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LP4_12/13_Facilities management, LBT815

Status: Avslutad
Öppen för svar: 2013-05-21 - 2013-09-15
Antal svar: 11
Procent av deltagarna som svarat: 34%
Kontaktperson: Christina Larsson»
Utbildningsprogram som genomför enkäten: Affärsutveckling bygg

1. One question about the course in general*

Estimate to what extent, on a scale from 1- 5 , you share the opinion of this statement, where
1 means that you do NOT AT ALL agree with the statement
5 means that you COMPLETELY agree with the statement


The general impression is that the course was very good*
11 svarande

0 0%
0 0%
3 27%
7 63%
1 9%
I dont know»0

Genomsnitt: 3.81 (bidrar till totalt genomsnitt/jämförelseindex)

2. Seven questions about the course

Estimate to what extent, on a scale from 1- 5 , you share the opinion of these statements, where
1 means that you do NOT AT ALL agree with the statement
5 means that you COMPLETELY agree with the statement


It was clear to me what the learning outcomes of the course were
11 svarande

1 9%
0 0%
2 18%
5 45%
3 27%
I dont know»0

Genomsnitt: 3.81

The course learning outcomes were clearly identified by the tutor
11 svarande

0 0%
0 0%
1 9%
5 45%
5 45%
I dont know»0

Genomsnitt: 4.36

The assessment/examination tested the learning outcomes
11 svarande

0 0%
1 11%
0 0%
4 44%
4 44%
I dont know»2

Genomsnitt: 4.22

The course learning outcomes have been achieved
11 svarande

0 0%
1 10%
2 20%
3 30%
4 40%
I dont know»1

Genomsnitt: 4

I felt that the course had a high degree of significance for my education
11 svarande

0 0%
0 0%
0 0%
4 36%
7 63%
I dont know»0

Genomsnitt: 4.63

The course demanded a high degree of work effort
11 svarande

0 0%
1 9%
6 54%
4 36%
0 0%
I dont know»0

Genomsnitt: 3.27

The course was very well administered
11 svarande

0 0%
0 0%
1 9%
6 54%
4 36%
I dont know»0

Genomsnitt: 4.27

3. What elements of the course should definitely remain?

- The condition assessment. It made it real. The visit to Lindholmen made it more clear of how you work with FM in reality. »
- The study visit at Lindholmen. Very interesting to look at different types of facilities in practice and hear about the FM work within them.»
- The study visits should definitely remain. »
- the assignments, but the condition assignment should be more directed to condition assignment as it is in the reality. the visit at lindholmen was nice too»
- I think the combination of the assignments and the exam is a good way for learning and understanding what FM is about. And good that the exam question made us go back to the assignments to reflect and to acutually get the big picture of FM.»
- The guest lecture and the visits. They helped out with the understanding of what FM actually is. Because of the subject is so wide it is hard to define FM after only being in class having lectures.»
- the guset lectures and the case studies»

4. Were there any elements missing in the course?

- The european standard of FM that FM Konsulter talked about. »
- Not what I felt»
- More lectures!»
- no, maybe more practical information at case studies, how do companies ACTUALLY work with FM. »
- It would be nice to, from the start, know if the assignments are mandatory or just to collect marks. »
- Not really. Although I have a suggestion of an assignment where we could try to test the job as a facilities managers. For example handle a problem (space planning or something else) that we students have to solve with our own ideas.»
- i dont know»

5. What, if anything, do you think should be changed in the course?

- Make the visit to Lindholmen earlier in the course. Have a few seminars about the course chapters -it makes the students read it during the course and not just the days before the exam...»
- No major changes, maybe more oral feedback for the presentation assignments»
- The lectures! They have to be more specific! It felt like every lectur handle the same things over and over and they were shallow.»
- It would be nice to have a lecture in a seminar form. Like when we read the case studies from Johnson Controls, during the lesson we could have been divided into groups and discuss a case study per group and then have a open discussion about the findings. The easter assignment... The semester is 8 weeks and that not included the easter holiday and the re-examweek. Even though not that many AE-students got unfinnished courses left, the ones having should be able to focus on that. It is Chalmers plan of the semester and you should be able to fit course activities in the 8 week period. »
- Maybe one more guest lecture by a person working with FM in Sweden. This because it is very interesting to hear how different companies work.»
- I learned more about FM in a two hour gest lecture than in Phills classes. »

6. Which parts/elements of the course were the most important for your learning outcome?

If there is anything missing in the list below, please let us know! (Comments)


- The Lindholmen visit was just great!»
- The visist at Ericsson was really good and I felt that I got a broader perspective regarding the FM-part. But I thought that visist at Kuggen was not that good, it didn"t really feel that it brought something new for dicussion. »
- Really good course for us AE students!!»
- the content in the clases with Phill is not updated it maybye was good when he started here but now it is not the best. »

11 svarande

1 9%
OK»4 36%
5 45%
++»1 9%
Not relevant / I dont know»0

Genomsnitt: 2.54

11 svarande

0 0%
OK»1 11%
4 44%
++»4 44%
Not relevant / I dont know»2

Genomsnitt: 3.33

11 svarande

0 0%
OK»2 25%
5 62%
++»1 12%
Not relevant / I dont know»3

Genomsnitt: 2.87

Project work
11 svarande

0 0%
OK»0 0%
6 100%
++»0 0%
Not relevant / I dont know»5

Genomsnitt: 3

Ask questions
11 svarande

0 0%
OK»4 40%
4 40%
++»2 20%
Not relevant / I dont know»1

Genomsnitt: 2.8

Hand -ins
11 svarande

0 0%
OK»0 0%
8 88%
++»1 11%
Not relevant / I dont know»2

Genomsnitt: 3.11

11 svarande

0 0%
OK»1 11%
5 55%
++»3 33%
Not relevant / I dont know»2

Genomsnitt: 3.22

Team work
11 svarande

0 0%
OK»1 10%
4 40%
++»5 50%
Not relevant / I dont know»1

Genomsnitt: 3.4

Independent work
11 svarande

0 0%
OK»1 10%
7 70%
++»2 20%
Not relevant / I dont know»1

Genomsnitt: 3.1

Occasions with critique (feedback)
11 svarande

1 11%
OK»2 22%
5 55%
++»1 11%
Not relevant / I dont know»2

Genomsnitt: 2.66

Guest lectures
11 svarande

0 0%
OK»1 9%
3 27%
++»7 63%
Not relevant / I dont know»0

Genomsnitt: 3.54

External study visits
11 svarande

0 0%
OK»0 0%
1 9%
++»10 90%
Not relevant / I dont know»0

Genomsnitt: 3.9

Other element
9 svarande

1 33%
OK»1 33%
1 33%
++»0 0%
Not relevant / I dont know»6

Genomsnitt: 2

Genomsnitt totalt för detta stycke: 3.81

Genomsnitt totalt för alla frågor: 3.81
Beräknat jämförelseindex: 0.7

* obligatoriska frågor

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