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Evaluation of exchange students v22014

Status: Avslutad
Öppen för svar: 2014-05-27 - 2014-06-27
Antal svar: 145
Procent av deltagarna som svarat: 55%
Kontaktperson: Student exchange»
Klass: Övriga
Utbildningsprogram studenten tillhör: Övriga studenter

1. I have been at Chalmers...*

145 svarande

Autumn and Spring semester»66 45%
Spring semester»80 54%

Genomsnitt: 1.55

2. What exchange programme do you belong to?

145 svarande

Erasmus»130 89%
Bilateral agreement (world wide)»6 4%
Unitech»1 0%
Norden (Nordplus)»3 2%
Double master degree programme»0 0%
Nordic 5 tech»1 0%
Science without borders»0 0%
Other»3 2%
Don"t know»1 0%

Genomsnitt: 1.35

3. What is your field of study?

Please choose the one that suits your background best

145 svarande

Architecture»19 13%
Computer engineering»5 3%
Electrical engineering»11 7%
IT engineering»5 3%
Civil engineering»20 13%
Industrial engineering and management»7 4%
Design engineering»1 0%
Mechanical engineering»32 21%
Automations/Mechatronics engineering»2 1%
Physics Engineering»5 3%
Mathematics»1 0%
Chemical engineering»8 5%
Bio engineering»8 5%
Materials engineering»11 7%
Other»11 7%

Genomsnitt: 7.48

4. How satisified are you with the information you received from Chalmers before the exchange?

Please grade between 1 and 5 where 5 is very satisfied and 1 is very dissatified

144 svarande

0 0%
4 2%
14 9%
72 49%
55 37%

Genomsnitt: 4.25

- I did not receive any information about the necessary, additional application to Chalmers after I was nominated for Erasmus from my home university. Maybe it was my responsibilty to ask for it and luckily I did so. But it would have been helpful to receive information about that from Chalmers, since I did not expected to hand in another application.» (2)
- Not so many information for the first day» (2)
- Information about housing arrangements were confusing» (3)
- Concerning the Chalmers grant : absolutely no information. I find it totally unfair.» (3)
- I think there was a problem with my application, I got my notice for acceptance a month later than everybody else of my home university and didn"t get infos for the CIRC groups for example» (3)
- More information about the courses resp. that there will be the option to change later on.» (3)
- The visa stuff is quite annoying when applying. Maybe need more help.» (3)
- the circ people helped a lot (incl. their webside). that was nice!» (4)
- Lots of useful information given except for the people in charge at Boplats who just told me I could never have a student room.» (4)
- More information about accomodation would have been apreciated. » (4)
- Information available was sufficient. » (4)
- The e-mails I got were very elaborate and informed me well. A negative point is, of course, finding student accommodation. This is rather difficult and the information on student housing could have been more.» (4)
- - Courses didn"t appear on PingPong until very late, was not sure if they would take place - Organization of international coordinator (Panne) was very good, but we got no information about what he did and what we had to do ourselves» (4)
- No» (4)
- We could have known about some of the scolarship at the beginning... » (4)
- Actually inforamtion about chalmers itself deserves a 5, but as finding accommodation in gothenburg is so difficult you could maybe support us with a bit more information on that.» (4)
- Only one bad thing : we have been told too late that we will finally not have any help to find an accomodation this year» (4)
- Lack of information regarding to the accommodation» (4)
- I received my acceptance letter very late. Apart from that I was very satisfied.» (4)
- Not enought informations concerning the housing issue...» (4)
- Everything clearly stated in Student Portal.» (5)
- thank you» (5)
- Getting started was very easy thanks to the good information.» (5)
- Probably I didnt check properly in advance, but the very first informationa lletter from Chalmers (CIRC I guess) came to my "spam" folder, which I dont check regularly, and I kind of felt like I missed something, although I caught up pretty soon, so nothing serious happened. With that said, I love adventures so Im givin a 5 inspite of this :)» (5)
- I knew everything necessary for the first few days» (5)
- Perfect» (5)
- Very good website» (5)
- Informations were very clear thank you!» (5)
- Information was good, just the subject choosing page was a bit confusing. A bit difficult to understand which subject is in which semester.» (5)

5. How useful do you think the printed student guide is for new students?

Please rate where 5 means it is very good and 1 means it is not of any use at all

142 svarande

7 4%
11 7%
39 27%
57 39%
29 20%

Genomsnitt: 3.65

- I didn"t read it.» (?)
- what is the student guide ?» (1)
- I was never given this. I feel that the support for students that arrive slightly later then the beginning of the semester is very poor. I spent my first 3 days completely lost.» (1)
- It was not really useful, because we had to find most of the informations before we got to Göteborg.» (1)
- I only looked up the contacts for my coordinator. But it is a nice idea, keep it.» (2)
- Didn"t really use it» (2)
- online and per mail» (2)
- which student guide?» (3)
- it is good to have something printed to easily look at when needed in the beginning » (3)
- I read it, but most of the things I already knew from the presentations on the first days.» (3)
- did not use it» (3)
- I don"t know if I see which document ii is.» (3)
- Did not read it.» (3)
- Lots of information is available on-line, so I didn"t really need it. It could however be useful for students if they don"t have internet access yet when they arrive in Sweden/at Chalmers.» (3)
- I didn"t really use it» (3)
- I missed more information on the organizacions, clubs and other student activities but anyway it was very useful :)» (4)
- Pretty useful at the beginning of the year :)» (4)
- Do not remember now.» (4)
- I didn"t read it» (4)
- Handy for quick look, but everything is in the Student Portal as well.» (5)
- Id give a 5! Quite honestly, I did not use it, I asked around alll the time, and I got the answer. The informational session on the welcome day gave me a tremendous amount of infos, so that was fine.» (5)
- Very good and informative» (5)
- maybe provide some specific info for people who just arrive in the spring semester? i was slightly confused by some of it purely because it was written for people who arrived in september» (5)

6. How did you enjoy the welcome activities?

Please grade between 1 and 5 where 5 is the best and 1 is the lowest grade

142 svarande

1 0%
2 1%
13 10%
33 25%
81 62%

Genomsnitt: 4.5

- Unfortunately I came in a bit late so I couldn"t join in on the activities» (?)
- Arrived to late to participate» (?)
- It was sad that not everybody got tickets for all the events. Otherwise it was rather nice and fun.» (3)
- Good but I missed several because no more tickets.» (3)
- CIRC did a very good job, it"s a shame that the activities did not last longer» (4)
- - the race around the city was excruciating because of the cold and the large groups. activities like that are much better in small groups so everyone can contribute and you can move quickly. - the first day, 15th january, should be pressed as a more compulsory activity that needs to be attended on time (i know many people were late). in my home country, orientation is in fact a week long university wide festival including the clubs and societies, information about the uni itself etc but goes for an entire day with no need to turn up on time at 9am - aside from these two points, all the other activities were excellent!» (4)
- The phader of our group is not very responsible. » (4)
- Great way to get to know other people, but in general I preferred getting to know Swedish people and learn the language rather than staying with Erasmus students from my neighbouring countries.» (4)
- Why can"t the Phadder groups mix up after some time?» (4)
- Good job CIRC!» (5)
- Engage with the Phadder group, really nice group if you"re lucky.» (5)
- Very nice:)» (5)
- The welcome activities were awsome. It was very easy to get to know people directly from the start and I felt welcome from the first day.» (5)
- CIRC guys! Please next time do less fun, cause I had so much fun, I was laughing alllll the time and I was having the time of my life :) Special thanks to my favourite Phadders, Fathi, Andres aand Simon.» (5)
- The introduction was good. The Circ events were great, since I was lucky be assigned to motivated Phadder. We still hang out, just yesterday we had a BBQ.» (5)
- very good welcome activities with CIRC and my phadder» (5)
- CIRC does a really good job with welcoming new students to Chalmers. I know from friends which are on Erasmus at other universities that these welcome activities are much better at Chalmers.» (5)
- Very good!» (5)
- Great ! Really nice week to meet people :)» (5)
- Very good work from the Phadders (CIRC)» (5)
- CIRC is a very good association, all of my friend have been encountered at the welcom events.» (5)
- The Phadder groups are just awesome!» (5)
- The CIRC organization is really helpful, and the phadders idea is really nice. It helps a lot. » (5)
- I liked the Härryda trip very much.» (5)
- PERFECT!!!!!!» (5)
- I didn"t participate» (Don)
- i didn tdo it» (Don)
- I did not attend any welcome activities.» (Don)
- Exam times clashed with welcome week so I missed it » (Don)
- Wasn"t there on time» (Don)
- I couldn"t take part in them» (Don)

7. How satisfied are you with your coordinator at Chalmers?

Please grade between 1 and 5 where 5 is the best and 1 is the lowest grade

144 svarande

2 1%
3 2%
6 4%
45 31%
85 60%
Don"t know»4

Genomsnitt: 4.5

- The coordinator did not send to me all the informations before the exchange. Some friends received some informations I never had... » (1)
- Who were they??» (2)
- I did not have to solve many problems» (4)
- Rigmor Alfsdotter has always been very helpful and responded to all queries.» (4)
- Really nice» (4)
- Very helpful!» (5)
- Great people that work at this school. I would specially like to commend Rigmor Jorgensen. She has been incredibly helpful and is just a really good person.» (5)
- thank you» (5)
- Panne was very friendly and always tried to help in whatever matter came up.» (5)
- Mrs. Rigmor is a lovely lady. She helped me soo much, I asked a question, sent an email or anything I had problem with, and she would even weak up in the middle of the night just to help me. She was so kind all throughout the semester. Thank you!» (5)
- I didn"t really need her help but I had all the information that I needed from her.» (5)
- She answered my mails very fast, and helped me well with making the best course choices.» (5)
- Really fast answer, always here when we wanted » (5)
- Nice and helpful» (5)
- Lovisa Aijmer was my coordinator and she was excellent. She responded to my many queries quickly and if she didn"t know she forwarded me names and contact details of those who could.» (5)
- She is very helpful.» (5)
- My coordinator, Rigmor Alfsdotter, was more than helpful with the forms which I was required to complete and send to my home university on arrival.» (5)
- Extremely helpful, warm welcome and always available when needed.» (5)
- (5)
- Always disposed to help» (5)
- I received my acceptance letter very late. Apart from that I was very satisfied.» (5)
- Thank you for all help» (5)
- Great job! Always friendly and helpful.» (5)
- He is doing his job, I did not contacted him a lot.» (Don"t know)
- I did not keep the contact with her during my studies here.» (Don"t know)

8. How long did it take for you to find accommodation?

145 svarande

I had arranged accommodation before I came to Chalmers»103 70%
Within the first few days»12 8%
After 1-2 weeks»10 6%
After 2-4 weeks»15 10%
After more than one month»6 4%
No opionion»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 1.7

- Would be nice to have more choice.» (I had arranged accommodation before I came to Chalmers)
- Was still difficult to find something» (I had arranged accommodation before I came to Chalmers)
- It was hard and I sent a lot of emails and applications» (I had arranged accommodation before I came to Chalmers)
- Everyone says it is close to "impossible" to find decent accomodation (proximity to chalmers, decent price, etc). Well let me say that it is just simply not true. I just had to email back and forth, instead of just checking the favourite websites. Everyone has a "not announced" offer. I got one too :)» (I had arranged accommodation before I came to Chalmers)
- But it was really stressful.» (I had arranged accommodation before I came to Chalmers)
- I had problems with that I had to pay for the rent in advance for January, because I just got the money for my scholarship in January. I had to pay until the middle of December.» (I had arranged accommodation before I came to Chalmers)
- The support of Boplats coordinators was good and should be provided for the next years.» (I had arranged accommodation before I came to Chalmers)
- I had accommodation but I had to start paying before coming.» (I had arranged accommodation before I came to Chalmers)
- I had unfortunately a swindle for my first flat. But I succeeded to find in a family. Some persons from Chalmers helped me.» (I had arranged accommodation before I came to Chalmers)
- SGS offer is not really clear (how to apply, who has the right for SGS housing etc.)» (I had arranged accommodation before I came to Chalmers)
- But I had to find elsewhere afterward due to an uncomfortable livin situation in my first private residence» (I had arranged accommodation before I came to Chalmers)
- Only because I already knew someone here!» (I had arranged accommodation before I came to Chalmers)
- Luckily I received a code from CIS for SGS accommodation» (I had arranged accommodation before I came to Chalmers)
- I didn"t receive any help whatsoever to find an accomodation, i had to do everything by myself» (I had arranged accommodation before I came to Chalmers)
- But I had to move after 3 weeks because Hammarkullen is not an area I wanted to live in. Maybe it would be good to provide an overview of the Gothenburg areas.» (I had arranged accommodation before I came to Chalmers)
- It was really hard to find an accommodation. I searched more than two month and wrote about 150 emails. » (I had arranged accommodation before I came to Chalmers)
- A room at the landlords flat, where a friend of mine stayed, was free and I moved in there.» (I had arranged accommodation before I came to Chalmers)
- It would be a lot more convient if chalmers provides housing for international students, like almost every other university does.» (Within the first few days)
- I was in a young hostel, but I found my accomadation after working hard to find something after few days» (Within the first few days)
- Sign up for SGS *SOON*» (After 1-2 weeks)
- blocket.se» (After 1-2 weeks)
- This is valid once i"ve been in Göteborg. I"ve been looking for three months before from France» (After 1-2 weeks)
- Find an accommodation was the worser think I had to do here in Goteborg. It was really really hard ! So we stayed in a hostel 3 weeks. But ,ow we have a really good accomodation» (After 2-4 weeks)
- More information about how to find a room / inform about blocket. Option to store luggage at chalmers. Information about hostels or other places to sleep.» (After 2-4 weeks)
- I want to thank the girls at Boplats who were helping international students from Chalmers to find apartments. They were incredibly nice and helpful. They found an apartment for me but I eventually found a better one closer to school.» (After more than one month)
- At the beginning the situation was completely horrible. A lot of people was looking for accommodation at the same time and all the options were expensive and really bad situated. I am really disappointed about this point.» (After more than one month)

9. What kind of accommodation have you had?

145 svarande

SGS student housing»85 58%
Private room/apartment via Boplats»26 17%
Private room/apartment found on your own»34 23%
Stayed with a friend or relative»0 0%
Other, please specify below»1 0%

Genomsnitt: 1.68

- Be ready in the beginning to find a temporary place to stay in any condition. I had to live in a hostel and in a private place with a landlady. Try to make the most of it (meet new friends...). For getting an SGS place CALL or VISIT them, email does not work to show how much you need to move in.» (SGS student housing)
- I lived at a private hous for one month and moved to an SGS flat later.» (SGS student housing)
- Well, I would just remind the guys who is poor at speakin english (like me), somehow, that in the contract it says "three calendar months before moving out to give notice" and that does not mean 90 days. I had a bad luck, so I have to pay an extra month. Everyone knows this is his or her own responsibility to keep an eye on the dates and not misinterpret important documents likea housing contract, but It is always good to be reminded! » (SGS student housing)
- Housing was in awful condition, filthy when we moved in, had no heating or oven for cooking for the first week (in January). Staff at SGS less than helpful about situation. Will be recommending that future students from our university rent privately.» (SGS student housing)
- The appartment was not in really good conditions. Mold in the Bathroom and heating system insufficient.» (SGS student housing)
- Subletted by a friend of a friend of a friend.» (SGS student housing)
- Both a private apartment found on my own and a room via SGS student housing» (SGS student housing)
- SGS seems to have an unfair pricing policy compared to Chalmers Studentbostäder and the beforehand given information only suggested to use SGS but not Chalmers Studentbostäder.» (SGS student housing)
- First I lived with a family for 4 months.» (SGS student housing)
- There was a bad internet connection in the flat.» (SGS student housing)
- The organization in SGS vía online is not efficient at all. » (SGS student housing)
- No pictures available, SGS were not very helpful either» (SGS student housing)
- I love SGS» (SGS student housing)
- First semester in a private room via Boplats. Second semester in a student residence via SGS.» (SGS student housing)
- The service provided by SGS has been terrible, for example we did not have internet for 6 (!!!) weeks.» (SGS student housing)
- I advise to find a private housing» (SGS student housing)
- Excellent student life there.» (SGS student housing)
- We should be helped in order to find a room. It"s so easy to end up with crooks...» (Private room/apartment via Boplats)
- Private room is a great way to save money and get to know the Swedish culture.» (Private room/apartment via Boplats)
- I wanted an SGS student housing» (Private room/apartment via Boplats)
- I found a room for rent for international students on boplats.se but I did everything else on my own (contact the landlord,...)» (Private room/apartment found on your own)
- Bad experience» (Private room/apartment found on your own)
- I went to the boplats meeting for landlords and students, and I found my landlord over there.» (Private room/apartment found on your own)
- Later, I moved to a sgs flat because it was much closer to the university. » (Private room/apartment found on your own)
- Private landlors/ladies make advantage of the uninformed studnets - rents are unjustified high!» (Private room/apartment found on your own)
- Subletting SGS» (Other, please specify below)

10. What is your overall impression of the studies?

Please rate the course work (lectures, lab work, seminars etc). 5 is the best grade and 1 is the lowest.

144 svarande

0 0%
4 2%
23 15%
72 50%
45 31%

Genomsnitt: 4.09

- It has been vey hard for me to follow some courses of electrical engineering, and of computer science, because master"s courses I attended, were very refined and I was not really specialized on these subjects ( I am coming from a general school in France).» (2)
- not comparable to EPFL» (2)
- the main teachers was not competent... Hopefully the tutors were good.» (2)
- Very practical, sometimes boring because too simple» (3)
- Very good teachers made for interesting lectures but not enough lab work. Many interesting projetcs» (3)
- Level of the courses could be higher» (3)
- Some courses need to be re-organized in order to well-specify the pre-requisites...» (3)
- One course was a bit unstructered. Beside that, I had a great an enriching study time.» (4)
- The workload overall was unexpected, for 7,5 credits i feel that the courses i took had to heavy of a workload. But nevertheless, the lessons were enriching.» (4)
- - Very close to the praxis (which is good), but more theoretical background would be appreciated» (4)
- Really good courses, really interesting. Teachers are just amazing, they are interesting and interested. They are here for you if you need it. Not enough lab for me, not a lot of manipulation. » (4)
- - i enjoyed the huge range of lectures that i had, and the amount of guests that we had (members from the council, architects, visiting researchers etc) - class attendance in other countries is not mandatory, and does not require extra credit work to make up for a lack of attendance. lecturers should inform students that class is mandatory and what the consequences are (e.g. lower grades, extra credit work) on the first day of class - in my home country, assignments and exams have different weightings in each subject (e.g. assignment 1 worth 10%, exam worth 50% etc) and students are informed what these weightings are. That clearly doesn"t happen at Chalmers and is normal, but this should be stated so everyone has the same information - again, in my home country we are given marks back for assignments progressively throughout the subject. whilst some subjects at Chalmers only go for 4 weeks and so giving back marks is close to impossible, other classes go for 4 months in which case providing some marks is possible. It would be nice to have some indication as to how you are going, especially as a foreign student you are not used to the Swedish, or indeed Chalmers, way of grading or learning. Even information as to whether the assignment was passed or failed would be helpful» (4)
- It"s very interesting that there are a lot of assignments and project group but in some lectures it"s not developed enough the theory concerning the course» (4)
- All my work is independent self-study.» (4)
- Good education with lots of group works» (4)
- The overall difficultie is quite low for an enginner school, but it lets time to enjoy the ersmus exchange, which is nice.» (4)
- Maybe the learning outcome was sometimes a bit less than expected but on the other hand it was a much better work/life balance than at my home university.» (4)
- Teachers and schedule are great. Maybe not enough manipulation during the labs» (4)
- Exams are way too easy and laborations way too hard and time intensive. I was not used to this style from my home university. Maybe a balance of both is better.» (4)
- Some management courses especially the compulsory ones are far too hard and over-loading for exchange students for real. I suggest the lecturers should warn them in advance.» (4)
- Good quality, easy to enjoy» (5)
- I enjoyed the courses at Chalmers very much. The teachers were commited and the lectures interesting. A good overview of the respective fields was given in the courses. However, due to this broad overview, they sometimes did not go deep enough to convey profound technical knowledge.» (5)
- Most of the lecturers are soooo engaging. Fun! Love them. Personal favourite, Mikael O. and Anders Trüschel ( sorry for misspelling). Please God, promise me that if I go back to Hugnary, I will have soooo nice and fun teachers like I had here. Anything other than lectures here was simply amazing. Way different than hungarian education. Thank you for the little semester long insight I could get.» (5)
- Incredible support from my Professor for my thesis.» (5)
- The education quality and system at Chalmers has a very high quality. I enjoyed my time here, partly because the courses were that interesting.» (5)
- I prefer the Swedish course system with all its practical work over the German system with just one short exam for each course.» (5)
- Huge university, comopolitan, many possibilities...» (5)
- Exceptional quality of studies here, my home university needs to improve!!» (5)
- The best study period so far.» (5)
- The quality of teaching at Chalmers definitely exceeds that of my home university» (5)
- Excellent atmosphere in the lab, good communication with the professor and PhD students. Very nice supervision of the thesis (gave lots of freedom, but always available for questions and advice)» (5)
- Some courses could have some improvements, but overall it was good.» (5)

11. What is your overall impression of your exchange stay at Chalmers?

Please rate your exchange stay at Chalmers. 5 is the best grade and 1 is the lowest.

145 svarande

1 0%
1 0%
4 2%
43 29%
96 66%
Don"t know»0

Genomsnitt: 4.6

- The fact to take two exams in two day is too difficult» (4)
- Despite a terrible personal life in Sweden, my exchange stay at Chalmers has been memorable» (4)
- I learned a lot, both in the field of studies and swedish language» (4)
- I love Sweden and I love Chalmers. I have only good memories from here.» (5)
- INCREDIBLE. I wish I could stay longer.» (5)
- It was a wonderful time and I am looking forward to the next chance to study or work abroad.» (5)
- Well, you know, I would give 6 if I could. Because Ive learnt soooo much, about everything. I developed such a strong character and personality and most of all, InterDisciplinary skills, that Ive completely cahnged (for the better). Thnak you for the opportunity Chalmers and Erasmus!» (5)
- really nice experience (Erasmus), in a nice city very good infrastructure in Chalmers (buildings, classrooms, student union building...) » (5)
- It is/was really cool !!!! I learned a lot ! It"s a crazy experience. And chalmers is a really good place to study and live » (5)
- Has been good so far. Lovely city and wonderful city.» (5)
- I think it is the best experience of my study life.» (5)
- Very good University Awesome campus and City!» (5)
- Best decision I"ve had the pleasure of making so far» (5)
- The best experience of my life.» (5)
- Very useful in many ways.» (5)
- The swedish female students are extraordinary beautiful and have a great taste for fashion :)» (5)

12. Would you recommend Chalmers as an exchange destination to other students at your home university?

145 svarande

No»0 0%
Maybe»10 6%
Yes»133 91%
No opinion»2 1%

Genomsnitt: 2.94

- depends on what he is looking for, because I was a bit surprised about the amount of work expected» (Maybe)
- There a not many activities to do» (Maybe)
- Definitely. » (Yes)
- Incredible facilities in Chalmers. Great atmosphere among students. Big international community. Good quality of courses. Good structure for studying ("only" two courses per quarter, giving the opportunity to focus better than with five we usually have concurrently). Nice city (lagom - not too big not too small).» (Yes)
- I would have chosen DEFINITELY, had I had that option :) Next sentence is going to be a little informal (apologize) but: Upon my arrival to home, and telling my stories and experiences in Sweden, if anyone does not want to come here right off the bat, a LOT of butts are going to be kicked :D One of the best places ever, Ive ever had the privilage to come to.» (Yes)
- Of course, it"s already done ^^» (Yes)
- Chalmers is a great place for exchange students partially because of CIRC. this program is very successful and i think one of the reasons i enjoyed chalmers so much, as it made the process of adjusting that much easier. Chalmers also has so many food facilities, activities and services for students that the campus is very vibrant» (Yes)
- To pay attention very carefully to the organization of the courses, otherwise there is the risk to do written exams in days too close» (Yes)
- I love the city.» (Yes)
- Wonderful city and university. Thank you» (Yes)
- of course» (Yes)
- Done already.» (Yes)
- Absolutly yes, I think Chalmers/Goteborg is the place to be in order to enjoy an exchange, but still get some academicals knowledge» (Yes)
- Great place to study !» (Yes)
- The whole student life is very well organised, with many events and special rooms, like Kyrkan, the sauna, Pripps etc. The supervision in courses is also very competent and professors want the students to understand the topics thoroughly. I think this is the right attitude.» (Yes)

13. Do you have any other comments or suggestions?

- Very pleasant year and I learned a lot! Surely will recommend Chalmers to everyone! Thank you all for the good time.»
- Thank you for having me. This has been a great experience.»
- Thank you for the great time and all the support. I"m hoping to come back here some time.»
- Yes, one. Kepp up the good work, and let the erasmus guys come and come and come !! They will love this place.»
- Thank you for having me :)»
- I"m very grateful for having me as an Erasmus student. It was such a nice time that I"m even thinking of coming back after I finished my studies in my home university.»
- SGS Apartment in Frölunda was way to expensive and aweful housing situation. I was very dissappointed.»
- Thank you !!!!»
- I like the university very much.»
- Future connections with companies»
- i found that there was very little interaction between the Swedish students and exchange students. this is partially who you are introduced to in courses which is just luck, but having spoken to Swedish students in my classes they often felt that if they weren"t from Gothenburg that they didn"t have much of an introduction to the city or the university. they were jealous of me being able to participate in the CIRC program and suggested that having something that involved both Swedish students and exchange students together in a CIRC group could benefit everyone. having met very few Swedes during my time here and the difficulty of integrating with them, i think some sort of participation between the Swedes and foreign students could help bridge some of the cultural differences as well as help people who were new to Gothenburg»
- Had a great time here!»
- I missed a language cours in swedish. It would be nice, if it would be organised by Chalmers.»
- Making it easier for students staying for less than a year to be able to obtain a personummer that allows one to obtain a bank account for example! I understand that is a legislative issue, rather than Chalmers.»
- Swedish language courses that are free of cost»
- You are a great university. It was my pleasure to be Chalmers student.»
- More events and opportunities to integrate with Swedish students would be great»
- Grading is still in progress, but I would really like to receive transcript of records faster than it is possible at this right moment.»
- Perfect study environment and wonderfull city!»
- Choose competent teacher, like this we can learn something and not waste our time and energy.»

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