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Architectural Competitions ARK151, ARK151

Status: Avslutad
Öppen för svar: 2012-06-19 - 2012-08-15
Antal svar: 27
Procent av deltagarna som svarat: 30%
Kontaktperson: Sten Gromark»
Utbildningsprogram som genomför enkäten: Arkitektur 300 hp
Utbildningsprogram studenten tillhör: Arkitektur 300 hp

Goals and fullfilment of goals

The learning outcomes are given in the course programme, that is the knowledge, understanding, skills and perspectives you are expectd to reach. Notify for each outcome how well they have been fulfilled.

1. Learning outcome 1

After completion of this course, the student should be able to independently conduct an interpretation of a common brief or alternatively a professional advanced competition brief and the following delivery of requested material such as poster presentation with appropriate drawings, illustrations and models. How well has this learning outcome been fulfilled?

27 svarande

Very insufficient»1 3%
Insufficient»1 3%
Sufficient»18 69%
Excellent»6 23%
No opinion»1

Genomsnitt: 3.11

- brief was extensive in terms of what to deliver, how and when but not providing all the information about the project program itself » (Insufficient)
- Kursen i sig lärde inte ut detta på ett bra sätt, men jag har lärt mig detta på egen hand genom tidigare deltagande i tävlingar samt andra kurser i skolan.» (Excellent)

2. Are the aims and goals reasonable in relation to your pre-knowledge ?

27 svarande

No, the goals are to elementar»2 7%
Yes, the goals are reasonable»23 88%
No, the goals are too ambitious»1 3%
No opinion»1

Genomsnitt: 1.96

- If the grades are supposed to reflect how well you acomplished the goals, then absolutly not. Talking to others in the course it seems to me that the grading was unfair.» (No, the goals are too ambitious)

3. Are the goals reasonable in relation to the scope and amount of credits?

27 svarande

Too small scope in relation to credits»0 0%
Reasonable scope in relation to credits»24 92%
Too wide scope in relation to credits»2 7%
No opinion»1

Genomsnitt: 2.07

- If the grades are supposed to reflect how well you acomplished the goals, then absolutly not. Talking to others in the course it seems to me that the grading was unfair.» (Too wide scope in relation to credits)

Education and course administration

4. What do you think about the lectures?

26 svarande

Very insufficient»0 0%
Insufficient»6 23%
Sufficient»15 57%
Excellent»5 19%

Genomsnitt: 2.96

- Repeated material... The best were hearing about competition winning proposals (ie the boys win in Norway)» (Insufficient)
- Lectures from foreigners architects (Norge, Denmark, France) was interesting to get a larger vision on european competitions.» (Sufficient)
- Good to hear firsthand opinions on doing competitions, from differing perspectives.» (Sufficient)
- Föreläsningarna bör hållas innan uppgiften utlyses. Detta skulle hjälpa för att hålla en högre närvaro/ ett högre intresse bland studenterna.» (Sufficient)

5. How did the occasions for the critic function?

24 svarande

Very insufficient»10 41%
Insufficient»5 20%
Sufficient»7 29%
Excellent»2 8%

Genomsnitt: 2.04

- What critique? There Was none» (Very insufficient)
- I was not aware that there was any occasion for crtics in the course.» (Very insufficient)
- Det har inte släppts några kommentarer eller minsta antydan på att jury/ examinator ens studerat de inkomna förslagen. Det känns väldigt godtyckligt och hafsigt utfört! » (Very insufficient)
- there was no critic! » (Very insufficient)
- Dagen för presentation av vinnarna fungerade bra, men skulle vi inte få omdömen inom flera kriterier och inte enbart ett betyg?» (Insufficient)
- Listan med poängsättning i de olika kategorierna (mass, construction, tonality etc) kom aldrig upp på studieportalen. Hade varit intressant att se.» (Insufficient)

6. What support have you got for your learning from course literature and other material?

27 svarande

Very little»9 45%
Rather little»6 30%
Rather big»4 20%
Very big»1 5%
No opinion»7

Genomsnitt: 1.85

- Föreläsningarna var bra, men passade kanske inte ihop med uppgiften som vi tilldelades i år.» (Very little)

7. How did the organisation, memoranda, direct information etc. function?

27 svarande

Very bad»2 8%
Rather bad»3 12%
Rather well»14 56%
Very well»6 24%
No opinion»2

Genomsnitt: 2.96

Work environment

8. How do you rate the possibilities to get assistance and ask questions?

27 svarande

Very bad»2 7%
Rather bad»5 18%
Rather well»6 22%
Very well»2 7%
I have not asked for assistance»12 44%

Genomsnitt: 3.62

- Svaren på mailfrågorna kom ut lite i senaste laget för att de skulle kännas relevanta att ta hänsyn till.» (Rather bad)
- it was very confusing to obtain answers to crutial questions one week before the delivery (e.g. that the communication space is included in the program parts already, etc). impossible to reach Sten on e-mail with some crutial organisational questions at the beginning of the course.» (Rather bad)
- Det var nog inte aktuellt i denna typ av kurs.» (I have not asked for assistance)

9. How has the cooperation between you and the students in your group been?

27 svarande

Very bad»0 0%
Rather bad»0 0%
Rather good»7 25%
Very good»16 59%
I have not tried to cooperate»4 14%

Genomsnitt: 3.88

- the structure of the course tends to create a competing atmosphere rather than a collaborative. i didnt see much of my classmates during this period, which i think is bad for the creation of a generous attitude in the proffession. » (Rather good)
- First week the relations was difficult but it turn rather well and gainful during the next weeks. » (Very good)
- Den självständiga tiden har varit väldigt bra och rolig!» (Very good)

Concluding questions

10. What is your overall opinion of the course?

27 svarande

Very bad»2 7%
Bad»4 14%
Passed»9 33%
Good»7 25%
Very good»5 18%

Genomsnitt: 3.33

- To only receive a grade and not a SINGLE critique or opinion about the project is totally worthless! And to give 90% of the course a 3 in grade when the ambition and work effort varies it just shows that the teachers is lazy and have not reviewed all the projects. I am very disappointed, like many others about the conduction of the course and the grades. The teachers have absolutely not used the general grading criteria which they are supposed to. Grade 3 is given to those who has just passed with minimal effort and that is NOT the case for 90% of the students! The teachers should use their summer to review all projects again and give a fair grade according to the general grade criteria (the one which is translated from engineering courses and is used in grading the master thesis project)» (Very bad)
- Det är roligt, eller snarare sorgligt att bara de nominerade fick betyg 5 och 4. Resten, uppemot 50 projekt fick betyget 3! Vilket är totalt orealistiskt. Ni har helt enkelt gjort det lätt för er, satt femmor på de nominerade och fyror på de två projekt som slogs om nomineringarna. I övrigt har ni varit lata och satt ut treor på alla andra! Dålig stil! Inte nog med att vi inte får någon respons eller kritik på våra projekt, dessutom smetar ni på oss alla en trea utan belägg!» (Bad)
- I don"t see the purpose of this course - instead of continute and get deeper in the studio work, the semester was shortened to give room to this course. The whole education at Chalmers suffers from a competative attitute among the students, which is further accentuated by this course. The course put focus on aesthetics and quick production. I would rather see more time for work in the studios. » (Bad)
- Jag tycker att det var en bra kurs tills jag insåg att förslagen inte bedömts över huvud taget. Juryn verkar ha haft väldigt bråttom, då man inte ens hunnit bedöma alla förslagen. Betyget tre som getts till majoriteten av projekten är inte ett bra betyg och jag är väldigt besviken att jag inte fått någon vetskap om hur mitt projekt bedömts! » (Passed)
- very nice topic of the course, nice idea to have such course, only some improvements needed» (Passed)
- Still waiting for jury asessment of project. » (Passed)
- Overall it seems like a good course, building on our knowledge and skills learned from studio, and applying them in a somewhat different context, one that is relevant to our future professional work.» (Good)
- This subject on the competitions is not often discuss in my school.» (Very good)
- I like the course. The aim for the course is clear and i think is well fullfilled. The course is also weak structured considering the large number of the students attending it.» (Very good)

11. What should be preserved next year?

- everything»
- Lectures of winners AND loosers of some competitions. Lectures from foreigners architects»
- Time for the project»
- The Norway boys.»
- Guest lectures.»
- Upplägget på kursen med föreläsningar i början och sedan tid för tävlingen»
- the lectures»
- very nice jury, exhibition in the atrium, positive atmosphere during the final result ceremony, Göteborg site»

12. What should be changed the next year?

- make the conferences mandatory»
- The subject of W13 competition could be more in relation with the development planning of the municipality than the Naturum was this year.»
- More fair grades or just change to passed/not passed. Many people were worth a higher grade than 3.»
- Ser inte poängen med att ha kursen som obligatorisk, om man som jag inte är intresserad av tävlingsdelen inom arkitektur känns inte kursen så motiverande..»
- more discussion afterwards about the projects»
- Att ni faktiskt betygsätter varje projekt enskilt och inte klumpar ihop alla ICKE-nominerade i en kategori där de bara får en trea för att ni är alldeles för lata!»
- More support (perhaps introduced a compulsory critique midway)»
- Doesn"t need to be a lecture after the competition entries were submitted.»
- Move the last lecture ( after the award ceremony) to the early stage of the course.»
- Tillkännage inte uppgiften förrän efter föreläsningsperioden. Ge tydliga omdömen till varje förslag så att man förstår vad som hanterats bra/ mindre bra. Som det var i år gav inte kursen så mycket rent pedagogiskt då man aldrig fick någon feedback, inte ens de 1-5 poäng som utlovades för de olika bedömningskriterierna!»
- The grading system. It"s wrong to first say that the quallity was very high this year and then give 80% of the designs the grade 3 = passed»
- describe more the program in the competition brief including details in the area table (communications included), answer question earlier that one week before the delivery, »
- This course would have fitted better to have in the beginning of the year, when everyone had a lot of energy. This one could have been switched with some of the theory courses in the autumn. »

13. Other comments

- Bra uppgift, intressant! Bra föreläsningar.»
- I think it is really bad that we didn"t get the points in the different categories as we were told. Big fail in the course! It is arrogant and indefensible. »
- the grading was disappointing - for this much workload the grades in general are quite bad»
- Is it so that this is a way for the university to save money? We had no tutors, no critis, no comments. I dont see what it adds to a master level of university studies. »

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