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Sustainable development in a local context HT 09, ARK156, ARK171

Status: Avslutad
Öppen för svar: 2010-01-20 - 2010-02-05
Antal svar: 30
Procent av deltagarna som svarat: 90%
Kontaktperson: Lena Falkheden»
Utbildningsprogram som genomför enkäten: Chalmers
Utbildningsprogram studenten tillhör: Arkitektur 300 hp

Goals and fullfilment of goals

The learning outcomes are given in the course programme, that is the knowledge, understanding, skills and perspectives you are expectd to reach. Notify for each outcome how well they have been fulfilled.

1. Purpose of the design studio

Sustainable Development in a Local Context is a design studio, divided into two parts (1:A & 1:B), within the master programme Design for Sustainable Development. The thematic of the studio is planning and design for sustainable development in a small or medium-sized municipality in Sweden. The studio includes on-site activities in close cooperation with local authorities and communities.

The aim of the design studio is:
to increase knowledge and understanding of the planning- and development problems as well as possibilities of small and medium-sized municipalities/communities/towns in the perspective of sustainable development,
to train the ability to describe, analyse and interpret the local situation in a broad perspective, including spatial and architectural characteristics as well as environmental, social and economic aspects.
to, with a point of departure in an understanding of the conditions of place in a local as well as in a broader context, work out and try visionary principles of planning and design of spatial structures and the built environment, in support of a positive and sustainable development.
How well has the purpose been fulfilled?

30 svarande

Very insufficient»0 0%
Insufficient»0 0%
Sufficient»13 43%
Excellent»17 56%
No opinion»0

Genomsnitt: 3.56

- It was a very good opportunity to work with a real situation and different stakeholders, see their opinions and have an idea in the end of the possibilities of our projects to be put into practice. Furthermore, learn about the Swedish culture. I learned a lot with that. I just feel that I missed some learning I could have get, but maybe it"s because we worked with too many and broad subjects.» (Sufficient)
- At the begining it was difficult for me to underestand what we are supposed to do exactly. But gradually I learned it.» (Excellent)

Education and course administration

2. How do you evaluate the content and design of the design studio 1:A –, course assignment in 5 parts –, content, quantity, order, and organisation?

30 svarande

Very bad»0 0%
Bad»0 0%
Passed»5 16%
Very good»25 83%
No opinion»0

Genomsnitt: 3.83

- The work with preparing for the exhibition would have been easier if the posters were to be translated each week and if a common size for the posters allready were decided then» (Passed)
- It was good to have so much presentations, even though I felt that the issues we"re repeating themselves a bit in the last parts.» (Passed)
- It was very good, but we didn"t get enough time to prepare for the literature seminars, except for our own free time.» (Very good)
- Excellent organisation, best of all courses in Architecture» (Very good)
- Excellent organisation, all courses should be like this!» (Very good)
- It was very good to work in different groups. It gave a lot of input + you got to know everyone.» (Very good)
- My only thoughts on this subject have to do with the order of the seminars within the term. Perhaps it would have been better to have all seminars at the beginning of the studio so the students can focus on the 5 parts better during the coming weeks, and have time to look more deeply into the other groups work.» (Very good)
- wonderful organization, great and very useful study of Uddevalla» (Very good)

3. How do you evaluate the content and design of the in-depth-project –, content, quantity, order, and organisation?

30 svarande

Very bad»0 0%
Bad»0 0%
Passed»1 3%
Good»5 17%
Very good»22 78%
No opinion»2

Genomsnitt: 4.75

- At the formation of the groups prior to the start of the in-depth-project, it may be interesting to suggest that each group should have one Swedish and one international student as a prerequisite. This could prove useful for international students in regard to the Swedish culture and life, as well as information acquired from interviews, and for the Swedish student an opportunity to gain knowledge "outside the box" of Swedish reality.» (Very good)
- I was eager to get some real work after a long (but useful) time of preparations.» (Very good)
- very interesting projects, sufficient freedom, and yet great organization also» (Very good)

4. How do you evaluate the content and design of week 1 and 2 2010: exhibition and presentation on site in Uddevalla –, content, quantity and organisation?

30 svarande

No opinion»2 6%
Very bad»0 0%
Bad»1 3%
Passed»4 13%
Good»10 33%
Very good»13 43%

Genomsnitt: 4.96

- If translation still will be necessary the next time this course runs, it would be better to spread it out during the whole semester somehow.» (Bad)
- The presentation in Uddevalla was super. I hope that it will show in our grades who worked and who didn"t made the deadlines during the preparation work.» (Passed)
- way to much to do in to short time...» (Passed)
- Again, a bit too much non-architectural working among translations, but I understand that it"s a must when studying in english.» (Passed)
- A bit too much to do in such short time, but worth it in the end.» (Good)
- Too much work for not so many students. I don"t think the translation to Swedish is necessary (compared to how much work it is to translate) because I think most people understand English nowadays. » (Good)
- Kan tycka att materialet som framställdes tidigare i kursen skulle ha anpassats till utställningsformatet redan då och inte senare. (Omarbetningen var enligt mig helt onödigt extraarbete.)» (Good)
- Great opportunity to practise presenting in front of a big group of people (that went surprisingly well for most people)!» (Good)
- VERY stressful, but otherwise good. IT was worth it when you saw the exhibition being put up!» (Very good)
- Although week 1 was hectic, the overall organization was very good, as it has been for the whole course. Just one notice, some of the projects might have been a bit hard to visually access by the visitors, due to the space of the exhibition compared to the volume of work.» (Very good)
- inspiring time, though tough, and very dense» (Very good)

5. How do you evaluate the information and knowledge input introduced in the different parts/phases of the design studio –, introductions, lectures, literature and seminars?

29 svarande

No opinion»1 3%
Very bad»0 0%
Bad»0 0%
Passed»0 0%
Good»12 41%
Very good»16 55%

Genomsnitt: 5.41

- Good to get to know the local society, but some lectures could have been more avrage about sustainable small town planning. Very good structure on all the different parts of the course! Lisas parts about communication was good. The seminar about different methods took to long time and didn"t really fit in to the other stuff.» (Good)
- Some of the guest lectures, like the one on ICZM was a bit difficut to take in and understand. A better connection to our work needed.» (Good)
- More than sufficient. Only limmited for those students who can"t read in swedish.» (Very good)
- sufficently present, yet not overbearing» (Very good)

6. How do you evaluate the information and knowledge input introduced in the different parts/phases of the design studio –, studies on site and study tours?

30 svarande

No opinion»0 0%
Very bad»0 0%
Bad»0 0%
Passed»0 0%
Good»17 56%
Very good»13 43%

Genomsnitt: 5.43

- great organization, easy to follow» (Very good)

7. How do you evaluate the information and knowledge input introduced in the different parts/phases of the design studio –, supervision?

30 svarande

No opinion»1 3%
Very bad»0 0%
Bad»0 0%
Passed»3 10%
Good»10 33%
Very good»16 53%

Genomsnitt: 5.3

- Excellent. I realy apreciate my consultations withLisa Ahlstorm.» (Very good)
- listening and very present teachers, wonderful relationship» (Very good)

8. What is Your opinion about the administration and organisation of the design studios –, information, PM:s, schedules, course homepage, webfolder etcetera?

30 svarande

No opinion»0 0%
Very bad»0 0%
Bad»0 0%
Passed»1 3%
Good»1 3%
Very good»28 93%

Genomsnitt: 5.9

- It would be good to have a schedule that is easier to read and get an overview. Sometimes you just want the critical info.» (Passed)
- At Chalmers we are not used to getting the new schedules in advance, it was great.» (Very good)
- The best ever!!!» (Very good)
- Excelent! Or as good as it always should be, couse I have found out that this course is something unique when it comes to these matters.» (Very good)
- Excellent! The most organized course I"ve taken and that makes it easier to concentrate on the work/content, so very good!» (Very good)
- Som utomstående kan nog denna kurs te sig normal i utförande och organisation men som flerårig chalmersstudent och således med tidigare erfarenhet om hur merparten av tidigare kurser utförs måste det sägas att denna kurs ligger långt över standard. + i kanten…, » (Very good)
- Everything was extremely well organized and clear in these sectors.» (Very good)
- great, always had the info days or weeks before» (Very good)
- The teachers were really very organized, having an organized schedule that didn"t change, sending e-mails to us with new information and webpage well made. That"s why the course functioned very well, with so many different lectures and subjects to be put on board.» (Very good)

Work environment

9. How do you rate the possibilities to get assistance, supervision and ask questions during course assignment part 1-5?

30 svarande

Very bad»0 0%
Bad»0 0%
Passed»3 10%
Good»8 26%
Very good»19 63%

Genomsnitt: 4.53

- I"m sure the teachers did their very best to help us, but for most parts there was simply so little time that there wasn"t much of a point asking something and later responding to the answer (as one would"ve normally have had to work out a solution and move on before the teachers have had a chance to even notice ones question).» (Good)
- I always felt there was someone I could ask, very good!» (Very good)
- It"s really important to know that we can count on the help and opinions of the professors and assistants. » (Very good)
- Well done!» (Very good)
- teachers always available» (Very good)
- When the teachers were not present, the assistants were. They were all very kind and helpful. If we could not reach someone in person, the mails were quickly answered, what was very good.» (Very good)

10. How do you rate the possibilities to get assistance, supervision and ask questions during the in-depth project?

30 svarande

No opinion»2 6%
Very bad»0 0%
Bad»1 3%
Passed»2 6%
Good»7 23%
Very good»18 60%

Genomsnitt: 5.2

- would have been better if we got some more assistance! it was almost too little!» (Bad)
- Only the lack of time on our behalf had affected this part of the process.» (Good)
- Bra jobbat!» (Very good)
- teachers always available» (Very good)
- The same as the last answer.» (Very good)

11. How do you rate the possibilities to get assistance, supervision and ask questions during the part exhibition and presentation on site?

30 svarande

No opinion»0 0%
Very bad»0 0%
Bad»0 0%
Passed»1 3%
Good»14 46%
Very good»15 50%

Genomsnitt: 5.46

- Again, the time pressure was a minor issue. The critics on the presentation rehearsal were very useful.» (Good)
- It was really good to have the "genrep" on site before the actual presentation.» (Very good)
- I got some very good guidence although the advisors had very limmited time.» (Very good)
- teachers always available» (Very good)
- The same as the last answer.» (Very good)

12. How do you evaluate the quantity and distribution of work over time –, the speed and pace - during the design studio?

30 svarande

No opinion»0 0%
Very bad»0 0%
Bad»0 0%
Passed»6 20%
Good»17 56%
Very good»7 23%

Genomsnitt: 5.03

- It"s understandable that this course embraces a lot of subjects related to sustainable development, that"s a very broad subject. But with a work to present every week I felt that we kind of "missed" a part of the time we could have used to read more and learn more in this sense. Half of the weeks we used on working with the presentations of the work and not the work itself. It"s also a good thing because we got more practice about oral presentation (in English as well) and preparation, but I really missed time to read more and study more calmly. I liked the fact of changing groups every week because we got to know more people and how they worked.» (Passed)
- It was a lot to do during the first 5 weeks, then maybe we relaxed a bit to much before the first presentation at Chalmers.» (Good)
- Very good with monday to friday tasks. » (Good)
- The amount of work seemed to be large at some moments, but in real life situations this is often the case, so it is good to get acquainted with it before starting your professional carrier.» (Good)
- Very hectic in part A (and the weeks in 2010), but still wouldn"t want to change anything as the indepth project shouldn"t be shortened either.» (Good)
- I think we were always well informed, always way beforehand.» (Good)
- very regular, except for the exhibition prep» (Very good)

13. What is your opinion about the balance between group work and individual work in the design studio?

28 svarande

No opinion»0 0%
Very bad»0 0%
Bad»0 0%
Passed»3 10%
Good»18 64%
Very good»7 25%

Genomsnitt: 5.14

- I think it"s good to have a lot of group work at first and then get a choice for the in-depth project.» (?)
- HArd to say that we have had any individual work.» (Passed)
- I would have enjoyed more individual work in between the weekly tasks. The work effort done by different group members was somewhat varied» (Passed)
- I would like to have more individual work during the first fas.» (Good)
- At moments it felt like the individual work was not appreciated. This was only during the in depth project, and it does not reflect to the whole group. But overall, the work was well distributed.» (Good)
- Unless you did an indepth project by yourself I"d say everything was group projects. It requires youto be able to be at Chalmers at all times unless you"re to freeride on your group mates which sometimes and for some people could be a bit tricky (still, this is a full time course so one should be able to make that commitment). the thing with having to work with different people of different backgrounds all the time I guess is developing, especially bearing in mind a future scenario where one on big projects will need to work together with engineers, environmentalists, politicians and what have you not.» (Good)
- The aim of the studio is to work in groups, so I think it was good. I just missed time to read more, when I have to work by myself. With meetings every day, full time, it was really hard to do that.» (Good)
- I think it was interesting that we moved from changing selected groups to the groups we could select ourselves and individual work.» (Very good)
- very well balanced» (Very good)

14. How do you evaluate your contribution and efforts in group work and individual work?

30 svarande

No opinion»1 3%
Very bad»0 0%
Bad»0 0%
Passed»1 3%
Good»14 46%
Very good»14 46%

Genomsnitt: 5.3

- Fatigue and stress had an effect, but I believe I tried my best considering the time given.» (Good)
- I was at Chalmers every day full time, interested about the work and discussions and working for that, so I can consider my participation a good one. The last weeks I had to miss three days, but I tried to compensate it some extra work that I"m still working on.» (Good)
- We were a good group that complemented each other.» (Very good)
- I was not very good all the time, but I tried my best.» (Very good)

Concluding questions

15. What is your overall opinion of the design studios?

30 svarande

Very bad»0 0%
Bad»0 0%
Passed»0 0%
Good»3 10%
Very good»27 90%

Genomsnitt: 4.9

- The best course I ever took at Chalmers! Thank you!» (Very good)
- Except for the first weeks in January it has been a very good course. Informative and fun, and I liked the informal atmosphere between students and teachers.» (Very good)
- The course assignment in 5 parts was good in that meaning that i rapidly imrpoved my confidence when talking in front of the whole class. On the other hand, doing the same kind of assignment five weeks in a row kind of makes one (me at least) do it on habit. Maybe do two, then something individual and then two more? » (Very good)
- I think the studio was very good. It opened up my vision about the sustainable development related to real problems teaching us how to work with that in a real situation. This was very interesting. » (Very good)

16. What have You missed in the design studio?

- more interventions and critics about and during the in-depth project»
- It would have been fun to somehow incorporate design more, or at least ealier in the course, it felt like it was a little too much analyses sometimes.»
- I would like to have more focus on the form and shape in the in-depth fas. »
- Short time for some of litrature studies. I was mostly busy with the projects and had little time for studying the literature.»
- the 2nd part(in-depth project), if had more time to work on the project it will be good oppoturnity for me to work on the reality situation and got more experience.»
- Some more concrete examples-practise on sustainable development.»
- a continuation, this spring»
- nothing, perfect first experience in sweden»
- I missed time to develop more the archictural concept and to have more discussion about our architectural and urban design.»

17. Is there something that has been especially good or especially bad in the design studios?

- Again, I would have liked some more time dedicated to reading, other than the two ours before lunch we had once or twice.»
- the relation with students and betweem them and teachers as a whole was really good»
- Very good thought out course. »
- I think it"s a very good course, unusually well organized for an architecture school course!»
- Perfect organisation. »
- Visits on site and all the connects made with the public.»
- The organisation has been fantastic!!»
- The consultation has been really good and it has been easy to ask questions when needed!»
- Organisation very good. Nice with the studytrips, especially to the north of Bohuslän.»
- See above.»
- Organisationen. »
- Good and friendly working environment»
- The organization has been realy good, aswell as the litteraturelists. I also think it has been a good and friendly environment to work in the studio.»
- It was good with all the groupwork in the begining. It is good that no work hanged over us during the christmas break.»
- The wonderful programming and perfect order.»
- january weeks, until the presentation...»
- I am utterly pleased with the assistance from both teachers and assistants. The overall organization, and distribution of information was excellent. By far the best organized course at Chelmers.»
- Time Schedule was exellent. »
- The environment was very good and the overall character and attitude of the people was also helpful. The professors persona was also something new, and it felt realy good knowing that we can rely on them for assistance and guidance. »
- the last week, when we were to translate all material, was not good at all. There was way too much work, and it felt a bit meaningless. It would have been better for example to do the in- depth- projects in swedish, directly, those of us who had the possibility, and then make a fast translation to english only for our own presentations at school. Otherwise it all feels a bit like double- work, which feels a bit sad. »
- nothing bad, everything was wonderful»
- Yes, specially bad. I don"t know if I should say it here because it does not have to do with the teachers. But unfortunatelly there were some internal problems in my in-depth project group that left me very disapointed in the end after the hard work to finish everything for the presentation. It is a pitty because we developed a very good and interesting project. But I think the differences of culture, language and personnalities generated these misunderstandings and problems. »

18. Do You have any advise for how to improve the design studios?

- The last week was kind of stressful, maybe think of how to make it less tense.»
- I slutskedet av studion, innan presentationenen i Uddevalla, fick ett fåtal studenter göra väldigt mycket jobb. Bättre fördelning i framtiden? Dead-line för slutinlämning borde sättas lite innan dagen före utställningen så att det inte blir så stressigt på slutet. Annars har det varit en toppenkurs!»
- Maybe some more time for reading. It was hard to find any time to reflect upon the things we read for the seminars.»
- See above.»
- Planera slututställningen i ett tidigare skede.»
- more work on site»
- More translated material in english.»
- Maybe we need more computer in studio because it"s alway been a problem.»
- yes. read above.»
- maybe a little bit more time during the uddevalla prep»
- I don"t know. In my opinion it would be to focus more on the discussion about sustainable architectural design, but I"m not sure if the aim of the studio is that. Maybe it could also have fewer presentations but continue with the same amount of group discussion. »

19. Other comments:

- Thank you very much»
- Excellent course, best one I have taken at Chalmers.»
- This is the best course I`ve read up to now here at Chalmers!»
- I would like to say that this has been the best course during my three and a half years at Chalmers! Very inspiering and I have learnt a lot of new things. It has also been good to work in such close contact with the reality! »
- thank you for a good semester!»
- I really enjoyed this course. Lena Falkheden is an excellent teacher. Extreamly well-organized, responsible and super-kind. Also very fair and having very high understanding.»
- Group work in 1st part was very nice because we had chanced to work with any people in studio!»
- very nice course! »
- I liked very much to have the Literature Seminars. I think I learned a lot discussing the subjects after I had read about, even though I still missed time to read more. Maybe the next course could have one more Literature seminar, but better divide them throughout the semester.»

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