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Examination Autumn 2012
Status: Avslutad Öppen för svar: 2013-01-14 - 2013-03-14 Antal svar: 21 Procent av deltagarna som svarat: 70% Kontaktperson: Saddek Rehal» Utbildningsprogram som genomför enkäten: Arkitektur 300 hp Utbildningsprogram studenten tillhör: Arkitektur 300 hp
Preparation to start thesis work1. Have you followed one of the preparation course before you started your thesis work?21 svarande
Yes» | | 10 | | 47% |
No» | | 11 | | 52% |
Genomsnitt: 1.52 - Jag läste Leadership hösten 2011, jag tyckte inte den var särskilt bra förutom att den fick mig att börja fundera på mitt ex-jobb.» (Yes)
- leadership in architecture... Maja K. & Marie Strid» (Yes)
- The leadership course schould have a seperate eveluation which is written, not a discussion on a class. » (Yes)
- I took the leadership course (fall 2010)» (Yes)
- I feel i could almost be without it. The first part, first week was good but rest was more like repetition. Maby make it shorter would be an idea.» (Yes)
- I did not know about that.» (No)
- Since I made my master in three semesters, I prefered to use my study time with a design course. » (No)
Information2. What is your opinion about the information and guidance to start the thesis work?(Very bad 1 - Very good 5)21 svarande
1» | | 4 | | 19% |
2» | | 3 | | 14% |
3» | | 6 | | 28% |
4» | | 7 | | 33% |
5» | | 1 | | 4% |
Genomsnitt: 2.9 - There was no guidance on what a thesis should be or include. There was no feedback on the initial written idea for thesis that was handed in before the start of the semester. It seemed that our studio (MSS) was not aware of the first report and we had to hand in a new one a few weeks later.» (1)
- Almost no information were given before the semester started. I had no possibility to follow a prep course and felt a little bit omitted regarding information and guidelines. What makes a good thesis? A one hour lecture and time to ask questions the first day of the semester (or even sooner) I think would have helped me a lot.
No feedback were given on the project plan or subject. My studio (MSS) did not seem aware of that I already handed in a project plan and requested a similar text but in other format (that never were read either).» (1)
- No feedback was given on any of the planning reports - neither the first draft or the final one. The final was met with "ok, go" but no support in refining topic or questions. » (1)
- It is unacceptable to get the thesis project plan approved the same day the semester starts. Students also need to plan their lives.» (1)
- I did not get enough information about the thesis and had to seek it myself. It was a lot of confusion in the beginning (and actually through the whole thesis) about what was expected of me and how I would do the thesis, mostly the practicalities.» (2)
- all information was from the leadership course and not from the school, examiner or tutors» (2)
- Hard to know who to ask about different things. Hard to get emails answered. » (2)
- Up until right before we started it was not decided if we should find a supervisor our selves or if the school should do it. That should be clear.» (3)
- The examiner and supervisor list is a little bit confused.» (4)
- A lot of information, the challange is to keep everything in mind.» (4)
3. What is your opinion about the relevance and accessibility of the information on the website?(Very bad 1 - Very good 5)20 svarande
1» | | 2 | | 10% |
2» | | 6 | | 30% |
3» | | 8 | | 40% |
4» | | 4 | | 20% |
5» | | 0 | | 0% |
Genomsnitt: 2.7 - Have not used website» (?)
- Old information is mixed with new and some information is not on the website or it is in many different locations.» (1)
- I had a lot of questions I mailed different persons but everybody forward me to someone else.» (1)
- What website? The information that i could find was spread out all over different parts of the Chalmers web page. » (2)
- all information was from the leadership course and not from the school, examiner or tutors» (2)
- Information is hard to find and not always up to date (sometimes, when the date says 2009 and such, it"s hard to know if the document is still used, the list of the examiners to choose from was hard to use for the same reason). Could be more collected, clear and easier to overlook. And the dates for the final seminars could be told much earlier. » (2)
- It"s pretty easy to get lost on the Chalmers website, overall.» (2)
- I find it tricky to find relevant information on the webpage and there is alot of diffrent things with simular names and it´,s not collected in one place.» (3)
- As said, I think there is not much information available.» (3)
- not sure.» (3)
4. What is your opinion about the information regarding the different procedures from start to final public presentation?21 svarande
1» | | 1 | | 4% |
2» | | 6 | | 28% |
3» | | 6 | | 28% |
4» | | 6 | | 28% |
5» | | 2 | | 9% |
Genomsnitt: 3.09 - all information was from the leadership course and not from the school, examiner or tutors» (1)
- There were no given steps or information or guidelines about what was supposed to be achieved to every mid critique.» (2)
- I read the master thesis guidelines that I downloaded from the homepage which holds some information. However I felt that the studio (MSS) were not concerned about following these guidelines and the schedule and information were vague. Organization of final public presentation were good!» (2)
- I think there is not much information.» (2)
- The information is hard to find and comes to late. But when the informations comes, it"s good. But it"s hard to plan the work when you don"t know when to do what, and in this case two or three weeks is a long time to wait for the right information. » (2)
- Jag tycker den mesta information har fungerat bra, det som varit oklart har handlat om utställningsveckan och de slutliga inlämningarna. Jag uppfattade det t.ex. att man skulle hängt upp senast söndag kl 12.00 när det (enligt Tabita) var fredag kl 12 som gällde, att så många missuppfattat detta tror jag gav Tabita mycket extra besvär vilket är tråkigt eftersom hon arbetat så hårt med utställningen. Så tycker jag det skulle finnas något system för de rapporter (två exemplar) som ska lämnas in till Chalmers. Reproservice binder ju inte enstaka rapporter och om man går till något företag på stan blir det genast väldigt dyrt. Hur är det meningen att man ska göra egentligen?» (3)
- The general information has been good, (about schedule etc) but the internal has been very little. » (3)
- Seems like the two main info sources were the August guidelines document from Ana, and the December email from Saddek. I guess together they covered it all.» (4)
- Good because of the guidelines and that I had an informed examiner and supervisor. I missed information on how long the presentations at the seminar and exhibition should have been.» (4)
- There is sufficient information.» (4)
- No problems (as with most things regarding the thesis, it"s always easy to get information when you ask the right person. On the web, it"s quite hard to find anything except contact information, really)» (4)
5. What is your opinion about the information regarding the requirements to achieve a good thesis work?(Very bad 1 - Very good 5)21 svarande
1» | | 3 | | 14% |
2» | | 3 | | 14% |
3» | | 6 | | 28% |
4» | | 9 | | 42% |
5» | | 0 | | 0% |
Genomsnitt: 3 - The first month of the thesis I still didn"t have a tutor and we hadn"t had a start meeting yet discussing my subject. Some clear advices really could have prevented my confusion/frustration.» (1)
- all information was from the leadership course and not from the school, examiner or tutors» (1)
- I have not seen or been provided with any requirements or suggestions for how to make a good thesis work. » (1)
Thesis work, supervision, examination, work environment and administration6. What is your opinion about the supervision you got during your thesis work?(Very bad 1 - Very good 5)21 svarande
1» | | 1 | | 4% |
2» | | 1 | | 4% |
3» | | 4 | | 19% |
4» | | 5 | | 23% |
5» | | 10 | | 47% |
Genomsnitt: 4.04 - Our supervision started very late, and was very fragmentaric. At the end of the work period, three tutorials were simply cancelled. I never had any final meeting with any supervisor, to be prepared for final presentations. » (1)
- we had our first start up meeting with our examiner three weeks after the start-up even though we had asked for one several times before. No reply by either tutors or the examiner.
We had our mid-critic in week 7 and it was not a proper mid-critic according to requirments from "Guidelines for..."
We did not recive enough tutoring - not even close to once every second week. No tutor followed our work during the whole process.
At the final examine only one external critic attended and he had not read our reports before the seminar. No internal crits were presents only our examiner and the tutors.
The date of the final seminar changed the two days before hand-in to one week later - cause very much stress for us students who had already entered a "final-days-mode"....» (2)
- Comparing to other it seems I have had good supervision, although I feel there were many cancellations. My most important point here is to START THE TUTORING IN TIME! I had my first individual tutoring 1,5 months into the project, when (of course) subject and project already were decided.» (3)
- It would be better if you knew from the beginning how many hours supervision you had and how you could use them during the term. Now the supervision worked very well some times, but some times I didn"t get any supervision at all (when the supervisior didn"t have time?) It"s hard to not get supervision in critical points of the work. But as I wrote, the supervision worked well when it happend. » (3)
- i did not got a place, room, to work in the three first weeks of the job.» (3)
- I was lucky to have a good tutor.» (4)
- But, in retrospect - there was too little discussions/guidance about the architectural result (design and construction) and too much about formalities and how to present the work.» (4)
- I got the help I asked for (which probably was too little, but that"s entirely my fault)» (4)
- Daniel Norell, dedicated, accessible and helpful during the whole process.» (5)
- Jag har kanske haft väldig tur men min handledare har alltid haft gott om tid för att prata med mig och även varit väldigt tillgänglig via mail där jag alltid fått snabba svar på mina frågor och funderingar.» (5)
- I had a techer who had time for me.» (5)
- I am very content with my supervisor.» (5)
7. What is your opinion about the mid seminar?(Very bad 1 - Very good 5)21 svarande
1» | | 0 | | 0% |
2» | | 2 | | 9% |
3» | | 2 | | 9% |
4» | | 9 | | 42% |
5» | | 8 | | 38% |
Genomsnitt: 4.09 - A lot of input came to late in the process.» (2)
- we had the seminar three weeks before set date and it was not a "pass/fail" for the final seminar.
Neither was there any requirements for students to read through each others work make a proper opposition.» (2)
- It clearified some issues.» (4)
- Organized» (4)
- The seminar was ok, but scheduled a bit too early in the process to be completely relevant. » (4)
- Väldigt bra och intressant att se de andra studenternas arbeten, bra att det inte är så många studenter per grupp heller eftersom det är lätt att bli trött efter ett antal presentationer.» (5)
- very ok.» (5)
8. What is your opinion about feedback and comments from/to students during your work process?(Very bad 1 - Very good 5)21 svarande
1» | | 0 | | 0% |
2» | | 1 | | 4% |
3» | | 9 | | 42% |
4» | | 7 | | 33% |
5» | | 4 | | 19% |
Genomsnitt: 3.66 - Unfortunately, I did not get any but that is for personal reasons.» (2)
- We didn"t talk much.» (3)
- Om ni menar samtal emellan studenter har det ju blivit vad vi själva gjort det till, jag har haft en jag pratat mycket med vilket varit skönt eftersom jag skrev mitt arbete själv. Jag tror inte jag hade velat ha arrangerade gruppseminarier. Det har fungerat bra så här tycker jag.» (3)
- Few students doing similar/relevant topics to discuss work together.» (3)
- Because of the late start-up the atmosphere in the group was negatively affected and caused a lot of stress which I believe affected the whole work process.» (3)
- Thought through.» (3)
- could be more follow ups.» (3)
9. What is your opinion about the final seminar (examination), have you been judged seriously by the jury?(Very bad 1 - Very good 5)21 svarande
1» | | 1 | | 4% |
2» | | 1 | | 4% |
3» | | 1 | | 4% |
4» | | 11 | | 52% |
5» | | 7 | | 33% |
Genomsnitt: 4.04 - No feedback from students or the examiner. Some from the tutors which was useful. Almost all the time was used by the the one external jury member that was present. He had not read our reports and seemed very uninterested in the presentations as he flipped through his facebook during our presentations....
» (1)
- Our external jury had not studied any material on beforehand, as we had been informed he would. Accordingly, the discussion was very poor and not so relevant. I got the feeling that only one of the entire jury persons had actually read my entire work. » (2)
- Jag tycker det var konstruktiv kritik och att mitt arbete fungerade som en grund att även föra en mer allmän diskussion kring ämnet vilket jag alltid tyckt varit viktigt under utbildningen, alltså sjäva diskussionen och inte enbart hur "bra" något är. Men jag tror det är viktigt att hitta kritiker som har en relation till det man arbetar med och som även förstår vad man fokuserat mest på så att kritiken inte plötsligt handlar om saker man inte fokuserat på och därför inte utvecklat så mycket.» (4)
- Did not receive much constructive criticism.» (4)
- It was very good!» (4)
- Thought trough.» (4)
- Great jury, and while it"s good to take the time needed for each project, the schedule was followed a bit too loosely which was a bit unfair for the students presenting late in the evening.» (4)
- They were very good and serious.» (5)
- very good. finally got some serious critic. » (5)
10. What is your opinion about the physical work environment?(Very bad 1 - Very good 5)19 svarande
1» | | 0 | | 0% |
2» | | 2 | | 10% |
3» | | 6 | | 31% |
4» | | 9 | | 47% |
5» | | 2 | | 10% |
Genomsnitt: 3.57 - I was not at Chalmers at all» (?)
- Uninspiring, bad air, too many people in the same room disturbing each other.
We had hoped for computers in the same room that were allotted us. Though nice to have that room.» (2)
- the school needs restoration to get at higher number. atlest better vent system.» (2)
- Jag har jobbat hemma så jag kan inte säga så mycket om den. Jag hade nog inte kunnat sitta på skolan och arbetat om jag inte hade haft ett helt eget rum för mig själv och det förstår jag skulle orsaka en ekonomisk katastrof på skolan.» (3)
- printers did not work well.» (3)
- I did not work at the school.» (3)
- Slow computers» (4)
- Very good to have our own offices available.» (4)
- We got a nice room on the fifth floor. The only negative part was the lack of computers, poor ventilation and very low temperature.» (4)
- These rooms are really nice at V-huset.» (5)
- I worked from home though» (5)
11. What is your opinion about the administration and coordination of all the events from registration to final presentation?(Very bad 1 - Very good 5)21 svarande
1» | | 0 | | 0% |
2» | | 3 | | 14% |
3» | | 6 | | 28% |
4» | | 8 | | 38% |
5» | | 4 | | 19% |
Genomsnitt: 3.61 - Administration about registration and final presentation OK, but organization of studio (MSS) leaves much to be desired.» (2)
- We got to know who our examiner and tutor were the same date as the start-up date - even though we had handed in a proper project plan in time and preinfo about subject and wanted examiner+tutor before the summer.
We more or less never received any information from the school - only in the end where saddek provided us with information about public press, exhibition, party etc. The final part worked well!
No space on the servers was arranged for the thesis students which we got erik to fix after a couple of weeks.
» (2)
- i did not got a place, room, to work in the three first weeks of the job.
hard to find information on the website. it really bad. this is one of the first impression you get when you start your studdy at Chalmers, please change it to better..» (2)
- the beginning was unclear and hoard to get information about what to do. the final exam and critique was good.» (3)
- Good, but the information should preferably be sent out earlier in all cases.» (4)
- Saddek was very helpful also Tabita for the exibition» (5)
Exhibition and public presentation and censors’, roll12. What is your opinion about the value of the public presentation?(Very bad 1 - Very good 5)21 svarande
1» | | 0 | | 0% |
2» | | 2 | | 9% |
3» | | 6 | | 28% |
4» | | 6 | | 28% |
5» | | 7 | | 33% |
Genomsnitt: 3.85 - For me, it didn"t feel relevant, but I can see the point of it.» (2)
- To me personally it has little value, but I can see how it has value to the school.» (3)
- It is an opportunity to share the work with outsiders, like classmates, family and friends, but it is a shame that it is during working hours. It should be in the evening, several days, or during the weekend. And the censors should be well aware of that they critisize the university and not the student. My proposal is that the censors do not give any comments at all during the presentation or after, but only to the teachers and the ones responsible for the course and the education. The jury has already passed the thesis so I do not see any point in getting critics again. It would be useful if the censors actually celebrated the work and gave positive feedback, but I attended several presentations, both this year and last, and they are actually mean and give negative critique which is not something you want to hear when you are done.» (3)
- good with a public discussion and presentation but since the examinors and censors did not present themselves and their role properly it was very confusing to the audience.
As all the students presenting are passed the discussion should be more of a discussion and not only critical judgement which a lot of us though it turned out to be.
» (3)
- It is good to showcase what we have done.» (4)
- Important to have as a final.» (4)
- Jag tycker det är befriande att ha en presentation efter det att man blivit godkänd. Det är bra och kul att kunna bjuda in vänner och bekanta så de får se vad man sysslar med. Utställningen är ju viktig även för de som ska skriva ex-jobb kommande terminer. Men jag tycker det är lite oklart vad det stora syftet är med den publika presentationen, själv valde jag att göra en presentation och en utställning riktad till en allmän publik och inte enbart för censorn. Det skulle vara bra att veta hur censorn läser in sig innan man planerar (och om det är just censorn man ska koncentrera sig på att kommunicera sitt arbete för).» (5)
- Good for students which are going to do their thesis soon.
Doesn"t feel very important when the presentations is in the cellar. Are Chalmers proud of their master thesis?» (5)
13. What is your opinion about the organization of the exhibition?(Very bad 1 - Very good 5)21 svarande
1» | | 0 | | 0% |
2» | | 1 | | 4% |
3» | | 2 | | 9% |
4» | | 12 | | 57% |
5» | | 6 | | 28% |
Genomsnitt: 4.09 - The catalogue was a joke, regarding layout. What went wrong? Exhibition alright, spatial organisation little bit strange. Poster not good. Why was there no pr? I talked to GP, they wern"t informed of the events. I would suggest GP, GT, Metro and Nöjesguiden at least were invited to the presentations.» (2)
- Den skulle varit på en vardag då det redan är folk i byggnaden. Invign samma dag som presentationerna då föräldrar är på plats. Lite mer ceremoni hade då vart fint» (3)
- Lite oklart med tider för upphängning samt info om bindning av rapport, annars har det gått bra.» (4)
- Seemed nice and well organised.» (4)
- The design of it could have been less messy in my opinion. But it was well done.» (4)
- The exhibition was very well organized but it"s a problem having deadlines during the well needed christmas break (like the deadline for the catalogue at december 28) It feels a little too much to have one final seminar and then one final exhibit, maybe it could be organized some other way. » (4)
- Very well done!» (5)
- the only negative part must be that the other classes (åk 1-4) have not started their semester yet which means that quite many missed the opportunity to visit the exhibition.
» (5)
- The exhibition was fine, but really a pity that it was scheduled when the bachelor program is still on vacations. » (5)
14. What is your opinion about the presence of a censor at your presentation?(Very bad 1 - Very good 5)21 svarande
1» | | 1 | | 4% |
2» | | 3 | | 14% |
3» | | 3 | | 14% |
4» | | 9 | | 42% |
5» | | 5 | | 23% |
Genomsnitt: 3.66 - My censor had not looked at my project before the presentation and did not know the field in which it was performed. Therefore, I sadly did not get much out of the comments. In the future, the knowledge of the censor should be matched better to the field of the thesis.» (1)
- I don"t mind the presence but I think they shouldn"t give any comments.» (2)
- All the censors had quite similar approach as they all more or less had their education in UK which perhaps is a but misleading?
I believe that the censors more focused on who their own interests were handled and processed in the projects rather then the intentions of the students and their guiding question.
» (2)
- The censor hadn"t red the project in advance so she couldn"t say too much of value.» (2)
- Not much discussion, which gave me the feeling that the censors were not very informed about the different projects.» (3)
- Good if they are prepared and interested which perhaps wasn"t always the case this time.» (4)
- Was the first time I got true, thoughtful, and critical feedback. However some comments are not relevant because they do not know the context.» (4)
- It was very nice, but it felt like the cencor hadn"t had time to read the whole work, more been looking at the posters at the exhibit, which is a problem since some of the things the cencor asked about was well explained in my work. Maybe the cencors should have time to read the work like the jury did, especially when a thesis contains more theoretical parts. » (4)
- Its very important for higher the quality of chalmers architecture. Today it to low pressure of the quality that slips through.» (4)
- Nervöst men givande, konstruktiv kritik. » (5)
15. Was the plenum meeting with the censors of value for you?(Very bad 1 - Very good 5)21 svarande
1» | | 0 | | 0% |
2» | | 1 | | 4% |
3» | | 11 | | 52% |
4» | | 5 | | 23% |
5» | | 4 | | 19% |
Genomsnitt: 3.57 - Yes, but it felt a little bit too late to hear what they think now. Many useful advices for those who just start their thesis.» (3)
- I couldn"t attend.» (3)
- Yes, but I think it is more valuable for students who are going to do their theses. I think they should be invited even though it is before the semester start. Most of the students are in the university studying anyways so they can go to the meeting, which is very valuable for them. We got a lot of comments on how the education is and we have already graduated!
I propose for the next time that you invite other master students as well!
Also, I think the meeting should be chaired much better. It seemed like there was no program for the meeting and the censors and the teachers seemed confused. We, the students, were asked to begin if we had any questions, but in my point of view I think it would be better with a summary first.» (3)
- I missed it, not on purpose.» (3)
- see earlier comment» (3)
- It is of most value to the students who should start their thesis i think.» (4)
- Yes helpful and interesting to get overall feedback. I just hope it makes a lasting difference!» (4)
- It was interesting to hear their opinions however they did not really listen to the students and more had a presentation - not a discussion.
It was unfortunate that the plenum was not well attended but perhaps it was because it was a bit unclear what was the purpose and form of it. It felt a bit awkward that the final meeting of the thesis turned out as a traditional course ending. » (4)
- Det var bra men pinsamt att så få studenter dök upp. Det hade varit väldigt bra om de som går 1-3 terminen på masterprogrammen hade det här på schemat för det hjälper ju dem med deras kommande arbete - vi som var där har ju redan gjort vårt (det är lite för sent för oss att ändra det vi redan gjort). Men jag tog åt mig flera saker som jag kommer ta med mig i min fortsatta arbete/liv. Att vi var så få gjorde i och för sig det lättare att skapa en öppen diskussion.» (5)
16. As you know the role of the censors is to assess the whole school, what is your opinion about it?(Very bad 1 - Very good 5)20 svarande
1» | | 0 | | 0% |
2» | | 0 | | 0% |
3» | | 4 | | 20% |
4» | | 9 | | 45% |
5» | | 7 | | 35% |
Genomsnitt: 4.15 - I belive that they did not quite listen to the students arguments and felt a lack of student community which I do not agree with. » (3)
- Good to start a discussion. » (4)
- It"s a good idea, but it sometimes feels that is should be made clearer to the censors. At some presentations they acted more as critics of the project.» (4)
- I think it is a good idea, but then they should actually do it and not critisize the student"s project, and absolutely not in a negative way! It was only Maria Voyatzaki who managed to assess the school. The others were too busy with the projects themselves.» (4)
- Good that they do.
Feels like they often thing we focus too little on explorative design? Mabye we do.» (4)
- Its very important for higher the quality of chalmers architecture. Today it to low pressure of the quality that slips through.» (4)
- Det känns bra att det inte handlar om enskilda studenter även om jag tror det kan vara svårt att utvärdera en hel utbildning enbart på våra examensarbeten.» (5)
- A great idea, hopefully the information gathered is well taken care of.» (5)
Advises from the students17. What is your overall opinion about the whole process of the master thesis work?Please comment- I had a nice semester, good friends, interesting work, good teachers.»
- overall it is good. I have learned a lot from it and achieve a good result.»
- It is a great process for both professional knowledge reflection and self working trainning»
- unneccesary frustration because of lack of information about what expectations would be, and a lot of waste time in the beginning because of lack of feedback and no given tutor until late in the process.»
- Jag tycker som sagt det mesta fungerat bra för mig och skulle inte göra några större ändringar.»
- Theres alot of individual work but thats what Im expecting.»
- It was satisfying.»
- - Considering the short semester it was devastating that it almost took one month before tutors were assigned and someone from the studio approved my subject.
- Lack of information from studio about what is expected and what marks a good thesis.
- It is a very free process, but I think I was prepared enough for it due to my previous studios.»
- Good. I learned a lot, both about managing and leading a project and about my chosen subject.»
- Personally it has worked very well for me. I think there was a lack of information and a lot of confusion on what I was supposed to do, but the process was quite well. I think there"s not much time during the autumn term but I don"t know if that can be improved anyways.»
- unfortunately I believe it was not handled well but I know e.g. that some teachers had to step in in other courses due to sickness but it cannot be the whole explanation. Information should be provided EARLY and all in one place because that is the only was to prevent stress and a negative atmosphere. »
- Fun and rewarding.»
- For me it has been an extremely frustrating and strange period, which highly influenced my ability to have an efficient work process. I got very little guidance, which is needed even for an independent work. »
- Hard to get information in time. Hard to get supervision some times. Good supervision when I had it. »
- I had a very good process even though my work was redefined all the time. I almost never worked late at night and could combine theory and visits in a nice way.»
- Overall good (I had great problems to finish anything up, however, but I feel that"s on me and not the fault of the school"s process)»
- Ok. lots of work by you own, as it should be. Maybe put more press to student to do it by yourself. that"s how most other schools do. singelwork. I was lucky to get a good professor with high comittment to what i was dooing really good support. i heard opposit from some of my friends.»
18. What was good and should be preserved?Please comment.- Morten and Daniel»
- All the seminars are good and we can get important feedback for the thesis work.»
- The mid-term, the final critic, public presentation and exhibition»
- Final presentation with censors.»
- Its ok»
- Information was good. Party was good.»
- - Final presentation days well organized.
- Nice party!»
- Good that students can pick their own supervisors and their own topic of interest.
It is good to require students to make a project plan at the beginning.»
- The gathering of all projects in an exhibition.»
- It is good with a final seminar with only a jury. The exhibition was good also, even though it was during a too short time.»
- Smaller office units for the students to work in. The guidelines for the mid-crit and final examination seem good but they should also be followed and read by the examiners and tutors.
- The ability to choose supervisior and to develop your own way of design. »
- The explorative part. I would have liked to dare even more, to explore more and spend less time on worrying about the result of my work.»
- Den lilla intima festen efteråt va fin. Våra handledningar o stöd från examinatior har varit väldigt bra.»
- It"s good to have an architecture school in Gothenburg. Some of the professors are really good.»
19. What was not so god and must be changed?Please comment- I"m afraid I could never show the catalogue to anyone without embarrassment. This is a design education. How is it possible to present our work like that? No layout, just printing the templates from MS-DOS it looks like.»
- one semester for the thesis work is a little bit short, especially for the second part after the midterm seminar.»
- not any »
- a tutor should be assigned and included in the process from day 1 of the semester. Not day 30. lack of guidelines to what makes a good project.»
- Teachers MUST use their chalmers-mail that´,s written on the homepage.»
- Kan be introduced some digital equipment to show for ex. movies and etc. from the thesis.»
- - Tutors should be assigned the very first day of the semester and involved in the project plan.
- Make censors" plenum meeting much more important and invite whole school, both students and teachers.
- Communication between examiner/studio and MPC (who approve the project plan) must be better.
- Help to find a good subject suitable for a master thesis (not only for those who attend prep course). »
- The name "Work Card" in English sounds strange and could be improved. The term sounds more like a permit a person would get to be allowed to work in a country.»
- The knowledge of the censors should be matched better to the field of the theses.»
- The censor"s way of critisizing the students instead of the education. »
- Project plan must be read and commented at the start-up meeting which should be held very early!
The final examination and mid-crit should be presented and held more seriously, not changing dates at the last minute, unprepared tutors and external jury, and students should be obliged to oppose on at least two other works to get a pass. This is a rule in all other master"s educations.
In order for the students to make good results the rules must be strict but well presented. E.g. is a written report a requirement, does the work need to have an explorative research and so on. »
- Some formalities are just confusing. The Work Card for example, should it be filled in online or by hand (with signatures)? Takes time to find out such things. Not fun.»
- The absence of planning and administration of our examination group. The absence of response and feedback of planning report - this is crucial for how the process continues. »
- The information flow and the ability to get supervision when you need it (at least once a month)»
- I did personally not have bad experiences, but I know that other students were sometimes confused due to changes of dates for hand-in. »
- The leadership class wasn"t too relevant (but my understanding is it"s already been changed).»
- Tillgång till datorer. En avslutning som sker på en och samma kväll..man orkar inte riktigt med en så utdragen vecka. Presentation, utställning, tal och matmingel samma dag.»
- the whole school must have some sort of flow of newer teacher. too many are showing same information in different courses most in the first three years thow. the quality and commitment form teachers are higher in the master classes thow.
the initial course of the master theasis 5p i think it was. make it half ore much more quality.»
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