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DAT116 project questionnaire 2013, DAT116

Status: Avslutad
Öppen för svar: 2012-12-11 - 2013-01-11
Antal svar: 18
Procent av deltagarna som svarat: 72%
Kontaktperson: Lena Peterson»
Utbildningsprogram som genomför enkäten: Elektroteknik 300 hp

1. What is your name?*

You must write your name in the comment field!

- Victor Påsse»
- Chirayu Shah»
- Robert Silverflod»
- Mayank Arya»
- Emil Milh»
- Johan Kalmner»
- Logothetis Nikolaos»
- Davor Majdandzic»
- Timur Sibgatullin»
- Always a good job right here. Keep roillng on through.»
- Cong Huy Nguyen»
- Anton Svensson»
- Christoffer Fougstedt»
- Jesper Johansson»
- Johan Friberg»
- Alexander Altby»
- Elma Hurtic»

2. Which project do you prefer?*

18 svarande

Digital (MP3 player based)»9 50%
Mixed-mode (class D amplifier based)»8 44%
No preference»1 5%
Don"t know»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 1.55

- I have already built a MP3 player based on helix decoder. So if I make another one it may be batter.» (Digital (MP3 player based))
- Always a good job right here. Keep roillng on through.» (Mixed-mode (class D amplifier based))

3. What is your level of comfort working with these aspects of C programming?


- I write C basicly every day so I am quite good at it.»
- I would choose Very Low to both, but it seems not possible.»
- Always a good job right here. Keep roillng on through.»
- Learned C programming in the course Real-time systems.»
- The radio buttons above seem a bit incorrectly grouped, but I have high familiarity with data structures and low with pointers.»
- Medium for both. Was a while since I programledare C»
- medium on both»

Very low
5 svarande

Pointers»2 40%
Data Structures»3 60%

Genomsnitt: 1.6

9 svarande

Pointers»4 44%
Data Structures»5 55%

Genomsnitt: 1.55

12 svarande

Pointers»5 41%
Data Structures»7 58%

Genomsnitt: 1.58

6 svarande

Pointers»4 66%
Data Structures»2 33%

Genomsnitt: 1.33

Very high
3 svarande

Pointers»2 66%
Data Structures»1 33%

Genomsnitt: 1.33

4. Have you worked with C programming for embedded systems?

17 svarande

No»8 47%
Yes»9 52%

Genomsnitt: 1.52

- I would like to!» (No)
- Always a good job right here. Keep roillng on through.» (No)
- As said, just about every day.» (Yes)
- But,not much» (Yes)
- microcontroller corse on GU» (Yes)
- Only at Chalmers though.» (Yes)
- Very, very little and basic. » (Yes)

5. How do you rate you VHDL programming skills?

18 svarande

Poor»1 5%
Fair»2 11%
Good»10 55%
Excellent»5 27%

Genomsnitt: 3.05

- Well, good for my level but not good compared to proffesional vhdl coders.» (Good)
- I didn"t have any problem making the ALU in the methods course.» (Good)
- Always a good job right here. Keep roillng on through.» (Good)
- I would rather call them very good than excellent or good. » (Excellent)

6. Hav you taken a Digital Signal Processing course or have any other experience with DSP fundamentals?

18 svarande

No»5 27%
Yes»13 72%

Genomsnitt: 1.72

- I took the course long time back so need to do brush up.» (Yes)
- Mixed-signal system design» (Yes)
- Always a good job right here. Keep roillng on through.» (Yes)
- I"ve taken a basic course in signals and systems. Also a basic course in filters and the course in Mixed signal system design together with the mandatory courses for the EESD programme. » (Yes)

7. How familiar are you with the Linux (or UNIX in general) user interface?

18 svarande

I would need help to get started»2 11%
I can find my way out»14 77%
Like the back of my hand»2 11%

Genomsnitt: 2

- Always a good job right here. Keep roillng on through.» (I can find my way out)
- I know the basics but I"m not very well versed with it. » (I can find my way out)

8. How familiar are you with the GNU toolchain (makefile, GCC, linker, assembler etc)?

17 svarande

I would need help to get started»9 52%
I can find my way out»8 47%
Like the back of my hand»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 1.47

- Always a good job right here. Keep roillng on through.» (I can find my way out)

9. What is you level of comfort in using MATLAB?

18 svarande

Very Low»0 0%
Low»3 16%
Medium»6 33%
High»8 44%
Very high»1 5%

Genomsnitt: 3.38

- Always a good job right here. Keep roillng on through.» (High)

10. Are you familiar with FPGA debugging tools such as Chipscope?

17 svarande

No»14 82%
Somewhat»3 17%
Yes»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 1.17

- I have read a bit about it but not tried it IRL.» (No)
- Always a good job right here. Keep roillng on through.» (Somewhat)

11. Have you worked with any FPGA core before?

17 svarande

No»8 47%
Yes»9 52%

Genomsnitt: 1.52

- First time i worked on FPGA was in period 1 in the Design Course.» (No)
- I assume you mean soft core CPU?» (No)
- I"m not shure about what means with FPGA core.» (No)
- I did a 96 RGB led rotational display in a project course based on a spartan 3E. It played video and stuff.» (Yes)
- In introduction to electronic system design» (Yes)
- Always a good job right here. Keep roillng on through.» (Yes)
- Only in courses at Chalmers.» (Yes)

* obligatoriska frågor

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