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Study social questionnaire 2011 - MPPEN

Status: Avslutad
Öppen för svar: 2011-03-21 - 2011-04-01
Antal svar: 40
Procent av deltagarna som svarat: 50%
Kontaktperson: Mikael Enelund»
Utbildningsprogram som genomför enkäten: Maskinteknik 300 hp
Utbildningsprogram studenten tillhör: Maskinteknik 300 hp

1. Where did you study for your Bachelor degree?

40 svarande

Sweden - Chalmers»27 67%
Sweden - another university»3 7%
University outside Sweden»10 25%

Genomsnitt: 1.57

- More info about the available Masters programs could be useful. Specially comments from students at the program and those that have finished the program in order to get a better idea of what to expect at the different programs and what kinds of jobs you will be able to get when you"re done. » (Sweden - Chalmers)
- Your school program: Maskinteknik 300 hp = FAIL. Automation & Mekatronik = Correct, The master is not tied to the bachelor programme!» (Sweden - Chalmers)
- China» (University outside Sweden)

2. Do you find your master"s education meaningful?

40 svarande

Not at all»0 0%
Somewhat meaningful»2 5%
Quite meaningful»18 45%
Very meaningful»20 50%

Genomsnitt: 3.45

3. Do you believe the education prepares you for a job as a professional engineer?

40 svarande

Not at all»0 0%
Somewhat»8 20%
Yes»22 55%
Yes definetely»10 25%

Genomsnitt: 3.05

- Missing knowledge in material handling and more problem solving in the production.» (Somewhat)
- Jag hoppas i alla fall det, även om det ibland känns som man knappt kan någonting alls. » (Yes)
- It gives you very good tools. The difficult part might be to applied as the work environments already have one way of doing things and might not wanna change it.» (Yes definetely)

4. Does the program meet your expectations?

40 svarande

No, not at all»1 2%
Yes, to some extent»11 27%
Yes»27 67%
Yes and even better than expected»1 2%

Genomsnitt: 2.7

5. What is your general impression of your master"s programme so far?

40 svarande

Poor»0 0%
Rather poor»1 2%
OK»9 22%
Good»12 30%
Very good»18 45%
Excellent»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 4.17

- I am in the Production Engineering program, where I selected the production management track. In my opinion there is a lack of administration for the program and it is somewhere in between other master programs, i.e. the production management track. Therefore, I decided to do my thesis in another division.» (Rather poor)
- some courses are too much alike each other» (Good)

6. What do you think about the study work load in the programme as a whole?

39 svarande

To low»1 2%
Low»5 12%
Adequate»26 66%
High»6 15%
To high»1 2%

Genomsnitt: 3.02 (bidrar till totalt genomsnitt/jämförelseindex)

- differs, low level of lectures but much assignments» (Adequate)
- Could be more demanding» (Adequate)
- Mycket mer balanserad än under kandidatdelen på Chalmers. Nu är det som högskolestudier ska vara, till skilland från de första tre åren när man knappt hade näsan ovanför vattenytan. » (Adequate)

7. How many hours per week do you spent studying at this programme?

We mean total time, that is, it comprises the time you spent in class and the time you spent on your own work. Try to estimate the average time over the entire programme.

39 svarande

Less than 30 hours/week»3 7%
Between 30-40/week»11 28%
Between 40-50 hours/week»20 51%
Between 50-60 hours/week»5 12%
More than 60 hours/week»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 2.69 (bidrar till totalt genomsnitt/jämförelseindex)

- Differed a lot from course to course, the mandatory coureses (especially the project courses were the heaviest and sometimes we had to spend more than 50 hours a week during those courses). The courses we pciked ourselves during the autumn of 2011 were by far the easiest. » (Less than 30 hours/week)
- No idea. I didn"t count.» (Between 40-50 hours/week)

8. In general, how do feel about the availability of professors/lecturers/teachers?

39 svarande

Very poor»0 0%
Rather poor»3 7%
Good»24 61%
Very good»9 23%
Excellent»3 7%

Genomsnitt: 3.3

- Det är väldigt blandat, en del examinatorer ser man knappt röken av för de har ersatt sig själva med andra föreläsare. Medan andra lärare ställer upp och hjälper till jättemycket» (Good)

9. In general, what do you think about the atmosphere between students and professors/lecturers/teachers?

40 svarande

(på denna fråga var det möjligt att välja flera svarsalternativ)

Respectful»21 52%
Friendly»25 62%
Helpful»27 67%
Open-minded»19 47%
Poor»1 2%

- Professors are helpful but there is a minority that don"t show that much respect for developing countries as they give the perception that these countries have nothing to teach. » (Helpful)
- and responsible» (Respectful, Friendly, Helpful)

10. How satisfied are you with the programme management (programme coordinator)?

39 svarande

Not at all»2 5%
Not so satisfied»6 15%
Neither»3 7%
Satisfied»20 51%
Very satisfied»8 20%
No opinion»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 3.66

- Could have had more information about thesis work etc.» (Not so satisfied)
- The mandatory courses needs to be reviewed, material handling and production flow should definatly be mandatory for the production management track. Also a course in leadership/project management is needed in this track to organise human resources to the best extent.» (Not so satisfied)
- No information about master"s thesis. Some information or help before starting the thesis would have been good» (Neither)
- Bertil är ju världens trevligaste och han gör gör vanligtvis ett jättebra jobb, men informationen inför ex-jobbet var under all kritik. Vi fick inte veta nånting medan andra masterprogram hade informationsmöten och allt. Tillslut kom det ut lite papper på Pingpong men det fanns ju massa annat man velat fråga. Bättring där.» (Satisfied)
- It has been a very helpful, respectful and kind person.» (Very satisfied)

11. Do you think that the student opinions and results from course evaluations have significant impact (taken seriously by the programme management)?

38 svarande

Not at all»4 10%
To some extent»8 21%
Could be improved»7 18%
Yes, definetly»12 31%
No opinion»7 18%

Genomsnitt: 3.26

- Don"t know.» (?)
- What a weird order on the alternatives. Isn"t "to some extent" better than "could be improved"? Who made this survey? I think they have impact.» (To some extent)
- Eftersom jag inte läser kursen året efter.» (No opinion)

12. How satisfied are you with your Student centre?

39 svarande

Not at all»0 0%
Not so satisfied»2 5%
Neither/Nor»6 15%
Satisfied»12 30%
Very satisfied»11 28%
No opinion»8 20%

Genomsnitt: 4.43

- Haven"t had that much to do with them to be honest.» (Neither/Nor)
- Have not been there very much.» (Neither/Nor)
- De som jobbar på studentcentrum är helt fantastiska!» (Very satisfied)
- have not been in contact with them.» (No opinion)

13. Have you experienced any harassments or/and discriminations at Chalmers

if yes, please describe the situation.

39 svarande

Yes, both»0 0%
Yes, harassment»0 0%
Yes, discriminations»3 7%
No, none»36 92%

Genomsnitt: 3.92 (bidrar till totalt genomsnitt/jämförelseindex)

- Coming from an undeveloped country means that sometimes you are seen as less. I have also notice especial discrimination against Asian and African people as they generally have difficulties to easily communicate in English.» (Yes, discriminations)

14. Do you know who to contact in the case of harassments or/and discriminations?

39 svarande

Yes»13 33%
No»26 66%

Genomsnitt: 1.66

- Since there are no general comments, I"ll post it here. I haven"t read "Maskinteknik 300 hp". I"m Z doing the Production Engineering master. I also would have liked seeing more general questions on the relevancy of some courses etc. I also would have liked to have some questions regarding going abroad. I did a year abroad which definitely should have been in the survey makers interest when interpreting my answers, right?» (Yes)
- Probably easy to find out.» (No)
- I guess that I could contact my master coordinator» (No)
Genomsnitt totalt för detta stycke: 3.21

Genomsnitt totalt för alla frågor: 3.21
Beräknat jämförelseindex: 0.63

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