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Physical Ergonomics (2010), PPU120
Status: Avslutad Öppen för svar: 2010-10-25 - 2010-11-05 Antal svar: 15 Procent av deltagarna som svarat: 71% Kontaktperson: Oskar Rexfelt»
Your own effort1. How many hours per week did you spend on this course?We mean total time, that is, it comprises the time you spent in class and the time you spent on your own work. Try to estimate the average time over the entire study period.15 svarande
At most 15 hours/week» | | 0 | | 0% |
Around 20 hours/week» | | 6 | | 40% |
Around 25 hours/week» | | 7 | | 46% |
Around 30 hours/week» | | 2 | | 13% |
At least 35 hours/week» | | 0 | | 0% |
Genomsnitt: 2.73 2. How large part of the teaching offered did you attend? 15 svarande
0%» | | 0 | | 0% |
25%» | | 0 | | 0% |
50%» | | 0 | | 0% |
75%» | | 0 | | 0% |
100%» | | 15 | | 100% |
Genomsnitt: 5
Goals and goal fulfilmentThe course syllabus states the course goals in terms of learning outcomes, i.e., knowledge, skills and attitudes to be acquired by the student during the course.3. How understandable are the course goals?15 svarande
I have not seen/read the goals» | | 2 | | 13% |
The goals are difficult to understand» | | 0 | | 0% |
The goals give some guidance, but could be clearer» | | 2 | | 13% |
The goals clearly describe what I am supposed to learn» | | 11 | | 73% |
Genomsnitt: 3.46 4. Are the goals reasonable considering your background and the number of credits?Answer this this question and the succeeding one, only if you do know the course goals.13 svarande
No, the goals are set too low» | | 0 | | 0% |
Yes, the goals seem reasonable» | | 13 | | 100% |
No, the goals are set too high» | | 0 | | 0% |
Genomsnitt: 2 5. Did the examination assess whether you have reached the goals?13 svarande
No, not at all» | | 0 | | 0% |
To some extent» | | 3 | | 23% |
Yes, definitely» | | 8 | | 61% |
I don"t know/have not been examined yet» | | 2 | | 15% |
Genomsnitt: 2.92
Teaching and course administration6. To what extent has the teaching been of help for your learning?15 svarande
Small extent» | | 1 | | 6% |
Some extent» | | 5 | | 33% |
Large extent» | | 8 | | 53% |
Great extent» | | 1 | | 6% |
Genomsnitt: 2.6 - Maybe some more teaching on measurable ergonomic methods » (Some extent)
- The deeper study of the anatomy was really good, but I would have rather studied more body parts on my own than listen to other students. Don"t think it"s an optimal way to learn.» (Large extent)
7. To what extent has the course literature and other material been of help for your learning?15 svarande
Small extent» | | 1 | | 6% |
Some extent» | | 2 | | 13% |
Large extent» | | 9 | | 60% |
Great extent» | | 3 | | 20% |
Genomsnitt: 2.93 - The course is mainly research oriented and most material was based on own investigations.
The method descriptions were helpful.» (Some extent)
- The handouts for the home assignments where very good.» (Large extent)
8. How well did the course administration, web page, handouts etc work?15 svarande
Very badly» | | 0 | | 0% |
Rather badly» | | 1 | | 6% |
Rather well» | | 8 | | 53% |
Very well» | | 6 | | 40% |
Genomsnitt: 3.33 - Borde ha kommit ut instruktioner om hur mycket vi förväntades skriva på den första inlämningsuppgiften tidigare. Jag hann bli klar innan den informationen dök upp. Projektinstruktionerna var formulerade så att vi trodde att vi behövde göra alla deluppgifter a-e så som de stod på pappret, inte bara diskutera dem. Lite tydligare formulering där hade varit bra. Vi skulle också ha fått veta vilken kroppsdel vi skulle fördjupa oss i mycket tidigare, nu fick vi bara en vecka på oss och det blev väldigt stressigt.» (Rather badly)
- A scheduled lectures that was incorrectly announced and assigning groups to specific body parts for the projects took too long and was a little close to deadline.» (Rather well)
Study climate9. How were the opportunities for asking questions and getting help?15 svarande
Very poor» | | 0 | | 0% |
Rather poor» | | 1 | | 6% |
Rather good» | | 2 | | 13% |
Very good» | | 12 | | 80% |
I did not seek help» | | 0 | | 0% |
Genomsnitt: 3.73 - Easy to get help from all lecturers in the course.» (Very good)
10. How well has cooperation between you and your fellow students worked?15 svarande
Very poorly» | | 0 | | 0% |
Rather poorly» | | 1 | | 6% |
Rather well» | | 1 | | 6% |
Very well» | | 13 | | 86% |
I did not seek cooperation» | | 0 | | 0% |
Genomsnitt: 3.8 - Jag önskar verkligen att Chalmers hade krav på utbytesstudenternas engelska-kunskaper! Jag la minst lika mycket tid under projektarbetet på att rätta engelsk grammatik som att skriva mina egna avsnitt. Projektet tog väldigt mycket tid för mig eftersom jag i princip skrev (om) allting ensam» (Rather poorly)
11. How was the course workload?15 svarande
Too low» | | 0 | | 0% |
Low» | | 0 | | 0% |
Adequate» | | 10 | | 66% |
High» | | 5 | | 33% |
Too high» | | 0 | | 0% |
Genomsnitt: 3.33 12. How was the total workload this study period?15 svarande
Too low» | | 2 | | 13% |
Low» | | 0 | | 0% |
Adequate» | | 4 | | 26% |
High» | | 7 | | 46% |
Too high» | | 2 | | 13% |
Genomsnitt: 3.46 - The other course I took had extremely light workload which made the total workload low.» (Too low)
- Had 3 courses + part time job, so there is room for a higher workload before the project work kicks in if you only study 100%.» (Too high)
- Jag försökte läsa tre kurser, det gick inte, men jag får skylla mig själv, det är inte ert fel. » (Too high)
Summarizing questions13. What is your general impression of the course?15 svarande
Poor» | | 0 | | 0% |
Fair» | | 1 | | 6% |
Adequate» | | 4 | | 26% |
Good» | | 8 | | 53% |
Excellent» | | 2 | | 13% |
Genomsnitt: 3.73 - I would have liked to learn methods for designing ergonomic products, not just evaluating existing ones.» (Adequate)
14. What should definitely be preserved to next year?- The home assignment the first week that forced you to review the basic course.»
- more anatomy, home exercise/exam was good.»
- the overall concept of the course.
good to learn so many different methods.»
- The whole consept of project work as a big part of the course which gives greate opportunity to practise all the methods.»
- The methods, the project, the introduction with home assignments on basic theoretical knowledge.»
- Föreläsningen med Callisto var hur bra som helst, se till att hålla hårt i henne! »
- The guest lectures»
- A large project is always good for in-depth learning.»
- The project work (or some kind of project work).»
15. What should definitely be changed to next year?- There might be a need for a more advanced biomechanic part.»
- The first home assignment should not be graded since it examine previous knowledge and not from the course itself. If the examinator need individual handin, it should be indv. assgignments connected to the project or the students take responsibility of different assignments in the project and present for the teachers. Otherwise I think its best if the cours is "graded" with passed/failed.»
- It should be easier to get help whit the manikin-program Jack, it wasn´,t that easy this time.»
- Maybe some more lectures to get a little deeper knowledge. Maybe a lecture on the research in the department.»
- Korta ner tiden för presentationerna! Det är vansinnigt tråkigt för oss att behöva lyssna på grupp efter grupp som i 20 min ska prata om samma metoder. Vi hade kunnat göra jättebra presentationer på 10 min där vi fick med det viktigaste. Bättre planering och administration enligt tidigare kommentar. »
- Not being able to choose bodypart »
- Focus more on product development!»
- More informative lectures. More teaching, not so much self-studies.»
16. Additional comments- Greate corurse with many interesting lectures and a greate professor. »
- overall good»
- Bra kurs, jag lärde mig mycket på den. Det känns att det är mastersnivå, det gör det inte med alla kurser så bra jobbat där. »
- More methods on how to develop ergonomic products»
- It was a very boring course. The lectures were useless, so the only way to learn was to read and then apply that "knowledge" in the project. That may be a workable way to learn, but it sure is a very boring way.»
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