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Studio Future visions for healthcare, housing and work: Master thesis evaluation spring term 2014

Status: Avslutad
Öppen för svar: 2014-06-11 - 2014-08-20
Antal svar: 15
Procent av deltagarna som svarat: 44%
Kontaktperson: Anna Wannerskog»
Utbildningsprogram som genomför enkäten: Arkitektur 300 hp

Preparation to start thesis work

1. Did you follow Advanced theory and methodology - master´,s thesis preparation course? If yes, did it help you prepare for your thesis?

12 svarande

yes»1 8%
no»11 91%

Genomsnitt: 1.91

2. Did you follow Leadership for the architectural professions - master´,s thesis preparation course? If yes, did it help you prepare for your thesis?

- Yes»
- Yes»
- It made me start thinking about what I should do as a master thesis, I think these preparatory courses should be mandatory!»
- yes, very good!»
- Yes, I did take the course. No, it did not help with the thesis. It would have been a good class to have much earlier on in the education. »
- Yes, it was helpful.»
- yes, more to prepare mentaly than to prepare with the subject»
- Yes, it helped a lot. I was prepared both how to write a project plan. The course also helped me to control my process during the master thesis. »
- yes! det hjäjpte.»
- Yes, and it did help»
- no»
- In somr ways it helped but I felt forced to chose another direction of my thesis. »
- (Yes or no options were not available) Yes, it did. More importantly, it helped me select a topic.»


3. What is your opinion about the information and guidance before starting your thesis?

15 svarande

very good»0 0%
good»5 33%
bad»6 40%
very bad»4 26%
no opinion»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 2.93

- If I had not done the leadership course I would not had a clue what to do to start the MT. The information is not good enough. Also bad that different studios gets different information. All information should be the same for all studios. » (bad)
- There was some confusion in the mparc at the start of the period with supervisors and studios being swaped around until last minute.» (bad)
- Some information during leadership course, otherwise very (very) unclear information.» (very bad)

4. What is your opinion about the information regarding the different procedures from start to final public presentation?

15 svarande

very good»2 13%
good»5 33%
bad»6 40%
very bad»2 13%
no opinion»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 2.53

- There was thorough information early in the process on the conditions of the examination and exebition» (very good)
- Better than the start information. I would say it was bad in the beginning but the information (e-mails farm Saddek and Tabita) in the end of the term was good. » (good)
- många steg va ganska oklara» (bad)
- unexistant» (very bad)

5. What is your opinion about the information you have recieved, regarding the requirements of a master´,,s thesis?

14 svarande

very good»0 0%
good»4 28%
bad»4 28%
very bad»4 28%
no opinion»2 14%

Genomsnitt: 3.28

- Ok.» (good)
- The information has been good but I have not felt that I got sufficient feedback on my prepatory work» (good)
- Very unclear information about what was expected from the examiner. My tutor helped me more with this/ shows me a list of requirements. » (very bad)
- inte fått nån info om det alls» (very bad)

Thesis work, supervision and examination

6. One of the learning objectives for the master´,,,s thesis is stated below. Has the objective been reached?

•,,, The capability to plan and use adequate methods to conduct qualified tasks in given frameworks and to evaluate this work.

15 svarande

yes, it has been fulfilled»6 40%
It has mostly been fulfilled»7 46%
It has partly been fulfilled»0 0%
no, it has not been fulfilled»2 13%
no opinion»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 1.86

- But then again ... this requirement has been part and parcel of most courses during this education.» (yes, it has been fulfilled)
- The framework (information) could have been clearer. I can see that the students should seek the information ourself. But when a student asks for information the information should be the same. (in all studios) » (It has mostly been fulfilled)

7. One of the learning objectives for the master´,,,s thesis is stated below. Has the objective been reached?

•,,, The capability to create, analyse and critically evaluate different technical/architectural solutions.

15 svarande

yes, it has been fulfilled»7 46%
It has mostly been fulfilled»4 26%
It has partly been fulfilled»2 13%
no, it has not been fulfilled»1 6%
no opinion»1 6%

Genomsnitt: 2

- ibid.» (yes, it has been fulfilled)

8. One of the learning objectives for the master´,,,s thesis is stated below. Has the objective been fulfilled?

•,,, The capability to use a holistic view to critically, independently and creatively identify, formulate and deal with complex issues.

15 svarande

yes, it has been fulfilled»6 40%
It has mostly been fulfilled»7 46%
It has partly been fulfilled»1 6%
no, it has not been fulfilled»1 6%
no opinion»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 1.8

- For a more complex product, better and clearer requirements,and earlier critic situations would be helpfull.» (It has mostly been fulfilled)
- Not sure what this would incorporate in an actual situation.» (It has partly been fulfilled)

9. What is your opinion about the mid-term seminar?

15 svarande

very good»0 0%
good»11 73%
bad»1 6%
very bad»2 13%
no opinion»1 6%

Genomsnitt: 2.53

- Could have been longer than I hour/student» (good)
- In my case it happened so that one of the critics virtually took over the entire session, not leaving room for the remaining commentors to express their opinion. Also, we did not have the student critique I thought was a mandatory part.» (bad)
- Uninterested critics, critics did not comment the work, but tried more influence the work from their personal view.» (very bad)

10. What is your opinion about the mandatory critics from your student colleagues at the midterm seminar?

12 svarande

very good»2 16%
good»2 16%
bad»4 33%
very bad»4 33%

Genomsnitt: 2.83

- My examiner did not require this» (?)
- We did not have that...» (?)
- inte så engagerat. man har inte tid att läsa in sig. folk är olika intresserade av andra» (bad)
- There was none. That is really bad.» (very bad)
- had none» (very bad)
- vi hade ingen sån obligatorisk kritik...» (very bad)
- In the seminar I attended they were omitted.» (very bad)

11. What is your opinion about the final seminar (examination), and are you satisfied with the jury´,,,s comments about your work?

15 svarande

very satisfied»8 53%
satisfied»5 33%
unsatisfied»1 6%
very unsatisfied»0 0%
no opinion»1 6%

Genomsnitt: 1.73

- The invited external critic was extremely professional and interested.» (very satisfied)
- Ok comments, but the time for the final seminar discussion was very short.» (satisfied)

12. What is your opinion about the tutoring from the supervisor?

15 svarande

very good»5 33%
good»8 53%
bad»1 6%
very bad»1 6%
no opinion»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 1.86

- helpfull» (good)
- I got my supervisor frankly much too late, but after that it was very good.» (good)
- Lack of interest!» (bad)
- I feel I have not been supporten in my own aims but have instead been led into something that is the preference of the tutor.» (very bad)

13. What is your opinion about the tutoring from the examinor?

14 svarande

very good»0 0%
good»5 35%
bad»3 21%
very bad»4 28%
no opinion»2 14%

Genomsnitt: 3.21

- It has been straight and clear. Harch but good.» (good)
- Almost non-existing. » (bad)
- Lack of interest!» (bad)
- I was not aware I was supposed to receive any tutoring from the examiner.» (bad)
- good in the beginning but after the first week there was no interest to be seen from the examinor» (very bad)
- jag träffade honom aldrig för någon handledning. det erbjöds inte. då får man nog gå dit självmant.kom inte ens och tittade hur vi hade det där vi jobbade. skulle vara trevligt med en examinator som visade sig. alla har tusen frågor och är förvirrade. examinatorn kändes inte engagerad. somnade på mittkritik och slutkritik. känns inte så kul. som tur var lika för alla som presenterade. exjobbet är liksom det viktigaste och största många gjort i sitt liv.» (very bad)
- fanns inte dirket någon kommunikation den vägen» (very bad)
- I barely met my examinor.» (no opinion)

14. Did you experience any discrimination during your master´,,s thesis work?

Grounds of discrimination can be a person´,,,,s gender, transgender identity or expression, ethnicity, religion or other belief, disability,
sexual orientation or age etc.
If you have experienced discrimination, please use the space for comments to describe your experience.

15 svarande

No, never»15 100%
It happened»0 0%
Sometimes»0 0%
Very frequently»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 1

Exhibition, public presentation and the role of the censors

15. What is your opinion about the organization of the exhibition?

15 svarande

very good»3 20%
good»11 73%
bad»0 0%
very bad»0 0%
no opinion»1 6%

Genomsnitt: 2

- Have not presented» (no opinion)

16. What is your opinion about the presence of the censor at your presentation?

15 svarande

very good»4 26%
good»8 53%
bad»1 6%
very bad»0 0%
no opinion»2 13%

Genomsnitt: 2.2

- better comments than the final seminar» (good)
- Even though I had a great sensor, and we had a great conversation, his precense made me nervouse, and because of this, I did not invite any friends or relatives. The examination days did not feel like celebration for me. » (bad)

17. What is your opinion about the value of the public presentation?

15 svarande

very good»7 46%
good»5 33%
bad»2 13%
very bad»0 0%
no opinion»1 6%

Genomsnitt: 1.86

- It should, however, be placed so that it doesn"t collide with the competition course in the 4th year. As it is now they have no posibility to attend any of the public presentations.» (very good)
- This felt like the apex of one"s entire 5 year education, so, very important.» (very good)
- It actually turned out really good, but the prospect of possible public humiliation made me sleepless. » (bad)

18. What is your opinion about the administration and coordination of all the events from registration to final presentation?

15 svarande

very good»1 6%
good»9 60%
bad»3 20%
very bad»2 13%
no opinion»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 2.4

- very good and clear in good time so that I could plan for the differnet steps and things to be done.» (very good)
- The registration process was very badly organized. The information was unclear, and different people gave different information. Even though we delivered our first short draft one and a half month before, examiners and supervisors were not assigned (for everyone) when the semester started. I had to go look for my papers myself at the program coordinator"s office the first day, and then find the examiner to get them signed. The examiner had not even read my draft/planning report before signing it, which seems to have been the case also for many others. Then I had to wait for more than four weeks for my first tutoring.» (bad)
- A lot of confusion regarding tutors, examinors and supervisors has taken energy to deal with.» (bad)
- speciellt i början va saker o ting väldigt oorganiserade…,.» (bad)
- tydlighet. samma information för alla önskas.» (very bad)
- got my examiner changed the first day of the semester, no supervisor for the first five weeks and poor information over all.» (very bad)

Possible improvements

19. What should be preserved for the future?

- leadership course.»
- Mid critique»
- organistion. alla borde ha fått en handledare när terminen börjar»
- Almost everything.»

20. What should be changed in the future?

- The registration process and assignment of examiners and tutors.»
- More clear information about what is expected. A relation between feedback and written goals. Today, the instructions are unclear, and a lot of works don"t actually follow the instructions. But at the same time, the works not following the written goals are often lifted up as good examples, and praised for pretty pictures. This creates confusion and insecurity. Stop giving double messages.»
- More clear information in the start of the course. Especially about the practicallities, the schedule and what you are supposed to do in which order.»
- Same information to all. Clear information about dates to hand in things.»
- bättre information. tänk in er i elevernas situation. var ute med datum i god tid för presentationer med mera. »
- All students needs to receive all information in the same way and at the same time, and if not told, informed of where to find the information. the examiner should also agree together on all the subjects, it should not be a matter of which examiner you have to approve of your specific topic.»
- The sorting out of tutors examinors and supervisors should be better organised and done well in advance. MPARC could learn something from MPDSD organisation.»
- More information on the "after Thesis papers". It was not fully clear the correct steps to receive the Diploma and the office responsible for the diploma deliveries, is not at all friendly or available for appointment/questions about the procedure. More Information needed on this aspect. The ones on the website are ok, but not enough.»
- I was overall very happy with how things worked and turned out.»

21. What is your overall opinion of the master thesis work process?

15 svarande

very good»3 20%
good»8 53%
bad»1 6%
very bad»2 13%
no opinion»1 6%

Genomsnitt: 2.33

- jag är nöjd med mitt eget arbete eftersom jag kan arbeta självständigt och kan ta egna beslut. Jag tror att det har varit värre för andra som kanske inte har det självförtroendet. » (very good)
- Thank you Chalmers!» (very good)
- stressfull process because the requirment was so vague» (very bad)
- I am exhausted and right now i don"t want to be an architect. » (very bad)

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