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Solid and fluid mechanics Master Programme Evaluation-09, MPAME

Status: Avslutad
Öppen för svar: 2010-03-29 - 2010-04-19
Antal svar: 26
Procent av deltagarna som svarat: 74%
Kontaktperson: Peter Folkow»


1. Where did you study for your Bachelor degree?*

Please comment if you studied in another country than your native country.

26 svarande

Sweden - Chalmers»20 76%
Sweden - another university»0 0%
University outside Sweden»6 23%

Genomsnitt: 1.46

- I have studied Bachelor degree in Iran, Tehran» (University outside Sweden)
- University of Canterbury, New Zealand» (University outside Sweden)

2. What is your opinion on the information about the master programme when you applied?

Information from home pages, programme administration etc.

26 svarande

Poor»0 0%
Rather poor»1 4%
OK»8 32%
Good»13 52%
Very good»3 12%
I did not seek/need information»1

Genomsnitt: 3.72

- I got the information I needed.» (Good)

Your own effort

3. How many hours per week have you spent studying at this programme?

We mean total time, that is, it comprises the time you spent in class and the time you spent on your own work. Try to estimate the average time over the entire programme.

25 svarande

Around 30 hours/week or less»1 4%
Around 40 hours/week»10 40%
Around 50 hours/week»13 52%
Around 60 hours/week or more»1 4%

Genomsnitt: 2.56

- This is a hard question to answer due to the variation between courses and a progression from low to high work loads during the life of individual courses. I estimate 40/week, but at the start of courses it could easily be 20/week and by the end of the course 70/week» (Around 40 hours/week)

4. How large part of the teaching offered did you attend?

26 svarande

0%»0 0%
25%»1 3%
50%»1 3%
75%»8 30%
100%»16 61%

Genomsnitt: 4.5

- I think more than 75%, I just missed one course lectures.» (75%)

Goals and goal fulfilment

The programme syllabus states the goals in terms of learning outcomes, i.e., knowledge, skills and attitudes to be acquired by the student during the education. The learning outcomes are (excerpts):

After the master programme in Solid and Fluid Mechanics the students should be able to

-formulate mechanical engineering problems as mathematical models.

-use advanced topics regarding mathematical modelling as well as computational and experimental techniques relevant for the specialized tracks.

-show insight and ability to work in teams and collaborate in groups with different compositions.

-be able to give written and oral presentations of their conclusions and knowledge to specialist and non-specialist audiences.

5. How understandable are the programme goals?

26 svarande

The goals are difficult to understand»1 3%
The goals give some guidance, but could be clearer»8 30%
The goals are clear enough»17 65%

Genomsnitt: 2.61

6. Are the goals reasonable for a master degree?

26 svarande

No, the goals are set too low»0 0%
No, the goals are a bit too low»0 0%
Yes, the goals seem reasonable»25 96%
No, the goals are a bit high»1 3%
No, the goals are set too high»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 3.03

- but all of these goals are not achieved during the Master program. most of the time spent on assignments which were involved coding and implementation of formula in Matlab. theory part was not enough strong. I think there should be more emphasize on theory as well as computer assignments like Matlab coding. sometimes it"s hard to get insight through Matalab coding and also 7weeks is not enough to find out everything in course most of this time spent on doing the assignments and it"s not possible to concentrate on theory. » (Yes, the goals seem reasonable)
- The goals need to be more speicifed if one shall be able to determine whether they are too high or low.» (Yes, the goals seem reasonable)

7. Are these goals fulfilled within the group of mandatory courses?

26 svarande

No, not at all»0 0%
To some extent»6 25%
Almost»10 41%
Yes, definitely»8 33%
I do not know»2

Genomsnitt: 3.08

- Taking mandatory courses only is not enough. You need to take some extra courses from other tracks, which most students do.» (To some extent)
- The courses are good, but the "overall" view is sometime lost.. When to use what..» (Almost)

Programme layout

The masters programme in Solid and Fluid Mechanics consists of two compulsory corses in the first quarter and the compulsory "Project course" in quarter four. Besides that, there are courses in quarter two and three that are compulsory for each track.

8. What do you think of the programme layout?

26 svarande

Poor»0 0%
Rather poor»0 0%
OK»4 15%
Good»17 65%
Very good»5 19%
No opinion»0

Genomsnitt: 4.03

- for fluid track there should be more emphasize on CFD course and turbulent flow.» (OK)
- Some courses could be moved. Move Material mechanics to later in the programme.» (OK)
- Switch place on material mechanics and FEM applications.» (Good)
- More compulsory courses would raise the quality» (Good)
- The "Project course". Not so good. » (Good)

9. Is it a good thing to have 3 mandatory courses?

26 svarande

There should be less»0 0%
It is OK»21 84%
There should be more»4 16%
No comment»1

Genomsnitt: 2.16

- But the project course was pretty much rubish when it comes to structure and actual possibilites to do a good job with the project.» (It is OK)
- I think it is better to have CFD and FEM course as mandatory courses.» (There should be more)

10. Should there be a more pronounced emphasis on BOTH solid and fluid mechanics?

This could be achieved by further compulsory courses for all programme students within both fields. Expected outcome would be engineers with better overall knowledge in both fields, at the expense of deeper knowledge within each specialisation.

26 svarande

There should be less»2 8%
It is OK as it is»19 76%
There should be more»4 16%
No opinion»1

Genomsnitt: 2.08

- I thought there should be for the first year of the course, but now believe that this is mostly beneficial for research and that industry doesn"t seem in need of this yet.» (It is OK as it is)
- overall knowledge is not what the industri is looking for.» (It is OK as it is)
- I dont think there is a need for a wider knowlege in both solid and fluid. The risk is that you loose the edge competence.» (It is OK as it is)
- If you"re interested in both you can choose mixed courses, but I don"t think it should be mandatory.. » (It is OK as it is)
- the lack of heat transfer course in sensible but it start from this year but i think there should be a heat transfer course suitable for master student. also please include some study visit or some experimental thing like wind tunnel lab or something similar to it in order to gain some experimental experience not only Matlab coding.» (There should be more)
- I think it is better to have CFD and FEM course as mandatory courses.» (There should be more)
- The student can deside. » (No opinion)

11. Do you miss a course or a topic in the master programme?

25 svarande

Yes»11 44%
No»14 56%

Genomsnitt: 1.56

- Mer användning av kommersiell programmvara för fem beräkningar. » (Yes)
- More structural mechanics and dynamics » (Yes)
- Courses related to basic knowledge of Bio-Mechanics will be helpful.» (Yes)
- Rotor dynamics» (Yes)
- Some sort of optimization course» (Yes)
- It would be interesting to have a course in some industrial code, eg. Nastran, Abaqus, etc.» (Yes)
- A course in experimental fluid dynamics would be appreciated» (Yes)
- Maybe FSI in the future.» (Yes)

12. Are there any courses that you think should either be heavily revised or even removed from the programme?

26 svarande

Yes»11 42%
No»15 57%

Genomsnitt: 1.57

- One courses should be heavily revised: Project in applied mechanics. Please prepare more with knowledge about the computer programs until next time. Also the course Vibration control should be revised, it is hard to understand what the goal of the course is. Before the exam many persons were worried about the lack of information, and afterwards around two thirds got grade 5. In addistion the teacher tried to change the course pm and thereby the examination in study week 5. Very unserious done.» (Yes)
- Material mechanics could be done differently. » (Yes)
- Vibrati Control kan förändras lite. Den borde vara betydligt mer rikad mot tillömningar eftersom den ligger så sent i utbildningen.» (Yes)
- Material mechanics» (Yes)
- Vibration control, as it is at the moment could easily be removed. However I think it could be reshaped into something better. » (Yes)
- Material mechanics should be revised to give a better overview of the subject.» (Yes)
- Vibration control should be changed. I did not learn anything.» (Yes)
- Do a better job with the project course, it is good in theory but poorely executed.» (Yes)
- The project course» (Yes)
- Vibration control» (Yes)
- "Project course"» (Yes)

13. Impressions of the Computational solid mechanics specialisation.

NOTE! Only answer this question if you attended at least 4 courses in the Computational solid mechanics specialisation (Rigid Body Dynamics, Material Mechanics, FEM Applications, Fatigue Design, Advanced Material Mechanics, Computational Nonlinear Mechanics).
What is your impression of the


- Overall the teachear"s standard has been very high. Extra credit to both teacher"s and assistants for their will to help students after class as well as during classes.»
- I undertook all of the solid specialisation courses and felt there was a significant lack of comparison between our development of simulation tools and real world problems.»
- I would like some sort of overview or techniqes/strategies that can be usefull when approaching a new problem/project, could be in the form of assigments or something like that, in order to face different types of problems and combine the stuff from the different courses»
- In my opinion it would be very great if more emphasis is put on experimental and theoretical concepts to deepen and strengthen the learning»

relevance of the courses to this specialisation?
20 svarande

Very poor»0 0%
Poor»0 0%
OK»2 10%
Good»10 50%
Excellent»8 40%
No opinion»0

Genomsnitt: 4.3

balance between theory and numerical/experimental simulations in this specialisation?
20 svarande

Very poor»0 0%
Poor»3 15%
OK»1 5%
Good»12 60%
Excellent»4 20%
No opinion»0

Genomsnitt: 3.85

teachers in this specialisation?
20 svarande

Very poor»0 0%
Poor»0 0%
OK»1 5%
Good»13 65%
Excellent»6 30%
No opinion»0

Genomsnitt: 4.25

14. Impressions of the Fluid dynamics specialisation.

NOTE! Only answer this question if you attended at least 4 courses in the Fluid dynamics specialisation (Turbulent Flow, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Compressible Flow, Turbulence Theory, Turbulence Modelling, Gas Turbine Technology, Multiphase Flow).
What is your impression of the


- emphasize on numerical thing is more than theory and i think theory should be considered more than now. also please include some experimental activity as well.»
- didn"t study this part!»
- I would like some experimental fluid dynamics»

relevance of the courses to this specialisation?
5 svarande

Very poor»0 0%
Poor»0 0%
OK»0 0%
Good»2 66%
Excellent»1 33%
No opinion»2

Genomsnitt: 4.33

balance between theory and numerical/experimental simulations in this specialisation?
5 svarande

Very poor»0 0%
Poor»1 33%
OK»1 33%
Good»1 33%
Excellent»0 0%
No opinion»2

Genomsnitt: 3

teachers in this specialisation?
5 svarande

Very poor»0 0%
Poor»0 0%
OK»0 0%
Good»2 66%
Excellent»1 33%
No opinion»2

Genomsnitt: 4.33

15. Impressions of the Structural dynamics specialisation.

NOTE! Only answer this question if you attended at least 4 courses in the Structural dynamics specialisation (Rigid Body Dynamics, FEM Applications, Fundamental Structural Dynamics, Applied Structural Dynamics, Vibration Control).
What is your impression of the


- Big variation between the teachers. Folkow was far better than Berbyuk, for example.»
- I attended all the courses except Vibration Control, an advanced course as an extension to rigid body dynamics, and the applied structural dynamics courses would seem appropriate. Similar to how the solids track has an advanced material mechanics course.»
- The level of difficulty of these courses is lower than for other courses in the same Masters programme. Maybe this is to better suit students from other masterprogrammes. e.g. VV. The level should be raised to suit students from Applied Mech.»

relevance of the courses to this specialisation?
18 svarande

Very poor»0 0%
Poor»0 0%
OK»0 0%
Good»10 55%
Excellent»8 44%
No opinion»0

Genomsnitt: 4.44

balance between theory and numerical/experimental simulations in this specialisation?
18 svarande

Very poor»0 0%
Poor»0 0%
OK»2 11%
Good»10 55%
Excellent»6 33%
No opinion»0

Genomsnitt: 4.22

teachers in this specialisation?
18 svarande

Very poor»0 0%
Poor»0 0%
OK»1 5%
Good»10 55%
Excellent»7 38%
No opinion»0

Genomsnitt: 4.33

Programme administration

16. What is your general impression of the programme administration?*

Programme administration means the programme director (Mats Ander), coordinators (Cecilia Hedenstierna, Johan Bankel, Lilian Sandström), student administrators (Carina Schmidt and Ulla Lindberg-Thieme).

26 svarande

Very poor»0 0%
Poor»0 0%
OK»5 20%
Good»14 56%
Excellent»6 24%
No opinion»1

Genomsnitt: 4.04

- I prefer Magnus Ekh as a coordinator he can help more than Mats.» (Good)
- Mats Ander is excellent.» (Good)
- Special thanks to Mats, Cecilia and Carina.» (Excellent)

17. What is your opinion of the information as a current student within the program ?*

Information about programme layout, specialisations, elective courses, theses.


- Supervisor don"t pay too much attention to Master thesis as it should be. it seems that its not so important and students think that a time should be spent only sometimes it come up with bad feeling. also in fluid track there should be at least two more elective courses for second year. now only gas turbine and multiphase flow are available.»
- It would be nice if the heads of the specialisations arranged some kind of overview of suitable out of department courses if we would like to take part in one. What courses were required for each specialisation was a bit fuzzy.»
- Info about theses comes to late»

Program information*
26 svarande

Very poor»0 0%
Poor»1 3%
OK»7 26%
Good»15 57%
Excellent»3 11%
No opinion»0

Genomsnitt: 3.76

26 svarande

Very poor»0 0%
Poor»3 11%
OK»10 38%
Good»9 34%
Excellent»4 15%
No opinion»0

Genomsnitt: 3.53

Elective courses*
26 svarande

Very poor»0 0%
Poor»5 19%
OK»7 26%
Good»10 38%
Excellent»4 15%
No opinion»0

Genomsnitt: 3.5

26 svarande

Very poor»0 0%
Poor»7 28%
OK»7 28%
Good»10 40%
Excellent»1 4%
No opinion»1

Genomsnitt: 3.2

18. What is your opinion on the support from the Student centre work?

26 svarande

Very poor»0 0%
Poor»0 0%
OK»3 23%
Good»6 46%
Very good»4 30%
Did not seek their support or help»13

Genomsnitt: 4.07

- student center is perfect. thanks to them.» (Very good)

Study climate

19. Did you feel welcomed by Chalmers and the staff at the master programme during your first days?

26 svarande

No, not at all»1 4%
To some extent»2 8%
Yes definitely»21 87%
No opinion/did not attend»2

Genomsnitt: 2.83

- Very well done with the FEM-kamp on Liseberg!» (Yes definitely)
- The trip to Liseberg with the dinner after was very nive!» (Yes definitely)
- They"ve been very welcoming, except for the PhD student who showed a small group of us around on our first day. He wanted to do it in Swedish and was not pleased with my request to take it English, and told me I should learn Swedish (som jag har försökt att gjöra sedan i alla fall). It would seem sensible to inform them that they"re introducing an international masters program in English prior to introducing said international masters program in English.» (Yes definitely)

20. How well has cooperation between you and your fellow students worked?

26 svarande

Poorly»0 0%
Rather poorly»2 7%
OK»2 7%
Rather well»11 42%
Very well»11 42%
Did not seek cooperation with my fellow students»0

Genomsnitt: 4.19

21. What do you think of the principle of having mixed groups (culture, gender) in some of the courses?

26 svarande

Bad»0 0%
Rather bad»1 4%
OK»2 8%
Good»7 29%
Very good»14 58%
No opinion»2

Genomsnitt: 4.41

- I don"t see any relevance in explicitly choosing groups out of criterias as culture or gender. I choose to work with individuals, if they are from another culture or of another gender than me there"s no problem but if the opposite is true then there"s no problem anyway. We study engineering, not different cultures or gender "science".» (Rather bad)
- I enjoyed to experience new people and culture. it"s a nice experience.» (Very good)
- Unless you are a male who has the express intention of working on a North Sea oil rig you should probably already be quite comfortable working with the opposite sex and people from different cultures.» (Very good)
- Det är mycket bra att ha det, men det är ju inte "kul" och inte den lättaste vägen att gå som student. Däremot så är det en mycket nyttig erfarenhet. Problemet är att få alla, oavsett kultur, att dra åt samma håll.» (Very good)
- What? We don"t use culture nor gender quotas?» (No opinion)

22. How are the opportunities to come in contact with teachers?

General impression of the staff"s accessibility.

26 svarande

Very poor»0 0%
Poor»0 0%
OK»1 3%
Good»14 53%
Excellent»11 42%
Did not seek contact»0

Genomsnitt: 4.38

- Some better than others.» (Good)
- One of the best things about the institution.» (Excellent)
- Open door policy is very good.» (Excellent)

23. Do you think that the student opinions and results from course evaluations have significant impact and are taken seriously?

26 svarande

Not at all»0 0%
Tome some extent»15 71%
Yes, definetly»6 28%
No opinion»5

Genomsnitt: 2.28

- Depends on the teacher. In some cases not at all, others definetly.» (Tome some extent)
- It will be interesting to see if there are going to be any changes in Projet in applied mechanics.» (No opinion)
- Hard to say. » (No opinion)

24. What do you think of attending an education given in English instead of in your native language?

26 svarande

Bad»1 4%
Rather bad»2 8%
OK»1 4%
Good»9 36%
Very good»12 48%
No opinion»1

Genomsnitt: 4.16

- Nothing to do about it, but some of the teachers (e.g. Ragnar, Abrahamsson) do not speak english very well. And in addition, it makes it more difficult to ask questions for the students.» (Rather bad)
- Engelskakunskaperna blir bättre, men det sker ju på bekostnad av förståelsen för ämnet. Och det är ju så att de flesta kommer att jobba i sverige och använda svenska och då är det synd att kunskap har gått förlorad bara på grund av att programmet ska gå på engelska.» (Rather bad)
- oftast går det bra men ibland är det ett direkt hinder för inlärningen. Föreläsare blir osäkra när de måste tala engelska förklarar inte lik bra som de gör på svenska.» (OK)
- Some teachers have more to say when they talk Swedish. » (Good)
- It"s a wonderful opportunity to study in english now english is the language of the science and i"m completely satisfied with it.» (Very good)

25. To what extent is your knowledge/competence from your bachelor degree sufficient to attend this programme?

Did you have the prerequisites that you need to start and follow the courses in the programme? If you feel that you lack any knowledge, please comment.

26 svarande

Poor»0 0%
Rather poor»2 7%
OK»2 7%
Good»13 50%
Very good»9 34%

Genomsnitt: 4.11

- Poor FEM knowledge» (Rather poor)
- the assignment for the solid part in the big project in the end of year one was a bit hard if you havent chosen the solid track. » (Good)
- I took the course "transformer och differentialekvationer" which I think was very good. I think that that course should be a mandatory prerequisite for the Solid and fluid program.» (Very good)
- Only problem I had was a lack of background for the fundamental structural dynamics course.» (Very good)

26. What is your opinion about that you are expected to have computer skills in Matlab?

When attending this programme, you are supposed to have some knowlege in Matlab.

26 svarande

Very poor»0 0%
Poor»0 0%
OK»4 15%
Good»16 61%
Excellent»6 23%

Genomsnitt: 4.07

- A good tool to use. Some exchange students haven"t used it. » (OK)
- My bachelors program used matlab extensively so I was comfortable with it.» (OK)
- It"s really needed to know how to do programming and it was like a shock for me in the beginning i hope Chalmers can do something with it like summer course or as a prerequisite some student faced many problems for handling the assignments during the first and second quarter. » (Good)
- It is not good that we use one commercial software so much. Does it exist alternatives? I worry for the monopoly tendencies.» (Good)
- Not necessarily in Matlab, it could be in other languages like Fortran, C/C++. I also think there should be some emphasize on other languages during the program rather than only on Matlab.» (Good)
- Since Matlab is widely used at Chalmers I didn"t encounter any difficulties but I can imagine it being tough for students who are new to matlab.» (Good)
- Matlab is fairly easy to learn som it"s not that important to start from scratch when most of the student are already familiar with matlab.» (Good)
- I don"t see how you can do any other way.» (Good)
- I think it is a good idea, but it would be rather better if some other professional programs be used» (Good)

Summarizing questions

27. What is your general impression of the programme so far?

26 svarande

Very Poor»0 0%
Poor»0 0%
OK»1 3%
Good»16 61%
Very good»9 34%

Genomsnitt: 4.3

- i would like to see more applied courses, and also the possibility to actually use Abaqus, Ansys or some other software in a larger extent since that is what many of us will work with later on.» (OK)
- please put more emphasize on theory to get better insight of science here i think there is too much emphasize on numerical things and sometimes i think i study programming engineering and just do programming instead of get some knowledge in fluid mechanics. i understand that numerical method id the science of the day but this science needs some basics on fluid mechanics to understand the phenomena or results of numerical simulation. otherwise everything is perfect.» (Good)
- Good, with some exceptions mentioned above.» (Good)

28. Considering your experience from this programme, would you choose this programme if you could turn back time?

25 svarande

No»0 0%
Yes»23 100%
I do not know»2

Genomsnitt: 2

- Maybe with some other elective courses.» (Yes)
- Absolutely.» (Yes)
- This is a hard question to answer for me as I would have ticked no had the question been "would I choose Chalmers again?". I discovered that I disliked 1/4 year courses and would prefer 1/2 year courses. Having said that, I"m still very happy with the education I received here and specifically the program.» (Yes)
- No question about it.» (Yes)
- in my bachelor the emphasize was on the theory aspect of fluid mechanics and i have no experience about numerical or computational fluid mechanics but this branch of science also seems interesting and now i like it.» (I do not know)

29. Would an internship system have had any impact on your choice of masters programme?

In the future, there are prospects of enhanced collaborations with the industry at the end of the masters studies. For example, a few of the masters students at this program may be guaranteed a short term project employment with Volvo.

26 svarande

No, not at all»3 13%
To some extent»8 34%
Yes definitely»12 52%
No opinion»3

Genomsnitt: 2.39

- It is always positive to get a connection with the industry. But what course is going to pay (in time)? The time got to come from somewhere.» (To some extent)
- Maybe not an internship but more connections to the industry would be good. meeting with company representatives, or just names on who to contact.» (To some extent)
- Would be interesting» (To some extent)
- Guarantee of a job that would use these skills, even if only short term, would be quite enticing. In all likelihood I will never see a nonlinear term in my life again.» (Yes definitely)
- positive» (Yes definitely)

30. What should definitely be preserved?

- The variety of examination forms. The Liseberg intro day.»
- the courses are pretty good»
- Everything as it is.»
- everything but not the vibration control course.»
- The availability to come and ask quations/get help etc by the teachers.»
- Theoretical courses»
- the mix of both solid and fluid mechanics for everyone in the beginning, before you choose track.»

31. What should definitely be changed?

- Projet in applied mechanics, Vibration control.»
- more research based projects should be hired. The master"s thesis is poor, I think one can spend one and a half year on his/her thesis.»
- Det borde ges sshemalagda tider med räkneövningar eller liknande på svenska. »
- vibration control »
- Project course»
- The lowering of levels of difficulty in some courses just because there are students from other programmes with less knowledge present.»
- Remove the project course. A waste of time considered the learning outcome. The things you learned could be learnt during a week.»
- A lot of courses in the program tend to overlap too much, in my opinion. I think the prerequisites for some courses are set too low. It takes too long time to get everyone at the same level of knowlege. Repetition is good but not for two out of seven weeks.»
- The turbulence courses was a bit stretched, but i hear that has already been changed...»
- material mechanics. Some theory in the advanced curse. Look at the results from the exam 2009! (not the grades). »

32. Additional comments

- Once more, I think having basic courses in bio-mechanics and emphasize on other programming languages is helpful.»
- Thanks for a good masters programme»
- There"s is a demand from industry that students do not know softwares. Don"t get influenced by this. A software can be learnt in a day when you get employed and if you know the theory. The theory behind the software is what it should be about in a MSc degree. This you will never learn outside the universities»

* obligatoriska frågor

Kursutvärderingssystem från