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Automotive Engineering Master Programme Evaluation-09, MPAUT
Status: Avslutad Öppen för svar: 2010-03-04 - 2010-04-14 Antal svar: 25 Procent av deltagarna som svarat: 73% Kontaktperson: Peter Folkow» Utbildningsprogram som genomför enkäten: Chalmers
Background1. Where did you study for your Bachelor degree?*Please comment if you studied in another country than your native country.25 svarande
Sweden - Chalmers» | | 12 | | 48% |
Sweden - another university» | | 0 | | 0% |
University outside Sweden» | | 13 | | 52% |
Genomsnitt: 2.04 - Bachelor degree obtained at the ESTACA in Paris (France), an engineering school specialized in Automotive and Aeronautics engineering.» (University outside Sweden)
- Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC) in Barcelona (Spain)» (University outside Sweden)
- I am german and I did my bachelor in Germany.» (University outside Sweden)
- Chennai, India» (University outside Sweden)
2. What is your opinion on the information about the master programme when you applied?Information from home pages, programme administration etc.24 svarande
Poor» | | 0 | | 0% |
Rather poor» | | 2 | | 8% |
OK» | | 6 | | 26% |
Good» | | 12 | | 52% |
Very good» | | 3 | | 13% |
I did not seek/need information» | | 1 | | |
Genomsnitt: 3.69 - The program has to be promoted better. Go out and inform about it during the first bachelor years. » (Rather poor)
- Little where to search but that was ok used the search option» (Good)
- Well formulated information sheets were available» (Very good)
Your own effort3. How many hours per week have you spent studying at this programme?We mean total time, that is, it comprises the time you spent in class and the time you spent on your own work. Try to estimate the average time over the entire programme.24 svarande
Around 30 hours/week or less» | | 4 | | 16% |
Around 40 hours/week» | | 8 | | 33% |
Around 50 hours/week» | | 10 | | 41% |
Around 60 hours/week or more» | | 2 | | 8% |
Genomsnitt: 2.41 - It was an interesting study!» (Around 50 hours/week)
4. How large part of the teaching offered did you attend? 24 svarande
0%» | | 0 | | 0% |
25%» | | 1 | | 4% |
50%» | | 4 | | 16% |
75%» | | 9 | | 37% |
100%» | | 10 | | 41% |
Genomsnitt: 4.16 - Vissa kurser var så grundläggande att det var repetition. Studierna bestod mer av självlärande dessutom.» (50%)
- actually 90%» (100%)
- Maybe not 100% but close to... maybe 95%» (100%)
Goals and goal fulfilmentThe programme syllabus states the goals in terms of learning outcomes, i.e., knowledge, skills and attitudes to be acquired by the student during the education. The learning outcomes are (excerpts):
After the master programme in Automotive Engineering the students should be able to
•,,,,,,,, identify and discuss vehicles as complex systems from a technical and a social perspective through a broad platform in automotive engineering.
•,,,,,,,, analyse new technical challenges and to create technical advancements in the automotive industry by three specialisation tracks, Powertrain, Vehicle Dynamics or Safety.
•,,,,,,,, synthesize and evaluate automotive systems and products in terms of direct use and lifecycle analysis through consideration of environmental and economic aspects.
•,,,,,,,, through applications and practice o utilize automotive related IT- and product development tools. o demonstrate skills necessary for managing and contributing to team-based engineering activities and projects in a multi-cultural environment.
5. How understandable are the programme goals?24 svarande
The goals are difficult to understand» | | 0 | | 0% |
The goals give some guidance, but could be clearer» | | 10 | | 41% |
The goals are clear enough» | | 14 | | 58% |
Genomsnitt: 2.58 - Maybe the goals would even be expanded?» (The goals give some guidance, but could be clearer)
- Maybe give some simple example?» (The goals give some guidance, but could be clearer)
- Some important courses like BIW related to chassis of automobiles are missing, may be they are added as electives» (The goals give some guidance, but could be clearer)
- They are very broad, sometime it feels like you should know some about everything instead of beeing good at a little bit smaller area. » (The goals give some guidance, but could be clearer)
6. Are the goals reasonable for a master degree?24 svarande
No, the goals are set too low» | | 1 | | 4% |
No, the goals are a bit too low» | | 4 | | 16% |
Yes, the goals seem reasonable» | | 19 | | 79% |
No, the goals are a bit high» | | 0 | | 0% |
No, the goals are set too high» | | 0 | | 0% |
Genomsnitt: 2.75 - Automotive engineering should be a much more hands-on study. I saw one engine once for 1 hour in the whole 2 years of courses. More practical lab work should be included. It"s more fun as well. :)» (No, the goals are a bit too low)
- The gool might be set on a sertain reasonable level but the actual content is too low.» (Yes, the goals seem reasonable)
7. Are these goals fulfilled within the group of mandatory courses?24 svarande
No, not at all» | | 0 | | 0% |
To some extent» | | 12 | | 52% |
Almost» | | 11 | | 47% |
Yes, definitely» | | 0 | | 0% |
I do not know» | | 1 | | |
Genomsnitt: 2.47 - The mandatory courses are quite basic.» (To some extent)
- Some courses does not seem to be that advanced for a master programme.» (To some extent)
- What course covered: "•,,,,,,,,,, synthesize and evaluate automotive systems and products in terms of direct use and lifecycle analysis through consideration of environmental and economic aspects." ?» (To some extent)
- Have to rice the level an all courses. To much time is spent to get everybody at the "same" level, the student should have some prior knowledge to attend the master program.» (To some extent)
- Could be better in term of managing and contributing to team-based engineering activities » (Almost)
Programme layoutThe Automotive Engineering programme consists of one introduction course about automotive vehicles and industry followed by 3 courses, one from each of the areas of Powertrain, Vehicle Dynamics and Safety. Last two mandatory courses are chosen from 2 of the 3 areas. Depending on preferences, the student can then take two extra courses within one or two of the specialisations.8. What do you think of the programme layout?24 svarande
Poor» | | 0 | | 0% |
Rather poor» | | 1 | | 4% |
OK» | | 11 | | 50% |
Good» | | 9 | | 40% |
Very good» | | 1 | | 4% |
No opinion» | | 2 | | |
Genomsnitt: 3.45 - Introduktionskursen till Automotive Engineering skulle gå att välja bort.
För lite elteknik / reglerteknik. OM Chalmers vill vara framstående tekniskt, borde denna master innehålla lika mycket "Battery technologies for automotive applications" och Power Electronics.» (Rather poor)
- But the quality of the courses have to become better.» (OK)
- I don"t think it"s good to specialize yourself too much. But of course you should be able to choose individual courses!» (OK)
- Layout ok but intro to auto course material overlaps extremely on the other courses. Assignment solutions could be just copied and pasted from one course into the next. In the intro to auto course, it would be better to not have the assignments and put more emphasis on the work field trips to Volvo, Johnson Controls, etc. Maybe even arrange short-term 1-week work terms as part of the course so that students can get a feel for the actual auto industry.» (OK)
- as mentioned earlier some courses related to automobiles are missing and need to search where i can do it or they are taught in swedish» (OK)
- The layout is good but still the contents has to be better. » (OK)
- The introduction to Automotive Engineering is very confusing. It suggests a review of most of the areas for the car but it is so fast that is impossible for the student to follow and to understand. Before attending this course, I had a very good background in the covered area so I understood. But attending a lecture of two hours covering everything on braking systems can not replace a 30 hour course (for instance!)...» (Good)
- The mandatory safety course should not be mandatory. I rather would have taken another course instead which would have given me a more in depth knowledge in a chosen subject.» (Good)
9. Do the 6 mandatory courses cover the main topics that you believe an Automotive Engineer should know?24 svarande
No, not at all» | | 0 | | 0% |
To some extent» | | 5 | | 21% |
To a certain extent, yes» | | 9 | | 39% |
To a large extent, but not completely» | | 9 | | 39% |
Yes definitely» | | 0 | | 0% |
No comment» | | 1 | | |
Genomsnitt: 3.17 - But they where to simple. At the masters level it should be hard not easy as it is now.» (To a certain extent, yes)
- Good material, but not really enough of it. The auto engineering masters program seems to be one of the lightest in terms of amount of material to learn as compared to other programs. » (To a certain extent, yes)
- The vehicle body itself have been covered to little.» (To a certain extent, yes)
- Maybe there should have been more about the work you do when you actually work for car manufacturer?» (To a large extent, but not completely)
- What is an Automotive Engineer? You can study a lot other courses and still work and perform well as an engineer in the automotive area. On the level that some of the courses have at this point they are not necessary in the work as engineer...you will learn it when you start working.» (No comment)
10. Do you miss a course or a topic in the master programme?22 svarande
Yes» | | 10 | | 45% |
No» | | 12 | | 54% |
Genomsnitt: 1.54 - BIW, Painting and some more» (?)
- I want a course more about Chassi.» (Yes)
- Nämnda ovan.» (Yes)
- Maybe vehicle electronics, or further knowledge of future cars, alt. more powertrain courses!» (Yes)
- A miss the topic of quality control which is very important in this field.» (Yes)
- As mentioned before, more emphasis on labwork and actual engines would be nice to have. Also, a couple courses about automotive marketing and business etc would be useful.» (Yes)
- There should definitely be "vehicle acoustics and vibration" course. Moreover, one more course about chassis structure (for truck chassis there are some basic calculation methods to calculate bending moments and torsional rigidity) and chassis components is needed for sure! Unfortunately vehicle dynamics courses have never covered the caharacteristics of these components (springs, dampers and so on)!» (Yes)
- Practical excerscises. like repairing cars, engines, motors etc. nothing we do is practical excercises. only theory.» (Yes)
- If the level on todays courses is raised there are already many good courses but maybe more courses towarsds design (konstruktion), like some mechanic course.» (Yes)
- a separate course on vehicle body/chassis structure would be desirable.» (Yes)
11. Are there any courses that you think should either be heavily revised or even removed from the programme?23 svarande
Yes» | | 11 | | 47% |
No» | | 12 | | 52% |
Genomsnitt: 1.52 - Advanced vehicle dynamics needs to be revised» (?)
- The intro course, was too easy. The safety course was just a mess. The hybrid course was more like a Simulink course, not so much about hybrid stuff.» (Yes)
- passive and active safety» (Yes)
- Introduction to automotive engineering.(Borde vara valbar)» (Yes)
- Measurement tecnhiques for automotive applications, it is a interesting topic but really bad organized.
Road vehicle aerodynamics, I think it is too basic and some more practical stuff could be added» (Yes)
- As mentioned before, the assignments in the intro to automotives course are repeated in other courses. I think the company field trip part of the course should be emphasized and, if possible, short term work terms would be an interesting way to get acquainted with the auto industry.» (Yes)
- Introduction to Automotive Engineering. Those 7.5 credits might be better spent on a more focused course instead of just touching several areas.
The organization behind the Hybrid course is very poor. Supervision for the assignments was poor and ALL decisions regarding when the midterm and exam will be, if there is an exam, how you are being judged should be decided and announced BEFORE the course begins. NOT a week before the possible exam and why write a review if it"s decided AFTER the course that it"s not part of the course grade????» (Yes)
- Hybrid vehicles could be more advanced.» (Yes)
- Except for making the safety course non-mandatory, the courses offered are interesting. In general the courses are a little bit too easy.» (Yes)
- The courses in vehicle dynamics should be more applied. For example using commercial softwares like Adams, Lotus Raven etc » (Yes)
- I do not think that any should be removed, just revised. Those are:
Introduction to automotive engineering - to broad
Hybrid vehicles and control - very poor, has to deeper into the subject, what kind of hybrids are on the market and how do they work but it should not be an applied contol system course. Spend more time on the component selection
Passive safety - know that it has been changed but have heard that the course still has a low level. It is not interesting see people showing PP slides in 90 min each lecture. More practical applications, calculations, accident investegations...
Road vehicle aerodynamics - the content consists of many pictures of nice cars, interesting but not on this level. Need more relevant substance, more weight.
Road vehicle aerodynamics advanced - better then the first but more lectures needed both in what it should result in and the context of the course
» (Yes)
- Even if I found it very interesting, the passive safety course should not be mandatory for every students attending the MPAUT. » (No)
12. Impressions of the Powertrain specialisation.NOTE! Only answer this question if you attended at least 3 of the 4 mandatory courses in the Powertrain specialisation (Internal Combustion Engines, Hybrid Vehicles and Control, Internal Combustion Engines Advanced, Powertrain Mechanics). What is your impression of theMatrisfråga - THe engine courses where really good! Specially the first one. Good work, Sven!»
- Very skilled teachers!»
- More practical labwork needed (see above). »
- Teachers okey but organization very poor.»
- More hands on laborations would be good. Especially in the internal combustion courses.»
relevance of the courses to this specialisation? 20 svarande
Very poor» | | 0 | | 0% |
Poor» | | 0 | | 0% |
OK» | | 2 | | 11% |
Good» | | 11 | | 64% |
Excellent» | | 4 | | 23% |
No opinion» | | 3 | | |
Genomsnitt: 4.11 balance between theory and practise in this specialisation? 20 svarande
Very poor» | | 1 | | 5% |
Poor» | | 3 | | 17% |
OK» | | 6 | | 35% |
Good» | | 7 | | 41% |
Excellent» | | 0 | | 0% |
No opinion» | | 3 | | |
Genomsnitt: 3.11 teachers in this specialisation? 20 svarande
Very poor» | | 0 | | 0% |
Poor» | | 1 | | 6% |
OK» | | 5 | | 31% |
Good» | | 7 | | 43% |
Excellent» | | 3 | | 18% |
No opinion» | | 4 | | |
Genomsnitt: 3.75 13. Impression of the Vehicle Dynamics specialisation.NOTE! Only answer this question if you attended at least 3 of the 4 mandatory courses in the Vehicle Dynamics specialisation (Vehicle Dynamics, Road Vehicle Aerodynamics, Advanced Vehicle Dynamics, Measurement Techniques in Automotive Applications). What is your impression of theMatrisfråga - The Measurement Techniques was to messy, so many people skipped that one because of that. I would have liked more Aerodynamics courses.»
- Grundkursen var riktigt bra och rolig!
Fortsättningskursen var lite diffus. Mer labbar och tidigare hade klargjort kursen lite mer. Kanske köra Adams, såsom Rigid Body Dynamics gör på Applied Mechanics, alternativt kunna välja bort Introduktionskursen för att ersätta med en sådan.»
- In vehicle dynamics, the teacher was really bad but I don"t remember the name(coursed during academic year 2008/2009, in november and december 2008).
In Measurement Techniques, Johan Davidson was trying his best but he had too much lack of knowledge about the topic»
- Vehicle Dynamics is all about theory and nothing about practice (except a small lab exercise at Stora Holm). Too abstract.»
- I keep writing it in every questionnaire!!! Please add more suspension material in the course (including steering)! World is full of nonlinearities, linear (or linearised somehow) vehicle behaviour does not work in the limits!»
relevance of the courses to this specialisation? 19 svarande
Very poor» | | 0 | | 0% |
Poor» | | 0 | | 0% |
OK» | | 3 | | 17% |
Good» | | 13 | | 76% |
Excellent» | | 1 | | 5% |
No opinion» | | 2 | | |
Genomsnitt: 3.88 balance between theory and practise in this specialisation? 19 svarande
Very poor» | | 1 | | 5% |
Poor» | | 1 | | 5% |
OK» | | 4 | | 23% |
Good» | | 7 | | 41% |
Excellent» | | 4 | | 23% |
No opinion» | | 2 | | |
Genomsnitt: 3.7 teachers in this specialisation? 19 svarande
Very poor» | | 0 | | 0% |
Poor» | | 3 | | 17% |
OK» | | 4 | | 23% |
Good» | | 8 | | 47% |
Excellent» | | 2 | | 11% |
No opinion» | | 2 | | |
Genomsnitt: 3.52 14. Impression of the Safety specialisation.NOTE! Only answer this question if you attended at least 3 of the 4 mandatory courses in the Safety specialisation (Passive Safety, Active Safety, Human Aspects of Traffic Safety, Measurement Techniques in Automotive Applications). What is your impression of theMatrisfråga - Some more practice could be added to the Safety courses»
- Too much theory than practise in Active Safety and Human Aspects of Traffic Safety.»
relevance of the courses to this specialisation? 12 svarande
Very poor» | | 0 | | 0% |
Poor» | | 1 | | 10% |
OK» | | 4 | | 40% |
Good» | | 4 | | 40% |
Excellent» | | 1 | | 10% |
No opinion» | | 2 | | |
Genomsnitt: 3.5 balance between theory and practise in this specialisation? 12 svarande
Very poor» | | 0 | | 0% |
Poor» | | 1 | | 11% |
OK» | | 4 | | 44% |
Good» | | 3 | | 33% |
Excellent» | | 1 | | 11% |
No opinion» | | 3 | | |
Genomsnitt: 3.44 teachers in this specialisation? 12 svarande
Very poor» | | 0 | | 0% |
Poor» | | 1 | | 11% |
OK» | | 3 | | 33% |
Good» | | 4 | | 44% |
Excellent» | | 1 | | 11% |
No opinion» | | 3 | | |
Genomsnitt: 3.55 15. What is your impression of the automotive project courses: Automotive Engineering Project, Chalmers EcoMarathon and Chalmers Formula Student?*Please comment your answer!Matrisfråga - I would gladly have done Chalmers Formula Student if you could get more credits for them. It would have been nice to have Aerodynamics project in the Automotive Engineering Project course.»
- I was very disappointed with the AEP. Supervisors asked from us many many things but we could not perform any test due to the lack of measurement systems available for that course. Our main supervisor seemed also not very interested in the results we could get. "He even disappeared for more than a month and just before the final presentation"! »
- Too far from real world I"m affraid...»
- need more effort within team to work, so some guidelines are to be laid when working as a team»
- Formula Student is an excellent project but management can be better. It"s already better with the CFS10 team but can still improve.»
- Everyone need to understand what they are up for before entering the project»
- Good but more resources should be provided to students enrolled in Automotive Engineering Project course! It seems that equipments and real-life testing permissions are offered to the students enrolled in Chalmers EcoMarathon and Chalmers Formula Student courses, not to the ones in the project course!»
Chalmers EcoMarathon* 25 svarande
Very poor» | | 0 | | 0% |
Poor» | | 0 | | 0% |
OK» | | 2 | | 40% |
Good» | | 2 | | 40% |
Excellent» | | 1 | | 20% |
I have not participated in this project» | | 20 | | |
Genomsnitt: 3.8 Chalmers Formula Student* 25 svarande
Very poor» | | 0 | | 0% |
Poor» | | 0 | | 0% |
OK» | | 2 | | 16% |
Good» | | 6 | | 50% |
Excellent» | | 4 | | 33% |
I have not participated in this project» | | 13 | | |
Genomsnitt: 4.16 Automotive Engineering Project* 25 svarande
Very poor» | | 1 | | 14% |
Poor» | | 0 | | 0% |
OK» | | 2 | | 28% |
Good» | | 3 | | 42% |
Excellent» | | 1 | | 14% |
I have not participated in this project» | | 18 | | |
Genomsnitt: 3.42
Programme administration16. Did you know that there is a Teacher"s Council including all examiners at Automotive Engineering programme that meet 3 times/year?Teacher"s council treats programme realisation and development. The council also treats issues like course evaluation, thesis works, projects etc.24 svarande
Yes» | | 3 | | 12% |
No» | | 21 | | 87% |
Genomsnitt: 1.87 17. What is your general impression of the programme administration?*Programme administration means the programme director (Malin Kjellberg), coordinators (Cecilia Hedenstierna, Johan Bankel, Lilian Sandström), student administrators (Sonja Laakso and Ulla Lindberg-Thieme).25 svarande
Very poor» | | 0 | | 0% |
Poor» | | 2 | | 8% |
OK» | | 11 | | 44% |
Good» | | 10 | | 40% |
Excellent» | | 2 | | 8% |
No opinion» | | 0 | | |
Genomsnitt: 3.48 - There was almost no information to the students. We have still not been informed about Master thesis (finished with 1,5 year). There were no information about the electable courses. The list goes on. Sonja was not that keen to hand out old exams either.» (Poor)
- Very little information about the program. Absolutely no info before applying to master thesis! No info about what kind of elective courses or how the program really worked. I got the impression that you had to have a specialization, but you don"t.» (Poor)
- Would like more information and guidance before the master thesis. First weeks of the second year an information meeting should be held with all practical information needed and tips on ways to apply for thesis"s as well as tips on interesting companies.» (OK)
- Malin Kjellberg was always WAY TO BUSY!» (OK)
- Maildisciplin har varit blandad. Dock har alltid koordinatorer alltid varit anträffbara och behjälpliga.» (Good)
- You could get really good help and advices from most of them!» (Good)
- Even I don"t know them all. But the administration here is quite good.» (Excellent)
18. What is your opinion of the information as a current student within the program ?*Information about programme layout, specialisations, elective courses, projects, theses.Matrisfråga - Borde varit ett massutskick mail med nödvändig formalia rörande Examensarbete redan på hösten.»
- Regarding the master thesis information, I had to ask maybe 5 or 6 times to different persons to get some valuable information. I do not know for swedish students how it works, but for foreign students, there is simply no information from the administration regarding theses. The fifth time I asked for some, it has been told me that a paper will be sent resuming all the information we need, it was in September 2009 and I am still waiting for it...»
- Maybe to put some elective course suggestion with the specialisation.»
- No or very little information has been given during the studdies. No information about elective courses was given(!) as well as no information about how the thesis work should be carried out.»
- Have not seen any information, no about courses, no about projects exept Formula and Eco. Must inform and promote a lot better, both in classes and via mail. This is really poor!»
Program information* 25 svarande
Very poor» | | 1 | | 4% |
Poor» | | 3 | | 12% |
OK» | | 10 | | 40% |
Good» | | 10 | | 40% |
Excellent» | | 1 | | 4% |
No opinion» | | 0 | | |
Genomsnitt: 3.28 Specialisations* 25 svarande
Very poor» | | 1 | | 4% |
Poor» | | 4 | | 16% |
OK» | | 7 | | 28% |
Good» | | 10 | | 40% |
Excellent» | | 3 | | 12% |
No opinion» | | 0 | | |
Genomsnitt: 3.4 Elective courses* 25 svarande
Very poor» | | 3 | | 13% |
Poor» | | 3 | | 13% |
OK» | | 6 | | 26% |
Good» | | 9 | | 39% |
Excellent» | | 2 | | 8% |
No opinion» | | 2 | | |
Genomsnitt: 3.17 Projects* 25 svarande
Very poor» | | 1 | | 4% |
Poor» | | 4 | | 16% |
OK» | | 9 | | 36% |
Good» | | 7 | | 28% |
Excellent» | | 4 | | 16% |
No opinion» | | 0 | | |
Genomsnitt: 3.36 Theses* 25 svarande
Very poor» | | 8 | | 32% |
Poor» | | 7 | | 28% |
OK» | | 3 | | 12% |
Good» | | 4 | | 16% |
Excellent» | | 3 | | 12% |
No opinion» | | 0 | | |
Genomsnitt: 2.48 19. What is your opinion on the support from the Student centre work?24 svarande
Very poor» | | 0 | | 0% |
Poor» | | 0 | | 0% |
OK» | | 2 | | 10% |
Good» | | 9 | | 47% |
Very good» | | 8 | | 42% |
Did not seek their support or help» | | 5 | | |
Genomsnitt: 4.31 - I try to talk to Lilian instead of Cecilia. I don"t like her.» (Good)
- They have been great help!» (Very good)
- Efficient when the office is open» (Very good)
- Lilian and Cecilia are really good and professional.» (Very good)
Study climate20. Did you feel welcomed by Chalmers and the staff at the master programme during your first days?24 svarande
No, not at all» | | 0 | | 0% |
To some extent» | | 3 | | 12% |
Yes definitely» | | 21 | | 87% |
No opinion/did not attend» | | 0 | | |
Genomsnitt: 2.87 - Welcome could be better, as students come from different countries, they have huge expectations..» (To some extent)
- Far from the same welcome commitment as the product development student received. » (To some extent)
- i arrived in sweden a week late.» (To some extent)
21. How well has cooperation between you and your fellow students worked?24 svarande
Poorly» | | 0 | | 0% |
Rather poorly» | | 0 | | 0% |
OK» | | 4 | | 16% |
Rather well» | | 10 | | 41% |
Very well» | | 10 | | 41% |
Did not seek cooperation with my fellow students» | | 0 | | |
Genomsnitt: 4.25 - Good with Swedish students, worse with foreigners with lacking skills and social abilities. » (OK)
- Especially good with the exchange students I would say.» (Rather well)
- Some Swedish students do not talk to students coming from foreign countries. I guess this is not how the Swedish hospitality works, is it?» (Rather well)
- I did find at Chalmers what I was looking for, great cooperation between students coming from many different countries.» (Very well)
- Have had a really good class» (Very well)
22. What do you think of the principle of having mixed groups (culture, gender) in some of the courses?23 svarande
Bad» | | 3 | | 13% |
Rather bad» | | 1 | | 4% |
OK» | | 5 | | 21% |
Good» | | 6 | | 26% |
Very good» | | 8 | | 34% |
No opinion» | | 0 | | |
Genomsnitt: 3.65 - We didn"t had that. I think that we are old enough to choose which people we want to work with by ourself=) It is not okey to force swedes to work with abroad students. It just creates dissatisfaction.» (Bad)
- Gender is no problem but as long as people with different culture believe it"s better to keep their face and suck up to teachers instead of being honest and doing their job it will always be a problem working with Swedish Chalmers students.» (Bad)
- Utfallet är som att jobba med Svenskar, ibland har man fått väldigt bra kollegor, ibland riktigt dåliga. Vad som är viktigt är att man kan bestämma själva eller revidera så att man ej hamnar med någon som gratisåker på betyg, som utländska studenter har en förmåga att göra. Plagiat också vanligt förekommande. Det tycks vara förmildrande omständigheter vad gäller plagiat från utländska studenter.» (OK)
- Sometimes good, sometimes bad. Swedes work in such a different way compared to e.g asian. You have to work with someone that want to fulfill the same as you do.» (OK)
- Some foreign students lack in prior knowledge, and when paired they just follow the flow. But this is not always the case and then it is really good to mix the students.» (OK)
- Erasmus students should be encouraged to study harder. Life is not all about having joy!» (Good)
- I like the idea of mixing, but sometimes it has been hard to work with swedish people because they were trying to work together» (Very good)
23. How are the opportunities to come in contact with teachers?General impression of the staff"s accessibility. 24 svarande
Very poor» | | 0 | | 0% |
Poor» | | 1 | | 4% |
OK» | | 1 | | 4% |
Good» | | 15 | | 62% |
Excellent» | | 7 | | 29% |
Did not seek contact» | | 0 | | |
Genomsnitt: 4.16 - It"s a MAJOR problem that the Vehicle Dynamics staff is located at Lindholmen. Especially when their courses include somewhat complicated Matlab programs which is difficult to discuss via mail. It"s a must to have them located at Johanneberg for good teaching.
Another problem is the limited access to teacher"s office areas. The doors to the departments should be unlocked!» (Poor)
- Sogol Kharazzi i Advanced Vehicle Dynamics har varit riktigt otrevlig. Dock har Derong varit fantastisk och de flesta andra doktorander har också varit bra.» (Good)
- If you had a question it was just to go upp to the department and ask, so it was really good.» (Excellent)
- Teachers were staying after class in order to answer questions from many students (and with the smile). Very appreciable!» (Excellent)
- The teachers are nice.» (Excellent)
- I guess Sweden is one of the best countries in the world when it comes to come in contact with teachers!» (Excellent)
24. Do you think that the student opinions and results from course evaluations have significant impact and are taken seriously?24 svarande
Not at all» | | 0 | | 0% |
Tome some extent» | | 16 | | 84% |
Yes, definetly» | | 3 | | 15% |
No opinion» | | 5 | | |
Genomsnitt: 2.15 - Not as much that is needed...» (Tome some extent)
- Hard to say.» (No opinion)
25. What do you think of attending an education given in English instead of in your native language?24 svarande
Bad» | | 0 | | 0% |
Rather bad» | | 0 | | 0% |
OK» | | 1 | | 4% |
Good» | | 8 | | 34% |
Very good» | | 14 | | 60% |
No opinion» | | 1 | | |
Genomsnitt: 4.56 - Challenge and Chance» (Good)
- It"s good to learn to handle english in writing and speaking. The downside is that sometimes you don"t know the swedish word for it» (Good)
- However, some teachers lack in their english which affect the courses negative.» (Good)
- Dock kanske Engelska inte passar alla föreläsare lika bra.» (Very good)
- Perfect!» (Very good)
- Irrespective if good or Bad. Masters should always be in English. English is the universal technical language.. And it brings people together..» (Very good)
- It really improves your English and your attitude and willingness to use English.» (Very good)
- My entire education has been in English. So question is irrelevant to me.» (Very good)
26. To what extent is your knowledge/competence from your bachelor degree sufficient to attend this programme?Did you have the prerequisites that you need to start and follow the courses in the programme? If you feel that you lack any knowledge, please comment. 24 svarande
Poor» | | 0 | | 0% |
Rather poor» | | 0 | | 0% |
OK» | | 2 | | 8% |
Good» | | 12 | | 50% |
Very good» | | 10 | | 41% |
Genomsnitt: 4.33 - Yes except for the passive safety course partly dealing with human anatomy.» (Good)
- I answered very good on this one and for me this is really strange. I thought that you would need a lot of mechanical knowledge to go this master program but it seems that you need none (I had almost none)!!!! The only knowledge you had to have was Matlab-knowledge.» (Very good)
27. What is your opinion about that you are expected to have computer skills in Matlab?When attending this programme, you are supposed to have some knowlege in Matlab.24 svarande
Very poor» | | 0 | | 0% |
Poor» | | 1 | | 4% |
OK» | | 6 | | 25% |
Good» | | 9 | | 37% |
Excellent» | | 8 | | 33% |
Genomsnitt: 4 - Not every country deals with MATLAB during Bachelors. There should be a separate course on MATLAB, instead of just 2 lectures on introduction to MATLAB» (Poor)
- In my case, I had some knowledge in Matlab from my bachelor. However, discussing with others students, I understood that dealing with Matlab for every assignment was a real problem especially at the beginning. » (OK)
- There need to be more dedicated matlab sessions in the bachelor degree program» (OK)
- But we should have been given a course in Matlab at Chalmers in our bachelor...» (Good)
- I did not have probably the required level, but sooner you get familiar with it.» (Good)
- It"s good and needed but it would have been better if we had got an education during our Bachelor instead of having to learn by ourselves...» (Good)
- I love Matlab/programming! =)» (Excellent)
- Matlab är fantastiskt. Hade jag fått välja så hade Mathworks gjort operativsystem också.» (Excellent)
Summarizing questions28. What is your general impression of the programme so far?24 svarande
Very Poor» | | 0 | | 0% |
Poor» | | 1 | | 4% |
OK» | | 8 | | 33% |
Good» | | 15 | | 62% |
Very good» | | 0 | | 0% |
Genomsnitt: 3.58 - To many courses that has to be revised» (Poor)
- I thought it would be hard to the master, but I was mistaken!» (OK)
- I might have chosen another programme if I would have started over. It"s not as general as they claim, it should include more product development courses/material. I feel quite limited when looking for thesis"s and future employments.» (OK)
29. Considering your experience from this programme, would you choose this programme if you could turn back time?24 svarande
No» | | 3 | | 16% |
Yes» | | 15 | | 83% |
I do not know» | | 6 | | |
Genomsnitt: 1.83 - I would have choosen Applied Mechanics and then some courses from this program.» (No)
- Without hesitating yes, but I would not attend the Automotive Engineering Project.» (Yes)
- IF I can» (Yes)
- may be if there are some more advancement in the course and if taught more industrial oriented» (Yes)
- Hade velat välja bort vissa obligatoriska kurser. Kanske System Control and Mechatronics hade passat mig bättre.» (I do not know)
- See comments to question 28.» (I do not know)
30. Would an internship system have had any impact on your choice of masters programme?In the future, there are prospects of enhanced collaborations with the industry at the end of the masters studies. For example, a few of the masters students at this program may be guaranteed a short term project employment with Volvo. 24 svarande
No, not at all» | | 2 | | 9% |
To some extent» | | 2 | | 9% |
Yes definitely» | | 18 | | 81% |
No opinion» | | 2 | | |
Genomsnitt: 2.72 - Då hade jag valt den utan att tveka, I industrin lär man sig saker dubbelt så fort som på Chalmers eftersom man praktiserar och bara får föreläsningar när det behövs.» (Yes definitely)
- My current master thesis is actually an internship in collaboration with Renault. I definitely think that is very valuable to work within a department inside a company before being graduated.» (Yes definitely)
- Why is it in the future.......not now» (Yes definitely)
- Not few, everyone should be given an industry exposure.. This enhances their career prospects during job hunt..» (Yes definitely)
31. What should definitely be preserved?- Sven! and the Aerodynamics courses.»
- Valbara kurser»
- Courses in Vehicle Dynamics and Powertrain»
- Powertrain course»
- Standards of Education»
- Field trips to companies
Freedom to choose electives
Powertrain, Safety and dynamics are relevant specializations»
- Matlab, definitely yes, mandatory courses, projects and other competitions»
- The foundation.»
- All the lab work!»
- Blend of practical and theory in courses like aerodynamics and passive safety. »
32. What should definitely be changed?- passive safety.»
- För lite Hybrid / El / Hållbarhetskurser och miljö kopplat till Fordon»
- The Automotive Engineering project and the introduction to Automotive Engineering course.»
- Remove overlapping between courses where possible (such as in the intro to automotive course)
Add as much practical labwork content as possible
Perhaps add a "sustainable transportation" and "automotive management" specializations by collaborating with other departments (business, electrical, chemical, etc) would be interesting.»
- Little change to program structure, more specialization, structure of vehicle dynamics course, add some internships»
- See comments to questions.»
- Internships to enhance contacts between students and industry can be added. Teaching in vehicle dynamics needs improvement. Management of projects like Formula student could be better.»
33. Additional comments
* obligatoriska frågor
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