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CFD with OpenSource Software 2009

Status: Avslutad
Öppen för svar: 2010-02-17 - 2010-03-07
Antal svar: 13
Procent av deltagarna som svarat: 59%
Kontaktperson: Håkan Nilsson»
Utbildningsprogram som genomför enkäten: Chalmers
Klass: Övriga
Utbildningsprogram studenten tillhör: Övriga studenter

1. If you started but did not finish this course, please state why.

- I did not finish the course, since I had to hand in my master thesis at the same time the project had to be finished. The project is not done by working on it just some days. I did not have the time to keep working on the project. My master thesis had to be finished and was more important. »
- My work change the schedule that I cannot continue»
- due to my heavy project work, and other courses»
- participant from industry - no time for doing the project»
- I did not submit second excercise, much because reinstalling the OpenFOAM version used in the course took much time around that time. Will probably hand that excercise in later.»
- Did not have time»

2. Comment the contents of the course and give your general impression of the course.

Did it cover what you expected? Was the syllabus appropriate (see the course homepage)? If not, please give some feedback.

- Yes, it did. It was a really good introductory course giving the basis to work with that software.»
- It covered what I expected. The syllabus covered a wide range, but since the time was limited, some contents were not explained in detail, for example, debugging, deoxygen, python.»
- I think the contents of the course are very good. Not all points of the Syllabus has been discussed a lot (e.g. Debugging), but that probably is also because of the time schedule. »
- Yes, It is quite good as I expected»
- This course is very fruitful for a person who has some background in working with OpenFOAM. All the materials in the course are well prepared and presented. »
- no, this course just covers very basic knowledge. it does not contain any information related to my project»
- the course covered all that I expected from reading course homepage»
- Yes. Yes.»
- I think it was too less examples. There should be a real case to be solved from the beginning. »
- General impression is good. Of cource, it is impossible to cover all the features of such a software in so short time.»
- yes, it covered the expectations and the syllabus is very good»
- Yes.»
- The course covered the introduction to OpenFOAM sufficiently.»

3. How much time did you spend on this course, and did it correspond to 7.5 "Higher education credits"?

We mean total time, that is, it comprises the time you spent in class and the time you spent on your own work. What should be added/removed?

- I spent quite a lot of time because this software was completely new for me as well as linux. So I had to make an extra effort. It can be say that it corresponds it 7,5 Higher education credits.»
- I spent perhaps two working weeks or more in doing the homeworks, writing, revising, and peer reviewing the report. The lecturing time is fine, maybe we should have more time in group discussion and peer reviewing.»
- time in class: 48 hours (breaks included) assignments and start of project: 56 hours (breaks included)»
- 20 hours»
- Yes, there were enough topics to discuss in this course. »
- yes, it does correspond to 7.5 points»
- N/A since I did not intend to finish the course, so I did not spend so much time at home.»
- About 15-20 hours per week, throughout the course. Yes, 7.5 credits seems appropriate.»
- I spend much time before I quit it.»
- It took more time then I expected it to take, it definitely is worth 7.5 credits and probably even more.»
- I spent quite a lot of time on both,the assignments and the project work.I believe it corresponds to these credits.»
- No idea, but time spent was slightly more than I normally spend on a 10 credit course...»

4. Comment the schedule of the course.

Was it good/bad with full days, or would it be better with shorter days and more often? Was the time between start and end of the course too long or too short?

- It would be better by shorten days (probably half day) because then there can be more exercise practice to make at home and then reviewed in the lecture. Also, full days were a little bite exhausting. In the other hand, making it not full days, it is difficult for people not living in Göteborg»
- I prefer to have the course with shorter days but more often. The time between the start and end of the course is fine.»
- The schedule concerning the time between start and end of the course is very good. Full days are of course quite tough, since you get a lot of "input" during a full day. But I think to give industrial people the chance to join the course it is important and the best way to teach in full days as it was done. »
- maybe half a day would be good»
- In my opinion it would be much more efficient to make the lecture times less than a full day but on the other hand more often sessions. »
- it not good for full day! »
- good with full days for industry participants»
- I travelled to the course, so two full days each time was perfect for me.»
- Good with full days»
- Scheduling was ok. It was planned in a good advance and allowed me to fit it in my timetable.»
- The schedule was very good.»
- Good with full days and not so often - makes it easier for the ones who have to travel far to take the course.»
- The schedule with two days learning every second week was and couple of weeks for project work was sufficient. »

5. To what extent has the teaching been of help for your learning?

13 svarande

Small extent»0 0%
Some extent»3 23%
Large extent»5 38%
Great extent»5 38%

Genomsnitt: 3.15

- Actually I would put the dot between "some" and "large" extent. Some lectures really helped me a lot. For example copying and compiling a new turbulence model. This really showed how a model can be modified etc. On the other hand it was difficult to follow the C++ part if you did not have much C++ knowledge before. I asked other students who told me that they also had problems to follow that part. I know C++ is not easy, but maybe it would be good to add an example that makes it easier to understand some things (classes, member functions, pointers...). » (Some extent)
- In my idea the organization and presentation of the discussed topics in the course were well arranged. Actually, it was my own fault that did not get all the presented materials, because, this course requires some basic knowledge on working in LINUX and to some extent C++ which I did not have these experiences before. » (Some extent)
- More tutorials on the topics how to produce graphs or extract surfaces would be useful.» (Large extent)
- devoted lecturer is always a positive thing... » (Great extent)
- For one unused to typing in class, it was often difficult to follow excercises on-screen and on my computer at the same time. Most was given in handouts, though, so it was possible to go back and redo the class later.» (Great extent)

6. To what extent has the course material been of help for your learning?

13 svarande

Small extent»0 0%
Some extent»2 15%
Large extent»9 69%
Great extent»2 15%

Genomsnitt: 3

- The documentation of OpenFOAM at large is rather unstructured and focussed on one specific problem in each item. This was reflected by the course, and although many useful links was provided, t is difficult to get an overview.» (Some extent)
- The course material together with the lectures helped me (e.g. lectures are always good to make your own notices in the course material). I still use it to check up several things. » (Large extent)
- At least now I am familiar with the capabilities of the OpenFOAM and when I run to a problem in the code I know how to solve it (to some extents).» (Large extent)
- Could have been more materials with examples» (Great extent)
- Very useful with all the various tips and tricks regarding LiNuX commands and environment.» (Great extent)

7. To what extent have the assignments been of help for your learning?

13 svarande

Small extent»0 0%
Some extent»3 23%
Large extent»8 61%
Great extent»2 15%

Genomsnitt: 2.92

- I have some comments on our assignments. The first assignment which the students were supposed to run through the available tutorials in the OpenFOAM is good for the students to get familiar with the code and the optionalities available both in OpenFOAM and Paraview, but I, myself, just ran the tutorials and plotted the results for a variety of different problems. I think this could be done just by doing 1 or 2 of the tutorials e.g. cavity and damBreak and after this to be more deep in one of these codes. The second assignment which the students were to develop a code and apply it to a specific case is very helpful but according to me there should be some other assignments beside this assignment which put some force on the students to do some code developments themselves instead of just following an instruction and copy pasting. » (Some extent)
- To run all the tutorials is mostly very easy but good introduction to use of OF. Although I know your reason, I think it is to much time consuming to make all those plots. Because I spent most of the time thinking how to make the post processing unique than learning OF. » (Some extent)
- as stated, did not do much of the assignments» (Large extent)
- though, quite confusing assignments» (Large extent)
- Especially the second part of the first assignment was useful. » (Large extent)
- The tutorial assignments are good as introduction assignments to get used to the various dictionaries etc. Perhaps add some type of "run an undocumented test case for an undocumented solver and present results" assignment? Some in-depth coding tasks are very useful, but must be balanced with an apropriate level of C++ coding tutorials (like with the boundary condition assignment). » (Great extent)

8. To what extent has the project been of help for your learning?

12 svarande

Small extent»1 8%
Some extent»2 16%
Large extent»5 41%
Great extent»4 33%

Genomsnitt: 3

- Quit before that» (?)
- Since I did not come so far with the project it did not help me a lot. But if I look at other projects I think the project is something where you really have to understand a lot and that means you learn a lot! » (Small extent)
- More discussion with the students and teachers will be even helpful for the project.» (Large extent)
- especially the comments which Håkan Nilsson made on my project forced me to be a little bit more deep in the project. » (Large extent)
- as stated, did not do project but I think thats were I would have learned a lot...» (Great extent)

9. Comment the assessment of your learning.

Is the assessment of your learning (the assignments, the project, and the peer-review) appropriate? Give some suggestions.

- I think that I did good work considering the level of the subject.»
- Yes.»
- Without the project I did not learn that much I was expecting to learn. To me it seems to do the project is the biggest part and you learn a lot while doing it. But of course the lectures and assignments are also important. I already worked a little bit with OpenFOAM before, so not everything was new, of course.»
- yes, »
- More comments are always good, but averall, I am satisfied.»
- It is a good cource, sometimes hard but very good from the learning perspective.»
- Yes»
- Yes. The peer review was very instructive, but maybe one week to effectuate changes is a bit short?»
- I would skip the assessment of the first assignment and keep it as highly recommended. I would start with defining the project goals earlier so the student can pay more attention when the related topic is presented.»

10. What should definitely be preserved to next year?

- The way of teaching were the slides are followed by all the students typing the commands on their computers»
- The final project, tutorial, and peer review.»
- - full days teaching - project - doing examples during the lectures on the computer »
- invited speaker lecture»
- lectures»
- The treatment of the structure of OpenFOAM, and the crash course in C++, focussed on what is needed to understand and change OpenFOAM.»
- Assignments, maybe some more step-by-step testing tasks can be added just to make users more familiar with the software.»
- All the content is useful.»
- Project, peer-review»

11. What should definitely be changed to next year?

- As suggested before I would consider to make half days lectures.»
- - C++ part (it would be great to find an example that makes it easier to understand) - Sometimes the lectures were quite fast (when we were doing an example on the computer). Often I felt like I am just following the instructions without really understanding what I am doing, because there was not much time to think about. »
- encourage everyone to use VIM, I just learned it and I would have been too slow with another editor, would have had troubles following the lectures because the tempo is high. with VIM tempo was perfect for me. »
- more examples»
- Adding an extra session and covering more topics can always be useful.»
- The silly support beam in the middle of the workshop room... (or perhaps just change rooms?) ,)»

12. How well did the course administration, web page, handouts etc work?

13 svarande

Very badly»0 0%
Rather badly»0 0%
Rather well»5 38%
Very well»8 61%

Genomsnitt: 3.61

- Handouts, web page worked well. Some problems with the computers we used made some lectures a bit "broken" in the sence that it broke some of the flow of the course...» (Rather well)
- I never had problems with that and I never felt that I need more information.» (Very well)
- excellent» (Very well)

13. Additional comments

- Thank you very much! I know this course must be a lot of work! »
- It would be much more fruitful to have some discussions on the algorithm of the CFD applied to each of the investigated cases during the course. I know this itself requires another course but I mean some general information, e.g. coupling the pressure and velocity field, VOF method, ... . Finally, I should thank Håkan Nilsson for lecturing this course and being friendly with the students in the course. »
- this is an excellent course and I wish I would have had more time to spend on it. lectures were very good and combined with project lays a solid ground for using openFOAM»
- I think more can be done to highlight and explain the structure of OpenFOAM. This is partly done very well, but some topics seemed a bit disconnected from this structure.»
- All in all quite happy with the course and the lecturer, OpenFOAM fascinated me, so I guess the course objective was reached ,)»
- What about building some simple solver from scratch? Maybe it is too complicated but can give student some complex view into OF or CFD in general. What I mean is that sometimes there are too many lines in the code that I do not understand while changing just bit of them. They usually call some other header files etc. That is probably of my poor knowledge. I have had also an impression that the benefit of this course for me was mostly "Working in OF" more than "Thinking and working in OF". Hope you understand what I mean. There was one lecture on meshing. As I remember, to have an advanced mesh it is better to use some other softwares. But maybe it would be good to spend some time on How to make a good mesh. And based on this maybe make an assignment. And finally the visit from Milano was great. To have more would be perfect but I know it is not easy to find some and course time is limited.»

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