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TKDAT 1213-3 Digitalteknik-syntes, EDA321|DIT795

Status: Avslutad
Öppen för svar: 2013-03-15 - 2013-04-12
Antal svar: 58
Procent av deltagarna som svarat: 39%
Kontaktperson: Maria Sörner»
Utbildningsprogram som genomför enkäten: Datateknik 300 hp

Opening questions

1. Which university do you belong to?

Some of our courses are taken jointly by students of the University of Gothenburg and Chalmers University of Technology. In order for us to be able to look at the answers of each student group separately, we would like you to indicate which university you are registered at.

57 svarande

University of Gothenburg»3 5%
Chalmers University of Technology»54 94%

Genomsnitt: 1.94

2. Are you a second-year student at the CSE Bachelor programme?

The Student Board of the Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) programme pays for a free afterschool meal, once per study period, for the class in the CSE programme with the highest percentage of responses to the evaluation questionaires. To make it easier for the Student Board to determine which class this is, please answer the question below.

55 svarande

Yes»29 52%
No»26 47%

Genomsnitt: 1.47

Your own effort

3. How many hours per week did you spend on this course?

We mean total time, that is, it comprises the time you spent in class and the time you spent on your own work. Try to estimate the average time over the entire study period.

58 svarande

At most 15 hours/week»11 18%
Around 20 hours/week»18 31%
Around 25 hours/week»15 25%
Around 30 hours/week»6 10%
At least 35 hours/week»8 13%

Genomsnitt: 2.68

- I knew VHDL from a previous course, "Digital construction".» (At most 15 hours/week)
- I was the second time for me taking the course.» (At most 15 hours/week)
- Very unevenly distributed over the period. Lab 3, 4 and 5 took much, much more than 4 hours of preparation and 4 hours of supervised lab time. » (Around 20 hours/week)
- Varied alot with the work pressure of the labs» (Around 20 hours/week)
- There were lots of preparations needed for the labs, and the labs needed lots of time too.» (Around 25 hours/week)
- I spent about 4-6 hours preparing the labs and 4 hours at the laboratory exercises. » (Around 25 hours/week)
- The labs took A LOT of time. » (Around 30 hours/week)
- High tempo, but not too high.» (Around 30 hours/week)
- Mostly on lab preparation » (At least 35 hours/week)

4. How large part of the teaching offered did you attend?

57 svarande

0%»2 3%
25%»4 7%
50%»7 12%
75%»12 21%
100%»32 56%

Genomsnitt: 4.19

- I only attended the labs.» (0%)
- I was the second time for me taking the course.» (50%)
- I attended the laboratory exercises and read the slides & literature since usually unable to attend lectures.» (50%)
- Almost all the labs, including other groups. Almost no lectures.» (50%)
- Very confusing lectures, hundreds of slides every time.» (75%)
- Actually about 90-95%, since I missed one lecture.» (100%)
- Missed 1-2 lectures due to sickness.» (100%)

Goals and goal fulfilment

The course syllabus states the course goals in terms of learning outcomes, i.e., knowledge, skills and attitudes to be acquired by the student during the course.

To review the learning outcomes for this course, click here. (Opens in new window)

5. How understandable are the course goals?

57 svarande

The goals are difficult to understand»5 8%
The goals give some guidance, but could be clearer»18 31%
The goals clearly describe what I am supposed to learn»34 59%

Genomsnitt: 2.5

6. Are the goals reasonable considering your background and the number of credits?

Answer this this question and the succeeding one, only if you do know the course goals.

57 svarande

No, the goals are set too low»2 3%
Yes, the goals seem reasonable»49 85%
No, the goals are set too high»6 10%

Genomsnitt: 2.07

- Felt like i lacked som pre-knowledge as electro-student. But i read digodat over 5 Years ago. I think the course was a bit hard even if I take that into acount.» (No, the goals are set too high)

7. Did the examination assess whether you have reached the goals?

57 svarande

No, not at all»2 3%
To some extent»14 24%
Yes, definitely»36 63%
I don"t know/have not been examined yet»5 8%

Genomsnitt: 2.77

- We have learnt vhdl in the whole course but nothing with vhdl was in the examination.» (To some extent)
- Several goals were not really covered by the exam or the labs, for instance: "Kunna identifiera statiska och dynamiska hasarder samt eliminera dessa [L, I, T]." "Kunna använda målteknologierna FPGA och CPLD på ett effektivt sätt [L, T]." (CPLD) "Känna till och kunna implementera enklare asynkrona sekvensnät [L, T]." "Kunna identifiera cykler och kapplöpningar i asynkrona sekvensnät och kunna eliminera dessa [L, I, T]." "Minimera ett asynkront sekvensnätet, ge det en kapplöpningsfri kodning [L, I, T]." Some of the questions in the exam were » (To some extent)
- However, since the course covers so much, the exam was way too big for just four hours. In order to correct common errors on exams, I need some time to read through what I"ve written. This time, I had almost no time at all to read through my answers, even though I didn"t answer all the questions.» (Yes, definitely)
- However, the exam was way to long. I stayed until the end and didn"t even have time to answer all the questions.» (Yes, definitely)
- The exam was good in that it covered most of the course but it was to much work. Quite a lot of students sat until the end and two of my fellow students had the same opinion.» (Yes, definitely)
- For being the first exam with a new examinator it was very good! I was surprised that it really did test if we"ve reached the goals. Good job!» (Yes, definitely)
- The examination did test of ive reached my goal, in fact it tested almost everything that had been discussed during the course, this making it almost impossible to answer all question on the written exam. » (Yes, definitely)

Teaching and course administration

8. To what extent has the teaching been of help for your learning?

57 svarande

Small extent»7 12%
Some extent»17 29%
Large extent»23 40%
Great extent»10 17%

Genomsnitt: 2.63

- Barely any at all. The lectures were mostly confusing, and when it came to the lab part, the assistants were not very helpful at all. Some exercise moments (and exercises!) would really have helped.» (Small extent)
- Christian var grym, men dom andra var dryga, eller ohjälpsamma.» (Small extent)
- I was absent during all lectures and exercises.» (Small extent)
- too many slides to go through, the teacher did not have time to explain about everything.» (Some extent)
- The lectures were pretty ok, but the lab help was at times sub par. One of the supervisors had a tendency not to help, but to just say that something was wrong, without giving any guidance as to what to do about it. » (Some extent)
- The lecturer was really good but since he had to build the course during the actual course period there were some things that could"ve worked out better.» (Some extent)
- Needs exercise sessions each week, not just once in the entire course! The lectures could be better, now the slides are basically just read out loud» (Some extent)
- For next year, it would be good to move some teaching from the lectures to exercises. For example Quine McCluskey is an excellent exercise, but not that good to cover in a lecture. You need to test it yourself. So maybe change one lecture each week to an exercise instead. » (Large extent)
- The lecture slides, book and laboratory assistance was very good.» (Large extent)
- Easy to follow slides, but in som cases some steps where not explained, this was however done in the course literature (for example quine-mccluskey)» (Large extent)
- not the first lab memos though» (Large extent)
- Since most of the exam was based on the lectures, the lectures were great to attend.» (Great extent)
- Lectures have been great, the teacher is very good.» (Great extent)

9. To what extent has the course literature and other material been of help for your learning?

57 svarande

Small extent»24 42%
Some extent»18 31%
Large extent»11 19%
Great extent»4 7%

Genomsnitt: 1.91

- Mostly used google to find articles online..» (Small extent)
- Rörigt, dåligt skrivet, elak lättja och otydliga steg under laborationerna.» (Small extent)
- We just followed the slides... I think it"s better to use a book rather than just slides, though the slides were very good there isn"t enough fact to learn everything from just these slides.» (Small extent)
- The was no exercises to do from the lecture until week 6. Hard to learn from just one theoretical example from slides.» (Small extent)
- We payed alot of money for a book we barely used...» (Small extent)
- Mostly searched on the net, asked lab assistants and friends for pointers.» (Small extent)
- Didn"t use the book until the end when there were exercises to do» (Small extent)
- Quite good exercises regarding minimization, but the book doesn"t cover the entire course.» (Some extent)
- The slides were helpful. I did not use the book much, other than for the exercises. » (Some extent)
- The lecture slides have been good. The book was good sometimes.» (Some extent)
- The example tasks where great!» (Large extent)
- Studied the slides and did some problems in the book before the exam» (Large extent)
- Good slides!» (Great extent)
- The lecture slides are superb, didn"t have to open the book once.» (Great extent)

10. How well did the course administration, web page, handouts etc work?

57 svarande

Very badly»6 10%
Rather badly»5 8%
Rather well»25 43%
Very well»21 36%

Genomsnitt: 3.07

- All the lap pms came out too late to give us a chance to prepare properly, and when they came it was hardly clear what we were supposed to done at home as preparation. The processor specefication, lab pms and everything else weere frequently updated so it was hard to know if you were actually looking at the latest version.» (Very badly)
- We could get the PMs less than four days in advance and where still supposed to be prepared on the day of the lab.» (Very badly)
- More than 1000 slides over a 7 week period. And when I say more than 1000 slides I"m not exaggerating» (Very badly)
- Was planned during the course. Unacceptable. » (Very badly)
- Lab PMs were poorly written which made it hard to firstly prepare for the labs since we didn"t really know what was supposed to be prepared, and secondly it was hard to understand certain parts at all.» (Very badly)
- ping pong är bättre än det gamla, men fortfarande omöjligt att få vanliga frågor besvarade. man måste ha alldeles för svåra frågor för att få hjälp i forumen.» (Rather badly)
- Every pm was updated and changed. Not much information about deadlines.» (Rather badly)
- At the beginning of the course, the web page didnt contain enough information. The labs where handed out to late, making it hard to finish them in time.» (Rather badly)
- However, the labs were quite confusing at times.» (Rather well)
- The first weeks the lab-PM was handed out too late, but other than that it was very good.» (Rather well)
- The labpms weren"t that good, they should be done at the start of the course» (Rather well)
- Iannis was quick in response if we had questions, and the Ping Pong system suited this course very well. However, the Lab PM"s changed way too close to the lab for the second lab, howerver Iannis made sure that this didn"t happen with the following labs.» (Very well)
- Pingpong works very well.» (Very well)
- Ping Pong were used and the lecturer posted all slides in advance. Everything needed for the labs were also found at pingpong.» (Very well)

Study climate

11. How were the opportunities for asking questions and getting help?

57 svarande

Very poor»5 8%
Rather poor»6 10%
Rather good»23 40%
Very good»17 29%
I did not seek help»6 10%

Genomsnitt: 3.22

- Very, very poor. No exercise moments at all, the only available help was for the lab parts and only during the labs themselves (which led to people attending multiple labs per week). And even that help did not give very much.» (Very poor)
- En av dom sämsta kurserna hittills. Nästan lika dålig som datastrukturer. Tyvärr måste jag säga samma om parallell programmeringen :(» (Very poor)
- I"m sorry to say this but Sven is by far the rudest person I have ever meet. Often he refused to help you because your problem was too big and if you did get help he helped you for 20 sec and then left. If you asked him to stay and explain you got told off! The others were okey, just a bit unexperienced.» (Very poor)
- One of the lab supervisors did not help much. » (Rather poor)
- Lab attendants were generally very busy, it did take a while to demonstrate labs since that queue wasn"t prioritized.» (Rather poor)
- Too many fell behind in the labs (including my group) making the lab assistants constantly busy, resulting in large queuing times.» (Rather poor)
- Simple questions through Ping Pong worked great, however getting help during the labs were sometimes not that good. I think that either we should have extra preparation slots where we could ask a supervisor for help prior to the lab slot, or that the labs have an extra supervisor.» (Rather good)
- it took time to get help in the labs, because it was hard to understand what to do.» (Rather good)
- Need more TAs on the labs. During two occassions we had to wait an hour for demonstration because people who were behind on labs got priority on the help. This was really frustrating, especially if there was something we had to fix - because then we had to wait another hour to demonstrate or get help.» (Rather good)
- It would have been better with scheduled excercises every week. (I know that there was office time where we could get help).» (Rather good)
- I dit not like the system they have to help people in the lab were they first help the pople that lagging. This resultet in a very long waiting time when you needed help with the current lab. My suggestion to solve this is to have a common queue for every lab.» (Rather good)
- Some instructors was not very helpful and there was long time to wait before getting any help.» (Rather good)
- I wanted som more excercise lectures, one was held in the last week of the course, but more of theese was needed» (Rather good)
- Got answers fast by email.» (Very good)
- I used the office hours to get help with the labs a few times. The lab assistents were very helpful.» (Very good)

12. How well has cooperation between you and your fellow students worked?

57 svarande

Very poorly»1 1%
Rather poorly»2 3%
Rather well»15 26%
Very well»35 61%
I did not seek cooperation»4 7%

Genomsnitt: 3.68

- My lab partner jumped the course a bit in. It was then too much work to match me up with another as everyone were on different labs.» (Rather poorly)
- When we waited for help during the labs, we discussed some solutions with other groups and helped eachother to locate bugs.» (Very well)
- Hade tur att jobba med en driven kille som inte ger upp.» (Very well)

13. How was the course workload?

57 svarande

Too low»0 0%
Low»2 3%
Adequate»32 56%
High»12 21%
Too high»11 19%

Genomsnitt: 3.56

- I know many others who have spent 25-30 hours on just one of the labs, so I think I and my partner were lucky to be able to finish them faster. » (Adequate)
- The laboratory exercises required quite a lot of work and quite a lot of groups seem to have struggled to complete all labs.» (Adequate)
- Lots of preparations for the labs and falling behind in the labs due to bugs was a bit stressfull.» (High)
- The labs was high workload but not too high.» (High)
- Way to high at times, but over all high.» (High)
- Some weeks there were a lot to do with the labs (weeks 2 and 3).» (High)
- Way, way too high. Spending 16+ hours a week on only the labs is way too much, especially when doing the labs won"t help you study for the exam since there are two completely different moments. On top of that comes the lectures you try to understand, and then trying to squeeze some time in to read the thousands of slides which actually was the only available material to study for the exam. » (Too high)
- Kände mig helt utsliten efter detta, på ett jobbigt sätt. Hade kursmaterialet och hjälpen varit bättre hade man kanske behövt halva jobbinsantsen.» (Too high)
- The lab"s took alot of time» (Too high)

14. How was the total workload this study period?

57 svarande

Too low»0 0%
Low»2 3%
Adequate»28 49%
High»16 28%
Too high»11 19%

Genomsnitt: 3.63

- The other course I took at the same time was easier. » (Adequate)
- Lots of labs and preparations in both courses.» (High)
- A lot of assignments to hand in.» (High)
- A lot of time went into the labs but not too much.» (High)
- we had a project course, so this course took to much time.» (Too high)
- Very high. This course with its labs along with Concurrent programming and the labs in that course led to a really tough workload. The last exam was yesterday, yet me and my labpartner will spend the whole weekend at school trying to finish up two labs and one lab report due monday. On another, related note, having labs placed well inte the last two weeks of the courses is idiotic. We don"t have time enough to study for the exams.» (Too high)
- To much time spent o laborations. » (Too high)

Summarizing questions

15. What is your general impression of the course?

57 svarande

Poor»5 8%
Fair»5 8%
Adequate»10 17%
Good»25 43%
Excellent»12 21%

Genomsnitt: 3.59 (bidrar till totalt genomsnitt/jämförelseindex)

- Worst course I"ve had n Chalmers to date.» (Poor)
- In the beginning poor, but since Iannis really listens to our opinions regarding the course and tries to improve what he can improve.» (Adequate)
- Good course!» (Good)
- The first 2 weeks, when the lab-PM where published late, the course was less good. BUT after that it has only gotten better.» (Good)
- Considering it was the first time it was given it was a really good effort. The teachers are very committed to the course, very nice.» (Good)
- I learned a lot during this course, the work load was some times to high but im very satisfied with the learning outcome» (Good)
- I loved the VHDL language so this became one of my favorite courses.» (Excellent)
- this was a good course! I really enjoyed the labs and expecially that there was a "red line" in the lab course. An excellent way to improve the knowledge and functionallity of a processor» (Excellent)
- Big thumbs up to Yanis and the team, they seem to have worked hard with the course and done it well. :)» (Excellent)

16. What should definitely be preserved to next year?

- The labs.»
- The labs were interesting, and Iannis is a good teacher. I also like the concept with two optional labs, they were good and as an extra bonus they gave 10 extra points to the exam.»
- Making a CPU»
- i loved the laborations, and i really dont think they were that hard to get done in the time given»
- visiting clean room»
- The layout of the course. That the labs cover vhdl and the exam the rest.»
- The wish to improve the course and to take students" opinions into account. »
- Lab goals, it"s very interesting to have a full project to work on, designing different parts of the ChAcc processor was very interesting.»
- Nothing»
- The teacher, the labs.»
- Räkneuppgifter på tentan.»
- The way this course separated the lab part (VHDL) and the more theoretical part for the exam.»
- Ioannis was very good as a lecturer. I especially liked how he always asked "Do you want me to go trough it again?" and then he went trough it again, helped a lot. Many teachers just keep going.»
- The labs! »
- the labs»
- The labs! Excellent to build something that actually works! Because the labs were new to this year, there are some things that could be improved to next year. Some things were unclear in the lab-PM. For example the seventh lab, where you should use another top-model. The PM didn"t say anything about that. And The power-consumption should be looked up in each step rather than last in the lab, when you need to go back and do settings for speed and area again. The lab report was a bit too large, and it should be more clear that you need to look through these questions when you are in the lab. For example, if you read the lab 7 instructions for the report, you find out that you need to check some things in the lab again...»
- Christian Isaksson! He did a very god job as an lab-assistants. Extremely god at explanation and very friendly. »
- Yannis!»
- The introduction lab. I have taken this course before but the vhdl assignments were really hard to just jump into as we were expected to do, and I gave up on the course pretty early. The introduction lab was extremely helpful in introducing the leb environment and the language.»
- The good comunication.»
- The labs were great, if you spend just a little more time on the lab notes they will be even better. I"d like to see more information about the optimization parameters in the software and an explanation about area. What is a slice etc. Thanks!»
- The labs. But, point out that there are considerable work to prepare for those. It was quite at shock the first time.»
- Sven»
- The laboration. »
- the labs, »
- The laborations»
- The laborations»
- The same kind of enthusiasm to teach from the lecturer, which made lectures a whole lot more fun to attend overall.»
- The labs, very fun and motivational.»

17. What should definitely be changed to next year?

- We need either an extra supervisor in the labs or preparation slots with a supervisor (like in the fundamental course Dig o Dat), otherwise it"s almost impossible to manage to get the labs done in time.»
- Do as you did this year. The labpm could been clearer»
- maybe a slightly shorter exam, i barly had time to answer all of the questions»
- the labs are too difficult. lab pm should be easier to understand. too many lecture slides.»
- Either the labs need to be reworked, or there needs to be more help with preparation. Or there could be other exercises to do as preparation before the labs. The one exercise demonstration session that we had was extremely poorly prepared. It did not cover minimization of functions of 5 or 6 variables. Many mistakes were made during the demonstration. 40 minutes or so was spent on discussing Karnaugh diagrams of 4 variables, which we already know from a previous course. Testing was not covered at all, since it was "too messy and error-prone to do it on the black board". »
- Maybe more lab attendants»
- The labs (they take way too much time, especially when they won"t help you on the final exam. A few bonus points if you make the optional labs are not enough!), lectures (with hundreds of slides in no particular order at all..) and the total absence of exercises.»
- More TAs on the labs, more lab times maybe?»
- Handledarna, förrutom Christian. Han skall ni ha kvar.»
- We are used to have the lab part of the course being a large part of the exam part as well. I believe separating these in this course was good. But we were informed that VHDL was not going to be a part of the exam in week 5 which is to late. Better be clear about that from week 1. The lab chain was good and educational but it would be good if what the lab-pms and the writing guide lines for the lab report told us to document the same things. We had to redo some simulations at a later time due to the writing guide lines being more extensive on the documentation part of the labs than what was informed in the pms.»
- The use of a switch as master_load_enable. Maybe the use of a button without contact bounces would be better.»
- it could be good with a few exercise sessions, maybe once a week or once every second week.»
- Less slides. And more material from the book. And one exercise each week.»
- Have a talk with Sven Knutsson, very very poor help during the labs. We asked many times the same questions and got confusing answerers. When we asked the same question the other lab-assistants we got a clearly answer and could continue with the lab. He also was very rude at some points during the labs. Instead of trying to help us we wanted to be "effective" by giving a "one-line" answer and then just go away again...»
- Remove Sven and make sure that the labs are done before the course started!»
- Lighter workload in the labs.»
- The fourth lab (controller implementation with FSM) was a lot harder than the rest of the labs. My group spent more time on that than the rest of the labs combined (by a large margin). I would prefer that it would be split in two labs. The fifth lab (testbench) could be skipped all together because I didn"t feel that building a testbench was rewarding as the biggest problem was reading from a file and that didn"t seem relevant to the course.»
- Sometimes the lab-PM were har to understand, it would be good to make them clearer for next year, epsecially lab 2 and 3.»
- Angelos was a great lab attendant, one of the better i"ve come across. Paying that blonde swedish guy is a waste of money, he has some serious attitude problems.»
- Exercises should be introduced. It is a good way to study for the exam! »
- I would have liked if there had been scheduled exercises of the same sort that was on the exam. The exercises covered during the lectures could have been covered there instead.»
- It was not alot of information about the lab-report that we had to hand in, so maybe some more information about that.»
- No labreport. the exam discuss the content of the labs. »
- There should be fewer labs to complete and some exercise sessions instead.»
- firday afternoon lectures»
- Better forsight in preparing the lab-assistants for the laborations»
- Labs earlier handed out, theese should also be more clearly "defined". »
- The lab pms. They were very unclear on what to actually do in some assignments, and in some cases contained factual errors. The processor specifications was what one had to use mostly to figure out what should be done, and it might have helped if the lab pms pointed to appropriate pages for certain things, such as when creating the FSM, would tell us we had tables for the opcodes behavior.»
- Nothing.»
- I would"ve preferred if we followed a course book more clearly instead of the slides to such large extent. I also think that the course covers a bit too much material briefly. I"d prefer if some parts were skipped in favor of some deeper knowledge about some of the more important parts. Also, VHDL exercises would"ve been appreciated - at least in the beginning.»
- Much better written lab PMs.»
- The teahers that are in charge of the course should really take help from more experienced teachers at the school to get the course layout right. I can"t say anything good about this course. Laborations were way too time-consuming and there are way better approaches to benifit the learning of the course material. The communication teacher-students was non-existent through the whole course. The list goes on and on... But I think that the worst part was when the examinator of the course branded almost every student that took the course as idiots in LV2 because almost nobody were able to finnish the laboration we were supposed to do that week.»
- Integrate the lab report guidelines into the individual lab PMs»
- Tell from the start that VHDL is not going to be on the exam. Based on the content of the first lectures, we thought VHDL would be the important thing on the exam and didn"t focus as much on the other parts, those that were actually in the exam!»

18. Additional comments

- I would be nice knowing what would be tested on the exam earlier, but I know it won"t happen next year as the course is "new".»
- Keep up the good work Iannis, you"re a great teacher that listens to our opinions.»
- The help during the labs was often quite bad. Sven often just looked at our code for 30 seconds, then just left, before we could say "we have already tried that" or needing further help. The vast majority of the time we ended up getting no help at all and just went back into the queue. Christian and Angelo was a lot better.»
- It would be great to have access to the assembler, so that we can write our own programs.»
- The labs can become more clearly, the pdf were hard to understand. At some points most of the lab-time went to understand the LAB-PM not the Lab-task.»
- Great course. The labs were more rewarding and easier to grasp than last time I tried taking the course.»
- I enjoyed Ioannis way of teaching a lot. He seemed to care about the course and he did seem to put a lot of effort into it.»
- Nice course on the whole! Let"s see how the results turn out ,)»
- I really liked the course :-)»
- The lab assignment was made ​,​,as if we already had some good knowledge in VHDL. No exercise to do from what you have learned from the lectures which make hard to learn just from studying more then 1000 slides.»
- :)»
- None»
Genomsnitt totalt för detta stycke: 3.59

Genomsnitt totalt för alla frågor: 3.59
Beräknat jämförelseindex: 0.64

Kursutvärderingssystem från