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Prototyping in interaction design, HT11, CIU175

Status: Avslutad
Öppen för svar: 2011-10-21 - 2011-10-31
Antal svar: 12
Procent av deltagarna som svarat: 18%
Kontaktperson: Jon Mjölnevik»
Utbildningsprogram som genomför enkäten: Informationsteknik 300 hp

1. It was clear from the beginning what was expected of me in the course.

12 svarande

1, Do not agree at all.»0 0%
3 25%
5 41%
4, Agree completely.»4 33%
No answer.»0

Genomsnitt: 3.08

- the name prototyping says it all» (4, Agree completely.)

2. Do you think that you had enough knowledge to take the course?

- Yes»
- Yes»
- Yes»
- Yes, more than enough. But that was probably my own fault:(»
- Yes, at even was a bit too basic in the beginning.»
- Yes»
- yes to some extent»
- yes, that was enough. Even though I would like to have more info about flash and Web 2.0 info»
- yes»
- Oh, yes. But I had an "extra" year abroad, in between my third and this fourth, so perhaps that"s why.»
- Yes.»
- Yes.»

3. As a whole, how satisfied are you with the course?

- I"m very satisfied.»
- 4/5»
- Not very much, learned almost nothing»
- Very satisfied. »
- 3/5. It certainly was not my thing, but it was an ok course.»
- Very satisfied»
- 4/5»
- Very satisfied»
- i think it is fun and very usefull, so i am very satisfied»
- Very - it was lots of fun. While it didn"t go into a lot of detail anywhere, we went through a lot of different stuff, so it was a great introduction to the programme. I got to shake off some rust when it came to some things, and learn some things (namely more physical "handicraft" work).»
- I would like to have had more general lectures sessions about prototyping.»
- Yes.»

4. Regarding lectures, seminars, projects, etc you have participated in: Please mention three good things in the course and three things that can be improved.

- Good: fun, teamwork, physical. Bad: long days, bad groups sometimes, crowded lectureroom»
- Planning could be better, get info online earlier. Mostly good execution. »
- Hearing about different ways of working and trying these out was the most interesting for me. Some seminars focused too much on explaining a special subject, something that for me wasn"t that interesting.»
- you got to try a lot of different thing, software.. but the photoshop lecture could have been in more depth»
- good: -plenty of projects -different kind of prototype every week - could be better: -more focus on the reading. I hardly read anything from the book, and that wasn"t even used in the classes -more (usefull) feedback from the teacher because the feedback that the other students give is not enough and often not really usefull -restocking of the materials. At the end of the course there was no tape at all anymore for example»
- +Touched on many IxD areas. +Lots of help when working on exercises. +Teachers decided groups -> got to meet a lot of new people. -Feedback sessions went really slow, and a lot of groups got into a lot of detail. -Different exercises overlapped at times. -Crowded in workshop room.»
- Very practical, very different aproaches for each exercise and group work.»

5. The information about the examinations was clear.

12 svarande

1, Do not agree at all.»0 0%
2 18%
7 63%
4, Agree completely.»2 18%
No answer.»1

Genomsnitt: 3

- Could have been more clear on what was expected to write on the exam. » (2)
- What to focus on and who to make the prototype for was not given at all, which made the task very confusing.» (2)
- it was unclear what was expected from the presentation part. They said that you didn"t have to prepare anything, but at the same time it is called presentation, and it still is your examination so you want to do anything you can to do it well.» (3)

6. The information about schedules was good.

12 svarande

1, Do not agree at all.»0 0%
2 16%
3 25%
4, Agree completely.»7 58%
No answer.»0

Genomsnitt: 3.41

- One day I was one of few who got to non-existing class, even though I had double checked the time. Apparently on a THIRD place the time was different, and that was the real time...» (2)
- A couple of times it was a bit confusing as the different exercises overlapped.» (3)

7. How did you experience the physical work environment?

- In France, I followed some extra courses which was organized the same way, with workshop and lots of liberty of actions, and I always enjoyed it.»
- Crowded sometimes»
- ok»
- Good. It was a bit crowded though..»
- Way to small room to have any form of lectures in with that many students!»
- It was good»
- crowded»
- Good, but I would like to have more individual work»
- the classroom is really too small for lectures, 50-60 people can not sit there and listen to a presentation, because some will have to sit too far away and behind a wall or pilar. And like i said before a little refilling of the materials would have been nice. And it would be nice to have a printer and some seperate trashcans for things like biological and paper»
- Nice, though "High" was a bit crowded, and it was definitely crowded in the workshop room.»
- Too small for the number of students.»
- Good!»

8. How did you experience the psychological work environment?

- I enjoyed it. It was intense, but not in bad stressful.»
- Better»
- ok»
- Good. It was a bit crowded though..»
- good.»
- No complaints»
- no problem»
- good enough»
- good atmosphere»
- Very nice.»
- Motivating and comfortable environment.»
- Good!»

9. The course literature such as books, articles, and compendia functioned as a good support in your studies.

12 svarande

1, Do not agree at all.»2 25%
3 37%
1 12%
4, Agree completely.»2 25%
No answer.»4

Genomsnitt: 2.37

- I find it hard to learn things like this from reading.» (1, Do not agree at all.)
- hardly read the book, and didn"t need it at all» (1, Do not agree at all.)
- Didn"t read much of the literature.» (No answer.)
- I never did get the book.» (No answer.)

10. You have acquired the knowledge and skills specified in the goals of the course plan?

12 svarande

1, Do not agree at all.»0 0%
2 22%
1 11%
4, Agree completely.»6 66%
No answer.»3

Genomsnitt: 3.44

- At least I hope so:D» (4, Agree completely.)
- Boom.» (4, Agree completely.)
- Same as 12?!» (4, Agree completely.)
- havn"t seen the course plan» (No answer.)

11. What do you think about the teachers’, pedagogical abilities? (Could they explain course content in a comprehensive way?)

- Most of the time, yes. »
- 5/5»
- Awesome! »
- somewhat good.»
- Yes, I understood and learned most of the time.»
- their teching skills were not the best, but it was not necessary»
- very good»
- it was good»
- Good. A couple of the assistants seemed a bit uncomfortable during the lecture, but everyone was helpful during the exercise work.»
- They know they field very well and but sometimes they lack of skills to share it with beginners.»
- Great!»

12. You have acquired the knowledge and skills specified in the goals of the course plan?

Knowledge and understanding
- Understand the role of prototyping in interaction design
- List the pros and cons with different types of prototypes. What can we learn through them, and what not?

Skills and abilities
Physical prototyping path focus
- Find possible hardware and software use in prototypes of computational things
- Perform basic programming of micro-controllers connected to sensors and actuators
- Prototype physical form through tinkering and modelling materials

Screen-based prototyping path focus
- Manipulate and create images in programmes based on bitmap and vector graphics respectivel
- Create user interface designs using mock-up tools
- Program simple interactive prototypes

Both paths
- Make simpel 3D sketches
- Present proposals through video prototyping

Judgement and approach
- Choose a suitable type of prototype depending on time, constraints and what needs to be tested
- Plan and evaluate prototypes as part of a design process.

12 svarande

1 Do not agree at all»0 0%
0 0%
6 50%
4 Agree completely»6 50%
No answer»0

Genomsnitt: 3.5

- this question is double with question 10» (4 Agree completely)
- Again?» (4 Agree completely)

13. The course consisted of six exercises which ones were most rewarding?

- I liked the most the last one, arduino exercise. But each exercise was very interesting for me. Except the pen and paper exercise, which I think is to rethink.»
- No 6»
- Audrino»
- The flash exercise. »
- Dunno, but liked the second one. »
- Making a movie, because this I had least experience in. Making the physical artifacts was also interesting.»
- graphic mock ups and movie»
- video exercise»
- i am really happy with the result of the pacman controller, even though that was a slightly too easy task, and i really like the arduino»
- Website and especially the Arduino instrument.»
- E-shop, since it is the field I am most interestend in.»
- The flash exercise.»

14. Were some of the exercises hard to understand?

- No»
- No »
- No»
- The one where we should have a presentation which should stand on its own didn"t make sense to me.»
- no»
- it was not really clear what kind of video it had to be (tv commercial style, action movie style, etc)»
- Not exactly. Perhaps the Home Messenger thing, but we didn"t chose that one (we went with the PacMan controller).»
- No, they were very clear.»
- No.»

15. Were there some of the exercises that you did not learn anything from?

- I would say no because I always learnt something, but sometime, it wasn"t what I had to learn. Like the photoshop exercise.»
- ..»
- 1,2,3 and 4 »
- The third (i think). The one with the "build your own remote"»
- The one mentioned above and the one where we presented using A3 (didn"t learn anything is over exaggerating, but not much)»
- no»
- the first exercise did not teach me much in making things, but it was a good slow start with prototyping»
- Nope, though perhaps I didn"t learn that much from making the paper prototype (this I already knew from the HCI course). Still, doing and using always teaches you _something_.»
- No.»
- No.»

16. How many hours per week did you work on the course?

- It depends, but in general, I would say not more than 3 hours outside class schedule.»
- 25»
- 20»
- To few I guess:(»
- 19.5»
- Varied a lot, but maybe 10+-3 in average.»
- 20 h»
- 23»
- Probably 20-25.»
- Around 20»
- 25»

17. How was the workload of the exercises compared to the time given for it?

- It depends mostly on decision made by the team. Most of the time it was sufficient enough. But if the team decided to go further, and make something better than expected, workload can increase.»
- Good»
- low»
- It was good but varied. Some exercises did not need a lot of time, while others felt a bit stressy.»
- As long as not excellent qualities are expected it"s ok, but it"s a very short time to do something decent.»
- sometimes too much time, no 3»
- the pacman excercise was too easy»
- Good. Just enough.»
- Most of the time it was enough, but some exercises needed more time.»
- Good!»

18. How good did the examination connect with the course?

- It was exactly the same.»
- Excellent»
- good»
- Well I think.»
- very well.»
- A little vaguely in my opinion.»
- good»
- very good (, except that in the exam you have to do it alone)»
- Quite good, although it doesn"t make sure you know all of the different kinds of prototypes.»
- Very good.»
- Very well, it gave the freedom to select a»

19. How did you experience the course Prototyping in Interaction Design next to the course Interaction Design Methodology?

- For me, these 2 courses are in the first quarter to make us ready for next courses. But I think these 2 courses are not related.»
- Both good »
- don"t take Interaction Design Methodology»
- I did not take the IDM course this year:(»
- A LOT more rewarding.»
- should not run together, too easy to mix them up and be confused, the methodology is not about prototypes but i think many students have not realized that..»
- confusing to keep them apart, the methodology course seemed to also be about prototyping. And to switch from one project to the other the next day, and then switch back can be quite confusing.»
- They complemented each other well. Good scheduling, too.»
- They were the opposite, one theoretical and the other one practical. They complement each other very well.»
- They worked great together.»

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