer explained things really well»4 26%
The lecturer was better than average»2 13%
The lecturer was barely ok to listen to»0 0%
The lecturer made a poor impression»0 0%
Change it for something else!»5 33%
Keep it!»3 20%
Did not attend this lecture»2

Jens Nielsen - Filamentous fungi, physiology and technology
15 svarande

(på denna fråga var det möjligt att välja flera svarsalternativ)

was relevant and interesting»5 33%
was irrelevant for the course, but interesting to listen to»1 6%
was an important part of the course, and aided my learning»2 13%
gave me a broader perspective of the course contents»3 20%
was boring and uninteresting»2 13%
included too much info, difficult to know what to learn»3 20%
did not leave me any lasting memory»1 6%
was difficult to follow, but relevant for the course»2 13%
inspired me to learn more»0 0%
The lecturer explained things really well»0 0%
The lecturer was better than average»2 13%
The lecturer was barely ok to listen to»0 0%
The lecturer made a poor impression»1 6%
Change it for something else!»1 6%
Keep it!»5 33%
Did not attend this lecture»1

Malin Bäckström - Mammalian cell culture
15 svarande

(på denna fråga var det möjligt att välja flera svarsalternativ)

was relevant and interesting»6 40%
was irrelevant for the course, but interesting to listen to»1 6%
was an important part of the course, and aided my learning»4 26%
gave me a broader perspective of the course contents»3 20%
was boring and uninteresting»0 0%
included too much info, difficult to know what to learn»0 0%
did not leave me any lasting memory»1 6%
was difficult to follow, but relevant for the course»0 0%
inspired me to learn more»0 0%
The lecturer explained things really well»3 20%
The lecturer was better than average»2 13%
The lecturer was barely ok to listen to»0 0%
The lecturer made a poor impression»2 13%
Change it for something else!»0 0%
Keep it!»8 53%
Did not attend this lecture»2

Katarina Wendsjö - GxP in pharmaceutical industry
15 svarande

(på denna fråga var det möjligt att välja flera svarsalternativ)

was relevant and interesting»2 13%
was irrelevant for the course, but interesting to listen to»1 6%
was an important part of the course, and aided my learning»0 0%
gave me a broader perspective of the course contents»1 6%
was boring and uninteresting»6 40%
included too much info, difficult to know what to learn»2 13%
did not leave me any lasting memory»1 6%
was difficult to follow, but relevant for the course»0 0%
inspired me to learn more»2 13%
The lecturer explained things really well»0 0%
The lecturer was better than average»0 0%
The lecturer was barely ok to listen to»0 0%
The lecturer made a poor impression»1 6%
Change it for something else!»5 33%
Keep it!»4 26%
Did not attend this lecture»0

Sigvard Olofsson - Viruses and viral technology
15 svarande

(på denna fråga var det möjligt att välja flera svarsalternativ)

was relevant and interesting»0 0%
was irrelevant for the course, but interesting to listen to»6 40%
was an important part of the course, and aided my learning»1 6%
gave me a broader perspective of the course contents»0 0%
was boring and uninteresting»1 6%
included too much info, difficult to know what to learn»0 0%
did not leave me any lasting memory»0 0%
was difficult to follow, but relevant for the course»0 0%
inspired me to learn more»0 0%
The lecturer explained things really well»2 13%
The lecturer was better than average»1 6%
The lecturer was barely ok to listen to»1 6%
The lecturer made a poor impression»1 6%
Change it for something else!»3 20%
Keep it!»3 20%
Did not attend this lecture»2

16. How well did the course administration, web page, handouts etc work?

14 svarande

Very badly»0 0%
Rather badly»3 21%
Rather well»8 57%
Very well»3 21%

Genomsnitt: 3

- handouts where not in the webside prior to the lectures which made it harder to concentrate. it is impossible to take good notes during a slide show lectures since the tempo is to high» (Rather badly)
- skulle velat få ppt slides utskrivna av föreläsaren före varje föreläsning» (Rather badly)
- As mentioned earlier, it is better to have the slides when the lecture starts» (Rather well)
- Not all ahndouts reached the web» (Rather well)
- Handouts funka bra. Inf om lit arb obefintlig. Och MatLab uppgifter var nog ett av det sämre jag har vart med om - ofärdiga uppgifter och felaktiga.» (Rather well)
Genomsnitt totalt för detta stycke: 2.53

Study climate

17. How were the opportunities for asking questions and getting help?

15 svarande

Very poor»1 6%
Rather poor»2 13%
Rather good»7 46%
Very good»4 26%
I did not seek help»1 6%

Genomsnitt: 3.13

- almost impossible at times as during exercises» (Rather poor)
- Dock inte när det gäller matlab projektet, mer hjälp där» (Rather good)
- Se kommentarer om matlab. Mer timmar behövs för övningarna.» (Rather good)

18. How well has cooperation between you and your fellow students worked?

15 svarande

Very poorly»0 0%
Rather poorly»1 6%
Rather well»2 13%
Very well»12 80%
I did not seek cooperation»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 3.73

- Det var väldig tung arbetsbörda i denna kursen, väldigt mycket att göra och uppgifterna tog völdigt mycket tid ovh kraft. Det är svårt att hålla humöret uppe. » (Rather well)

19. How was the course workload?

15 svarande

Too low»0 0%
Low»0 0%
Adequate»5 33%
High»5 33%
Too high»5 33%

Genomsnitt: 4

- the difficulty to get adequate help with the exercises made the workload heavier» (High)
- It was quite a high workload but compared to other courses you actually got credit for your work. The problem was the tight schedule at the end with excercises to be handed in 23th and the large project report in tissue engineering the 26th.» (High)
- I mean the exercise...» (Too high)
- Väldigt mycket med Grant proposal, Simulering och tenta på det. Bra dock att man får poäng för projekten. Hade gärna sett att ni tog bort grant proposal och istället satsa lite mer på simuleringen.» (Too high)
- Det var alldeles för mycket med både uppgifter och arbete och tenta. Dra ner på uppgifterna. Tex så kanske man inte behöver göra både batch och fed-batch i C3. » (Too high)

20. How was the total workload this study period?

15 svarande

Too low»0 0%
Low»1 6%
Adequate»3 20%
High»5 33%
Too high»6 40%

Genomsnitt: 4.06

- gäller för båda kurserna för denna läsperiod.» (Too high)
- Vi hade en annan kurs som också tog väldigt mycket tid. (Food biotech)» (Too high)

Summarizing questions

21. What is your general impression of the course?

15 svarande

Poor»5 33%
Fair»4 26%
Adequate»2 13%
Good»3 20%
Excellent»1 6%

Genomsnitt: 2.4

- the course had no direction or rather too many separate.» (Poor)
- Att det saknades rödtråd och att det var de som skrek höst som fick hjälp i matlabprojektetdrar ner betyget » (Poor)
- Väldigt dålig kurs. Rörig. Kvaliten var usel och det är konstigt att denna kurs ligger som obligatorisk i mastern då den var ett ända stort ihop plock. » (Poor)
- Kursnamn och kursinnehåll, ingen ralation. Lägg mer på simuleringarna, mer teori o mer data övningar. » (Fair)
- I wouldn"t choose it again if I could, but as I"ve already implied, I think this course has great potential but the examiners must narrow it down and ask themselves what they really want with it.» (Fair)
- i think the course is relevant, but many lectures have to be swithced out.» (Adequate)
- Det var tur att vi fick delpoäng för allt jobb vi lade ner på arbete och uppgifter. Men jag tycker hellre att man kan ha mer poäng på uppgifterna och inga poäng för redovisningen. Alla fick ju ändå samma...» (Adequate)
- especially, Carl, he is kind and humor.I like such teacher.» (Excellent)

22. What should definitely be preserved to next year?

- The grant proposal»
- The most lectures»
- simuleringarna.»
- The literature project»
- The lectures by Calle were all relevent. The others not so...»
- The literature assignment. It was really hard to come up with something novel»
- Grant proposal men ineragera det med de andra delarna bättre kanske ha en föreläsning om attt skriva ett grantpopsal först, ge flera exempel på bra sådana, skulle göra att betygsättningen käåndes mindra godtycklig om det fanns bra exempel att titta på.»
- The grant proposal!»
- Ingenting»
- The lectures, taht I"ve marked. However, Lisbeth Olssons part should be broken down in more lectures (without increasing the content too much). She is always in a hurry when she"s giving lectures, but her content is very important. Unfortunately not much is picked up when she speeds away. Calles lectures should also be kept, but more organized lectures are needed on his part.»
- Det mesta är bra, men minska lite på arbetsbördan. Bra att vi var tvungna att lämna in arbetet så tidigt, annars hade det varit panik nu i slutet. »

23. What should definitely be changed to next year?

- The matlab exercises, you need to remember that many of us don"t have any knowlage about "reglerteknik" and poor knowlage in matlab»
- The difficulty of exercise Should consider someone has no reactor background»
- grand proposal projekt var inte till nån nytta.»
- make all parts into one course and not completely separate small pieces. Get more people to help at the matlab exercises»
- please give some different excerises to some student whom do know how to use matlab. you can do a investigation at advance.»
- Add more support at the computer exercises, either smaller groups or one more lecturer»
- better layout of the course content from the beginning, easier matlab excesises and better info regarding grant proposal »
- Maybe decide if it should be a math point of view to the course, or just information. Now it was both and a little confusing.»
- Tydligare röd tråd, färdiga genomräknade uppgifter, förbered handledning till uppgifter, respons på uppgifterna så man vet att man fattat rätt innan man går vidare till nästa uppgift,relevanta föreläsningar.»
- Rödtråd mellan delar, ta bort vissa föreläsningar som inte har med bioreaktorer att göra.»
- Don"t have it as compulsory!»
- Föreläsningarna - få en röd tråd som är tydlig. Simulering - Fixa uppgifterna, större möjlighet till hjälp. Grant proposal - Ta bort helt och hållet»
- Take away the lectures that I"ve marked. Marc Pilon and Sigwards lectures were very interesting but are not really relevant for the course. Calle should go through some exercises in the beginning of the course and the information on what is to be included in the exercise report should be given at the beginning aswell. All exercises should be made before the course starts and given at the beginning. In addition, they should be tested in matlab to see if all necessary information is included and if they are solvable.»
- Gå igenom A uppgifterna tidigare. Ha alla uppgifter klara i tid. Gå igeonom lite mer matlab-program, tex gå igenom B3b. NU lade man all tid på att bara skriva program»

24. Additional comments

- no»
- This course should not be compulsory. It covers a small part of the biotech area and only those who are interested in working with bioreactors should take it. I do not feel that this course is relavant in my track. And not many things are new either. The only thing new I learned was matlab, it was good to refresch those skills, but besides that the course did not gave me any additional knowledge and that is really bad considering that it is on masterlevel, when you really want to challenge your self and learn more. »
- Perhaps this course have shown that the biotechnology program itself has many shortcomings. Perhaps this course wouldn"t be that difficult for us if we had the proper education before we started it...in matlab, bioreactors, cellbiology etc...Too little to late to do anything about it...»

Alterrnative evaluation

We would appreciate if you also summarize your feelings about the course by answering the alternative questions below! They give much better information on the kind of learning that the course has stimulated in you!

25. Please indicate to which extent you agree with the following statement about the course!


- All the question about knowing what was expected concerns the excercises. It was quite hard to write the report, much harder than actually doing the excercises.»

It was always easy to know the expected standard of the work
10 svarande

I strongly disagree!»3 30%
I disagree.»2 20%
Well, ok.»5 50%
I agree.»0 0%
I strongly agree!»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 2.2

The course developed my ability to solve problems
13 svarande

I strongly disagree!»1 7%
I disagree.»4 30%
Well, ok.»5 38%
I agree.»2 15%
I strongly agree!»1 7%

Genomsnitt: 2.84

The teacher of this course motivated me to do my best
11 svarande

I strongly disagree!»2 18%
I disagree.»3 27%
Well, ok.»3 27%
I agree.»3 27%
I strongly agree!»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 2.63

The workload was too high
13 svarande

I strongly disagree!»1 7%
I disagree.»2 15%
Well, ok.»2 15%
I agree.»6 46%
I strongly agree!»2 15%

Genomsnitt: 3.46

The course sharpened my analytical abilities
12 svarande

I strongly disagree!»1 8%
I disagree.»4 33%
Well, ok.»5 41%
I agree.»2 16%
I strongly agree!»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 2.66

I usually had a clear view of where I was going and what was expected of me
11 svarande

I strongly disagree!»3 27%
I disagree.»6 54%
Well, ok.»2 18%
I agree.»0 0%
I strongly agree!»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 1.9

The teacher spent a lot of time on commenting my work
12 svarande

I strongly disagree!»1 8%
I disagree.»3 25%
Well, ok.»4 33%
I agree.»4 33%
I strongly agree!»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 2.91

To do well in this course, the only thing one needed was a good memory
11 svarande

I strongly disagree!»2 18%
I disagree.»5 45%
Well, ok.»1 9%
I agree.»1 9%
I strongly agree!»2 18%

Genomsnitt: 2.63

The course helped me develop my ability to work as a member of a team
11 svarande

I strongly disagree!»0 0%
I disagree.»3 27%
Well, ok.»6 54%
I agree.»2 18%
I strongly agree!»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 2.9

As a result of this course, I feel prepared to deal with unusual problems
11 svarande

I strongly disagree!»2 18%
I disagree.»5 45%
Well, ok.»3 27%
I agree.»0 0%
I strongly agree!»1 9%

Genomsnitt: 2.36

The course improved my ability in written communication
11 svarande

I strongly disagree!»1 9%
I disagree.»3 27%
Well, ok.»3 27%
I agree.»3 27%
I strongly agree!»1 9%

Genomsnitt: 3

The teacher appeared more interesting in testing what I had memorized than what I had understood
11 svarande

I strongly disagree!»2 18%
I disagree.»4 36%
Well, ok.»4 36%
I agree.»1 9%
I strongly agree!»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 2.36

It was often difficult to know what was expected of me
11 svarande

I strongly disagree!»1 9%
I disagree.»2 18%
Well, ok.»2 18%
I agree.»3 27%
I strongly agree!»3 27%

Genomsnitt: 3.45

Most of the time, I was given enough time to understand
11 svarande

I strongly disagree!»1 9%
I disagree.»4 36%
Well, ok.»5 45%
I agree.»1 9%
I strongly agree!»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 2.54

The teachers made a real effort to understand the difficulties that I might have had
11 svarande

I strongly disagree!»1 9%
I disagree.»5 45%
Well, ok.»3 27%
I agree.»1 9%
I strongly agree!»1 9%

Genomsnitt: 2.63

The course encouraged me to develop my interest for studying as far as possible
11 svarande

I strongly disagree!»3 27%
I disagree.»4 36%
Well, ok.»3 27%
I agree.»1 9%
I strongly agree!»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 2.18

The teachers usually gave me usual feedback on my progress
11 svarande

I strongly disagree!»1 9%
I disagree.»3 27%
Well, ok.»2 18%
I agree.»4 36%
I strongly agree!»1 9%

Genomsnitt: 3.09

The lecturer was extremely good at explaining things
11 svarande

I strongly disagree!»1 9%
I disagree.»4 36%
Well, ok.»5 45%
I agree.»0 0%
I strongly agree!»1 9%

Genomsnitt: 2.63

I was too often asked about pure facts
10 svarande

I strongly disagree!»3 30%
I disagree.»5 50%
Well, ok.»1 10%
I agree.»1 10%
I strongly agree!»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 2

The teacher worked hard to make his/her subject interesting
11 svarande

I strongly disagree!»0 0%
I disagree.»2 18%
Well, ok.»4 36%
I agree.»4 36%
I strongly agree!»1 9%

Genomsnitt: 3.36

There was a lot of pressure on me to do well in this course
11 svarande

I strongly disagree!»1 9%
I disagree.»4 36%
Well, ok.»3 27%
I agree.»2 18%
I strongly agree!»1 9%

Genomsnitt: 2.81

The course helped me to develop my ability to plan my own work
11 svarande

I strongly disagree!»1 9%
I disagree.»2 18%
Well, ok.»5 45%
I agree.»3 27%
I strongly agree!»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 2.9

The pure amount of work stopped me from learning everything
11 svarande

I strongly disagree!»0 0%
I disagree.»3 27%
Well, ok.»3 27%
I agree.»4 36%
I strongly agree!»1 9%

Genomsnitt: 3.27

The teacher made it clear from the start what they expected from me
11 svarande

I strongly disagree!»2 18%
I disagree.»5 45%
Well, ok.»2 18%
I agree.»2 18%
I strongly agree!»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 2.36

On the whole, I am satisfied with the quality of the course
12 svarande

I strongly disagree!»4 33%
I disagree.»4 33%
Well, ok.»1 8%
I agree.»3 25%
I strongly agree!»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 2.25

Genomsnitt totalt för alla frågor: 2.66
Beräknat jämförelseindex: 0.55

Kursutvärderingssystem från