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TA2 2012, VTA 091
Status: Avslutad Öppen för svar: 2012-06-07 - 2012-06-15 Antal svar: 6 Procent av deltagarna som svarat: 40% Kontaktperson: Julia Winroth» Utbildningsprogram som genomför enkäten: Chalmers: masterskurs
Your own effort1. How many hours per week did you spend on this course?We mean total time, that is, it comprises the time you spent in class and the time you spent on your own work. Try to estimate the average time over the entire study period.6 svarande
At most 15 hours/week» | | 2 | | 33% |
Around 20 hours/week» | | 3 | | 50% |
Around 25 hours/week» | | 1 | | 16% |
Around 30 hours/week» | | 0 | | 0% |
At least 35 hours/week» | | 0 | | 0% |
Genomsnitt: 1.83 - unfortunately in competition with RAC» (At most 15 hours/week)
- Really hard to estimate» (Around 25 hours/week)
2. How large part of the lectures offered did you attend? 6 svarande
0%» | | 0 | | 0% |
25%» | | 0 | | 0% |
50%» | | 1 | | 16% |
75%» | | 2 | | 33% |
100%» | | 3 | | 50% |
Genomsnitt: 4.33
Goals and goal fulfilmentThe course syllabus (see http://www.student.chalmers.se/sp/course?course_id=11241 , please change to "English" ) states the course goals in terms of learning outcomes, i.e., knowledge, skills and attitudes to be acquired by the student during the course.3. Have the learning outcomes of the course been presented to you in a clear way?6 svarande
Not at all» | | 0 | | 0% |
To some extend» | | 3 | | 50% |
To large extend» | | 3 | | 50% |
Genomsnitt: 2.5 4. To what extent do you feel you have acquired the knowledge, skills and attitudes stated in the learning outcomes?6 svarande
Small extent» | | 0 | | 0% |
Some extent» | | 1 | | 16% |
Large extent» | | 4 | | 66% |
Great extent» | | 1 | | 16% |
Genomsnitt: 3 5. Are the learning outcomes reasonable considering your background and the number of credits?6 svarande
No, the goals are set too low» | | 0 | | 0% |
Yes, the goals seem reasonable» | | 6 | | 100% |
No, the goals are set too high» | | 0 | | 0% |
Genomsnitt: 2 6. Did the examination assess the learning outcomes?6 svarande
No, not at all» | | 0 | | 0% |
To some extent» | | 1 | | 16% |
Yes, definitely» | | 5 | | 83% |
I don"t know/have not been examined yet» | | 0 | | 0% |
Genomsnitt: 2.83
Course administration7. How well did the course administration, web page, handouts etc work?5 svarande
Very badly» | | 0 | | 0% |
Rather badly» | | 2 | | 40% |
Rather well» | | 2 | | 40% |
Very well» | | 1 | | 20% |
Genomsnitt: 2.8 - Course PM with planning was not up to date.» (Rather badly)
- too many postponed deadlines» (Rather well)
TasksEstimation of all three parts in TA2. Please write extra comments if you have thoughts about the specific parts. 8. How do you judge the level of difficulty of the assignments?6 svarande
Much too difficult» | | 0 | | 0% |
A bit too difficult» | | 0 | | 0% |
Adequate» | | 6 | | 100% |
A bit too easy» | | 0 | | 0% |
Much too easy» | | 0 | | 0% |
Genomsnitt: 3 9. Was the time period scheduled for the assignments sufficient?The time period was...6 svarande
Much too short» | | 0 | | 0% |
A bit too short» | | 2 | | 33% |
Adequate» | | 4 | | 66% |
A bit too long» | | 0 | | 0% |
Much too long» | | 0 | | 0% |
Genomsnitt: 2.66 - But his has certainly to do with the RAC course, which took to much time from the other courses» (A bit too short)
10. How well did the course TA1 prepare you for the tasks in TA2?6 svarande
The course was essential.» | | 5 | | 83% |
The course was useful.» | | 1 | | 16% |
One could have managed without TA1.» | | 0 | | 0% |
Genomsnitt: 1.16 11. How well did the lectures in TA2 prepare you for the tasks?6 svarande
The lectures were essential.» | | 3 | | 50% |
The lectures were useful.» | | 2 | | 33% |
One could have managed the work without the lectures.» | | 1 | | 16% |
Genomsnitt: 1.66 12. To what extend do you feel that the lectures helped your understanding of the physical concepts investigated in the tasks?6 svarande
Small extent» | | 0 | | 0% |
Some extent» | | 2 | | 33% |
Large extent» | | 4 | | 66% |
Great extent» | | 0 | | 0% |
Genomsnitt: 2.66 13. How well were the tasks prepared by the supervisors?6 svarande
They were well prepared» | | 6 | | 100% |
There is a need for improvement / please comment» | | 0 | | 0% |
Genomsnitt: 1 14. How helpful was the supervision?5 svarande
Very helpful» | | 5 | | 100% |
Moderatly helpful» | | 0 | | 0% |
Not helpful at all» | | 0 | | 0% |
Genomsnitt: 1 15. How did you percieve the correction of the reports?6 svarande
Too demanding» | | 2 | | 33% |
Adequate» | | 3 | | 50% |
Not demanding enough» | | 0 | | 0% |
Not relevant» | | 1 | | 16% |
Genomsnitt: 2 - Comments like ".... is missing" are not useful if no redesign goal is set in advance.» (Not relevant)
16. How did you percieve the feedback lectures?6 svarande
Very positive» | | 3 | | 50% |
Slightly positive» | | 3 | | 50% |
Slightly negative» | | 0 | | 0% |
Very negative» | | 0 | | 0% |
Genomsnitt: 1.5
Study climate17. How were the opportunities for asking questions and getting help by the teachers?6 svarande
Very poor» | | 1 | | 16% |
Rather poor» | | 0 | | 0% |
Rather good» | | 2 | | 33% |
Very good» | | 3 | | 50% |
I did not seek help» | | 0 | | 0% |
Genomsnitt: 3.16 18. How well has the co-operation between you and your fellow students worked?6 svarande
Very poorly» | | 0 | | 0% |
Rather poorly» | | 1 | | 16% |
Rather well» | | 2 | | 33% |
Very well» | | 3 | | 50% |
I did not seek cooperation» | | 0 | | 0% |
Genomsnitt: 3.33 19. How was the course workload?6 svarande
Too low» | | 0 | | 0% |
Low» | | 0 | | 0% |
Adequate» | | 3 | | 50% |
High» | | 3 | | 50% |
Too high» | | 0 | | 0% |
Genomsnitt: 3.5 20. How was the total workload this study period?6 svarande
Too low» | | 0 | | 0% |
Low» | | 0 | | 0% |
Adequate» | | 0 | | 0% |
High» | | 3 | | 50% |
Too high» | | 3 | | 50% |
Genomsnitt: 4.5 - Problems with timing and adjusting final dates were causing problem for me.» (High)
- depending on the RAC-competition» (Too high)
- THE RAC course took a lot of time and also becuase the HRSV was posponed for almost a month the workload became to much in the end» (Too high)
Summarizing questions21. What should definitely be preserved to next year?- The course idea in general.»
- The general outline with the three parts and the structure. The commitment from the teachers. »
- Modeling»
22. What should definitely be changed to next year?- The explanation of the task. It was hard to figure out what to do.»
- Do not postpone deadlines.»
- More lectures on possible measures!
Less ugly BEM code.»
23. Additional comments
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