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Models of computation, Lp 2 Ht09, TDA183/DIT310

Status: Avslutad
Öppen för svar: 2009-12-08 - 2009-12-21
Antal svar: 8
Procent av deltagarna som svarat: 25%
Kontaktperson: Åsa Samdell»

Your own effort

1. How many hours per week did you spend on this course?

We mean total time, that is, it comprises the time you spent in class and the time you spent on your own work. Try to estimate the average time over the entire study period.

8 svarande

At most 15 hours/week»5 62%
Around 20 hours/week»3 37%
Around 25 hours/week»0 0%
Around 30 hours/week»0 0%
At least 35 hours/week»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 1.37

- Spent most time on the weekly exercises.» (At most 15 hours/week)

2. How large part of the teaching offered did you attend?

8 svarande

0%»0 0%
25%»2 25%
50%»0 0%
75%»1 12%
100%»5 62%

Genomsnitt: 4.12

- Missed one lecture.» (100%)

Goals and goal fulfilment

The course syllabus states the course goals in terms of learning outcomes, i.e., knowledge, skills and attitudes to be acquired by the student during the course.

3. How understandable are the course goals?

8 svarande

I have not seen/read the goals»2 25%
The goals are difficult to understand»2 25%
The goals give some guidance, but could be clearer»1 12%
The goals clearly describe what I am supposed to learn»3 37%

Genomsnitt: 2.62

- I"m not sure that the course goals is a good description of what the course is about in general.For example: the goals says that understanding primitive recursion is a goal, but says nothing about lambda calculus to which the course devoted an equal amount of time. » (The goals are difficult to understand)

4. Are the goals reasonable considering your background and the number of credits?

Answer this this question and the succeeding one, only if you do know the course goals.

6 svarande

No, the goals are set too low»0 0%
Yes, the goals seem reasonable»5 83%
No, the goals are set too high»1 16%

Genomsnitt: 2.16

5. Did the examination assess whether you have reached the goals?

7 svarande

No, not at all»1 14%
To some extent»0 0%
Yes, definitely»1 14%
I don"t know/have not been examined yet»5 71%

Genomsnitt: 3.42

Teaching and course administration

6. To what extent has the teaching been of help for your learning?

8 svarande

Small extent»1 12%
Some extent»2 25%
Large extent»2 25%
Great extent»3 37%

Genomsnitt: 2.87

- Bengt is a great lecturer!» (Great extent)
- Good lectures and very good exercise sessions.» (Great extent)

7. Were the lectures too quick or too slow?

8 svarande

Too slow»0 0%
Slow»3 37%
Adequate»4 50%
Quick»0 0%
Too quick»1 12%

Genomsnitt: 2.87

- I was already familiar with many of the subjects brought up in the course, for instance Lambda Calculus, so this was only repetition.» (Slow)
- Sometimes the lectures got stuck in some discussion. That was interesting even though it meant some loss of time.» (Adequate)

8. Is the distribution of time between lectures and exercises good?

8 svarande

Yes»4 50%
More lectures and fewer exwercises»3 37%
More exercises and fewer lectures»1 12%

Genomsnitt: 1.62

- Same amount of excersises, one more lecture per week would be nice, if there is material enough to cover.» (Yes)
- Perfect I think. One lecture per week is very nice (especially since it"s on monday).» (Yes)
- I, personally, did not take much of anything away from the exercise sessions (the ones I attended). Either I already knew the answers and had to sit through a lot of irrelevant discussion or I didn"t know the answer but the discussion was too unstrucutered to be of much help. I think exercises of this kind should be voluntary and preferably give extra credits towards the exam. As it was now they were voluntary but necessary since the points were needed for a good grade. » (More lectures and fewer exwercises)

9. How many of the assignments /excercises did you do?

8 svarande

None»1 12%
Few»1 12%
Most»4 50%
All»2 25%

Genomsnitt: 2.87

- I did not hand in more than one, mostly due to time constraint. However the exercises was a good aid in understanding the contents.» (Few)
- Did almost all of exercises and all assignments. » (Most)
- I knew from before that they would be very instructive, and one also gets many bonus points for them.» (All)

10. Would you have done as many if it wasn"t for the bonus points?

8 svarande

Yes»6 75%
No»2 25%

Genomsnitt: 1.25

- except for the X language exercises, my believe is that this shouldn"t be part of the course» (Yes)
- Maybe not with the same dedication, but I would definitely have tried.» (Yes)
- I would probably not do them at all if it was not for this carrot.» (No)

11. If you didn"t do most of them, what was the main reason?

4 svarande

Not enough time»1 25%
Too hard»1 25%
Not fun enough»2 50%
Scary to present them in front of the class»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 2.25

- It would have been good to maybe move the exercise session to thursday.» (Not enough time)
- A combination of all options. Due to other courses and the short time between being introduced to a topic and then doing exercises on it I did not have a sufficient amount of time to come up with answers that were good enough for me to present them in front of the class. I also found the questions in later weeks to be uninspiring, resulting in me not attempting them. It was not clear to me what potential benefit could be extracted (other than the points) from these questions.» (Not fun enough)
- I liked the first assignments better than the last, which seemed to overlap with the Programming Language Technology course.» (Not fun enough)

12. To what extent has the course literature and other material been of help for your learning?

8 svarande

Small extent»3 37%
Some extent»2 25%
Large extent»3 37%
Great extent»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 2

- I wish there was a recommended book for the course.» (Small extent)
- Well, they were my main source of information as I learn much better from written material but I found the material to be lacking in clarity at places and non-exhaustive in others (for example it would be better to have one exhaustive reference for lambda calculus then several different - all with their small differences - since lambda calculus is confusing enough in it"s own). The documentation of X was too formal for it"s intended purpose (at least in my opinion high level of formality is only useful when you are already acquainted with a subject)» (Some extent)
- The literature is very concise and kind of excluding for somebody that doesn"t know the subject. I read everything before the lectures but rarely grasped all content. In the last reading week I reread everything and I understood 99 % of it. It"s a hard subject, but I think the literature would benefit from having more intuition and explanations, just to make it more understandable for first-time readers.» (Some extent)
- The lecture notes on the webpage are great! I need not take many notes myself on the lectures and this is good for me since I find that distracting, and it"s good that I can find all the material taught on the lectures in these notes.» (Large extent)
- All the material on the course homepage is well-written and very concise, great!» (Large extent)

13. How well did the course administration, web page, handouts etc work?

8 svarande

Very badly»0 0%
Rather badly»1 12%
Rather well»4 50%
Very well»3 37%

Genomsnitt: 3.25

- Good communication possible due to the mailing group, but I lacked much administrative information (for example I don"t know the grading criteria for the assignments and points dispersion etc.)» (Rather well)
- The course webpage is really good, though you could probably move the different weeks to different pages, so you don"t need to scroll so much.» (Very well)

Study climate

14. How were the opportunities for asking questions and getting help?

8 svarande

Very poor»1 12%
Rather poor»0 0%
Rather good»0 0%
Very good»5 62%
I did not seek help»2 25%

Genomsnitt: 3.87

- Excellent idea with the discussion group.» (Very poor)
- It"s excellent that Bengt offers extra opportutinies late wednesdays for asking any questions.» (Very good)
- My understanding from reading the google group is that this have not been a problem. » (I did not seek help)

15. How well has cooperation between you and your fellow students worked?

8 svarande

Very poorly»0 0%
Rather poorly»0 0%
Rather well»1 12%
Very well»3 37%
I did not seek cooperation»4 50%

Genomsnitt: 4.37

- Good communication on the exercise sessions and the google group was a good possibilitiy though I did not use it much.» (Rather well)

16. How was the course workload?

8 svarande

Too low»0 0%
Low»0 0%
Adequate»6 75%
High»1 12%
Too high»1 12%

Genomsnitt: 3.37

- Very well balanced, the exercises and assignments help put a constant workload on the course and not just stressy last-minute tentaplugg.» (Adequate)
- Unfortunately I found that too much of the workload consisted in navigating imprecisions in the reading material and problem descriptions.» (Adequate)
- It actually felt like it was a low workload, but it wasn"t since the threshold of understanding was quite high.» (Adequate)

17. How was the total workload this study period?

8 svarande

Too low»0 0%
Low»0 0%
Adequate»5 62%
High»2 25%
Too high»1 12%

Genomsnitt: 3.5

- This was entirely my own fault...» (Too high)

Summarizing questions

18. What is your general impression of the course?

8 svarande

Poor»0 0%
Fair»2 25%
Adequate»0 0%
Good»2 25%
Excellent»4 50%

Genomsnitt: 4

- I was not a very good match with this course. The heavy weight placed on discussions etc does not fit my personal learning style, although I believe many others probably benefited from it.» (Fair)
- Very good course, covers a lot of interesting material and a very good introduction to the subject.» (Excellent)
- I"d like some more literature, and especially with more intuition and similar, not only mathematical definitions and operational semantics etc.» (Excellent)

19. What should definitely be preserved to next year?

- Extra points for assignments and exercises is really good. Lecture notes are really good. Bengt is really suited for this course.»
- All the content, basically.»
- Discussions during the lectures and exercise sessions.»
- Exercise sessions.»

20. What should definitely be changed to next year?

- Could go a bit deeper? Especially about Turing machines, this was only waved through though this is a very important model of computation.»
- . add some exercises and assignment on turing machines (maybe explain them in more details). Get rid of the X language assignments, they are pointless. »
- The Chi language was not that interesting. I have seen on wikipedia that there is another model of computation called Markov algorithm (turing complete) that looks like a different approach to computation. Maybe we could do that instead.»
- Revised literature. Not only contents but also to correct errors that are there. In a subject like this it"s important that the literature is correct so as to minimize confusion.»

21. Additional comments

- Interesting course, I"m definately satisfied with it.»
- I think that the course presupposes some knowledge about programming languages (i.e the course programming languages) and type theory. Neither of these are stated as a prerequisite.»

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