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Turbomachinery, TME210

Status: Avslutad
Öppen för svar: 2012-11-13 - 2012-11-23
Antal svar: 19
Procent av deltagarna som svarat: 63%
Kontaktperson: Tomas Grönstedt»
Utbildningsprogram som genomför enkäten: Maskinteknik 300 hp

Work load

1. How many hours per week did you spend on this course?*

19 svarande

At most 15 hours/week»2 10%
Around 20 hours/week»11 57%
Around 25 hours/week»5 26%
Around 30 or more than 30 hours/week»1 5%

Genomsnitt: 2.26

- hello SKJmin.I have an idea to make the game more accessible withuot tarnish your great work.for the Star Coin too complex, would it be possible to have a challenging alternative for that coin. Example, for the first Star Coin"s 1-1, after entering the green pipe, landed in a room opening on 2 doors. The first door leads into the existing challenge and the second in a new room with a more moderate challenges (but not simplistic and withuot cameo ^ ^).» (Around 20 hours/week)
- Heavy, a lot of course material to work through» (Around 30 or more than 30 hours/week)

2. To which extent did you take part in the teaching offered?

19 svarande

0-20%»0 0%
20-40%»1 5%
40-60%»2 10%
60-80%»2 10%
80-100%»14 73%

Genomsnitt: 4.52

- hello SKJmin.I have an idea to make the game more accessible withuot tarnish your great work.for the Star Coin too complex, would it be possible to have a challenging alternative for that coin. Example, for the first Star Coin"s 1-1, after entering the green pipe, landed in a room opening on 2 doors. The first door leads into the existing challenge and the second in a new room with a more moderate challenges (but not simplistic and withuot cameo ^ ^).» (60-80%)

3. Balance during study quarter?

During the study quarter how does the time spent on this course relate to the other courses?

19 svarande

I spent a lot more time on other courses»0 0%
I spent somewhat more time on other courses»1 5%
I spent roughly equal time on this course»5 26%
I spent somewhat more time on this course»10 52%
I spent a lot more time on this course»3 15%

Genomsnitt: 3.78

- hello SKJmin.I have an idea to make the game more accessible withuot tarnish your great work.for the Star Coin too complex, would it be possible to have a challenging alternative for that coin. Example, for the first Star Coin"s 1-1, after entering the green pipe, landed in a room opening on 2 doors. The first door leads into the existing challenge and the second in a new room with a more moderate challenges (but not simplistic and withuot cameo ^ ^).» (I spent roughly equal time on this course)

Goals and fulfilment

4. Are the course goals clear?

The course PM states that after completion of the course you should be able to:

* Explain how turbomachinery is applied in various fields of power generation such as nuclear and combinad cycle power plants, wind and hydropower engineering and prosess industry.

* Formulate turbomachiery design criteria for a range of applications.

* Carry out preliminary design of a range of turbomachines

* Be able to apply commercial tools to outline more detailed turbomachinery analysis

18 svarande

No idea what they mean»0 0%
A bit fuzzzy»2 11%
Understandable»9 50%
Quite clear»7 38%

Genomsnitt: 3.27

- hello SKJmin.I have an idea to make the game more accessible withuot tarnish your great work.for the Star Coin too complex, would it be possible to have a challenging alternative for that coin. Example, for the first Star Coin"s 1-1, after entering the green pipe, landed in a room opening on 2 doors. The first door leads into the existing challenge and the second in a new room with a more moderate challenges (but not simplistic and withuot cameo ^ ^).» (A bit fuzzzy)

5. To which extent did you establish the abilities that the goals state?*

19 svarande

Not at all»0 0%
To some extent»12 63%
To a high degree»7 36%

Genomsnitt: 2.36

- It was so much to learn. Even though I put so much effort in this course, there were so much to learn so I felt like I did not get the time to learn it well enough. » (To some extent)
- Hard to tell since I have not needed to use the skills I accuired on a real problem yet!» (To some extent)
- hello SKJmin.I have an idea to make the game more accessible withuot tarnish your great work.for the Star Coin too complex, would it be possible to have a challenging alternative for that coin. Example, for the first Star Coin"s 1-1, after entering the green pipe, landed in a room opening on 2 doors. The first door leads into the existing challenge and the second in a new room with a more moderate challenges (but not simplistic and withuot cameo ^ ^).» (To some extent)

Teaching and course administration

6. How well did the course administration, course PM, web page, handouts etc work?

19 svarande

Poor»0 0%
Fair»1 5%
Acceptable»0 0%
Good»10 52%
Excellent»8 42%

Genomsnitt: 4.31

- hello SKJmin.I have an idea to make the game more accessible withuot tarnish your great work.for the Star Coin too complex, would it be possible to have a challenging alternative for that coin. Example, for the first Star Coin"s 1-1, after entering the green pipe, landed in a room opening on 2 doors. The first door leads into the existing challenge and the second in a new room with a more moderate challenges (but not simplistic and withuot cameo ^ ^).» (Fair)
- to post the exercices correction is a fair good idea» (Good)

7. How do you rate the learning impact of the computer lab (2D turbine CFD)

18 svarande

Poor»1 5%
Fair»2 11%
Acceptable»7 38%
Good»6 33%
Excellent»2 11%

Genomsnitt: 3.33

- Gave a good understanding about CFD and how it worsk, but did not give so much new or clearer understanding about the course theory... » (Acceptable)
- But no real similarity to the "paper and pen" exercises as on the exam? Not the intention I suppose...» (Acceptable)
- hello SKJmin.I have an idea to make the game more accessible withuot tarnish your great work.for the Star Coin too complex, would it be possible to have a challenging alternative for that coin. Example, for the first Star Coin"s 1-1, after entering the green pipe, landed in a room opening on 2 doors. The first door leads into the existing challenge and the second in a new room with a more moderate challenges (but not simplistic and withuot cameo ^ ^).» (Acceptable)
- actually i xould have liked to have more labs of that kind» (Good)
- Its a good way to illustrate a lot of different cases within a reasonable time, it deepens the knowledge about the blade theory we simultaneously did on paper.» (Good)

8. How do you rate the learning impact of the water turbine lab?

19 svarande

Poor»0 0%
Fair»2 10%
Acceptable»2 10%
Good»6 31%
Excellent»9 47%

Genomsnitt: 4.15

- hello SKJmin.I have an idea to make the game more accessible withuot tarnish your great work.for the Star Coin too complex, would it be possible to have a challenging alternative for that coin. Example, for the first Star Coin"s 1-1, after entering the green pipe, landed in a room opening on 2 doors. The first door leads into the existing challenge and the second in a new room with a more moderate challenges (but not simplistic and withuot cameo ^ ^).» (Fair)
- the goals were not clear enough» (Acceptable)
- It brought up new, interesting questions which where answered, and it is always nice to see the practical part of what you are studying.» (Good)
- Liked how well the teacher, Håkan, ecplained everything. Tied the theory and "real life" (practic) together. Good!» (Excellent)
- Nice way to use the nondimensional variables, as well as general understanding and "feeling" for hydro turbines.» (Excellent)

9. How do you rate the industrial lecture on pumps?

Given by Amir Baniameri from Sulzer Pumps Sweden.

18 svarande

Poor»0 0%
Fair»4 22%
Acceptable»4 22%
Good»9 50%
Excellent»1 5%

Genomsnitt: 3.38

- i wasn"t there» (?)
- Not really relevant, needs to integrated more into the ordinary course material maybe?» (Fair)
- hello SKJmin.I have an idea to make the game more accessible withuot tarnish your great work.for the Star Coin too complex, would it be possible to have a challenging alternative for that coin. Example, for the first Star Coin"s 1-1, after entering the green pipe, landed in a room opening on 2 doors. The first door leads into the existing challenge and the second in a new room with a more moderate challenges (but not simplistic and withuot cameo ^ ^).» (Fair)

10. How do you rate the industrial lecture on steam turbines?

Given by Arne Karlsson from Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery.

18 svarande

Poor»0 0%
Fair»3 16%
Acceptable»7 38%
Good»8 44%
Excellent»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 3.27

- hello SKJmin.I have an idea to make the game more accessible withuot tarnish your great work.for the Star Coin too complex, would it be possible to have a challenging alternative for that coin. Example, for the first Star Coin"s 1-1, after entering the green pipe, landed in a room opening on 2 doors. The first door leads into the existing challenge and the second in a new room with a more moderate challenges (but not simplistic and withuot cameo ^ ^).» (Good)

11. How do you rate the study visit to the Olidan power plant?

19 svarande

Poor»0 0%
Fair»0 0%
Acceptable»2 10%
Good»4 21%
Excellent»13 68%

Genomsnitt: 4.57

- hello SKJmin.I have an idea to make the game more accessible withuot tarnish your great work.for the Star Coin too complex, would it be possible to have a challenging alternative for that coin. Example, for the first Star Coin"s 1-1, after entering the green pipe, landed in a room opening on 2 doors. The first door leads into the existing challenge and the second in a new room with a more moderate challenges (but not simplistic and withuot cameo ^ ^).» (Acceptable)
- it was quiet good to see in motion what we learn» (Good)
- Best field trip I ever attended by far!!» (Excellent)
- very interesting. a bit late in the period. a week earlier would have been better» (Excellent)

12. How do you rate the lectures/lecture material?

18 svarande

Poor»0 0%
Fair»0 0%
Acceptable»2 11%
Good»14 77%
Excellent»2 11%

Genomsnitt: 4

- Grade would be higher if the lecturer could learn to keep the time. The lack of timekeeping was really annoying in this course!» (Acceptable)
- the lectures were quiet good we can actually not use the book at all. thanks tomas.» (Good)
- hello SKJmin.I have an idea to make the game more accessible withuot tarnish your great work.for the Star Coin too complex, would it be possible to have a challenging alternative for that coin. Example, for the first Star Coin"s 1-1, after entering the green pipe, landed in a room opening on 2 doors. The first door leads into the existing challenge and the second in a new room with a more moderate challenges (but not simplistic and withuot cameo ^ ^).» (Good)

13. How do you rate the exercises with respect to quality/content etc?

Please explain how the exercises could be improved.

19 svarande

Poor»0 0%
Fair»1 5%
Acceptable»2 10%
Good»11 57%
Excellent»5 26%

Genomsnitt: 4.05

- hello SKJmin.I have an idea to make the game more accessible withuot tarnish your great work.for the Star Coin too complex, would it be possible to have a challenging alternative for that coin. Example, for the first Star Coin"s 1-1, after entering the green pipe, landed in a room opening on 2 doors. The first door leads into the existing challenge and the second in a new room with a more moderate challenges (but not simplistic and withuot cameo ^ ^).» (Fair)
- Solve also exercises similar to the exam where you have to think about something (es pressure losses) and not do only calculation. I think is not really usefull to do exercises that deal about a topic explained 1 hour before, because students start to copy the blackboard without really thinking about what they are doing.» (Good)
- Sometimes the tempo was way too high. Better to increase the number of hours» (Good)
- good choice and good explanation , thanks eigell» (Excellent)

14. How do you rate the course book?

Did all chapters have the same quality? Do you think that some sections should be excluded for next year or should some thing else be included?

19 svarande

Poor»1 5%
Fair»1 5%
Acceptable»4 21%
Good»10 52%
Excellent»3 15%

Genomsnitt: 3.68

- The book was a source of constant irritation over an incredible amount of errors and badly derived equations. » (Poor)
- hello SKJmin.I have an idea to make the game more accessible withuot tarnish your great work.for the Star Coin too complex, would it be possible to have a challenging alternative for that coin. Example, for the first Star Coin"s 1-1, after entering the green pipe, landed in a room opening on 2 doors. The first door leads into the existing challenge and the second in a new room with a more moderate challenges (but not simplistic and withuot cameo ^ ^).» (Fair)
- maybe the 3D flow part of the book wasn"t that good compared to others» (Good)

15. How do you rate the wind turbine special lecture?

Lecture that was given by Hamid Abedi.

17 svarande

Poor»0 0%
Fair»4 23%
Acceptable»4 23%
Good»9 52%
Excellent»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 3.29

- I did not attend.» (?)
- not really clear, very quick and the timing wasn"t good» (Fair)
- It was a bit too specialized.» (Acceptable)
- hello SKJmin.I have an idea to make the game more accessible withuot tarnish your great work.for the Star Coin too complex, would it be possible to have a challenging alternative for that coin. Example, for the first Star Coin"s 1-1, after entering the green pipe, landed in a room opening on 2 doors. The first door leads into the existing challenge and the second in a new room with a more moderate challenges (but not simplistic and withuot cameo ^ ^).» (Good)

General questions

16. What should be preserved for next year?

- the study visit»
- The overall structures and the labs.»
- Visit of the power plant»
- maybe everything »
- Labs and exercises. »
- Field trip!»
- The plant visit was really really interisting»
- hello SKJmin.I have an idea to make the game more accessible withuot tarnish your great work.for the Star Coin too complex, would it be possible to have a challenging alternative for that coin. Example, for the first Star Coin"s 1-1, after entering the green pipe, landed in a room opening on 2 doors. The first door leads into the existing challenge and the second in a new room with a more moderate challenges (but not simplistic and withuot cameo ^ ^).»

17. What should be changed for next year?*

For instance difficulty on exam..... (we know this)

- I find that problem 3 and 4 were quiet difficult compare to the exercises done during the exercices session.»
- Nothing.»
- Have a clear guideline for exercise (all the steps) Too much time for TP for turbine»
- A explanation of the results from the lab. We do not know which mistake we have done and what are the reasons of determinate phenomena. Some exercises done in class last like more than 1 hour, i think we can do easier one and concentrate more attenction on theoretical aspects apllied at the exercise like in the exam question. »
- ....»
- Exams should be based on the ecercises in the class and not something completley different»
- more CFD labs with eigell»
- The book if possible.»
- Maybe have 1 theory question in the exam instead of two. I also think the number of theory questions in the course could be reduced. »
- Got so disapointed on the exam! (and stressed!) I really felt that I knew this subject, the course material, etc. I do understand that on a master level the exam should be a test of how well you have understood the material. I put so much effort in this course, but there were so much to learn that it was (in my oppinion) impossible to learn the material at a some what "higer" level. I nearly manage to go through all the cours material as it was. To expect that we had time to learn the material even "deeper" seems unreasonable for me. In that mather I feel that the course learning and outcome (what to expect of the student) failed big time. »
- Yes... You should at least have seen a part of each question when studying to be able to solve it.»
- Learn to keep times, Breaks are there so that the student (maybe teacher as well?) may recuperate stamina to focus all day long.»
- i think the lecture of wind turbines shold be longer so you can learn more about this stuff. The steam turbine exercices are too long so sometimes tough.»
- time was the main problem during exam.»
- The variety of the exam exercises. Only two subjects were presented.»
- no comment»
- hello SKJmin.I have an idea to make the game more accessible withuot tarnish your great work.for the Star Coin too complex, would it be possible to have a challenging alternative for that coin. Example, for the first Star Coin"s 1-1, after entering the green pipe, landed in a room opening on 2 doors. The first door leads into the existing challenge and the second in a new room with a more moderate challenges (but not simplistic and withuot cameo ^ ^).»
- I don"t agree with the two theoretical questionss we have to memorize. Because there was a list of 20 and the only goal was to memorize it, and i don"t think it is relevant for the future, for more important was to have spent more time studying turbines and pumps different applicantions for example.»

18. What is your overall rating of the course?

19 svarande

Poor»0 0%
Fair»0 0%
Acceptable»2 10%
Good»13 68%
Excellent»4 21%

Genomsnitt: 4.1

- Weird exam.» (Acceptable)
- hello SKJmin.I have an idea to make the game more accessible withuot tarnish your great work.for the Star Coin too complex, would it be possible to have a challenging alternative for that coin. Example, for the first Star Coin"s 1-1, after entering the green pipe, landed in a room opening on 2 doors. The first door leads into the existing challenge and the second in a new room with a more moderate challenges (but not simplistic and withuot cameo ^ ^).» (Acceptable)
- i really enjoyed turbomachinery course. Thanks tomas and eigell for everything.» (Excellent)
- I really did find this course intresting and well planed...just the last part (exam) that messed it all up. Good teachers, good tutor (Egil). » (Excellent)

* obligatoriska frågor

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