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Course evaluation - Environmental Risk Assessment in Engineering, BOM060

Status: Avslutad
Öppen för svar: 2008-05-31 - 2008-06-19
Antal svar: 17
Procent av deltagarna som svarat: 60%
Kontaktperson: Sverker Molander»
Utbildningsprogram som genomför enkäten: Chalmers
Klass: Övriga
Utbildningsprogram studenten tillhör: Väg- och vattenbyggnad 300 hp

Goals and goal fulfilment

The course syllabus contain course goals in terms of learning outcomes, i.e., knowledge, skills and attitudes to be acquired by the student.

1. Are the goals reasonable considering your own educational background and the number of credits of the course?

Answer this this question and the two subsequent only if you do know the course goals.

17 svarande

No, the goals are too easy»0 0%
Yes, the goals are reasonable»11 100%
No, the goals are too advanced»0 0%
I have no idea about this.»6

Genomsnitt: 2

- There were no specified goals for the cours. Due I think that the parts that were covered in the course were good and off the right amount to suit the credits.» (I have no idea about this.)
- The goals are not specified clearly enough, a course-PM is needed.» (I have no idea about this.)
- Where can I read this? I think it should be stated in a course PM but I could not find any.» (I have no idea about this.)
- There was no course syllabus and this was the first time this has happened during my now 4 years of studying. "Just do it"» (I have no idea about this.)
- What? Goals? Havent seen them...» (I have no idea about this.)

2. Did the examination reflect the course goals?

14 svarande

No, not at all»0 0%
To some extent»10 83%
Yes, definitely»2 16%
I have no idea about this.»2

Genomsnitt: 2.16

- Man hade ingen aning vad man skulle kunna. Tyckte att vissa frågor inte alls speglade kursinnehållet. VÄldigt märkligt att flervalsfrågorna mer speglade engelskakunnskaperna än kursinnehållet.» (To some extent)
- e.g. I don"t think we need to know the chemical properties of some substance.» (To some extent)
- I think the examination covered much of the course.» (To some extent)
- Even if there were no goals the examination reflected the subjects that were covered on the lectures.» (Yes, definitely)
- Really vague coarse goals and learning outcomes according to me» (I have no idea about this.)

3. Are the course goals adquate for what can be expected from a course like this?

15 svarande

Not at all.»0 0%
To some extent.»4 33%
Yes, to an acceptable extent.»2 16%
Yes, to a large extent.»6 50%
Yes, to a very large extent.»0 0%
I have no idea about this.»3

Genomsnitt: 3.16

- too many mathmatical lectures» (To some extent.)
- It could be nice to have a more detailed presentation of the course when those elective courses are presented during the 1st semester, to tell what it is about, but also what kind of concrete activities are achieved during the course» (Yes, to an acceptable extent.)

Teaching and course administration

4. The teaching has been of help for my learning to...

17 svarande

a small extent»2 11%
some extent»8 47%
a large extent»6 35%
a great extent»1 5%

Genomsnitt: 2.35 (bidrar till totalt genomsnitt/jämförelseindex)

- Typ inte alls. Många lååååånga tråkiga föreläsningar där man nästan somnade. Snacket gick alltid på rasterna om man skulle gå hem eller inte eftersom man inte kunde koncentrera sig. Sverkers föreläsningar är ju kända för att vara tråkiga men det är märkligt att han inte tar åt sig av kritiken och förändrar sitt sätt att lära ut. Här måste det till en förändring inför nästa år! För min del blev det så att jag på tenta-p läste igenom alla presentationerna (typ 30 st!!!!) och bara det tog ett par timmar. Blev för mycket info i kombo med en bok på 300 sidor. Var jättesvårt att urskilja vad som var mattnyttigt eller inte. » (a small extent)
- The feedback we got on the project was good (writen text with good and bad reflections) but an improvment could be to have continuous feedback on the project were midcourse deadlines could exist and teachers cuould skim through the text and give coments. » (some extent)
- The book was good with examples etc. Sverkers lectures was too detailed in many instances.» (some extent)
- some of the lectures was very good and other were (really) bad. » (a large extent)

5. What was your general impression of the administration of the course?

- Good, maybe the field trip could have been planned better.»
- very good and structured»
- A cours PM would have helped both before the course (when looking on studieportalen for course election) and during the course (for preparation for the exame etc.) Otherwies it has been good.»
- there is a good plan for this course. but the groups aren"t reasonable.»
- Is good but i think the course should be centered in project and not examination. Examination only reflect if we have a good memory or not. In a year everyone will remember about the project.... not so much about the exam... but in general is a good course.»
- Teachers are very kind and patient, also with rich knowledge, which gives students a wide and open scope. »
- A bit messy due to he fact that so many different people were involved in the teaching»
- ok»
- Good»
- nice»
- Chaos in the beginning with the forming of project groups. Next time check at the first lecture which registrered students that will actually take the course and then divide into groups.»
- The administration was good, however you can improve it by cganging some parts.»
- The fact that several teachers made lectures was quite nice, but in the same way it can be a bit troubling since if we have one lecture during 1 hour, the next one can have no direct link to it»
- Messy»
Genomsnitt totalt för detta stycke: 2.35

Course Literature

6. How large part of the book have you read?

Risks and Decisions for Conservation and Environmental Management (Mark Burgman)

16 svarande

Nothing at all»1 6%
Only a small part»3 18%
About half of the book»5 31%
Almost everything»6 37%
Everything»1 6%

Genomsnitt: 3.18

- In my view the book was really hard and boring to follow.» (Nothing at all)
- easy to read, but difficult to remember» (Only a small part)
- Läste bara lite eftersom boken inte alltid stämde överens med vad ni sagt på föreläsningarna. Amerikanska böcker har ju en tendens till att bli väldigt överflödiga i infon också så här hade det nog behövts lite mer info om vad som verkligen skulle läsas och vad som inte var så viktigt. » (About half of the book)
- a bit too detailed at many stages. not so easy to read. difficult to see the correlation to the lectures.» (About half of the book)
- not very easy to follow» (About half of the book)
- Good, but it doesn"t cover all parts of the course.» (Almost everything)
- It was okej, sometimes it was to mutch exampels and it then got hard to read through.» (Almost everything)
- Good, easy to read» (Almost everything)
- Interesting, just 4 (mostly) chapter gave such impresion that most things in risk assessment are based on someones opinions. » (Almost everything)
- Good» (Almost everything)
- sometimes hard to grasp the main ideas..but a good boook. » (Everything)

Study climate

7. The opportunities for asking questions and getting answers and help were...

17 svarande

very poor.»0 0%
rather poor.»1 5%
neither good nor bad.»1 5%
rather good»10 58%
very good.»5 29%
of no interest for me.»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 4.11

- it will be much better if we can get more support» (rather poor.)
- Trevligt folk på kursen och trevliga lärare. Tråkiga föreläsningar dock där man ofta fick sitta i 4 h i sträck och kolla på pp-presentationer. » (rather good)

8. The cooperation between me and my fellow students worked...

17 svarande

very poorly.»1 5%
rather poorly.»1 5%
neither poorly nor well»2 11%
rather well.»9 52%
very well.»4 23%

Genomsnitt: 3.82

- some difficulties during the project work. always hard to divide the work load equally. » (neither poorly nor well)
- One student in my group didn"t participate wery much tough.» (rather well.)

9. The workload of the course was...

17 svarande

too low.»0 0%
low.»0 0%
OK.»12 70%
high.»5 29%
too high.»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 3.29 (bidrar till totalt genomsnitt/jämförelseindex)

- In the end it was to mutch with deadline for the project just before the exam, this could with favor be moved forward in time. I dont think this would lower the quality of the project.» (OK.)
- As always was it not so high in the begining but too high in the end» (OK.)
- Ok, once you got to know what and how you actually were to do the project work. More info than just handing out the project work description please» (OK.)
- FÖr mycket att läsa till tentan. Svårt att få någon översikt över vad som var viktigt att kunna. Blev som ett lotteri om man hade läst in sig på rätt saker. Alla frågade sig vad som skulle komma på tentan och om man hade läst på rätt saker.» (high.)

10. The total workload this study period was...

17 svarande

too low.»0 0%
low.»0 0%
OK.»10 58%
high.»5 29%
too high.»2 11%

Genomsnitt: 3.52 (bidrar till totalt genomsnitt/jämförelseindex)

- Hade behövt läsa på mycket mer under kursens gång eftersom det var oklart vad som sen skulle komma på tentan. » (OK.)
- Two big project and two exams made the workload high» (high.)
Genomsnitt totalt för detta stycke: 3.41

Summarizing questions

11. What is your general impression of the course?

17 svarande

The course was quite bad.»0 0%
The course was fair.»4 23%
The course was acceptable»6 35%
The course was good.»7 41%
The course was excellent»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 3.17 (bidrar till totalt genomsnitt/jämförelseindex)

- Inte jättebra upplägg. 4-timmars presentationer funkar inte. Jag stack tidigare ett par ggr för inget gick in i skallen. Många gillade det inte alls och det blev för mycket info att få in i skallen många ggr. Sverkers framtoning gör det inte lätt att vara på hugget heller. » (The course was fair.)
- The course did not really meet my expectations. It was more "environment" and less "geo" then I expected. I feel that it was more suitable for those taking the EMA-program than Geo- and water. » (The course was acceptable)
- I really expected more out of this course and also expected more lectures from Lars Rosen which was one reason I choose the course. Didn"t expect Sverker Molander to be involved in the course. Looking back on course choice now I would not have choosen the course.» (The course was acceptable)
- The subject of the course is very interesting but the course was a bit unstructured. During the middle of the course, it was a bit unclear where the focus of learning should be.» (The course was good.)
- Except statistical part, which was quite bad for me.» (The course was good.)

12. Do you have suggestions for improvements - what should be done differently next year?

(på denna fråga var det möjligt att välja flera svarsalternativ)

- More project work time. Not so advanced lectures in statistics.»
- Mer övningar eller något som gör att man tvingas delta mer aktivt. Instuderingsfrågor eller något inför tentan. Såålla bort sådant som inte är aktuellt att kunna. Är tillräckligt att läsa ändå. »
- Clearer goals and aim would help alot.»
- the method of grouping»
- some changes should be taken for the teaching of stastic part»
- Counting that the project has a lot of wight is difficult to ask for more. But again i think that is better a course centered in practice and project than a memory exam. »
- Give more lectures on Monte Carlo part, since it is too abstract to understand and concerning a lot of math knowledge. Perhaps more people in each group is better, and if possible make sure every group has at least 2 Swedish students.»
- Have a more clearly defined goal. Supply the students with ome kind of study guide, for example list the most relevant things to learn and then the students can look it up in more detail on their own. »
- Course PM should be available! Some more information regarding the type of questions that can appear in the exam (the size of the questions and the grading)»
- I think we said all»
- Comments given on final lecture.»
- Some changes should be done like changing the course litreture, and the numerical and stastistical part.»

13. What do you think about the soil contamination/drinking water project?

- The project was good, but it was hard to find opportunities to meet the entire group at the same time. Maybe it would be good to schedule some project work time early in the course, so the groups would get a chance to start the work. »
- Svårt att förstå vad man skulle göra i början. Blev lite kaos ett tag. FÖrleläsningarna borde behandlat momenten i uppgiften mer ingående. Nu var det väldigt oklart vad som skulle göras. »
- It was interesting to understand who important it is to formulate yourself properly and to take all possible possibilities into account. »
- too many information in Swedish, its not fair for the international students and it make the international students feel difficult to totally take part into the project.»
- it is pretty good. but except the final presentation, there should be some other conmunication between the students doing the two different project. »
- With that project we can use the things learnt in the course so i think is good.»
- It"s at least not a easy project to do. But I think it"s good, since it helps to understand what we leant on the leacture. By doing the project, we practiced a lot.»
- A bit difficult in the beginning to get started, an introductory session with the teachers would be good. Hand in of the report before the fnal hand in in order to correct errors and improve the report in advance. Scheduled sessions for consultation where each group has an appointed time for questions instead of the chaos that were during this course at times.»
- ok. some difficulties with my group such as hard to find time to work together when everybody take different courses. a bit strange that not everybody was present at the project presentations. very good with the feedback in the end, but it was hard to find time in the "examweek" to make the corrections. »
- interesting»
- i think it"s good but maybe it will be better if we know how to do our project before the student visit»
- Only have inouts to soil project. Comments given on final lecture.»
- The workload of soil contamination project was too high whereas the time wasnot enough.»
Genomsnitt totalt för detta stycke: 3.17

Genomsnitt totalt för alla frågor: 3.08
Beräknat jämförelseindex: 0.55

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