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LP 4 V 13 ARK151 Architectural competition, ARK151

Status: Avslutad
Öppen för svar: 2013-06-13 - 2013-09-13
Antal svar: 23
Procent av deltagarna som svarat: 25%
Kontaktperson: Anna Sofia Wannerskog»
Utbildningsprogram som genomför enkäten: Arkitektur 300 hp

Purpose/aim of the course

The purpose of the course is stated in the course programme, that is the knowledge, understanding, skills and perspectives you are expected to reach. Notify how well the purpose of the course has been fulfilled.

1. Purpose/aim

The course intends to develop individual skills and readiness for independent participation in architectural competitions.

23 svarande

Very insufficient»1 4%
Insufficient»3 13%
Sufficient»15 65%
Excellent»4 17%
No opinion»0

Genomsnitt: 2.95

2. Purpose/aim

The course will provide insights, reflections and discussions on the history of architectural competitions and provide an overview of current types and conditions of the architectural competitions in different national contexts through a number of lectures also on competition strategies by experienced architects and jury members.

23 svarande

Very insufficient»0 0%
Insufficient»5 23%
Sufficient»14 66%
Excellent»2 9%
No opinion»2

Genomsnitt: 2.85

- hade inte skadat med lite mer föreläsningar om tävlingar. mer om process och idearbete faser i själva projektet för att få ett bra resultat. inte bara själva affischen.» (Insufficient)

3. Purpose/aim

The course comprises exercises in graphical and oral presentation techniques as well as information on the preparation of video visualization and computer animation.

23 svarande

Very insufficient»10 43%
Insufficient»7 30%
Sufficient»4 17%
Excellent»2 8%
No opinion»0

Genomsnitt: 1.91

- It doesn"t do anything of the sort.» (Very insufficient)
- which exercises? » (Very insufficient)
- nej inget av detta ingick? presentationsteknik hade varit trevligt. data behövs inte de kan de flesta.» (Very insufficient)
- no video» (Sufficient)

Goals and fullfilment of goals

The learning outcome is given in the course programme, that is the knowledge, understanding, skills and perspectives you are expected to reach. Notify how well the learning outcome has been fulfilled.

4. Learning outcome:

Independently conduct an interpretation of a common brief or alternatively a professional advanced competition brief and the following delivery of requested material such as poster presentation with appropriate drawings, illustrations and models.

22 svarande

Very insufficient»3 13%
Insufficient»3 13%
Sufficient»14 63%
Excellent»2 9%
No opinion»0

Genomsnitt: 2.68

- nej det kommer jag inte ihåg att vi hade någon föreläsning om. lite tips så att man förstår programmet bättre kanske?» (Very insufficient)
- The brief was vague and confusing.» (Insufficient)

5. Are the aims and goals reasonable in relation to your pre-knowledge ?

23 svarande

No, the goals are to elementar»0 0%
Yes, the goals are reasonable»21 91%
No, the goals are too ambitious»2 8%
No opinion»0

Genomsnitt: 2.08

- But too big to carry out by one student alone.» (Yes, the goals are reasonable)
- The time was quite short for this assignment, but the material was reasonable. » (Yes, the goals are reasonable)
- Perfect timing for this course!» (Yes, the goals are reasonable)

6. Are the goals reasonable in relation to the scope and amount of credits?

23 svarande

Too small scope in relation to credits»1 4%
Reasonable scope in relation to credits»16 76%
Too wide scope in relation to credits»4 19%
No opinion»2

Genomsnitt: 2.14

- I can"t remember last time I worked so many hours per week.» (Too wide scope in relation to credits)
- lite för stor uppgift. naturrum verkade mer greppbart.» (Too wide scope in relation to credits)
- To huge programme. Fun but to big in to short time...» (Too wide scope in relation to credits)

Education and course administration

7. What support have you got for your learning from course literature and other material?

23 svarande

Very little»4 19%
Rather little»15 71%
Rather big»2 9%
Very big»0 0%
No opinion»2

Genomsnitt: 1.9

- read to litle of it» (No opinion)

8. How did the organisation, memoranda, direct information etc. function?

23 svarande

Very bad»2 9%
Rather bad»6 27%
Rather well»13 59%
Very well»1 4%
No opinion»1

Genomsnitt: 2.59

- allt material kom för sent tycker jag» (Very bad)
- The program for the project should have been more clear. This time it was difficult to understand which program we were supposed to use. » (Rather bad)
- I thought there were to many programs handed out late, we lost time in defining the program for some day and then after a week nearly two, we were handed a program. I think we should get the program in the beginning or not at all. (free to be defined by students)» (Rather bad)
- To bad prepared, new info coming too late. If it"s such a big task, it need to be better prepared and all info needs to be available from start. No excuses!» (Rather bad)
- the guestlectures could have been better planned and annonced when dismissed» (Rather well)

Work environment

9. How do you rate the possibilities to get assistance and ask questions?

23 svarande

Very bad»2 8%
Rather bad»6 26%
Rather well»9 39%
Very well»4 17%
I have not asked for assistance»2 8%

Genomsnitt: 2.91

- Teachers weren"t around and the study climate was too stressful to be in.» (Very bad)
- new info coming after last date to ask question is not ok, and poorly answered questions. » (Very bad)
- We had the possibilty to ask questions, but in this case with a very complicated/badly written program, the answers wasn´,t enough. I suggest the possibility to ask following questions, or primarily a better formulated program! That would spare you a lot of questions.» (Rather bad)
- questions answerd well in question sesion for the competition. Good work jury» (Very well)

10. In avarage, how many hours per week have you studied during the course?

23 svarande

Less then 40 hours/week»6 26%
40-50 hours/week»9 39%
More than 50 hours/week»8 34%

Genomsnitt: 2.08

- And there for handing in late» (Less then 40 hours/week)
- The project was done either in pairs of two or alone, I did it alone - which proved to be very consuming.» (More than 50 hours/week)

Concluding questions

11. What is your overall opinion of the course?

23 svarande

Very bad»0 0%
Bad»6 26%
Passed»2 8%
Good»12 52%
Very good»3 13%

Genomsnitt: 3.52

- This course was nearly impossible for a single student to carry out on his/her own.» (Bad)
- Way to big task for that amount of time and credits.» (Bad)
- Its was a great subject, but I think it is strange to ask for students opinions and ideas and at the same time give a quite strict program that makes the project limited by already defined ideas, functions and so on. It does not allow students to think and reflect free by themselves and I understood that as a main point of the theme. » (Good)

12. What should be preserved next year?

- Competition Entry Idea»
- Lectures of architects who have an experience of competition»
- A topic that creates discussion about architecture, the future and question current situations/ideals. The discussion in the end was interesting. »
- lecture with Saga Karlsson»
- föreläsningar och samlingen med prisutdelning var mysig»
- time schedule of the course (introduction, lectures, questions, independent work) »
- very nice presentations from different professors!»
- the course»

13. What should be changed for next year?

- Clearer requests from the Jury and the Competition Brief. Clearer final comments for the projects out of the prize zone. More lectures about how to present a project in a competition, what focus on and how, than history of the competitions (rather unuseful from my point of view)»
- more lecture to learn the strategies to do a better proposal in the context of competition»
- Clearer program!»
- More lectures about how to present on a poster»
- All students should work in pairs!»
- All information/program should be handed out in the beginning of the course, or not at all. It should be clear in the first week, because the time is very short for a assignment that big. »
- - the task was quite big - I think a smaller and less complex project would be better for this course, so that there is time to focus more on the visualization and communication of the proposal. - the program was not very clear, and has been changed during the course. that should be avoided.»
- Smaller task or better info!»
- The sale of the competition should be reduced. This 7,5 etcs course involved a complex multifunctional building with a teams of 1-2, whereas other master studios with 15 etcs involved housing blocks and multifunctional buildings such as hospitals with teams of 2-4.»
- snälla ett mindre projekt. vill gärna ha ett liv utanför skolan fritidsintressen mm.»
- Lectures should be less in a form of presentation about the project and more about strategies, principles etc. that architects have to deal with. Small exercises (in groups for example) making graphical or animated outputs to learn how to present (can be made on already existing project)»
- We need more instruction and review from the work. »
- taste of jury»

14. Other comments

- The discussion about sustainability and our education was important. (The fact that many architectural students have low knowledge about sustainability when Chalmers has a sustainable profile.)»
- I think in gerneral it is a good course, which prepares for reality in the job of an architect.»
- annars väldigt roligt med arkitekturskola! »
- it would be more interesting for a student to get to learn more of how to present a project, what to think about the graphics and so on, rather than to just "make" a project. what if all students got one complete and same project with all the drawings done and they would just focus on what to pick out and zoom into and also make the presentation and visionary pictures individually? Afterwords, the teachers could go through some of the different proposals and tell whats good or bad examples and why so? I think that then the students would understand more of what and how to act in preparation for a competition... »
- have a good day»

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