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Technology and Society, TEK225
Status: Avslutad Öppen för svar: 2010-03-15 - 2010-04-30 Antal svar: 28 Procent av deltagarna som svarat: ?% Kontaktperson: Erik Bohlin» Utbildningsprogram som genomför enkäten: Chalmers
Your own effort1. How many hours per week did you spend on this course?We mean total time, that is, it comprises the time you spent in class and the time you spent on your own work. Try to estimate the average time over the entire study period.28 svarande
At most 15 hours/week» | | 20 | | 71% |
Around 20 hours/week» | | 7 | | 25% |
Around 25 hours/week» | | 1 | | 3% |
Around 30 hours/week» | | 0 | | 0% |
At least 35 hours/week» | | 0 | | 0% |
Genomsnitt: 1.32 - betydligt mer i slutet då projektuppgiften skulle in» (At most 15 hours/week)
- Alltid svårt att uppskatta vilken tid man lagt ner, särskilt såhär långt efter kursavslutning. Generellt sett var kursen mindre krävande än en vanlig Chalmers-kurs men å andra sidan tog hemtentan och förberedelsen inför den klart mer tid än förberedelserna inför en "vanlig" tenta.» (Around 20 hours/week)
2. How large part of the teaching offered did you attend? 28 svarande
0%» | | 2 | | 7% |
25%» | | 10 | | 35% |
50%» | | 8 | | 28% |
75%» | | 6 | | 21% |
100%» | | 2 | | 7% |
Genomsnitt: 2.85 - Mitt schema krockade» (25%)
- the lectures collided with another course» (25%)
- Dessvärre krockade varannan föreläsning med den obligatoriska på mitt program.» (25%)
- I did miss some topics but I strongly feel they were all worth attending.» (50%)
- It didn"t match very well with my schedule.» (50%)
Goals and goal fulfilmentThe course syllabus states the course goals in terms of learning outcomes, i.e., knowledge, skills and attitudes to be acquired by the student during the course.3. How understandable are the course goals?28 svarande
I have not seen/read the goals» | | 10 | | 35% |
The goals are difficult to understand» | | 0 | | 0% |
The goals give some guidance, but could be clearer» | | 10 | | 35% |
The goals clearly describe what I am supposed to learn» | | 8 | | 28% |
Genomsnitt: 2.57 - Det här är för längesen för att svara på.» (I have not seen/read the goals)
4. Are the goals reasonable considering your background and the number of credits?Answer this this question and the succeeding one, only if you do know the course goals.21 svarande
No, the goals are set too low» | | 3 | | 14% |
Yes, the goals seem reasonable» | | 17 | | 80% |
No, the goals are set too high» | | 1 | | 4% |
Genomsnitt: 1.9 - Minns inte målen.» (Yes, the goals seem reasonable)
5. Did the examination assess whether you have reached the goals?24 svarande
No, not at all» | | 2 | | 8% |
To some extent» | | 13 | | 54% |
Yes, definitely» | | 8 | | 33% |
I don"t know/have not been examined yet» | | 1 | | 4% |
Genomsnitt: 2.33 - The exmaination assessed goals and aims that the examinators made up in their own head one minute before reading the reports and never told the students about.» (No, not at all)
- Var mycket könsfrågor, tycker jag inte speglar uppfattningen om kursens innehåll utifrån kursmålen. Gav för lite utrymme för eget resonerande.» (To some extent)
- Minns inte målen -> kan inte svara.» (I don"t know/have not been examined yet)
Examination: Project and take home exam6. How long time did you spend on the take-home exam?28 svarande
Less than 10 hours» | | 2 | | 7% |
10-20 hours» | | 10 | | 35% |
20-30 hours» | | 9 | | 32% |
30-40 hours» | | 4 | | 14% |
More than 40 hours» | | 3 | | 10% |
Genomsnitt: 2.85 - Borträknat mycket läsande av materialet, ingen aning om hur mycket tid jag lade på det.» (20-30 hours)
7. How long time did you spend on the project?28 svarande
Less than 10 hours» | | 2 | | 7% |
10-20 hours» | | 4 | | 14% |
20-30 hours» | | 13 | | 46% |
30-40 hours» | | 7 | | 25% |
More than 40 hours» | | 2 | | 7% |
Genomsnitt: 3.1 8. What grade would you give the take-home exam as a means to learning?28 svarande
1 Very bad» | | 2 | | 7% |
2 Bad» | | 7 | | 25% |
3 Average» | | 8 | | 28% |
4 Good» | | 9 | | 32% |
5 Very good» | | 2 | | 7% |
Genomsnitt: 3.07 - Very hard to answer the questions based on the lectures and lacture material» (1 Very bad)
- Eftersom många föreläsningar var väldigt dåligt genomförda, bara flum på engelska med nya krångliga ord som inte många förstod gav det inte mycket och många struntade därför i dem. Att sen tentan baseras på föreläsningarna blir därför skit. Tydligare bedömningsgrunder borde även finnas, som det var formulerat nu och ordbegränsningen blev det mer som ett referatskrivande.» (2 Bad)
- Trevligt att få skriva och formulera sina egna tankar men kände hela tiden en osäkerhet angående tentans upplägg. Var osäker på om jag svarade på rätt sätt och gjorde det som förväntades, om jag hade förstått uppgiften rätt. Det hade varit bra med ännu tydligare instruktioner då hemtenta normalt sett inte används iallafall inte på min utbildning.» (3 Average)
- Lärde mig väl inget speciellt egentligen, bara hur en hemtenta fungerar» (3 Average)
- Some tricky questions. It was not easy to figure out what i was supposed to do.. Maybe that"s what the exam is about!» (4 Good)
9. What grade would you give the project as a means to learning?28 svarande
1 Very bad» | | 2 | | 7% |
2 Bad» | | 2 | | 7% |
3 Average» | | 9 | | 32% |
4 Good» | | 14 | | 50% |
5 Very good» | | 1 | | 3% |
Genomsnitt: 3.35 - I learnt absolutely nothing from the project. It was really stunning to see how poor quality all projects in this course held. It was really scary, while attending the final presentation it felt like a presentation given by 10 year olds before power point was invented.» (1 Very bad)
- It was fun to listen to the presentations!» (3 Average)
- The aim of the project was hard to understand, the guiding was poor. It was not easy to know what was expected.» (3 Average)
- It gave me a good insight in the area that we chose, which was the one I found most interesting.» (4 Good)
- Man fick lära sig hur ett projekt fungerar och specialisera sig på nåt man är intresserad av» (4 Good)
- Enda gången i kursen som vi fick rtänka till själva och verkligen förstå sambandet mellan människors agerande och teknik.» (4 Good)
Teaching and course administration10. To what extent has the teaching been of help for your learning?28 svarande
Small extent» | | 13 | | 46% |
Some extent» | | 10 | | 35% |
Large extent» | | 4 | | 14% |
Great extent» | | 1 | | 3% |
Genomsnitt: 1.75 - FÖreläsningarna var inget vidare. För mig som läser kemiteknik var förkubskaperna inom IT på en låg nivå, känns då ganska hopplöst när en föreläsare börjar prata om ICT utan att ens förklara vad förkortningen står för... Det kändes i stort sett som om kursen riktade sig till studenter på D-/IT-programmet och det förutsattes att övriga studenter skulle ha grunder som man inte har... Det gjorde det svårt att hänga med på föreläsningarna och i efterhand ångrar jag att jag gick på så pass många föreläsningar som jag gjorde för det hade varit bättre att vara utan dem och bara koncentrerat sig på kursmaterialet. » (Small extent)
- Det beror på låg närvaro, så mitt svar är kanske inte helt representativt.» (Small extent)
- No extent at all since I learned absolutely nothing from this course.» (Small extent)
- the lectures I attended was good» (Some extent)
- De flesta föreläsningarna var dåliga. Överfyllda powerpointpresentationer och få anteckningar på tavlan som dessutom var ostrukturerade och saknade förklaringar gav inte mycket. Vissa föreläsare var bättre än andra.» (Some extent)
11. To what extent has the course literature and other material been of help for your learning?28 svarande
Small extent» | | 7 | | 25% |
Some extent» | | 11 | | 39% |
Large extent» | | 8 | | 28% |
Great extent» | | 2 | | 7% |
Genomsnitt: 2.17 - What literature?» (Small extent)
- Det jag lärt mig i kursen har varit baserat på kursmaterialet.» (Some extent)
- mainly for the home exam... in the project we used other sources» (Some extent)
12. How well did the course administration, web page, handouts etc work?27 svarande
Very badly» | | 1 | | 3% |
Rather badly» | | 3 | | 11% |
Rather well» | | 13 | | 48% |
Very well» | | 10 | | 37% |
Genomsnitt: 3.18 - I can"t remember.» (?)
- Many errors!» (Rather badly)
- Except for some misunderstandings regarding lecture hall on the presentation day it worked rather well» (Rather well)
- Inget att klaga på alls.» (Very well)
Study climate13. How were the opportunities for asking questions and getting help?27 svarande
Very poor» | | 3 | | 11% |
Rather poor» | | 2 | | 7% |
Rather good» | | 8 | | 29% |
Very good» | | 7 | | 25% |
I did not seek help» | | 7 | | 25% |
Genomsnitt: 3.48 - De tillfällen jag var i kontakt med kursansvariga flöt på bra.» (Very good)
14. How well has cooperation between you and your fellow students worked?28 svarande
Very poorly» | | 1 | | 3% |
Rather poorly» | | 1 | | 3% |
Rather well» | | 11 | | 39% |
Very well» | | 15 | | 53% |
I did not seek cooperation» | | 0 | | 0% |
Genomsnitt: 3.42 - Many swedish students did not want to team up with none swedish speakers students as they could not work on their native language thus making hard for non swedish speakers to find team mates. Probably by assigning teams this problem could be avoided.» (Rather well)
15. How was the course workload?28 svarande
Too low» | | 0 | | 0% |
Low» | | 13 | | 46% |
Adequate» | | 15 | | 53% |
High» | | 0 | | 0% |
Too high» | | 0 | | 0% |
Genomsnitt: 2.53 - Belastningen ökade markant under projektet och hemtentan, annars var tempot mycket lågt.» (Low)
- Toppar och dalar då projektet och hemtentan krävde mycket tid men inte det andra» (Adequate)
16. How was the total workload this study period?28 svarande
Too low» | | 2 | | 7% |
Low» | | 6 | | 21% |
Adequate» | | 12 | | 42% |
High» | | 7 | | 25% |
Too high» | | 1 | | 3% |
Genomsnitt: 2.96 - I took this course outside of the two ordinary courses that was included in my masterprogram» (High)
Summarizing questions17. What is your general impression of the course?27 svarande
Poor» | | 8 | | 29% |
Fair» | | 6 | | 22% |
Adequate» | | 4 | | 14% |
Good» | | 9 | | 33% |
Excellent» | | 0 | | 0% |
Genomsnitt: 2.51 - This was a course I took only because I had to. (We need to take 1 MTS-course.) I was not interested in the subject and therefore, I did not like the course.» (Poor)
- It is by far the worst course I ever have taken. It is a joke that TEK225 is called a Chalmers course.» (Poor)
- Very poor lectures and that is why the students didn"t attend the lectures after a while. Because they found out that there wwas no reason to attend such poor lectures. The only good lecture was the one with the famous economy profile, lecture number two I think, about the influence of the development of technology and information technology on the increased profit of the world economy.
» (Poor)
- Ganska flummig kurs, åtminstone relativt sett på Chalmers. Fråga en psykologistudent och förvänta en annan uppfattning.» (Fair)
- Intressant emellanåt men för dåligt genomförd.» (Fair)
- better than expected» (Good)
18. What should definitely be preserved to next year?- The home exam, Erik Bohlin, the lecture on ethics»
- Take Home Exam.»
- Variety of the topics, different case studies, take-home exam.»
- The lecture about globalisation!»
- Projektarbetet.»
- -»
- The lecture mentioned above.
The take-home exam was interesting and I learned a lot from it.
The lecture about genetic manipulation of mice was also interesting.»
- Projektuppgiften.»
19. What should definitely be changed to next year?- Assigment of the teams.»
- project. Personally feel the project can be more specified.»
- The guiding for the project, so the students will know what is expected. The initial meeting should be clearer to avoid misunderstandings.»
- Cansel the whole course.»
- The project was quite meaningless and I did not get that much out of it. It was also difficult to find time for meetings etc since the participants of the group came from different programs.
The other lectures accept the one mentioned should be exchanged. There are so many interesting topics concerning technology and society that could be discussed in another way.»
- Föreläsningarna!! Upplägg, tydlighet och genomförande. Även hemtentan, ge mer utrymme för tolkningar och analys. Det är det jag anser borde bedömas för det är det som visar på förståelse. Tydligare bedömningsgrunder.»
20. Additional comments- I don"t think it should be mandatory to take a MTS-course.»
- The course covered very interesting topics and aspects, but the contents and discussion can be more chanlleging.»
- I will try to give some constructive criticism: calsel the course now before someone outside Chalmers find out about how bad it is and writes an article that degrades the good reputation of Chalmers. I feel ashamed when knowing that TEK225 is a Chalmers course.»
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