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New organization at divisions CE and ST

Status: Avslutad
Öppen för svar: 2015-11-12 - 2015-11-25
Antal svar: 41
Procent av deltagarna som svarat: 41%
Kontaktperson: Peter Lundin»
Klass: Övriga

1. Which division do you belong to?

41 svarande

Computer Engineering»18 43%
Software Technology»23 56%

Genomsnitt: 1.56

2. Who is your closest manager?

- Dave Sands»
- Line manager is Koen Claessen»
- Per Stenström»
- Patrik Jansson»
- jan jonsson»
- Dave Sands»
- Patrik Jansson»
- Koen Claessen»
- Per Stenstrom»
- Koen Claessen»
- Girardo Schneider»
- Per Stenström»
- David Sands»
- Dave Sands»
- Per Stenström / Jan Jonsson»
- Jan Jonsson I believe, »
- Patrik Jansson»
- Dave Sands»
- Per Stenström»
- Per Stenström»
- Patrik Jansson»
- Koen Classen»
- David Sands»
- Patrik Jansson»
- Jan Jonsson?»
- Patrik Jansson»
- Gerardo Schneider»
- Per Stenström»
- Per Stenstrom»
- PaJa»
- I"m not good with names. Per?»
- Jan Jonsson»
- PerS»
- Gerardo Schneider»
- Per Stenström»
- Gerardo Schneider»
- Gerardo Schneider»
- Patrik Jansson»
- Per Stenström»

3. Describe how the leadership is working in your division right now

A ) What is better than before ?

- nothing»
- I don"t know, I started in August.»
- Working well. »
- About same»
- Jan Jonsson is a great manager, supervisor and director of PhD students and my head of division is also great »
- There are no major changes. The only change for me is that I have one more person that I can ask for advice (Dave).»
- There is a reduction of work for Patrik, as intended.»
- I guess Patrik has more time for other things»
- - PhD students have a direct manager on their own (besides their advisor who is in my opinion their natural manager). - the division chair can put more time on the important division issues. - a deputy division chair takes (faster) care of the straight forward items.»
- I have the impression my manager is more available.»
- Not much difference. The new travel approval form is good.»
- Works fine»
- Patrik is relieved of some excessive workload, e.g "medarbetarsamtal". »
- I can not compare to before»
- I have not been here that long to compare, but I would say everything works nicely.»
- Patrik has more time, both to be a good leader and for other things.»
- There is not much difference.»
- Arne Linde"s taking some of the administrative responsibilities gives us more balance. »
- nothing I can thing of»
- One has more time/meeting possibilities with the closes manager. The workload is divided among managers. »
- I don"t know, since I don"t interact with my direct manager much. Everything was working well though.»
- Since the line manager manages less people, he is more available.»
- - less workload for the divisions main manager - more people involved in leadership and decision making - closer connection between each individual and the (closest) manager»
- We actually didn"t have medarbetssamtal last year because of too many work. Now jan Jonsson is responsible for PhD students and made it happen in this way!»
- The division head appears to be happy.»
- I have personally not been very affected by the changes so it is difficult to point out a particular improvement. The somewhat reduced frequency of the division meetings seems to better match the communication requirements in the division. »
- I cannot really assess this. I would say that I have not observed any difference. »
- PaJa seemingly has a bit more time for everything on his plate.»
- I don"t know as I"m new.»
- New to division. »
- Kan inte uttala mig - det är för nytt (Fattar inte vad ni seriöst kan få ut av dessa frågor)»
- I myself am not affected by differences given how recently I have been full-time employed, but I appreciate that the managing work is better spread out and makes the head of the division"s work not as intense, which is an improvement for their research development.»
- Per S, Arne, and Jan split the responsibilities in a way that seems efficient. I"m happy with the way this works out for me personally.»
- I don"t see any differences in my daily life»
- Seems to be.»
- Inget ur personlig synpunkt. De som fått nya chefer har säker fått en förbättring.»
- Nothing changed»

4. Describe how the leadership is working in your division right now(cont.)

B) What works less good than before?

- nothing»
- I don"t know, I started in August.»
- No difference.»
- Bit too many meetings»
- I think things haven"t changed that much since I moved to this division, the dead of division was changed from Johan to Pär but I think everything else is the same»
- Nothing comes to my mind.»
- The role of research groups is much reduced in the current organisation, and I don"t approve of this. I don"t believe that our management structure devotes effort to the right questions.»
- nothing»
- The reorganisation still left somethings unclear to me - it"s not always clear which manager is responsible for what.»
- Not much difference.»
- Works fine»
- Nothing that I"ve noticed yet.»
- I can not compare to before»
- I really cannot tell the difference»
- Nothing I"m aware of.»
- Idem»
- Nothing that I can see. Johan did a good job before, and Per+Arne are doing a good job now.»
- nothing I can thing of»
- - »
- Everything seems to be working well.»
- Day-to-day leadership is more based on activity research and is orthogonal to line management. Thus the new organisation did not change anything from my point of view.»
- nothing»
- Less interaction with head of devision now.»
- As long as the division head doesn"t loose track of the division, it"s fine.»
- At this early point I do not yet perceive anything that is working less good than before. »
- I cannot really assess this. I would say that I have not observed any difference. »
- Everything is fine at the moment, but I worry that the division will be split and that the three groups will drift apart.»
- I don"t know as I"m new.»
- Kan inte uttala mig - det är för nytt (Fattar inte vad ni seriöst kan få ut av dessa frågor)»
- Recently full-time employed, do not know how to respond to this.»
- I have not noticed anything that has gotten worse. »
- Same, no differences»
- No comment.»
- Se inte vad som skulle kunna bli sämre.»
- Nothing changed»

5. What pros and cons can you see by having several managers in a division such like yours.

- It doesn"t make a difference for me personally.»
- Pros: Less work and better overview for the different managers. Cons: For me, it is not clear who my "closest" manager is. I assume it is the line manager, but I don"t know..»
- I have only one manager. »
- No idea?»
- I think it is very good as the duties are distributed and each manager can take care of their duties with higher quality and more details»
- Knowing that Patrik is no longer overwhelmed by having too many subordinates is positive.»
- Reduced load for Patrik is a pro. Overall cost of management is higher, and I don"t think the result is better. We have still not had any time for discussion of important long term directions.»
- A possible con is that it is harder to get suggestions up to the top, but in reality Patrik is still extremely approachable.»
- + better availability of the manager - some synchronization between the managers is required (they should be talking to each other to have common plans and approaches)»
- less pressure on the managers, probably some confusion among employees»
- It"s totally sensible~»
- Management should not be more than neccessary to keep cost down.»
- Pros: less workload for manages. Cons: -»
- pros: multiple points of contact, multiple viewpoints, each can work on a specific area contra: no idea who to contact when issues arise, no clear "chain of command"»
- The pros are that your direct manager has more time and availability for you. However the cons are that their responsibilities are still not very clear to me.»
- I really cannot tell the difference»
- Divisions seem like a rather arbitrary and artificial split anyway, so I don"t see a problem with several managers. I"d rather have several managers and a large division, than splitting the division further. Division boundaries are an obstacle for collaboration, no matter how artificial.»
- No other pros and cons than the usual »
- better balance, reduced stress»
- Pros - there should definitely be a manager per division, i.e., not just a department manager. Lowers burden and compensates shortcomings of one individual manager. Cons - could be less clear who is responsible for what (but I haven"t noticed such a problem now).»
- The cons is that the division head does not get all details about all employees. However, with a good coordination between line managers, the division should still have a good overview of everyone"s activity. Other than that, there are only pros. Less stress wrt organization, meeting scheduling. »
- This way a manager can better focus on each employee, since he has too manage much fewer people.»
- Managers more available. May introduce asymmetry in the way information is disseminated (if some managers share a lot of information with their pool whereas other don"t).»
- pros: See 3.A), and the ability to connect to a larger group still cons: I cannot see any»
- Less interaction with head of devision now. »
- A possible con is the overhead, replicating the job and getting several people to do it.»
- I think it is necessary for offloading, since our division head is often very busy and not always available (e.g. due to business trips). A potential downside is higher latency when problems require the involvement of several managers, however, given the clear distribution of tasks, it seems unlikely to be a major issue. »
- Pros: availability. Cons: reporting to different managers might make it more difficult to solve issues quickly (though I have not experienced situations like this here).»
- Pro: more time for managers to know those they manage. Con: overhead in communication between managers »
- pro. Less individual work -> Better quality. con. More confusion -> Less quality.»
- Closer to manager. »
- Pros: more even division of administrative matters, which means a better work balance in terms of tasks. Cons: might entail differences in how people are managed? Possible biases coming into place?»
- No significant drawbacks with the current setup. This may be partially due to the particular people though. »
- Pros: less workload for one person Cons: overhead, confusion, communication problems»
- Less stress for said managers.»
- Om avdelningschefen inte fungera är det säkert bra, men det rimliga vore att byta avdelningschef eller bilda nya avdelningar.»
- + Faster response times - Nothing»

6. Describe how the change has affected the internal communication at the division

- don"t know»
- I don"t know.»
- We have division meeting every three weeks. I get all information in that meeting. I like these meetings. »
- No change»
- I think it is more obvious who to go to when you have different types of matters to discuss and it all doesn"t consider one specific person which is nice»
- It has not.»
- There is an internal ledningsgrupp for the division, but it does not publish minutes (as far as I can tell). I feel that there is less informal power, and I believe more in informal leadership in academia. We should not confuse management and leadership.»
- Difficult to say»
- - not significantly yet, but I think that there is improvement.»
- no different experience for my part»
- None perciptible.»
- Not at all as far as I"ve noticed so far.»
- I"m not aware of any good internal communication channels or how they have changed. In particular, I am not aware of a single point of information where one might find useful information. Instead, information seems to be dispersed, outdated, absent or considered general knowledge»
- I did not notice that much of a difference.»
- I really cannot tell the difference»
- Nothing that I"m aware of.»
- I didn"t perceive any changes »
- I see no effects. I"m frustrated by some aspects of Chalmers+, but I"m sure I could sit down w/ Arne for help.»
- haven"t noticed any difference (everything seems good to me :-) )»
- The communication among colleagues, in particular between PhD students and faculty, is more active. »
- It hasn"t.»
- I did not see any change.»
- better communication, more involvement»
- Might be too early to tell.»
- The type and amount of information communicated during division meetings does not seems to have changed considerably, as the new manager follows a similar procedure. »
- I cannot really assess this. I would say that I have not observed any difference.»
- My manager is still the same so I cannot comment.»
- I don"t know as I"m new.»
- There"s now an additional step in communication, I would expect, but I cannot tell how very much it affects the overall picture.»
- For the better. Per S may not be more available than Johan was, but Arne is usually around. »
- I don"t see a difference: Patrik still seems to be the biggest boss. I had my medarbetarsamtal with Gerardo instead of Patrik, but that"s all.»
- Not much.»
- Inte alls. Lika dålig som tidigare.»
- Not affected»

7. Have you noticed any difference in terms of division meetings? If that’,s the case describe how.

- no»
- I don"t know.»
- No»
- No»
- Not necessarily»
- No»
- The division meetings have become much more boring, as there is an attempt to delegate them. This has not been a success. We should not have meetings that contain just information that could easily be found by reading email.»
- No change»
- not anything significant.»
- The last one was veeeeeeeeeery long and ineffictive.»
- 1 per 3 weeks now. It is too low. If you cannot make it one meeting there are six weeks til next one...»
- No.»
- no, I can not compare to before»
- We are having fewer division meetings now, but this is just a matter of taste.»
- Not really.»
- No difference.»
- No»
- NA»
- These meetings should be short and concise and the presentations are nice. Perhaps the meetings are slightly more concise now, in a positive sense.»
- No.»
- No.»
- No.»
- no»
- We have once in 3 weeks now, which used to be once in 2 weeks, so if I miss one because of a course or something it would be long time.»
- No big differences.»
- The main difference seems to be that presentations are no longer on a voluntary basis but preassigned to phd students ahead of time. This is good for the students and also for the meetings, since the "voluntary" method did not always succeed in filling the available slots. It also provides the division members a glimpse into the research conducted by phd students. »
- No, I have not. »
- Division meetings haven"t changed significantly.»
- I don"t know as I"m new.»
- A different person is to organise and call for it each time, which seems like a good attempt at making everybody participant in this activity.»
- More people attend, but that"s since there are more of us...»
- We have occasionally other people chairing them, but I think that was the case already before. That"s good anyway.»
- No.»
- Nej.»
- No»

8. Has the change affected your normal daily work in any way? If that’,s the case describe how.

- no»
- No.»
- No»
- No »
- I think since I have moved to this new division Im much happier and feel much more welcome to the division and my coworkers are nicer to me than how it was in the previous software engineering division.»
- No»
- The fact that the research groups have a smaller role affects how I feel about work negatively, though I can"t say exactly how it affects my day to day decisions. I feel that I am less aware of what is going on, and have less influence than before (because I am not one of the managers).»
- No change»
- Not much yet.»
- No.»
- No not really»
- No.»
- no, I can not compare to before»
- No»
- No.»
- Other factors have affected my daily work so much more, that any changes potentially arising due to this change are imperceptible in comparison.»
- No»
- NA»
- no.»
- Not really. »
- No»
- No.»
- No.»
- Not much, but that us good. I think a split into more divisions would have affected it more, not sure it would be for the better»
- no»
- No big differences.»
- No»
- I would not say so.»
- No effect on daily work.»
- I don"t know as I"m new.»
- no»
- Not really.»
- Not really. »
- No it hasn"t.»
- No. Gerardo did help with some long terms goals though.»
- Nej.»
- No»

9. If you have had any invoice, travel reports, sick leave , etc , how has it worked out regarding reporting compare to earlier.

- No.»
- No problem.»
- Same»
- no I didnt have any!»
- Division head is still handling everything, except perhaps vacation and sick leave (I am not sure about that actually). Also, business travel approval is handled by Dave.»
- No change.»
- I think Koen know a bit less about leave and personnel matters than Patrik, but that"s just because he"s new in this role.»
- it has handled promptly (after the first months where the managers were not familiar with the systems) , in some cases faster than before.»
- No difference.»
- Good!»
- Good»
- Same.»
- I can not compare to before. I try to avoid any of these as much as possible, because the reporting process is horrible. »
- I had to still send it to Per instead of Jan as Jan"s name was not in the portal yet.»
- I have done a few travel reports, the system is pretty well organized, I did not have any trouble in general.»
- N/A»
- Same»
- no change that I can see»
- good.»
- Easier, due to the online business travel form. »
- No change.»
- Equally well.»
- Same»
- no difference»
- Fine.»
- So far I have noticed no difference. It has worked smooth»
- Relatively the same.»
- Easy still.»
- I don"t know as I"m new.»
- There is still some confusion but it is not due to reorganising, Chalmers reporting systems could definitely be better.»
- No change»
- Same»
- Same.»
- It is faster»

10. Who is responsible for the working environment at your division?

- don"t know»
- I think it is Marianne.»
- I think Marianne Pleen-Schreiber.»
- Don"t know »
- I am not sure but I refer to Jan Jonsson for all these matters»
- Division head in my opinion.»
- The head of division, I suppose, formally. But we must all pitch in.»
- umm... Marianne? or Tiina?»
- Not sure»
- Don"t know.»
- Per Stenström»
- Don"t know.»
- no idea»
- Roger Johansson»
- I think it is Marianne Pleen-Schreiber »
- Everyone?»
- I don"t know, Dave perhaps?»
- all of us!»
- Don"t know. Lena Peterson? Marianne Pleen-Scheiber?»
- Tiina Rankanen and Marianne Pleen-Schreiber»
- I don"t know.»
- Marianne Pleén-Schreiber (not sure)»
- We are each others working environment. So all of us, as I see it.»
- I don"t know!»
- Patrik Jansson»
- I am not aware of any particular person. My perception is that it is a shared responsibility between all members. In my view it is working fairly well.»
- Per Stenstrom?»
- Everyone is collectively responsible for the working environment. Some key figures (the professors) are of course more influential to the working environment.»
- I"m not good with names. Someone from Dalarna, I think.»
- Roger J»
- Roger Johansson»
- I don"t know»
- Not sure, might be David Sands.»
- Avdelningschefen.»

11. In what way do you think or alternatively not think that the current division organization contributes to a better working environment than before?

- don"t know (sorry :) )»
- I don"t know, never worked here during the old organization.»
- No problem with the current division. Working perfectly ok.»
- No change»
- I think the way specially PhD students are handled now is much more organized and we are not left to ourselves and Jan really cares about us and I feel much more support that the way it used to be like. So I am greatful to my new division, Jan Jonsson, Johan Karlson and Pär.»
- It is just an administrative reshuffling, which is largely invisible to us.»
- I would like to reinstate the research groups as a central part of the organisation. I am therefore in favour of dividing our division into smaller divisions, based around the research groups. I need to feel part of a group where my colleagues support me unconditionally. I don"t feel that at present in my division. I preferred having the head of division being someone who facilitated for individuals and research groups. I think the main initiatives have to come from below, and mostly from the research groups.»
- It is bad if Patrik is stressed or doesn"t have time to do a good job. So hopefully his load is lighter now.»
- answer for Q11: please see 3A. Answer for Q12: - meetings among the faculty members of the division for discussing common problems would improve communication. - strategic decisions about the division (e.g. regarding teaching, new faculty openings, financial, etc.) should be taken after discussion with the rest of the faculty members rather than by the division head alone.»
- I think it is better if the bosses/heads have fewer people to be responsible for. Then they can probably do their job better.»
- It worked fine also before»
- I think it was necessary, or else division management would easily have become a full-time job. This would have made it very hard or impossible to convince anyone to take on that role, especially people who"re actually very good at it but also need to do research, like Patrik.»
- I can not compare to before»
- Having fewer people to lead give both the leader and the employee to have more available times.»
- I think it all works great, I do not think I have had enough time or experience to comment further.»
- Patrik is much less stressed - that"s a definite good thing, for everyone.»
- I think the workload for the managers is hålbart now.»
- I haven"t noticed any difference. I need an administrator and system administrator at the same floor and we have that, which is great.»
- The changes in the structure went very smooth, the big pro comes really with the task distributions among line managers, . »
- I"m sick of all these reorganizations at Chalmers. They are just symptoms of weak leadership and poor consequence analysis.»
- I don"t know.»
- Involvement of more people in leadership makes the "we" feeling stronger.»
- better distribution of the work but less communications with the head.»
- Might be too early to tell.»
- I do not yet perceive a big change, but it may be due to the early stage of this survey. The student presentations at the division meetings can bring students in touch, which can have positive effects. Shortly I will be attending the co-workership workshop. I am positive that such activities will have a positive impact, but since I have not yet participated I can not yet comment.»
- I have not observed any difference. I think that if the new organization eventually helps to reduce the average level of stress, it can contribute to a better environment.»
- More time for managers to know those they manage. »
- I don"t know as I"m new..»
- More even spread of work will certainly make some people have better working conditions, which improves their own performance and motivation affecting others around and depending on them positively. Communication is also increased and enhanced between the different research groups (even though it seemed good before as well).»
- Anything that contributes to smoothly-running routines reduces stress and therefore contributes to a good environment »
- No change for my part.»
- It has allowed for manages to be more "hands-on", which is good.»
- Organisationen är av underordnad betydelse om inte ledarskapet fungerar.»
- Clearer roles»

12. Do you have any suggestion regarding the organization or anything else that could make it work even better?

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