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Patent Lab, CIP061

Status: Avslutad
Öppen för svar: 2008-03-06 - 2008-03-20
Antal svar: 10
Procent av deltagarna som svarat: 43%
Kontaktperson: Anneli Hildenborg»
Klass: Övriga

Goals and goal fulfilment

The course syllabus states the course goals in terms of learning outcomes, i.e., knowledge, skills and attitudes to be acquired by the student during the course.

1. How understandable and reasonable are the course goals?

10 svarande

I have not seen/read the goals»5 50%
The goals are difficult to understand»0 0%
The goals give some guidance, but could be clearer»1 10%
The goals clearly describe what I am supposed to learn»4 40%

Genomsnitt: 2.4

- At the begining of the course the goals were explained widely in the first lecture. This helped me to understand them otehrwise due to the written style undertand them would be harder.» (The goals clearly describe what I am supposed to learn)

2. Did the examination assess whether you have reached the goals?

10 svarande

No, not at all»0 0%
To some extent»1 10%
Yes, definitely»6 60%
I don"t know/have not been examined yet»3 30%

Genomsnitt: 3.2

- It would be good with some grading standards. What were we supposed to produce and where to reach with the assignments. » (Yes, definitely)
- However the grades were not handed out on time. There are still some missing grades» (Yes, definitely)

Study climate

3. How were the opportunities for asking questions and getting help?

10 svarande

Very poor»0 0%
Rather poor»1 10%
Rather good»1 10%
Very good»6 60%
I did not seek help»2 20%

Genomsnitt: 3.9

- Since Mooodle is the major communication tool during the simulations» (Rather poor)
- the teachers seems stressed out» (Rather good)
- Mails and questions in Modle were answered rapidly making the education process fluid. » (Very good)

4. How well has cooperation between you and your fellow students worked?

10 svarande

Very poorly»0 0%
Rather poorly»0 0%
Rather well»4 40%
Very well»5 50%
I did not seek cooperation»1 10%

Genomsnitt: 3.7

- The tasks were mainly individual but discussions about the tasks were good.» (Rather well)
- Since we have been in the same place all of the class we have and the opportunity to discuss together which has been helpful. » (Very well)
- Although we had not many group work we collaborate all the time. » (Very well)

5. How was the course workload?

10 svarande

Too low»0 0%
Low»0 0%
Adequate»2 20%
High»7 70%
Too high»1 10%

Genomsnitt: 3.9

- But not too high! » (High)
- we worked more than 10 hours per day in the lab. This is too much I would like to have less readings but more concrete.» (Too high)

Summarizing questions

6. What is your general impression of the course?

10 svarande

Poor»0 0%
Fair»0 0%
Adequate»0 0%
Good»5 50%
Excellent»5 50%

Genomsnitt: 4.5

- I think I really liked the way it was carried on. I could learn while doing at the same time as developing operational skills (communication oral and written for instance)» (Excellent)

Part I: General Questions

7. What is your overall impression of the Patent Lab course/module? Please motivate your answer!

- very interesting simulations. Good tasks that seem fairly realistic.»
- Good, compressed knowledge and adequate training to put IPRs and patents into the business context.»
- It was an interesting course with a good in depth focus. I also liked the hands on feeling of some of the assignments. »
- It was great to get some hands-on experience. I really liked the concept of having a toolbox provided at the same time. The toolbox concept could definitely be something to be used in the creative IP and the descriptive terms week for the branding course.»
- I think I really liked the way it was carried on. I could learn while doing at the same time as developing operational skills (communication oral and written for instance)»
- Very well planned assignments (background info etc). Impressed by how close you did come to make us feel that we did it in reality (i.e. out in the industry). »
- Good! Funny and teaching!»
- very good.»

8. What would you recommend us to do differently next year, do you have suggestions for improvements?

- If you really want to see vast improvements, give the students oral feedback as often as possible. »
- More general feedbacks to the whole group in closer connection to the assignment. Both to be able to remember what one thought when writing the assignment but also to be able to apply it for the next one. »
- It would be great to get some guide lines after a hand in of what that should have been covered. I really liked the quizzes, and if this could be done for every day of simulation then that would be awesome. A suggestion for next year would be to actually receive someone else"s assignment (anonymously) after it had been handed in. Correct, amend and add information to this in the best way possible and then hand the document in again. If you then would receive your first assignment back with someone else"s comments and correction, you would clearly see where you had failed to convey what you meant or just missed something.»
- Be more specific in the task because for me the fuzziness of the instructions was the first source of mistakes. »
- Have the live patent search lesson with fredrik as a mandatory part of the education»

9. What was your general impression of the administration of the course?

- very good»
- No opinion»
- Good with fast answers on questions on moodle.»
- Great. It felt luxurious to have administrators spending time on sitting online to answer questions and hand out new assignments. Great job!»
- The schedule was up dated all the time, the information was available when needed, however the only aspect I can complain is the hand out of the grades. Most of the time they were delayed»
- Very good. Some replies and grades came in late. Would have been good to have some grades before beginning with the next simulation.»

10. What did you think about having assignments instead of an exam?

- excellent, it gives so much more to be continously examined, rather then just learning the facts before an exam»
- PERFECT... this is much more rewarding and facilitates a much richer learnings experiance that will last longer. »
- Really, really good. This way you are actually able to apply the knowledge in a more real setting similar to the one in the working life. »
- Excellent. An exam would not have captured the same things as those assignments.»
- I think in this way we have to show our knowledge everyday but is hard to be objective because the parameters to be graded are not clear explained»
- It"s very good due to more real work environment and I also think it enhance the learning experience.»
- It is good. I feel like I am learning something every simulation. The simulations feels more as a learning experience than an examination though. The litterature did not help very much i think to the different specified simulations assigned to read it.»
- Very good. Exams are for the beginning of an education. At this stage you learn more from assignments»

11. What did you think about the case?

- No opinion»
- It is interesting to get this more real setting. The Prosound case is quite good although it starts to feel a bit old when relating back to the technology transfer in 1999. »
- Great. It was very complex and hard to get which I suppose was the purpose.»
- It was very interesting because we don"t have many oportunities improve our ethic. I think cases like this should be further included in other courses»

12. What did you think about the quizzes?

- Not good. Unclear what the aim was and how the gradings should be interpretted...»
- Good to wrap up and see what you did and not. However you should describe the purpose closer. »
- They really made me realize what was supposed to be thought of in the assignments. Why could you not look at them after you had answered? Provide more of this type of checklists.»
- One of the best things in the course. Have these every day if possible.»
- I did not like to have quizzes because they had limited time and they were handed out 15 minutes before leaving and after 8 hours of being working. I think they should be handed out one day after the assignment because at that time we would have reflected upon last day activites and we are more mind fresh»
- I think they where really good to reflect upon, to summarize everything you where supposed to bring up... It was unclear what the purpose was with them from beginning but it did come out later on. I think it could had been much more clearer outspoken.»
- Good in a learning perspective to see what you could have answered on the simulations.»
- very good. Keep for next year. Good for reflecting on what you had missed.»

13. What did you think about the feedback and support given?

- adequate (have not recieved all yet)»
- No opnion»
- The feedback was extensive and it felt as if the grader had put a lot of effort in them. There would be good with some feedback almost direct after the assignment has been handed in to be able to improve for the next ones. »
- Mostly it was really good. There was just a few assignments where no feedback was not included.»
- I liked it although sometimes the problems was the subjetive grading.»
- Much feedback did come quite late and felt hard ro really learn from since the emotions and connections to the assignment was forgotten. My oppinion is that so late feedback is (nearly) unnecessary.»
- Too late but often good.»
- Haven"t received feedback on all assignments yet. Too often it came too late.»

14. Any other comments?

- too long grading process (3 weeks since last hand-in and not all assignments have been graded yet - forgett the reasoning - learn less).»
- I think the lab could be improved if during the simmulations small role play are included. For example have a meeting with the classmates after 4 hours of individual work and during one hour to discuss about next task. This survey is too long, most of the questions are discussed within the journal»

Part II: Lectures, Exercises and Assignments

Please give at least a short statement about each lecture that you attended.

15. Working as a patent agent on a global arena by Henrik Olsson (SKF)

- ok»
- Not attending»
- Very brief and did not provide a lot of information for the assignment but interesting though.»
- I like the way Henrik brought up all the important aspects of patenting especially I like the way we utilized his personal experienses to exemplify the theory»
- Good»

16. Consultations with the CEO by Caroline Pamp

- Good even though it didn"t give too much. But to have to formalize the questions were good.»
- Good exercise, and well played by Caroline.»
- This was very interesting because Caroline really played the CEO role. I could feel the position and the respect for her. I think something that this meeting could be improved if we would be provided with an script of the important topics to be discuss with her (The CEO is an important person therefore her time is limited and the agenda with this type of persons is important)»
- Did not get out that much of her time. I woul dappreciated more collaboration from her side, to get more out of that meeting. It felt like it was not really worthwhile... Maybe the "knowledge transfer" wasn"t the purpose with the meaning, more of a part in the "game", i-e- to feel how hard it could be to collaborate with a persons "outside CIP"?!»
- Useful. Got an understanding of what the CEO thought was important»
- not so good. Didn"t get that much answers»

17. Consultations with a patent agent by Henrik OIsson

- Hmm very good, he had some nice inputs, however it would be nice if he read the case before to really participate in the game. »
- Much better than his first. This actually provided me with plenty of information to the assignments.»
- Same as 15»
- He wasn"t prepared and I think he could had got some background information....»
- Good»
- Since we hadn"t time to prepare that much we didn"t have that many questions. If the lecture would"ve been at a later stage it would"ve been much more useful.»

18. Patent strategies and patent organization by Ulf Petrusson

- Good even if Ulf"s lectures always is very abstract. »
- Inspiring and provided a great perspective on how ICM:ers are perceived by the public eye. This was one of the first time I felt really comfortable about what the role of an ICM:er is in a firm.»
- I like Ulf"s lectures because structure and make me think differently. I would like to have him more often. »
- Probabely good (?)»
- very good but broad as usual»

19. Consultations with a patent expert by Håkan Larsson (Autoliv)

- Fairly good, he seemed quite narrow in hos reasoning . »
- Excellent answers to all our questions. I had great help for the assignments using the information provided by Håkan.»
- Do not remember»
- Ok.»

20. Licensing from a business perspective by Nhils Forslund (Ericsson)

(additional comments only, thanks for previous comments!)

- very good»
- 10/10, a good blend between strategy and practical cases. Relevant to the case and to the point in the discussion.»
- Great slides, I went back to these quite a lot during the hand-ins (especially during the patent war simulation).»
- Nice to hear!»
- Very very good. Crisp, clear and good tempo. Hopefully he can come next year.»

21. Competition law by Filip Bladini

- ok, at bit too much repetition»
- 2 out of 10 - he uses overhead!He teaches in a way that is hard for the non-lawyers to understand. 80% of the engineers at Chalmers are concrete learners. »
- Would have been good with some sort of introduction of how this fitted in to the patent and licensing issues. To be more motivated and be able to place how and why to understand it. Good slides!»
- Not very inspiring. Raw facts about systems. I would rather have seen a lecture about how to use these systems as tools to develop a firm in a direction I would like.»
- It was quite messy I think, at least his last lecture. Think he could had gone through less but in a more understandable way.»
- Quite boring but useful i guess. That is what it is like to study law i assume. OH:s with diferent regulations and where to find what and blah blah blah...»

22. Drafting license agreements by Christina Berggren & Johan Hallén (MAQS)

- - Engineer»
- Really really interesting. Good with hands on experience and practical tips. More of this type of lectures, especially with only lawyers since we then are able to add on a more in depth understanding on the questions. »

23. Drafting patent claims by Henrik Olsson

- Very good, very practical and possibility to take a short cut in the learning experiance. Good focus»
- Great lecture. I used the notes from this subsequently.»
- Same as 15 »
- Good. Good to hear advice from an expert»
- Ok, had some relevant points and showed different strategies.»

24. Consultations with a license expert by Caroline Ygge (Delphio & Co)

- Good with hands on tips and solutions. Also good that we had time to start look at the license assignment before to be able to build up some understanding on the context where to apply the knowledge gained from the consultation. »

25. Consultation with a patent attorney by Henrik Olsson

- Very good, very practical and possibility to take a short cut in the learning experiance. Good focus»
- Excellent. Great advice.»
- Comforting to hear what level to put the claim drafting at...»
- Since we hadn"t time to prepare that much we didn"t have that many questions. If the lecture would"ve been at a later stage it would"ve been much more useful.»

26. Practical patent searching by Fredrik Kjell

- very good»
- Practical and good. Too bad that he didn"t upload the slides and that we only have one account to delphion»
- Nice to see how it actually is done. Also good with interactive presentations, something which could be good for other lectures as well. »
- Excellent. This lecture could have been extended to several though. More of this. I will definitely use the notes from this lecture during the summer internship.»
- Very good! Got an whole new understanding of what patent searching was and became useful in the creative IP course as well.»
- very good to see how it is done in reality. The skills came in handy in the creative IP course. Should be kept for next year.»

Part III: Simluations

27. Simulation 1: Patent strategy preparations and legal considerations


28. Simulation 2: Planning a patent strategy together with a patent agent


29. Simulation 3: Drafting a patent policy & building a patent organization strategy


30. Simulation 4: Governing a patent application process

- Ok, probably the easiest one. We just "enjoyed the ride" as the teachers said.»

31. Simulation 5: Commercializing technology by using licensing strategies (case)

(additional comments only, thanks for previous feedback!)


32. Simulation 6: License negotiation


33. Simulation 7: Drafting license agreements

- For us lawyers this is really good and helps us in our understanding of what it is to be a lawyer. Maybe the assignment could be divided in a draft and one final with only a general feedback in between. This way we can really apply the comments and also have a picture in our heads of a "good agreement".»

34. Simulation 8: Drafting patent claims

- good. Should however had the opportunity to get help at a later stage. I also want to see what "a good drafting should have looked like". Would have given much more. We haven"t received any feedback and haven"t seen any good examples or claims in this assignment. How should we know what to do better????»

35. Simulation 9: Patent wars

- Fun.»

36. Simulation X: Myriad Genetics

- Good with interesting reading and that we were devoted enough time to actually read through much of the material and where given time to reflect which was the sole purpose of the exercise..»
- Fun, good to bring in some ethics. Hard questions and during the debate my eyes opened for new angles that i hadn"t thought about before.»

Part IV: Course Literature

You have had both mandatory and voluntary literature during the lab. In some cases you were given articles and guidelines. Below is a list of what you were given. Please state how much you read (0-100%) and how valuable it was (0-10). When it comes to the articles, give an average and point out if anyone it particular was either good or bad. Any additional comments appreciated.
Ex: 75%/4

37. Pressman, David. Patent it Yourself. 12th Ed. 2006. Nolo.

- Very good»
- Good book (4/5). I read 90% of the recommended chapters. It was refreshing to get the American perspective.»
- 100%. 8. Get very influenced by american law»
- ok, hands on. Gave some good tips even though much was directed towards the US arena.»

38. Jackson Knight. Patent Strategy for Researchers and Research Managers. 2001. John Wiley & Sons. (chapter 6, paper copy)

- Really good for the first assignment. 5/5 (read 100%)»

39. Dunham, Alan L, Patent Law Essentials. 1999. Westport, Conn.: Quorum Books.


40. Hunt, D., Nguyen, L. and Rodgers, M. Patent Searching: Tools and Techniques. 2007. Wiley.

- I haven"t read this yet but will before the summer.»

41. IPR Helpdesk articles

- very good»
- 5/5, I read 90% of the recommended.»
- Good!Comprehensive valuable reading!»

42. License articles module 5-7

- Very interesting (4/5). Read 100%»

43. Myriad Genetics articles

- 5/5, 100%»
- Intersting reading»

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