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Strategy Creation and Change, 2011, TEK280

Status: Avslutad
Öppen för svar: 2011-10-25 - 2011-11-10
Antal svar: 43
Procent av deltagarna som svarat: 64%
Kontaktperson: Tobias Fredberg»

Overall impression

1. What is your general impression of the course?

43 svarande

Poor»1 2%
Fair»1 2%
Ok»6 13%
Good»18 41%
Very good»17 39%

Genomsnitt: 4.13 (bidrar till totalt genomsnitt/jämförelseindex)

- the case discussion should be improved» (Ok)
- Excellent lectures» (Very good)
- I learned a lot of elementary tools to have an idea of diferents strategy, business model and marketing of a company and the cases and project helped me to see how to use this tool in a good and relevant way. In addition i have learned a lot about companies and and industries that i never known thanks to cases and presentations. I think presentations should be han out and available for all the students in the course for those who are interested to learn about how a company operates.» (Very good)

2. Would you recommend this course to other students?

43 svarande

Yes»41 95%
No»2 4%

Genomsnitt: 1.04

- Especially for those who are not MEI students» (Yes)
Genomsnitt totalt för detta stycke: 4.13

Your own effort

3. Which master program do you study?

42 svarande

MPQOM»7 16%
MPMEI»16 38%
MPSCM»5 11%
Other»14 33%

Genomsnitt: 2.61

4. How many hours per week did you spend on this course?

We mean total time, that is, it comprises the time you spent in class and the time you spent on your own work. Try to estimate the average time over the entire study period.

43 svarande

At most 5 hours/week»1 2%
Around 10 hours/week»5 11%
Around 15 hours/week»14 32%
Around 20 hours/week»18 41%
At least 25 hours/week»5 11%

Genomsnitt: 3.48

5. How large part of the course sessions did you attend?

We here refer both to the lectures and the case discussions.

43 svarande

0%»0 0%
25%»1 2%
50%»1 2%
75%»18 41%
100%»23 53%

Genomsnitt: 4.46

- Wanted to attend all but could not make it on a few occations due to other obligations» (75%)
- I missed one case only. » (100%)
- Vore det inte bättre att ge alternativen som intervall» (100%)

6. How engaged were you in the teamwork?

43 svarande

Not active at all»0 0%
Not so active»0 0%
Participated, but was not very engaged»2 4%
Quite active»15 34%
Very active»26 60%

Genomsnitt: 4.55

- It was difficult for me to be very active because of my background and my difficulties in english but this course, thanks to discussions, for instance in team helped me to improve that» (Quite active)
- Was as active as I could, considering that I was double booked some sessions, but that was true for everybody in our group. » (Very active)
- We had a rather active group with a lot of discussions» (Very active)
- Two were very active and two were less active.» (Very active)

Goals fulfilment and examination

The course syllabus and the lectures have stated the course goals in terms of learning outcomes, i.e., knowledge, skills and attitudes to be acquired by the student during the course.

7. To what extent did you learn what you were supposed to gain from the course?

41 svarande

Not at all»0 0%
Small extent»1 2%
Some extent»11 26%
Large extent»25 60%
It was clear what I could expect»4 9%

Genomsnitt: 3.78 (bidrar till totalt genomsnitt/jämförelseindex)

8. What would you have preferred as examination form?

The course used cases, participation in class discussions and an exam as the main examination forms. You can here indicate what you think would be appropriate ways of examination. Please click all alternatives that apply.

43 svarande

(på denna fråga var det möjligt att välja flera svarsalternativ)

Written term papers (team)»18 41%
Indivdual term papers»10 23%
Short papers (team)»7 16%
Individual short papers»9 20%
Performance in case discussions»20 46%
Presentations in class»19 44%
Exercises (other than cases) in class»9 20%
Smaller diagnostic tests»12 27%
Large traditional written test»4 9%
Large exam based on case analysis»14 32%
No opinion»4

- Ā case analysis as a home exam instead of term paper. (the hardest part is choosing a topic and with this everyone gets the same possibilities. » (Performance in case discussions, Exercises (other than cases) in class)
- Maybe a bit too high dependence upon team performance, even though I think that team work should still be a part of the course.» (Short papers (team), Performance in case discussions, Presentations in class, Large traditional written test)
- Liked it as it was.» (No opinion)
- the time in examination is too short and not enough» (Written term papers (team), Presentations in class, Large exam based on case analysis)
- time allotted for the final case exam could be longer 4 hours» (Exercises (other than cases) in class, Smaller diagnostic tests, Large exam based on case analysis)
- Tycker att en hemtenta vore ett alldeles utmärkt alternativ för den här kursen. Men det kanske räknas som "Individual short papers". Betyg på casediskussionerna i klassen känns ganska underligt tycker jag, Det hade kanske varit lite bättre om klassen hade varit uppdelad ännu mer. I mer än två delar alltså» (Written term papers (team), Individual short papers, Presentations in class)
- but the time limit should be more than 3 hours, as the reading of such a case study takes about 1 hour» (Large exam based on case analysis)
- I think the current ways of examination is appropriate, however to use all of them seem a little bit to much. Would be better to focus on two ways. For instance, the performance in class and written case analysis exam sort of evaluate the same skills. Likewise the case, with its written report and oral presentation.» (Performance in case discussions, Presentations in class, Large exam based on case analysis)
- I was a bit stressed for evaluation during cases because i dont have the same background and english level thann other, i could not really express myself so i would have like that the garding during cases have been flexible and being more asked.» (Written term papers (team))
- I believe the model used for this years course was appropriate. Though, the final exam didn"t, due to strong limitation of time, allow for me to use and show the skills I"ve learned. » (No opinion)
Genomsnitt totalt för detta stycke: 3.78

Teaching and course administration

9. To what extent did the lectures contribute to your understanding?

43 svarande

They contributed nothing»1 2%
Little»2 4%
Some extent»18 41%
Much»15 34%
Very much»7 16%
No opinion»0

Genomsnitt: 3.58 (bidrar till totalt genomsnitt/jämförelseindex)

- They felt quite relevant. I liked the one about communication, but it didn"t really feel super relevant. But as said, it was highly entertaining! =) I liked the lectures in general. » (Some extent)
- Not clear how, when and for what purpose they can be used and/or applied.» (Some extent)
- Tobias was really good as a lecturer» (Much)
- Could be more lectures, Tobias is a good lecturer...» (Much)
- Fine mix of invited lecturers and mr Fredberg himself. Guesting lecturers contributed with interesting and valuable content, in some occasions it wasn"t of any direct use to the course. However I believe these parts should be respected as valuable due to its inspirational and "related fields" features. » (Very much)

10. To what extent did the case discussions contribute to your understanding?

43 svarande

They contributed nothing»0 0%
Little»1 2%
Some extent»8 18%
Much»13 30%
Very much»21 48%
No opinion»0

Genomsnitt: 4.25 (bidrar till totalt genomsnitt/jämförelseindex)

- Sometimes it goes in all direction and it seems difficult to believe that all the suggestions we make can first be valuable and then go altogether.» (Some extent)
- Could be a little bit more varied, though. » (Very much)
- somebody are picked too often especially a big mouth one. some people have less chance to speak due to that kind of person and the conductor usually pick the same faces talk all the time » (Very much)
- They were good, however the fear of saying the wrong things pushed down my performance» (Very much)
- I really like this since you can hear others thoughts as well. However, I find it unfair for the shy ones who are more or less inhibitedand to scared from saying anything in class.» (Very much)
- To large discussion groups, could be halved. Not sure that cases is best solved in large seminars (prefer groups, see next answer).» (Very much)
- this was the most useful part of the course» (Very much)

11. What did you think of the fact that cases played a major role in the course?

43 svarande

Very bad»0 0%
Bad»0 0%
Ok»8 18%
Good»18 41%
Very good»17 39%
No opinion»0

Genomsnitt: 4.2 (bidrar till totalt genomsnitt/jämförelseindex)

- I found them good but it isn"t that easy to say everything you think when so many people are involved in the discussion.» (Ok)
- Casen är väl bra men som jag skrev ovanför tror jag det hade fungerat mycket bättre om klassen varit uppdelad i mindre grupper. Kanske i sex,eller i alla fall fyra, grupper istället för två Tycker också att de fick lite för mycket fokus. Tror aldrig jag har haft en kurs med så få riktiga föreläsningar som denna menar jag» (Ok)
- And a major role in my time schedule!» (Good)
- It is a great way to test yourself, which seems reasonable when you"re soon to graduate. Also, I learned a lot from other peoples comments» (Very good)
- Some cases lead to really great discussion» (Very good)
- It is always easier to learn something when it is put in a context, when you have something to refer to.» (Very good)
- I like to have a case with problems to solve, dig through the clues from the employees and support it with data from the appendix to get a solution... Now the cases became less important then the team term paper and therefore got less time. The solution could be to solve case with the team as the team exercise and present it as powerpoint in smaller groups? The best case where in order Ducati, Hindustan Petroleum, Schibstedt, SA, (yes, sorry, I didn"t liked yours, but they are less good, not bad though)... I have never heard of IESE before, but since they had the "best" maybe they have more good?» (Very good)

12. How well did the course administration work?

43 svarande

Very badly»0 0%
Rather badly»1 2%
Ok»7 16%
Rather well»24 55%
Very well»11 25%
No opinion»0

Genomsnitt: 4.04 (bidrar till totalt genomsnitt/jämförelseindex)

- Almost no updates on the cours portal!» (Rather badly)
- Förstår inte riktigt varför ni bara kan skicka ut grejer till en kontaktperson i varje grupp. Det är ju inte precis svårare att skicka ut samma mail till hela klassens maillista istället för bara till några få. Känns som att det vore smidigare. Ni borde också lägga upp alla artiklarna som vi ska läsa på kurshemsidan. » (Ok)
- Why was it so hard to arrange a mail list for the whole class?» (Rather well)
- The PP:s wasn"t always up in precise time, but it wasn"t really a problem!» (Rather well)
- I think it is better to give paper support for both cases and lectures because it is better to take notes having the presentation of the lecture in possession but it is a personal thinking.» (Rather well)
Genomsnitt totalt för detta stycke: 4.02


The course included different lecturers, both those with an academic background and people from industry.

13. What is your general impression of the set of lecturers that were engaged in the course

43 svarande

Poor»2 4%
Fair»0 0%
Adequate»8 19%
Good»21 50%
Very good»11 26%
No opinion»1

Genomsnitt: 3.92 (bidrar till totalt genomsnitt/jämförelseindex)

- i really liked the diversity of lecturers in the course, it was different horizons so idfferent viezs and we need that in order to make our own opinion about notions we learn and companies» (Very good)

14. How would you rate the lecturers/case discussants in the course?


- Tyckte att den sista om kommunikation var lite mycket reklam för firman som föreläsaren kom ifrån »
- The most interesting ones were the ones from the real life, that was connected to the cases. It felt "real" in that sense. »
- Fredrik was a little boring, but he"s slides were really good. Magnus did not say very much that was surprising, but of course it is nice to get some sort of idea of what happened next.»
- Tobias was excellent and engaged in the subject, especially the way he managed to "balance" the case discussions so that all had the opportunity to contribute but the discussion still remained relevant.»
- Fairly unequal, some don"t have the skills for teaching (yet?).»
- Last guest lecturer bout Lobbyism etc was very intriguing as well. I evaluated this the most.»
- Maybe more lectures with Tobias? Not many more, but one or two?»

Tobias Fredberg (main lecturer)
43 svarande

Very poor»1 2%
Weak»0 0%
Ok»1 2%
Good»15 34%
Very good»26 60%

Genomsnitt: 4.51

Fredrik Dahlsten (market strategy)
39 svarande

Very poor»0 0%
Weak»1 2%
Ok»15 38%
Good»17 43%
Very good»6 15%

Genomsnitt: 3.71

Petra Palmgren Lindwall (business model development)
40 svarande

Very poor»0 0%
Weak»2 5%
Ok»4 10%
Good»21 52%
Very good»13 32%

Genomsnitt: 4.12

Magnus Stenson (Ericsson case)
41 svarande

Very poor»0 0%
Weak»3 7%
Ok»13 31%
Good»15 36%
Very good»10 24%

Genomsnitt: 3.78

Aleksander Rosinski (Schibsted case))
41 svarande

Very poor»0 0%
Weak»4 9%
Ok»14 34%
Good»17 41%
Very good»6 14%

Genomsnitt: 3.6

Genomsnitt totalt för detta stycke: 3.92

Study climate

15. To what extent did you feel that you could approach the lecturers to ask questions?

43 svarande

The lecturers were hostile to questions»0 0%
It felt very awkward»2 4%
It was ok»11 26%
It felt comfortable»11 26%
The lecturers were open to questions»17 41%
No opinion»2

Genomsnitt: 4.04 (bidrar till totalt genomsnitt/jämförelseindex)

16. To what extent did you feel comfortable talking in the case discussions?

43 svarande

I chose not to talk because I did not feel comfortable»0 0%
It felt very awkward»5 11%
It was ok»18 41%
It felt comfortable»12 27%
I liked taking part in the discussion»8 18%

Genomsnitt: 3.53 (bidrar till totalt genomsnitt/jämförelseindex)

- I didnt like that Tobias showed very clearly what he thought about the answers which made uncomfortable in speaking up.» (It felt very awkward)
- more uncomfortable in the beginning. had the impreesion that tobias "helped" some people more than others. when some students talked, their answers were always interpreted to something good. other students always had to explain further. should have had smaller groups for case discussions. » (It was ok)
- Ok but hard because it is unusual for me.» (It was ok)
- Hard to make it differently, but too many people during study cases...?» (It was ok)
- Lite underligt sätt att sätta betyg och för stor grupp. Även om man hade något bra att säga så var det ofta andra som sa typ samma sak nu» (It was ok)
- It was quite akward, but it was also a good experience, if you don"t like to do it, you have to be exposed to it in order to get used to it. I just whish that they had this earlier in Industriell ekonomi (year 1-3), and in smaller classes.» (It was ok)
- Could be hard, you have an idea and then the discussion moves on and you feel stupid...» (It was ok)
- As I"m only in my third year I felt like I had some sort of disadvantage so in the beginning it felt a bit wierd and nervous, but later on I got the hang of it and it was easier and more fun! But always inspiring and educative! » (It felt comfortable)
- The group is to big. You were only allowed to say three sentences. » (It felt comfortable)
- but most of the time certain people kept talking and also because people are graded based on their contribution by raising their hands, they have to be noted by the professor.otherwise they might be unnoticed.» (I liked taking part in the discussion)
- Sometimes difficult to get in the discussion, Quite often what you wanted to say was already stated by others. » (I liked taking part in the discussion)

17. How well did the cooperation between you and your fellow students work in your teams?

42 svarande

Very poorly»0 0%
Rather poorly»4 9%
Ok»12 28%
Rather well»20 47%
Very well»6 14%
No opinion»0

Genomsnitt: 3.66

- We had an exchange student from Spain with very poor english, lacking knowledge about the subject and lacking knowledge about how to do general research. We had to spend a lot of time tutoring him. I felt like I could have used that time in a better way.» (Rather poorly)
- In our group, we came from many different backgrounds. That and the fact that others didn"t engage so much in the course because of one having a work and another engaging in an association, complicated things. Since people weren"t very engaged, they didn"t care about deadlines, neither did they care about the alignment of the different parts.» (Rather poorly)
- Different poeple have very different previous experiences, which can sometimes lead to problems, for instance regarding qulity of the case analysis and texts.» (Ok)
- Difficult to get time together, which made it hard to achieve a common picture of the project aim and result» (Ok)
- The cooperation per se worked well, but see next question for problems around not being able to choose groups yourself. » (Rather well)
- someone don"t engage much in the work » (Rather well)
- Cooperation works well but then when it comes to performance...» (Rather well)
- :)» (Very well)
- we had just 3 in the group and it was perfect.I would suggest 3 per group in the future although that will lead to more groups.But still it will be efficient.» (Very well)
- Three out of four worked excellent. Fourth member was lazy, didn"t show up for meetings, didn"t contribute to any work and sometimes disappeared. The group felt we couldn"t abandon this one person and we did our best to pick this one up. On the other hand we didn"t trust this person to contribute any work and solely the group didn"t suffer from this» (Very well)

18. What did you think in general of the work in your teams?

43 svarande

Very bad»0 0%
Bad»4 9%
Ok»15 34%
Good»19 44%
Very good»5 11%
No opinion»0

Genomsnitt: 3.58

- Lots of work due to poor skills of some members.» (Bad)
- too poor english levels at some erasmus students. the person could not contribute with any text and could not follow our discussions in the team. » (Ok)
- For us that had good prior knowledge about the subject, I think it was a mistake that we could not choose groups ourselves. The discussions could not be raised to a "higher" level in the team when people did not know the basics. When you have to come up with the "smart" things yourself most of the time it is harder to write a really good paper and you also have to work more than the others in the group to make a good paper. The positive thing for me was that I could develop my leadership skills and learn how to delegate tasks in the team. However I would have developed my knowledge around the subject much more if I would have worked with people with the same knowledge level as myself.» (Ok)
- A real challenge that all students had very different educational backgrounds, but still most of the group members had a great way of contributing. » (Ok)
- Managed to make it work, but not the best energy in the group...» (Ok)
- Group members had different expectations for the project» (Ok)
- We had difficulties in communication. Some of the members didn"t speak that good english and took a lot of time to explain them. Sometimes the tasks were not fulfilled.» (Ok)
- It was ok, but again, we had some quality and language issues.» (Good)
- Good atmosphere, difficult to understand everything and sometimes difficult to argument and choose different ideas.» (Good)
- We where two that wrote the work, the other two participate in discussions but did very little and not what they promised to do.» (Good)
- Very rewarding and interesting. Nice that we got randomly placed in different teams as it was nice to be forced to speak english.» (Very good)

19. What would you suggest as the fairest way to form teams?

Rangordningsfråga. Siffran anger medelposition.

1.Place stud. of diff. backgrounds together1.5
2.Randomly place students in teams1.7
3.Let everyone to pick their own team mates2.3

- I really don"t think you should be able to pick for yourself, it is cruel to those who do not know anybody and you don"t learn as much» (?)
- Tror det bästa är att försöka skapa grupper som består av några killar, några tjejer och några som (förmodligen) är internationella studenter. Så att det blir lite så kallad mångfalld och så att folk blir tvungna att prata engelska inom gruppen» (?)
- I found that your mark was heavily depended on the groupwork. Since you are not allowd to form your own group I think this is to heavy. Ending in a group where some are not that active, does not motivate you. However the mark will determine to large extant your end mark. So you should get motivated and the others as well. Frustation comes easily. If you team-up students without given them the opportunity to form there own group, the percentage should be lower. Now you where for 50% dependent on your group.. Quiet a lot if you can not choose your own team-members» (?)
- If it is 50% of the grade, then it is more fair to let everyone to pick. But if it is less and/or constructed in a different way it could be more fair... In some sense it could be wrong to let the same persons work together for all time and placing student of diff. background together is more fair to those that could be left with nobody to work with... » (?)
Genomsnitt totalt för detta stycke: 3.78

For next year...

Please help us to further develop the course!

20. What was the strongest thing about the course for you (if anything)?

Please help us understand what you appreciated most about the course (given that you appreciated anything).

- Concrete way of integrating industry perspective in the course.»
- The strategy implementation part of the course. I think Tobias made a very good job as leader of the case discussions. »
- I learned alot from case discussions as well as the group assignment.»
- Case discussions. »
- The cases and teamwork»
- All the case studies. Very interesting»
- The cases.»
- cases, the variety of cases»
- The part on strategy implementation and the case discussions.»
- The connection the course had to reality. To look at cases, analyse them and learn from what has actually happened is a way of learning I really like.»
- The division in groups in the case discussion, the group work»
- The case discussion were very interesting because the teacher makes student finding the ideas...»
- Case discussion (not by the professor)»
- practical skill»
- Really it is the case discussions and the way they were conducted. »
- The offered overview, with a plethora of theory and different solutions, brought from industry and literature.»
- Grupparbetena. Gillade att det andra var en fortsättning på det första»
- discussions, I definitely learned a lot !»
- dialouge in class»
- Lot of examples and explanations about how succeed some companies and additional articles»
- the case discussions»
- Case preparation and discussion during classes»
- High level of lectures, thoroughly the course. Very inspiring. To have people from outside the Walls of the school is brilliant. Guests related to cases is great! Most important though, it inspired med and brought some flesh to my wild ideas.»
- The case discussions. I learned a lot from them and I think they made me more engaged to the course. Also, Tobias was a great lecturer and really engaged in what he did»
- Understanding how difficult it is to link the developed strategy to its implementation.»
- Cases, Business model generation, Strategy in general,»
- case disducssion »
- Case discussions»
- The case discussions»

21. What should definitely be preserved to next year?

- good with cases!»
- Team papers»
- Case discussions. Even more focus on strategy implementation.»
- Group assignments and case discussions»
- Above»
- The cases, the newspaper case was the hardest to get an understanding for.... »
- I think most of it!»
- Type of exam»
- The cases & the 2 papers»
- The cases and the freedom of chosing how to do the case.»
- case discussions»
- The emphasis on implementation.»
- Case discussions, perhaps in more of a seminar setting though. Personally like to talk more in such a setting.»
- discussion»
- The structure of the course»
- Tobias and Clara. But change every cases every year.»
- The structure.»
- Projekten»
- discussions»
- discussions»
- intervention of different lecturers»
- case discussions»
- The desires along mr Fredberg and all guesting lecturers to inspire. To present their paths and experiences. To share their learnings.»
- Case discussions and Tobias»
- Cases»
- Some of the cases where really great and interesting.»
- The case discussions they were really healpful in developing an understanding of strategy.»
- The case discussions The paper»

22. What should definitely be changed to next year?

- not fair that 10% of my examination is depending only on the presentation of my team mates. in my case, they chosed to prepare the case the night before, giving me no time to come with feedback and suggestions. i"m not saying that i def. would have done it better but it would at least been my responsibility. »
- Perhaps more guidance to the team papers.»
- Most of the strategy part is repetition, could probably be decreased and strategy implementation part increased. Choose teams yourself for the papers. Having fewer questions or 4 hours for the exam case analysis. Hard otherwise to keep the red thread between the answers as you do not have time to think before you write.»
- If possible get an electronic version of the book.»
- Nothing»
- The exam!!! Sure, 3 hours is OK, but as we all are used to writing stuff on the computer nowadays I felt it was quite tricky to write a good text by hand in 3 hours. It really requires you to change the way you usually think when you write at the computer when you easily can edit, add, remove or switch places between sentences. It really made, at least my exam, a lot worse than it would have been if I"d written it on a keyboard. »
- The way case discussions are managed and graded»
- Maybe some supervision in the case, it was very strange to write two papers without any input»
- duration of the exam, expectations from term papers should be in line with space limitation ( it is very broad expectations but very high limitations)»
- More time was needed on the exam!»
- Time given for exam / size of case on exam.»
- Evaluation of the team work, better to have the results before the final exam»
- The disposition thing: putting people in the room with their name makes me feel very uncomfortable. It looks to encourage competition whereas team spirit. Moreover, some people were giving comments that were not corresponding to the conversation at the moment and that will be develop for sure, just to get "points". It makes the conversation not linear , a little bit messy.»
- The professor»
- the case discussion condition-> more distributed by having a smaller group in one session »
- Personally I did not like the "hand raising" way of talkingnil even though its the Harvard Way of conducting.»
- The use of the literature: never really heard about the book or the article to read during lectures that make them optional or even useless.»
- Hur casediskussionerna är hanterade och tentaformen»
- the time limit on the exam, another way of putting out the exam is that the case can be handed out in advance but without the questions. I believe that this would provide a lot of learning!»
- examination could be done as a individual exam, written at home»
- way of evaluating students in cases but i do not really know how you evaluate everybody since we have not got our grade yet»
- Group formation or the percentage»
- Can"t find anything in need of acute change»
- Try to make it more fair to the shy ones at the case discussions. »
- Maybe more theory lectures? It was covered during reading but maybe it should be complemented more? Change the seminars, maybe half the groups? Or case solving using theory in groups? Could Alexander Osterwalders book be used instead (I don"t know it this is a good idea)?»
- The group in case discusion is to big. You were only allowed to say three sentences. »
- Maybe some of the lectures have to be rethought»

23. Additional comments

- I did not like the exam. It took to much time to read the case and there were to many things that needed to be changed in the company, There were also to many questions and the questions were to similar to each other.»
- Thanks for the course! I liked the book, aswell! »
- This has been one of the best courses I have taken at Chalmers, thank you.»
- Three hours for the exams was too tight. Took almost an hour to get through the case and understand everything, and then you had only two hours to write your analysis. To be compared with the 1.5 hours we had in case discussions, where time also often ran out. And it takes much more time to get things on paper than to discuss it openly. Perhaps a less extensive case would be an alternative if no more than three hours will be given. For this case there were so much "wrong" with the company that could be changed.»
- nil»
- Gillade inte riktigt tentan. Tror att en hemtanta hade varit mycket bättre. Som det var nu så vart det extremt ont om tid till att skriva något Tycker också att det var väldigt dålig koppling till boken. den spelade en väldigt liten roll i kursen och det känns som att om man hade läst mycket i boken så hade man ändå inte ett dugg lättare att få ett bättre betyg på tentan»
- I enjoyed the course»
- Thanks for a wonderful course!»

Genomsnitt totalt för alla frågor: 3.94
Beräknat jämförelseindex: 0.73

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