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ARK347 - v12 - Architectural conservation
Status: Avslutad Öppen för svar: 2012-05-16 - 2012-05-31 Antal svar: 11 Procent av deltagarna som svarat: 84% Kontaktperson: Roberto Cattaneo» Utbildningsprogram som genomför enkäten: Arkitektur 300 hp Utbildningsprogram studenten tillhör: Arkitektur 300 hp
Learning outcomesWith "learning outcomes" we mean the knowledge, understanding, skills and perspectives you are expected to reach.
After course ARK347, students should be able to - Make an inventory of buildings and environment - Describe and analyze characteristics out of architectural, technical, historical, cultural, functional and resource aspects - Produce drawings as foundation for continued planning of restoration, transformation and rebuilding, and search for information in archives and literature - Accomplish an inspection of damages and interpret them out of (historical) techniques and other investigations - Inquire and communicate the wishes and needs of managers, authorities, users and other stake-holders - Understand the concepts of restoration and rebuilding - Know and reflect on restoration/renewal ideas, historically and today in local, national and international perspectives - Describe, analyze and balance different values, shortcomings, needs and possibilities in the building and environment - Make a program for renewal of a building on basis of acquired knowledge and understanding about the building itself and the opinions and needs of stakeholders - Give ideas and sketch proposals for conceptual solutions, and visualize and communicate them with other students, experts, clients and stakeholders - Design a project of architectural conservation and development, with regard to historical, cultural, functional, technical and resource considerations - Perform, visualize and describe a full proposal for restoration and renewal
1. How do you think the learning outcome has been pursued during this course?*11 svarande
Very badly» | | 1 | | 9% |
Badly» | | 1 | | 9% |
Sufficiently» | | 8 | | 72% |
Well» | | 1 | | 9% |
Very well» | | 0 | | 0% |
No opinion» | | 0 | | |
Genomsnitt: 2.81 - There were too little input in the begining of the course. More lecture and seminare in the beggining would be better.» (Sufficiently)
- Not so much new input» (Sufficiently)
2. Are the learning outcomes reasonable in relation to your pre-knowledge ?*11 svarande
No, they are too elementar» | | 2 | | 25% |
Yes, they are reasonable» | | 6 | | 75% |
No, they are too ambitious» | | 0 | | 0% |
No opinion» | | 3 | | |
Genomsnitt: 1.75 - I feel like we missed a lot of imoprtant information due to the lack of lectures. (Mabye because there were too few people that would hold the lectures in english?)» (No, they are too elementar)
- I can say I have expected, probably much detailed idea of how to deal with certain problem caused by, water , fire, of just simple age. As the studio is the whole semester, my expectation were probably more directed to rules and regulation, materials, solutions of replacement ,....etc» (No opinion)
3. Are the learning outcomes reasonable in relation to the scope and amount of credits?*11 svarande
Too small scope in relation to credits» | | 4 | | 36% |
Reasonable scope in relation to credits» | | 7 | | 63% |
Too wide scope in relation to credits» | | 0 | | 0% |
No opinion» | | 0 | | |
Genomsnitt: 1.63
Education and course administration4. What support have you got for your learning from...*Matrisfråga- Although it was nice to be introduced to many different books and articles, it would have been hard to read them all. As it were now, you at least have an idea of which ones you would like to read in the future.»
- Some lectures were great, other less good. The literature for the seminars seem to be of different relevance to the course, better to focus on case studies maybe. Study visits are great, the more the merrier. Lectures are best in the beginning but it is nice to have a few through the whole semester creating small breaks in project work. Possibilities for tutoring for the last assignment was very good, assignment 1 and 2 though was worse, to much time for these assignments, maybe merge them into one. Studies on site is as study visits, the more visits the more you see and learn, but as Lyckholms is so close I think it´,s our own responsibility as well to go there on our own. »
- too few lectures»
Lectures* 11 svarande
Very little» | | 3 | | 27% |
Rather little» | | 5 | | 45% |
Rather big» | | 3 | | 27% |
Very big» | | 0 | | 0% |
No opinion» | | 0 | | |
Genomsnitt: 2 Literature* 11 svarande
Very little» | | 1 | | 9% |
Rather little» | | 3 | | 27% |
Rather big» | | 7 | | 63% |
Very big» | | 0 | | 0% |
No opinion» | | 0 | | |
Genomsnitt: 2.54 Studies on site (Lyckholm)* 11 svarande
Very little» | | 0 | | 0% |
Rather little» | | 1 | | 9% |
Rather big» | | 8 | | 72% |
Very big» | | 2 | | 18% |
No opinion» | | 0 | | |
Genomsnitt: 3.09 Study visits* 11 svarande
Very little» | | 0 | | 0% |
Rather little» | | 2 | | 18% |
Rather big» | | 6 | | 54% |
Very big» | | 3 | | 27% |
No opinion» | | 0 | | |
Genomsnitt: 3.09 Seminars* 11 svarande
Very little» | | 3 | | 27% |
Rather little» | | 5 | | 45% |
Rather big» | | 2 | | 18% |
Very big» | | 1 | | 9% |
No opinion» | | 0 | | |
Genomsnitt: 2.09 Tutoring* 11 svarande
Very little» | | 2 | | 18% |
Rather little» | | 3 | | 27% |
Rather big» | | 5 | | 45% |
Very big» | | 1 | | 9% |
No opinion» | | 0 | | |
Genomsnitt: 2.45 5. Think about the amount of the parts componing the course. Do you think they are...*Matrisfråga- Smaller design exercises would have been nice in the beginning, like daysketches of specific parts of the building (new windows, entrance etc.), sad we never went with Peter Christenssen to Lyckholms.»
- To many in early stage»
Lectures* 11 svarande
Too few» | | 8 | | 72% |
Adequate» | | 3 | | 27% |
Too many» | | 0 | | 0% |
No opinion» | | 0 | | |
Genomsnitt: 1.27 Literature* 11 svarande
Too few» | | 3 | | 27% |
Adequate» | | 8 | | 72% |
Too many» | | 0 | | 0% |
No opinion» | | 0 | | |
Genomsnitt: 1.72 Assignments* 11 svarande
Too few» | | 0 | | 0% |
Adequate» | | 8 | | 72% |
Too many» | | 3 | | 27% |
No opinion» | | 0 | | |
Genomsnitt: 2.27 Study visits* 11 svarande
Too few» | | 2 | | 18% |
Adequate» | | 7 | | 63% |
Too many» | | 2 | | 18% |
No opinion» | | 0 | | |
Genomsnitt: 2 Seminars* 11 svarande
Too few» | | 3 | | 30% |
Adequate» | | 5 | | 50% |
Too many» | | 2 | | 20% |
No opinion» | | 1 | | |
Genomsnitt: 1.9 Tutoring chances* 11 svarande
Too few» | | 2 | | 18% |
Adequate» | | 8 | | 72% |
Too many» | | 1 | | 9% |
No opinion» | | 0 | | |
Genomsnitt: 1.9 6. How did the course organisation (information, schedule, homepage, handing-in) function?*11 svarande
Very badly» | | 2 | | 18% |
Rather badly» | | 5 | | 45% |
Rather well» | | 3 | | 27% |
Very well» | | 1 | | 9% |
No opinion» | | 0 | | |
Genomsnitt: 2.27 - Roberto did a very good job! but the course in general was really unorganist» (Very badly)
- When we got the schedule the first day I was so happy and it looked promising, but then a lot of changes were made, some with very short notice. It is so frustrating not being able to plan the time you have.» (Rather badly)
- Continious changes of schedule makes life hard to plan (yes, there´,s a life beside school and those hours are valuable). The last week was kind of disaster, 15 minutes group tutoring became much more, we should have got a schedule the day before, felt useless to come at 10 and wait all day.» (Rather badly)
- We all know it didn´,t work... I think the assistant did his best, due to the circumstances.» (Rather badly)
- And that is in between well and not so well. Lectures were reorganized and delivered may be a little bit too late in the course, but info was available as a literature for reading on the web page, and schedule was regularly updated. However the class can definitely use ping pong» (Rather well)
- Roberto is the best!» (Very well)
7. How do you rate the possibilities to get assistance and ask questions?*11 svarande
Very bad» | | 0 | | 0% |
Rather bad» | | 2 | | 18% |
Rather good» | | 8 | | 72% |
Very good» | | 1 | | 9% |
I have not asked for assistance» | | 0 | | 0% |
Genomsnitt: 2.9 - Roberto did a good job and it was always possible to reach him, but hard to reach another teacher» (Rather bad)
- Considering the circumstances trough which the course has developed, i have to say there is still room for improvement. Many of our tutors were not consistent trough our work process, or where not there. But I have to say that the teachers made sure to either inform us of changes or to try and schedule something else.» (Rather good)
- There should be more tutoring near the end of the project. In the beginning we had not gotten to far and did not need so much tutoring. At the very end of the project, there is a risk that tutoring just adds to your workload and do not help you at all. You are in a production face and just want to be finished in time. In your mind you have finished the project, what you are working on is how to best present and communicate it. We need some time for that and can not keep adding new things, aspects in the end.» (Rather good)
Work environment8. How was the possibility of using Chalmers equipment (computers, rooms, carpentry, etc.)?*11 svarande
Very bad» | | 0 | | 0% |
Rather bad» | | 4 | | 36% |
Rather good» | | 5 | | 45% |
Very good» | | 2 | | 18% |
I did not use any of the school equipment» | | 0 | | 0% |
No opinion» | | 0 | | |
Genomsnitt: 2.81 - There was not computers for everyone and it could be difficult to find places where the whole group could sit and work together.» (Rather bad)
- If you want a computer you better like waking up at 6. And the ventilation hardly worked in our studio.» (Rather bad)
- As a studio of 12 with only four computers I personally think it is not enough, especially since we all have to use programs we have at the school. The room assigned for the studio is quite good size, may be if something can be done for the air circulation can be great» (Rather good)
9. How has the cooperation between you and students in your group been?*11 svarande
Very bad» | | 0 | | 0% |
Rather bad» | | 1 | | 9% |
Rather good» | | 5 | | 45% |
Very good» | | 5 | | 45% |
I have worked individually» | | 0 | | 0% |
Genomsnitt: 3.36 - We should have the possibilities to choose group
By our selves» (Rather bad)
- My group was excellent » (Very good)
Concluding questions10. What is your overall opinion of the course?*11 svarande
Very bad» | | 0 | | 0% |
Bad» | | 3 | | 27% |
Passed» | | 5 | | 45% |
Good» | | 3 | | 27% |
Very good» | | 0 | | 0% |
Genomsnitt: 3 - I am not sure I would take this course again, it wasn"t good organised, especially in the first part I felt lost» (Passed)
- I dislike that so many people talked Swedish for example at länsstyrelsen » (Passed)
- The lectures and study trips was good. As was the part when we learned how to measure a building. Maybe some of the research work could be done together in the whole class. Less repetition and I would think even more useful information if tasks were divided between us. Similar approach in previous courses was successful. Then the research part was the same for everyone introducing the individual projects as the first part of a common folder. Each group could share what they have found and how they did it, archives, whom they have spoken with, witch homepage they have gotten information out of... Then the other groups would know what to do, where to turn if they had further interest in some part of the research.» (Good)
11. What should be preserved next year?*- The overall idea of the course is very interesting, study visits, work in the cite, working in small groups, possibly 2-3 people, tutoring, the idea to explore the local context»
- The first SWOT-analysis»
- the study visits»
- study visits»
- Site visits, tutoring.»
- the assistant roberto was very helpful and made an effort to ensure a good working climate »
- Measuring, I can not believe we have not learned that before. Se the above. (nr. 10)»
- Measuring assignment, photogrammetry assignment, all the study visits, literature seminars. Possibilities to have tutoring by engineer K-G Olsson.»
- the studyvisits.»
- Roberto was a great assistent, study visits, measuring week»
- Study visits»
12. What should be changed next year?*- If you are more interested in the big image of the area you should be given the option to fallow it, in case other is more in to construction detail planning then that will require more literature, or possibility to work in a group interested in the same matter. More lectures at the start of the course»
- no study visits when it´,s to cold or very rainy. You don´,t listen much, you just want to work indoors at those times»
- the organisation in a global way and the schedule for the semester : it should give more time for the design than the analyse part.»
- the teacher, better organisation, too much time for first parts, too less time and assistence for indepth part. »
- Less time for analyse, more for indepth. It became way to stressfull to finish a project in time in 3,5 weeks.»
- more lectures in the beginning of the course
clearer instruction what the difference between the 4 different steps is (especially 1 and 2) and what the assignment is
better organisation of the tutorings »
- Set a schedule and keep it, for everyones sake. It is fine to have some time after the presentation to correct minor faults, but it should be on the schedule! Se the above. (nr. 10)»
- Assignment 1 and 2 (merge them), cross-critique by students should be included in the final critique, more scheduled time in the beginning of the semester.»
- less swot and more lectures. have a possibility to change group when you choose your in depth project. have more time for part four. where did bengt disapear? more connection between part one and the rest. more lectures in the begining of the cours. don´,t let the swedish speaking students act as translators for the rest of the group. higher quality of english from the teacher. more respect for the students and their time. if there should be possibilities to do corrections after final presentation, let the students know that befor the presentation. if you cooperate with a company, like this time peab, be more clear in which role they are going to play. (As for now we expected them to take part in our project, but they were only interested in marketing their company.) »
- better organisation, better support for the teacher (she seemed a bit lost)»
- More lectures and information in the beginning»
13. Other comments- more lectures in the beginning, not at the end.
do not have 2 swot analysis. one is enough
to many assignment - combine and make fewer for next year
more lectures about concervation, less about beer»
- course desription was obviously not clear enough »
- Flexibility is a good thing but too much change is stressful and irritating. Some things, like what is expected to be handed in, should be set in stone from the beginning. Examples. The legal plan, if it would have been more clear in the beginning of the course that we should discuss it, that would have been an excellent thing to do when a study visit had to be moved to another date or something of sorts. Plans and scale, When we wanted to show more detail in our plans we changed the scale and that was fine. If you know from the start what the end result is expected to be, you can use the first parts of the studio to support the final one without having to remake them. That is just a waste of precious time.»
- I feel that the teacher had too strong opinions on conservation and that we should have the same opinions, that the teacher had to many opinions on our design work (which isn´,t the way, according to me, to give good critique). The language was also a problem as the english communication did not work out that fine all the time. There were also no information that we were suppose to do changes in the project after final hand-in, this seem to be something made up during the critique session (when another teacher mentioned it). The final critique felt a bit unprofessional and not serious, the room was awful as well as the ventilation couldn´,t handle us. Keeping time didn´,t exist at all it felt like.»
- Make the students cooperate between themselves more. It felt like a competition!»
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