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Operations planning and control, TEK420

Status: Avslutad
Öppen för svar: 2011-12-15 - 2012-01-21
Antal svar: 28
Procent av deltagarna som svarat: 51%
Kontaktperson: Patrik Jonsson»
Utbildningsprogram som genomför enkäten: Industriell ekonomi 300 hp

Your background and own effort

1. What is your educational background?

28 svarande

Chalmers I-programme»11 39%
Chalmers Other programme»6 21%
Sweden, Other university than Chalmers»1 3%
European exchange student (Erasmus etc)»4 14%
European MSc programme student with BSc from outside Sweden»5 17%
Non-European MSc programme student with BSc from outside Swe»1 3%

Genomsnitt: 2.6

- Mechanical engineering» (Chalmers Other programme)

2. How many hours per week did you spend on this course?

We mean total time, that is, it comprises the time you spent in class and the time you spent on your own work. Try to estimate the average time over the entire study period.

28 svarande

At most 15 hours/week»1 3%
Around 20 hours/week»6 21%
Around 25 hours/week»11 39%
Around 30 hours/week»5 17%
At least 35 hours/week»5 17%

Genomsnitt: 3.25

3. How large part of the teaching offered did you attend?

28 svarande

0%»0 0%
25%»0 0%
50%»3 10%
75%»8 28%
100%»17 60%

Genomsnitt: 4.5

Goals and goal fulfilment

4. How understandable are the course goals?

28 svarande

I have not seen/read the goals»4 14%
The goals are difficult to understand»0 0%
The goals give some guidance, but could be clearer»16 57%
The goals clearly describe what I am supposed to learn»8 28%

Genomsnitt: 3

5. Did the examination assess whether you have reached the goals?

Don"t answer this question if you haven"t done the final written exam yet.

27 svarande

No, not at all»1 3%
To some extent»22 81%
Yes, definitely»4 14%
I don"t know/have not been examined yet»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 2.11

- The exam was not at all what I expected.» (No, not at all)
- I think the calculations were very different and I am really disappointed on that the number of points was incorrect. I correct exam is not too much to ask for I think. Both our exams this reading period were wrong...» (To some extent)
- The goals do not mention anything about calculations so way is it so much emphasize on the calculations on the exam? Moreover, the exam did not test of we could analyze and categorize firm specific planning environments. There was too much focus on specific in depth knowledge in the exam. » (To some extent)
- I believe the questions which included calculations was a lot harder and more advanced than what we"ve been practicing in class and also a lot harder than the ones on older exams.» (To some extent)
- Tycker inte tentan riktigt visade på förståelse. » (To some extent)
- I think the exam corresponded to the course goals. Some of the questions were though a little bit too different from what we had seen before.» (Yes, definitely)

Course structure and content

6. To what extent has the lectures been of help for your learning?

28 svarande

Small extent»3 10%
Some extent»10 35%
Large extent»12 42%
Great extent»3 10%

Genomsnitt: 2.53

- What I missed was an early and extensive overall picture of what we were actually doing. It felt too straightforward into the different processes. It was only in the very last lecture for example that it was explained the difference between i.e. the process Capacity Requirements Planning and the method CRP. It needs to be clearly explained in the beginning that we are looking into basically 4 planning levels, a number of different processes and then the methods to use in each process. » (Small extent)
- To be honest I think that the lectures, except for the calculation exercises and guest lectures, were useless. The things we went through on the lectures didn"t put anything i a context. There should be more examples of how different methods are used, pros and cons, and comparisions between, e.g. different order planning methods. » (Small extent)
- The lectures was mainly a repetition of what was stated in the book. Same pictures on the slides and in the book etc. Hard to get an overview of the subject, it was more focus on details than on what an opc process really is in a company. More examples and real cases on the lecture instead of only going through the book» (Small extent)
- A lot of information to take in during long lectures. » (Some extent)
- I didn"t quite understand what the course was about until a few days before the exam.» (Some extent)
- It is too much lectures since it is only a 6 credits course. For example way do we have two lectures about forecasting one with Anna and one with Partik?» (Large extent)
- The lectures has provided good learning objectives » (Large extent)
- All lecturer"s have done a great job and really been dedicated to teach. An additional plus to Patrik"s pedagogical approach and Anna"s and Paulina"s availability and always taking time to help outside class hours» (Great extent)

7. To what extent has the quantitative problem seminars been of help for your learning?

28 svarande

Small extent»2 7%
Some extent»11 39%
Large extent»9 32%
Great extent»6 21%

Genomsnitt: 2.67

- It would be better to solve together more complicated problems, that the most primitive ones. Answers on the questions should be more explanatory than just "look in the book"» (Small extent)
- Not in line with exercises on exam but otherwise helpful» (Some extent)
- As mentioned earlier, the quantitative problems on the exam did not at all reflect what we practiced in class.» (Some extent)
- Good for the calculations of the exam. However, the exam calculations was much more comprehensive than during the exercises. Why not make at least some of the exercises during the seminar of the same complexity?» (Large extent)
- Not the seminars but the hand-outs where great. » (Large extent)
- But the exercises should as difficult or more difficult as the questions that might come on the exam. This year were the exam questions much harder than those examples we have practiced on. » (Large extent)
- Very good calculation exercises!» (Great extent)
- Always good to learn how things should be done. Limits the possibility to learn wrong solving methods. » (Great extent)

8. To what extent has the guest lectures (Volvo Trucks, Nobel Biocare, Meritor) been of help for your learning?

28 svarande

Small extent»8 28%
Some extent»8 28%
Large extent»7 25%
Great extent»5 17%

Genomsnitt: 2.32

- Var kanske intressanta, men tycker inte de gav så mycket.» (Small extent)
- The Volvo lecture was good.» (Some extent)
- I don"t know if they helped in a very large degree, but they were absolutely interesting do listen to.» (Some extent)
- Innteresting guest lectures.» (Large extent)
- It was a very good complement to learn how the theory is applied in reality.» (Large extent)
- Very interesting lectures» (Great extent)
- Really good guest lectures. » (Great extent)
- Awesome approach! I think this should be mandatory in all courses!!» (Great extent)

9. To what extent has the Jonsson & Mattsson book been of help for your learning?

28 svarande

Small extent»1 3%
Some extent»12 42%
Large extent»6 21%
Great extent»9 32%

Genomsnitt: 2.82

- I don"t really like reading it other than to find specific explanition of different words. Says too little in too many words.» (Some extent)
- The book is heavy to read and the exercises need to be corrected, it is too much miss calculations in the answers! It would be good to find another book with better structure to use in the course. » (Some extent)
- The book is written in an unneccessary complicated language which hinders the learning. The pros/cons with each of the different methods are however good and they give a good sence for the different methods. » (Some extent)
- I think the book could have been written clearer, sometimes it is hard to understand the concepts and get the big picture meaning how all parts are related» (Some extent)
- I find the book rather overcomplicated and although the framework, i.e. that picture of material and capacity perspectives, is quite clear I felt as if the book was just mentioning different concepts and didn"t quite understand what it was about. » (Some extent)
- Sometimes difficult to understand the book. Difficult language and bad explanations of some of the concepts. This is the reason it would be better if the lectures didn´,t only repeated what was stated in the book because it was hard to understand. » (Some extent)
- But it was a quite hard book to read..too much information about hundreds of methods. Maybe better to focus on a few or cut one or two chapters. I did not get what was cut from last course. 1,5 hp is equal to 20% so I cannot see that big difference.» (Large extent)
- The book is extremely difficult to read and is badly structured. It should be clearer what the pros and cons are with different methods and why they are used in a certain environment.» (Large extent)
- It"s a great book, but lacks some in depth facts in some areas. I would like even more about how tasks should be carried out. » (Great extent)
- Without this book, the exam would"ve been impossible» (Great extent)

10. To what extent has the case company assignment 1 been of help for your learning?

28 svarande

Small extent»4 14%
Some extent»8 28%
Large extent»15 53%
Great extent»1 3%

Genomsnitt: 2.46

- Hard to apply because the book is strict and the reality is completely different. Good assigment but not so very connected to the actual lerning» (Some extent)
- Some extent for the learning but interesting to learn how a company can work with the concepts» (Some extent)
- The course have been so abstract so it was good to see how the companies really do.» (Large extent)
- Its interesting to see that the company use methods, that we read about, in different ways.» (Large extent)
- Unfortunately the learnings have not necessarily been those that the course aimed at teaching us, rather we learned about how our host company worked.» (Large extent)
- We certainly learned that all companies don"t follow text books....» (Large extent)

11. To what extent has the case study assignment 2 been of help for your learning?

28 svarande

Small extent»3 10%
Some extent»9 32%
Large extent»13 46%
Great extent»3 10%

Genomsnitt: 2.57

- I think better for lerning that ass.1» (Some extent)
- Again, didn"t fully understand what the course was about, even after performing case study assignement 2.» (Some extent)
- But the case seems too big to only give 5 extra points. And it should be clearer how the reports are graded- » (Large extent)
- It was quite difficult and timeconsuming which is good since it enables a good learning and understanding of the course content. It did help me a lof for the exam as well.» (Great extent)
- Perfect way to try to grasp the holistic view of the course. Maybe next time all planning levels should be involved? I also believe that it could have been more calculations included.» (Great extent)

12. How did you perceive the mix between lectures, guest lectures, assignments, seminars, own literature studies, etc.?

28 svarande

Good mix»24 85%
Not a good mix»4 14%

Genomsnitt: 1.14

- Too many lecture hours if we are supposed to follow in the book and too long lectures. Good to have many lectures in the beginning» (Not a good mix)
- Too much lectures. » (Not a good mix)

13. What is your opinion about the mid-term exam?

28 svarande

Not at all good»5 20%
Neither bad nor good»13 52%
Very good»7 28%
No opinion»3

Genomsnitt: 2.08

- For a mid-term where we can suppose most students didn"t have time to read the entire book the exam was way too detailed. Would be better for the learning if it were more overall knowledge and more understanding of the processes. » (Not at all good)
- I think too many questions was fraised in a way to be problematic to understand rather than test the actual knowledge of the student. They could have been clearer in that sence. I think it is good that the opportunity exists though!» (Not at all good)
- It is good that you can get point to the exam, but you should be able to get more extra points from it. Till next year you should also be clearer with the question and consider what you really ask for. On this year"s mid-term it felt like if the answers could be different depending on how you interpreted the questions.» (Not at all good)
- It is good that we have an exam like that but many of the questions were quite complicated and didn"t test basic knowledge, just the ability to understand a strangely formulated question.» (Not at all good)
- Good to motivate but really hard to get points from.» (Neither bad nor good)
- I think the questions could be a bit clearer for example way should you be able to know that hand tools are made in a functional layout (some cars are also made in functional layouts)? I think it would be better if it is possible to get some points for the majority of the class. When the majority did not got any points, our mood dropt and it was not fun to study since we thought the course focused on too detailed questions-» (Neither bad nor good)
- It is good, but the questions did not at all follow what we had gone through during lectures. It was much more specific and detailed. My personal view is that if that kind of knowledge is expected, then it should be more detailed on lectures as well.» (Neither bad nor good)
- It"s good to have a mid-term so one is "forced" to study. The bad part is the fact that the questions could be interpreted in different ways, hence several answers could be correct. » (Neither bad nor good)
- Många frågor var ganska konstiga och vissa svarsalternativ var väldigt lika varandra. » (Neither bad nor good)
- Good way to make me to start study early.» (Very good)

Course administration

14. How well did the course administration, web page, handouts etc work?

28 svarande

Very badly»0 0%
Rather badly»0 0%
Rather well»10 35%
Very well»18 64%

Genomsnitt: 3.64

- One huge minus was the fact that the slides that were uploaded on the course web page were not the same as Patrick showed in class. This made me confused and it happened in more than one lecture. Searching for the correct slide i lost track of what we were talking about. If a slide is too "confidential" to hand out than at least place a blank slide in the file uploaded on the web page.» (Rather well)

Study climate

15. How were the opportunities for asking questions and getting help?

28 svarande

Very poor»0 0%
Rather poor»1 3%
Rather good»7 25%
Very good»18 64%
I did not seek help»2 7%

Genomsnitt: 3.75

- Both Patrik and Anna were available when we need help. Very good!» (Very good)

16. How was the course workload (i.e. only consider the OPC course and not Freight Transport!)?

28 svarande

Too low»0 0%
Low»0 0%
Adequate»8 28%
High»18 64%
Too high»2 7%

Genomsnitt: 3.78

- There was a strong focus on hand-ins which gave little time to prepare for the exam.» (Adequate)
- Higher compared to FTS» (High)
- Hard exam!» (High)
- High on the verge to too high.» (High)
- This course was harder than the FTS. I think I put almost twice as much time in this one than the FTS and I still think I will get a higher grade in the FTS.» (High)
- This is only a 6 credits course, what have been cut from the course to make it a 6 credits course??? It should be 20% less in this course compared to last year course. I think you can skip the calculations to next year!» (Too high)

17. How was the total workload this study period (i.e. for the courses Freight transport + OPC together)?

28 svarande

Too low»0 0%
Low»0 0%
Adequate»9 32%
High»16 57%
Too high»3 10%

Genomsnitt: 3.78

- I didn"t take the Freight transport course.» (Adequate)
- I wanted to get 5 in both courses, so the average workload was maybe around 65h/week. I don"t think that is too much though, since it should be hard to get top grades.» (Adequate)
- Almost too high but the first reading period was almost worse so we are now used to this climate» (High)
- The workload in the OPC course was high, the overall workload was ok because the work load in the FTS course was rather low. If a more demand course should be taken in the future at the same time as OPC the work load might be too high.» (High)
- Sometimes I felt that the hand-in deadlines could be rescheduled in a different date so that the worrkload would be smoother: some weeks we did not have nothing to hand-in, others we had 2/3 assignments.» (High)
- Too high since all the overlapping efforts due to the "term paper and seminars" course. The freight course and OPC course in it self also had a high workload, but motivated.» (Too high)

Summarising questions

18. What is your general impression of the course?

28 svarande

Poor»0 0%
Fair»1 3%
Adequate»9 32%
Good»17 60%
Excellent»1 3%

Genomsnitt: 3.64

- It is an important course since capacity planning, material planning etc. is an important part of a company"s operations.» (Adequate)
- very interesting course but sometimes the book was very difficult to read» (Good)
- The exam might"ve been to detailed. The learning objectives before each chapter did not really respond to the scope of the questions on the exam.» (Good)

19. What should definitely be preserved to next year?

- The quantitative seminars and the assignment 1.»
- The case study, the exercises, »
- the focus on processes and methods and not e.g. concepts»
- The connection to the host company.»
- The challanging and fun cases»
- The guest lectures and the calculation seminars were really good.»
- Guest lectures form Volvo and Nobel Biocare»
- Case studies»
- The guest lectures.»
- The staff, the book, the second case.»
- Patric, The guest lectures, the assignments»
- Guest lecture host company»
- the mix between lectures, assignments, seminars»
- the quantitative seminars, case 2»

20. What should definitely be changed to next year?

- »
- Better coordination with the term paper and seminar course, the exam»
- The level of detail. Not so detailed questions. And the exam and the lectures should be more synchronized. For now it felt like the exam tested to some extent completely different things than the lectures taught you. »
- The exam was too time comsuming. Wrote constantly for 4 full hours and barely finished.»
- Too much to do in this course! Skip the exercises and the articles. Change to book! More focus on real examples to enable us to analyse and categorize firm specific planning environments and analyse and suggest how to design and relate operations planning and control strategies to specific planning environments. »
- Having to do everything with the host company twice, both in this course and also in the term papaer course. I think the integration is good though.»
- The structure of the lectures should be changed! The things we went through on the lectures didn"t put anything i a context. Since the exam to a large extent is about being able to compare different methods etc. there should be more examples of how different methods are used, pros and cons, and comparisons between, e.g. different order planning methods. »
- The slides uploaded on the course web page need to be the same as shown in class.»
- More details in both lectures and cases. I want to be abe to really use what I have learned when I graduate. Exam and especially the midterm must better mirror what we"ve learned in class. »
- the scope of the quantitative problems in class. Design them to reflect the exam!»
- The calculation part should be cleaer»
- the guest lectures where good but it"s a bit hard to understand exactly how they work because we haven"t seen how they work in practice. So it"s alot of information which getting confusing after a while and u loose focus!»
- The courses should be better co-ordinated so that the workload is more spread.»
- we should have some guest lectures about OPC in a real company»
- the host company assignment should be removed from the course»

21. Additional comments

- Again I want to point at the exam, it is unfair to change preconditions at the exam occasion, number of points should be correct»
- I would like to comment on question 2. I answered 20 hrs, BUT I did not have time to do the exercises in the book or read the articles (except for the article no. 8)»
- Despite the fact that I always got help for the Harvest/Rubber case, I felt that the guidelines (tasks) were vague. The final exam was too long to be done in time. The Harvest/Rubber case group should be the same for the Freight Transport course, sometimes it was difficult to meet the two groups. Perhaps we should not get the opportunity to choose the group, instead we would be given one.»
- Overall a great course! Thanks»
- no further comments. Thank you Patrik»

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