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Environmental Systems Analysis ht09 MPECO, VMI010

Status: Avslutad
Öppen för svar: 2009-12-21 - 2010-01-24
Antal svar: 36
Procent av deltagarna som svarat: ?%
Kontaktperson: Kathrine Jahnberg»
Utbildningsprogram som genomför enkäten: Chalmers

1. Did the course meet your expectations?

35 svarande

Yes, completely»5 14%
Yes, almost»19 54%
Partly»11 31%
No, not at all»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 2.17

- I dropped the course . sorry» (?)
- Expected the course to be quite boring and it was. Not the teachers fault however, I just don"t like this kind of course and think it is unnecessary for my education.» (Yes, completely)
- As a basic information introduction of ESA, I think this course gave me pretty much. Moreover, I very enjoy the group project working.» ( Yes, almost)
- Det var för lite konkret, projektet borde kunnas göra mer konkret med ett mindre exempel och föreläsningarna kan ta up större exempel och belysa att det är svårt att genomföra på stora projekt.» (Partly)

2. One objective of the course is to provide basic knowledge of a number of tools/methods, and in-depth knowledge of others. Has that been achieved, according to you?

35 svarande

Yes, entirely»9 25%
Yes, almost»22 62%
Partly»4 11%
No, not at all»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 1.85

- I dropped the course . sorry» (?)
- Yes, the central focus in everything we do in the course deals with the different tools.» (Yes, entirely)
- the in depth part is questinable.» ( Yes, almost)
- The depth level of the one more used was not that deep» ( Yes, almost)
- basic knowledge was ok but bt in depth knowledge ---don"t know much» (Partly)
- För lite träning i att använda verktygen. Man borde också få se mer exempel på rapporter där vektygen används.» (Partly)

3. The course also aims at providing understanding of how the various tools and methods relate to one another. Has that been achieved, according to you?

35 svarande

Yes, entirely»6 17%
Yes, almost»15 42%
Partly»13 37%
No, not at all»1 2%

Genomsnitt: 2.25

- I dropped the course . sorry» (?)
- Comparison between the tools could be better, perhaps with a exercise of lecture.» (Yes, almost)
- I think that part was well covered.» (Yes, almost)
- Väldigt mycket information att smälta. Svårt att med så många olika texter kunna sätta fingret på hur de olika vektygen relaterar till varandra. Bra dock med övningstillfällena där detta ibland disskuterades.» (Yes, almost)

4. What is your opinion on the course content and scope? Any parts or aspects that should be taken out or added? Any parts on which focus should be increased or reduced?

- I think that the subject should be focused a little bit more on the practical part of some of the tools, cause sometimes it was really hard to figure out what were the main characteristics of the tool, and then is harder to understand and study it.»
- It"s good.»
- The course content and scope are fine.»
- i think it is ok right now»
- It should be more practical, maybe more exercises or some more real case study ‎,samples (like the case ewe had for LCA) rather than just lectures (most the other ‎,parts).‎,»
- I dropped the course . sorry»
- from my non chemical pint of view it was a lot of chemical talk.»
- It is better to have more practical examples during the course.»
- The theoretical part should be provided with easier to understand language.»
- the course included most of important tools in environmental assessment, but sometimes it makes no sense that just studying the basic and theoritical aspects, more real cases could be added so that we can understand and use the tools better by ourselves.»
- Not clear enough to the application of the tools.»
- Very good Project options, loads of fun.»
- about the groupwork one thing should be declared at first time, all the students should have the right to form their own team if there are someone really unsuitable to be a team member.»
- More practical lessons and less lectures about all the tools.»
- I think it would have been better if we were given some sample LCA,MFA etc to understand the process better»
- Life cycle cost should be added, cost- benefit analysis scan be explained better and its relation to MCA. SEA is not éxplained in relation to EIA, it should. »
- I think it is alright»
- Contents of the course are the ones that should be. In my personal opinion to understanding the usage of each tools, more focus on the concept of ESA in early sessions would be usefull.»
- I think it was good»
- good»
- In the entire study period,the content and scope of the course was good.It should continue as it is.»
- The course should be more related to the application of the methods directly to the project in an every day basis. This help to grasp the essential from the theory in a practical way.»

5. Was the course well organized?

35 svarande

Yes»21 60%
Partly»13 37%
No»1 2%

Genomsnitt: 1.42

- I dropped the course . sorry» (?)
- Dates moved back and forward, applying to do the exam was not possible, schedule on the web did not correspond with the handed out papers.» (Partly)

6. Describe your background (program, under graduate education)

- Electrical engineering. I am an exchange student, from Spain.»
- Chalmers, Civil Engineering bachelor.»
- I"ve done my bachelor in civil engineering at Chalmers.»
- master programme: environmental measurements and assessments under graduate education: environmental science»
- Master"s programme Geo and Water Engineering, Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering.»
- environmental measurements and assessments, under graduate education is environmental engineering»
- BSc Civil Engineering MSc in Hydraulic and Marine Structure Designing MSc Geo and Water (current studies)‎, »
- bachelor in civil engineering»
- I"m from Automatics/Z at Chalmers. Not in any master but was before this course thinking of applying for Environmental measurements and assessment. »
- Environmental Science»
- environmental protection»
- BSc. in Geological Engineering»
- civil engineering»
- Environmental engineering,Quality and environmental management,environmental law»
- bachelor of civil engineering»
- Environmental measurements and assessments Environmental science»
- Civil and environmental engineering»
- program»
- environmental engineering»
- I had some environmental courses in my undergrad. I passed Bachelor of Science in Civil engineering from a non-Nordic country.»
- Väg och vatten chalmers.»
- Bachelor degree in civil engineering, Chalmers.»
- MPEMA, environmental science»
- I have a bachelor´,s degree in civil engineering at chalmers »
- Geo and water engineering civil engineering»
- civil engineering»
- Bsc degree in civil engineering.»
- Civil Engineer Geo and Water Engineering»

7. Was the course appropriate with regard to your background?

35 svarande

Too easy»0 0%
At the right level»32 91%
Too difficult»3 8%

Genomsnitt: 2.08

- I dropped the course . sorry» (?)
- Sometimes a little bit hard to understand due to the lack of something related with my studies, but interesting at the same time.» (At the right level)
- I did not come across with courses like ESA in my bachelor study,but I found ESA as a modern and important course.» (At the right level)
- Some parts were hard to understand, given the complexity of the texts which were sometimes hard to understand.» (Too difficult)

8. Did you find the lectures easy to follow and relevant in content?


- I don"t remember who is who and what lectures they had.»
- I don’,t like the advertisement typed lectures from companies, especially Akzo ‎,Nobel thing was really an advertisement rather than a lecture! ‎,»
- I dropped the course . sorry»
- To be honest I must unfortuenatly say that Karins and Ulrikas lectures where quite useless. This is a little strange since they are both very good and relevant to listen to in most other circumstances, but I guess that this could be blamed on lack of experience in lecturing in english.»
- Can not connect all theese names to their right faces. Hard to remember who is who.»
- Karin har en tendens att säga "whatever" ibland när hon inte orkar förklara och en går hon bara vidare. Hennes slides är också lite svåra att använda i sin ensamhet. Dvs dom borde kompletteras så man kan förstå dom även efter förälsningarna.»
- Guest lectures were charged with a lot of information for one day»

Karin Andersson
34 svarande

Yes»12 35%
Somewhat»15 44%
No»7 20%

Genomsnitt: 1.85

Ulrika Palme
34 svarande

Yes»32 94%
Somewhat»1 2%
No»1 2%

Genomsnitt: 1.08

Anna-Karin Jörnbrink, IVF
30 svarande

Yes»17 56%
Somewhat»12 40%
No»1 3%

Genomsnitt: 1.46

Margareta Lundin-Unger, Kungsbacka WWTP
31 svarande

Yes»20 64%
Somewhat»10 32%
No»1 3%

Genomsnitt: 1.38

Lena Torin, Golder Associates
29 svarande

Yes»16 55%
Somewhat»13 44%
No»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 1.44

Bo Bergbäck, Kalmar University
29 svarande

Yes»13 44%
Somewhat»15 51%
No»1 3%

Genomsnitt: 1.58

Tomas Rydberg, IVL
27 svarande

Yes»11 40%
Somewhat»16 59%
No»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 1.59

Annika Lindblad-Påsse, Golder Associates
29 svarande

Yes»15 51%
Somewhat»14 48%
No»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 1.48

Johan Widheden, Akzo Nobel
31 svarande

Yes»17 54%
Somewhat»13 41%
No»1 3%

Genomsnitt: 1.48

Bengt Steen, ESA, Chalmers
28 svarande

Yes»14 50%
Somewhat»12 42%
No»2 7%

Genomsnitt: 1.57

9. How did you like the exercises (LCA, MFA, RA, EIA)?


- I dropped the course . sorry»
- The excercises are extremely good and helpful but Christin is not a very good "tutor". She is quite rude and often "abrupt".»
- since the coure is new for some international student it is butter to give some hint about the exercises befor starting discution with the group. »
- Need to be more practical.»
- Jenny Westerdahl is a very good exercies teacher»
- Should be possible to hand in the exercise without attending the class, if you are sick or away.»
- The exercise sometimes were not that clear, and the in depth level not so big, maybe because of lack of time»

Were they instructive?
35 svarande

Yes»27 77%
Partly»7 20%
No»1 2%

Genomsnitt: 1.25

Were they sufficient in scope?
35 svarande

Yes»24 68%
Partly»9 25%
No»2 5%

Genomsnitt: 1.37

Were they sufficient in depth?
35 svarande

Yes»20 57%
Partly»11 31%
No»4 11%

Genomsnitt: 1.54

Did you get enough help?
35 svarande

Yes»23 65%
Partly»11 31%
No»1 2%

Genomsnitt: 1.37

Did co-operation in the groups work out well?
35 svarande

Yes»17 48%
Partly»15 42%
No»3 8%

Genomsnitt: 1.6

10. How much time did you spend on the exercises as compared to scheduled time?

34 svarande

1 * scheduled time»9 26%
1,5 * scheduled time»13 38%
2 * scheduled time»8 23%
more»4 11%

Genomsnitt: 2.2

- I dropped the course . sorry» (?)
- The exercise with MFA I hade to work with at home also. So maybe it was 1.5*scheduled time just for that one. » (1 * scheduled time)
- För mycket jobb om man jämför med hur mycketbonuspoäng dom gav.» (1,5 * scheduled time)
- I would rather have made the exercises some other day than fridays, since the exercises often demanded (at least for me) some extra work after scheduled time. Unfortunately, I was not able to complete one or two of the exercises due to the fact that I had already planned other things than studying on a friday night.» (2 * scheduled time)
- Difficult in managing the exercises in two hours.» (more)

11. How did you like the case work?


- I really enjoy with my group. I learnt a lot from them.»
- One thing that concerns me is that only the groups who did the pharmaceuticals case work could get the highest grade which tells me that either their case work was easier than the others or that their supervisor was too kind in putting their grade. My group with foreign students were ok but they have big problems with keeping the time. I have probably spent 15-20 hours waiting for them. English level is sometimes very bad.»
- Jenny is a VERY GOOD supervisor who always helped us with the case work and the exercises when we asked her. Actually she made this course more interesting when she explained things we wondered on the exercises. »
- I dropped the course . sorry»
- I notced that all groups had someone who didn"t work at all, never showed up and didnät do anything when they did show up. This affected the working students grade negative. felt unfair. »
- Hand-ins is extremely good, if it works which it didn´,t in this case. The use of getting back a report filled with unreadable comments and notations more or less without discussion is point less.»
- Very good case work. Should have weighed in more in the resulting grade, because it was the part where I learned the most and felt like I had the chance to show that.»
- Svårt att veta hur man skulle avgänsa sig eftersom man inte kunde hantera vertygen så bra.»
- It was somewhat difficult to know how much effort and time we were supposed to put into the case work. It seemed to be very different from different groups. I learned a lot from the case work, but I would prefer maybe to work a little bit more with the other exercises to fully understand all of the assessment tools.»
- Can say it was big because of the lack of information to work with it and the lot of time spend searching it, not because of the application of the methods.»

Was it relevant for the course?
35 svarande

Yes»27 77%
Partly»7 20%
No»1 2%

Genomsnitt: 1.25

Good with hand ins of report?
35 svarande

Yes»23 65%
Partly»11 31%
No»1 2%

Genomsnitt: 1.37

Was the task to big?
35 svarande

Yes»8 22%
Partly»15 42%
No»12 34%

Genomsnitt: 2.11

Did you receive sufficient support from supervisors?
35 svarande

Yes»20 57%
Partly»8 22%
No»7 20%

Genomsnitt: 1.62

Did scheduled consultation hours work?
35 svarande

Yes»24 68%
Partly»8 22%
No»3 8%

Genomsnitt: 1.4

Did the co-operation within the group work?
35 svarande

Yes»18 51%
Partly»13 37%
No»4 11%

Genomsnitt: 1.6

12. Course literature


- Some parts (e.g. RA) was very diffiult to read and understand. Very small text in some parts.»
- I think some of the texts were difficult to read and understand. »
- I don’,t know why, but the literature wasn’,t clear and easy for me to understand and ‎,the concepts were so general, I think more engineering point of view in these cases ‎,would have been more useful and understandable for me at least. ‎,»
- I dropped the course . sorry»
- Create a real index so you can find a page number, not the page numbers from the copied book. »
- The litterature is quite good but some parts are extremely hard to read, many people have problems with reading beurocratic or excessively academic texts in their native language but to try to do same in foreign language is more or less unfeasible.»
- it is to much to read and understand.»
- some of the article is printed in too small letters»
- Vissa delar var svårlästa och när kompediet består av olika delar från olika författare blir det svår läst. Alldells för liten text i vissa delar. »
- LCA Methodology was not so easy to read»
- It is very good to have compendiums like this because they take out the best of several books and papers, but still it was not so easy to read and understand.»

Was the course literature valuable?
35 svarande

Yes»23 65%
Partly»11 31%
No»1 2%

Genomsnitt: 1.37

Was it easy to read?
35 svarande

Yes»1 2%
Partly»20 57%
No»14 40%

Genomsnitt: 2.37

13. Was the English proficiency of the teachers satisfactory?

33 svarande

Yes»23 69%
Partly»9 27%
No»1 3%

Genomsnitt: 1.33

- I dropped the course . sorry» (?)
- Most had no flow in the language and then it"s hard to listen and concentrate for 2 hours. » (Partly)
- The staffs english proficency are satisfactory to take the course but not to teach it.» (No)

14. Was your own English proficiency sufficient?

34 svarande

Yes»21 61%
Partly»13 38%
No»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 1.38

- Ulrika Palme speaks a little bit fast.» (?)
- I dropped the course . sorry» (?)
- I think yes for lectures but not for the coarse compendium! ‎,» (Yes)
- It can always get better...» (Partly)
- I wouldn´,t say that my english is excellent since that would be a direct lie but it is sufficent to read and understand almost everything, but some parts of the course litterature.» (Partly)
- En ordlista med svåra ord specifika för kursen borde delas ut.» (Partly)

15. Other comments on the course?

- overall, it is a well organised course»
- I dropped the course . sorry»
- The case work should account for more percentage in the final grade.»
- the project work is somewhat unspecific,because we even don"t have any data, »
- The written exam focused on the wrong things. To in depth with "glosor (sw)" of different assessment tools. The exam did not show that I can work with theese tools and get a relevant result.»
- not yet»
- Jenny was a very good project supervisor. The course was a bit uninteresting.»
- I did not learn so much from the lectures. Reading the literature and doing the exercises was more helpful.»
- Good course. I think more focus could have been made on the practical and possibly abbreviated use of the tools. I think engineers found the methodology abstract- not concrete enough and wondered when they would utilize the tools in geo/road/tunnel engineering. I think it would be important to put more stress on the incorporation of these ideas into any engineering activity. The literature was good but sometimes difficult to read and made many think that they must memorize a certain author"s representation of a certain tool. I"m not sure if that was expected.»
- good»
- Some lectures and materials were almost connected to Sweden and Swedish language.As international masters program that includes international masters students like me,the course should comprise international aspects and facts. And more any reference aid should not be available in Swedish language.»
- Good to have a basis in the Environmental field»

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