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Sustainable Energy Systems, MPSES

Status: Avslutad
Öppen för svar: 2009-04-16 - 2009-06-16
Antal svar: 22
Procent av deltagarna som svarat: 88%
Kontaktperson: David Pallarès»
Utbildningsprogram som genomför enkäten: Chalmers


1. Where did you take your Bachelor degree?*

22 svarande

Sweden - Chalmers (M)»5 22%
Sweden - Chalmers (K, Kf)»3 13%
Sweden - Chalmers (övrigt)»1 4%
Sweden - another university»1 4%
Another EU country»8 36%
Other»4 18%

Genomsnitt: 3.72

Programme information

2. From where did you get the most important information about the programme

22 svarande

(på denna fråga var det möjligt att välja flera svarsalternativ)

The web»17 77%
Presentation by Master Coordinators and teachers»5 22%
Friends, other students»5 22%
Other sources (please comment)»3 13%

- I called Simon Harvey and he gave me the information I asked for» (Other sources (please comment))
- Engunnering school in France (ENSIAME) that send nearly 4 students per year to Chalmers» (The web, Other sources (please comment))
- Personally made phone call to Chalmers for further information.» (The web, Other sources (please comment))

3. To what extent did the official information about the programme influence your choice?

22 svarande

Notably, it was rather decisive in my choice»8 36%
Slightly, it helped partially in my choice»8 36%
Not at all, I had made up my mind already»6 27%

Genomsnitt: 1.9

4. What is your opinion on the offical information about the master programme when you applied?

22 svarande

Very poor»1 4%
Rather poor»2 9%
Rather good»18 81%
Very good»1 4%

Genomsnitt: 2.86

Programme goals

5. Have you in mind the goals of the Master Programme?

22 svarande

Yes, mostly»7 31%
A few of them»9 40%
Not really»6 27%

Genomsnitt: 1.95

6. Are the goals fulfilled within the programme?

You can check them out at http://www.chalmers.se/en/sections/education/masterprogrammes/programme-descriptions/sustainable-energy/learning-outcomes

22 svarande

No, not at all»0 0%
To some extent»3 13%
Almost»13 59%
Yes, definitely»6 27%

Genomsnitt: 3.13

Programme layout

7. What do you think of the programme curriculum?

22 svarande

Very poor»1 4%
Rather poor»1 4%
Rather good»18 81%
Very good»2 9%

Genomsnitt: 2.95

8. Is there any subject/course that you would like to add into the programme?

21 svarande

Yes (indicate which)»7 33%
No»14 66%

Genomsnitt: 1.66

- Sustainable power production and transportation seems to fit well.» (Yes (indicate which))
- Courses that go more in detail on sustainable energy technologies e.g. solar or wind power. It is very very unfortunate that a masters programme with this name offer no such courses - as it is the technology specific courses are mainly about unsustainable energy systems. Basic power system courses.» (Yes (indicate which))
- Optimization, a course in general simulation an not only applied, energy methodology (further course in thermodynamics), a course in the technology parts of wind, sun, fuel cells and so on, today mostly the soft parts are present» (Yes (indicate which))
- I have no idea what specific course should be added. But to be honest, some courses are slightly simple. For example, we got a lot of course talking about district heat but just with superficial knowledge. So, I hope things could go deeper and more professional, and introducing more real designing case. » (Yes (indicate which))
- Gas Turbine Technology and Science of environmental Change» (Yes (indicate which))
- ENM095 Sustainable power production and transportation. It was a summary of a lot of sustainable energies but I would have liked to have had more courses that only studied Windpower, hydropower, solar energy etc.» (Yes (indicate which))
- More materials about "How to implement sustainable energy system", more scientific materials about for instance inverter in photovoltaic system. To sum up, study all the components that are used in sustainable energy system» (Yes (indicate which))

9. Are there any courses that you think should either be heavily revised or even removed from the programme?

22 svarande

Yes (indicate which)»14 63%
No»8 36%

Genomsnitt: 1.36

- HVAC - have it either completely revised -> introduce more solutions that are efficient or not have it compulsory. » (Yes (indicate which))
- Energy systems course» (Yes (indicate which))
- Energy systems modeling and planning is really bad. The two assignments on district heating (using Martes) and linear programming were good, otherwise nothing new was added. Generally very bad quality of the lectures aswell. Remove it or make it much more advanced (what is missing is a course that go deeper into the subject).» (Yes (indicate which))
- HVAC - trying to cover too much so that nothing gets covered properly. Energy systems modelling and planning - almost complete overlap with other courses.» (Yes (indicate which))
- sustainable development» (Yes (indicate which))
- I have suggestion regarding sustainable development and sustainable energy futures courses. It"s best not to have an exam on both courses. Because both courses is the basic foundation of the program. Therefore it"s better to have continuous discussion or presentation in these issues.» (Yes (indicate which))
- Remove Sustainable Development for Science of Environmental Change and improve HVAC, the course goals are confusing.» (Yes (indicate which))
- Energy systems modelling and planning» (Yes (indicate which))
- ecology for engineers. but the teacher is nice» (Yes (indicate which))
- The HVAC course should we improved, it was too general, it would have been better to focus on the energy part, like energy efficiency of buildings. » (Yes (indicate which))
- HVAC for its poor physical source» (Yes (indicate which))
- Energy systems... was a repetition of previous courses. Revise or remove. » (Yes (indicate which))
- The HVAC course needs to be overhauled. Requires much better organisation. » (Yes (indicate which))
- VIN032 Indoor climate and HVAC course should be revised.» (Yes (indicate which))

10. Have you identified lecture field overlap between any courses?

22 svarande

Yes (indicate what and between which courses)»17 77%
No»5 22%

Genomsnitt: 1.22

- Some of the guest lectures are the same in different classes. E.g. Heat and Power Systems Engineering and Combustion technology. » (Yes (indicate what and between which courses))
- Energy systems, the lectures, but not the tasks» (Yes (indicate what and between which courses))
- As mentioned above Energy Systems modeling and planning add nearly nothing new, most is already delt with in Sustainable Development and Energy Futures. Also, there"s is some overlap between Sustainable Development and Energy Futures. Same is for Industrial Energy Systems and Heat and Power.» (Yes (indicate what and between which courses))
- Basically all courses put too much focus on basic sustainability/climate change features. Many courses use the same examples, e.g. district heating. This made me feel the programme was brilliant in the beginning, the first times I heard these very interesting things, and very repetitive and waste-of-important-time towards the end.» (Yes (indicate what and between which courses))
- distributed electrical generation, wind power, district heating, biomass is taken up in sustainable development, sustainable energy futures, HPSE, ESMS, HVAC» (Yes (indicate what and between which courses))
- Some issues in Sustainable development, Sustainable Energy Futures and Energy System Modelling and Planning.» (Yes (indicate what and between which courses))
- Courses "Industrial energy system" and "Design of industrial energy equipment" have some overlapping parts.» (Yes (indicate what and between which courses))
- Sustainable Development and Sustainable Energy Futures are quite similar in many aspects.» (Yes (indicate what and between which courses))
- ESMP and sustainable energy futures» (Yes (indicate what and between which courses))
- science and environmental change and technical change for the environment (but it is only one lecture and the teacher knows, we where not suposed to come)» (Yes (indicate what and between which courses))
- Yes, but I had more than two courses sometime. » (Yes (indicate what and between which courses))
- district heating in several courses» (Yes (indicate what and between which courses))
- Energy systems and to some extent the system part of the heat and power course. We heard alot about energy systems in the autumn. » (Yes (indicate what and between which courses))
- The first lectures of Energy Modelling and planning repeat what was taught in Sustainable energy systems and Heat and Power» (Yes (indicate what and between which courses))

11. Have you experienced large differences in the difficulty level between obligatory courses?

22 svarande

Yes, very large»3 13%
Yes, rather large»4 18%
No, just as reasonable»14 63%
Not at all»1 4%

Genomsnitt: 2.59

- Energy systems modeling and planning = Very easy The rest is at a fairly high level» (Yes, very large)
- Sustainable development and HVAC » (Yes, very large)
- Industrial Energy Systems was much more difficult than energy systems modelling and planning» (Yes, very large)
- Industrial energy system is quite hard but it"s really interesting and in this course you learn both use of the technology and how to design it.» (Yes, rather large)

12. Have you experienced large differences in the work load between courses?

22 svarande

Yes, very large»2 9%
Yes, rather large»6 27%
No, just as reasonable»13 59%
Not at all»1 4%

Genomsnitt: 2.59

- lot of work in IES and Sustainable Energy Future and less work during the second semester» (Yes, very large)
- of course!» (Yes, very large)
- Few courses can have less 10 hours a week in class, but few others can have almost 20 hours a week in class and it is not included with individual or group assignment work.» (Yes, rather large)
- Sustainable development and HVAC » (Yes, rather large)
- It was crazy in Design of industrial energy equipment, the projects was never ending. And at the same time we had the course heat and power system engineering that also was a lot of work. Also the course energy systems modelling and planning had time consuming project but that was because there was 6 projects.» (Yes, rather large)
- Rather much time is needed for every course due to similar set-up (assignments, seminars etc.)» (No, just as reasonable)

Programme administration

13. What is your general impression of the programme administration?

Programme administration means in this context the programme director/coordinator.

22 svarande

Very poor»0 0%
Rather poor»3 13%
Rather good»17 77%
Very good»2 9%

Genomsnitt: 2.95

14. What is your opinion on the support from the Student centre?

22 svarande

Very poor»1 4%
Rather poor»3 13%
Rather good»12 54%
Very good»6 27%

Genomsnitt: 3.04

Study climate

15. Did you feel welcomed by Chalmers and the staff at the master programme during your first days?

22 svarande

No, not at all»0 0%
To some extent»2 10%
Quite OK»7 36%
Yes definitely»10 52%
No opinion/did not attend»3

Genomsnitt: 3.42

16. How well has cooperation between you and your fellow students worked?

22 svarande

Very poorly»1 4%
Rather poorly»1 4%
Rather well»8 36%
Very well»12 54%

Genomsnitt: 3.4

17. Did you experience segregation between Swedish and non-Swedish students?

22 svarande

Yes, definitely»3 13%
Yes, to a too large extent»9 40%
Not much, but there was a litlle»7 31%
Not at all»3 13%

Genomsnitt: 2.45

- the language and cultural differences have set this status, mostly due to the swedish students who try to make swedish groups among themselves.» (Yes, definitely)
- Personally I did not experience any segregation, since I knew Swedish before I start the program. In most cases swedish is vital to make Swedish friends. The segregation was between the students. Swedish students are mostly not open to meet people that do not speak swedish. The lecturers were fair to both Swedish and non-Swedish students.» (Yes, to a too large extent)
- It"s not easy to blend with Swedish student» (Not much, but there was a litlle)
- Certainly because of language issues, but that"s also up to us to learn swedish» (Not much, but there was a litlle)
- In the begining but after a while it got better.» (Not much, but there was a litlle)

18. To what extent is your knowledge/competence from your bachelor degree sufficient to attend this programme?

22 svarande

Fully, no problems at all»13 59%
Notably»8 36%
Scarcely»1 4%
Not at all, I struggled a lot»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 1.45

19. To what extent has the use of English represented a hinder in your learning?

(consider both yours and lecturer"s English)

22 svarande

Fully, a lot is lost on the way»0 0%
Notably»2 9%
Scarcely»14 63%
Not at all, it does not make a difference»6 27%

Genomsnitt: 3.18

20. Who has stood mostly for this language hinder in your case?

19 svarande

Mostly the lecturer, he/she couldn"t express himself/herself»7 36%
50/50»7 36%
Mostly I, I struggled with my English»5 26%

Genomsnitt: 1.89

- It is hard to blame anyone in this case. Personally, I believe that everybody can have a better learning process in their own native language.» (?)
- It"s not because of bad English, but mostly the way he/she explained it, can cause lacking in interest on the subject » (Mostly the lecturer, he/she couldn"t express himself/herself)
- It was hard in the begining. Sustainable development is the only course with a lot of reading compared to do calculations, so it was hard to have that course in the begining. After this two years I have improved my english A LOT.» (50/50)

Summarizing questions

21. What is your general impression of the programme so far?

22 svarande

Very poor»1 4%
Rather poor»1 4%
Rather good»12 54%
Very good»8 36%

Genomsnitt: 3.22

22. Considering your experience from this programme, would you choose this programme if you could turn back time?

22 svarande

No»1 4%
Probably not»0 0%
Probably»4 18%
Yes»17 77%

Genomsnitt: 3.68

- Not theoretical enough. Did not go deep into theory always on the surface of things. » (No)
- I think it"s given me a very good and relevant profile for my future work. The system perspective was a very good complement to my BSc. I"m glad to have taken the programme, but if I could have chosen, I wouldn"t have wanted to take it the first year. There"s definitely room for improvement and more elective courses, and I think there will be.» (Yes)
- Because it is still the field I want to work in.» (Yes)

23. What should definitely be preserved in the Master programme?

- The variety of courses.»
- The system perspective, lifting things to a new level - always looking around one more corner "so what does this lead to". The combination of system perspective and technology specific courses, and the blend of technology courses from a wide variety of energy fields - gives a useful general knowledge in the field.»
- The goal of the program and the concentration upon development and research knowledge»
- The course evaluation program »
- The regular case study , project exercise, guest lecture and of course the field visit.»
- the liberty for choosing the courses which suits our interests.»
- the already defined conpulsory courses»
- The red thread. I think it is good.»
- the association of very theoretical courses (like sustainable development) with more technical courses (like IES)»
- DIEE & Sustainable development»

24. What should definitely be changed in the Master programme?

- A course which go deeper into e.g. wind power (Like for example Sustainable power production and engineering). And remove Energy systems modeling and planning or give it away to someone else (Ahlgren seems to have too little time to make the course any good).»
- All courses try to do the same thing - way too much overlap. More technology specific courses, especially in renewable energy technology, perhaps as electives. More elective courses generally.»
- a diolog between lecturers is needed to aviod overlap. Remove some of the soft part and introduce more technology parts»
- Mitigate the segregation between suedes and non suedes.»
- maybe put more compulsory courses so that we donot spread too far from the topic with electable courses.»
- More courses about sustainable energy technologies, in detail. Compared to mostly do calculations on coal fired plants.»
- We shoul not be able to chose an elective course that is very far from the master program field»
- It would have been a good thing to get more information earlier about the thesis and the requirements to fulfill in order to have the thesis approved.»
- More stuff about: sustainable Energy system designing»
- Nothing»

Future plans

25. Was it difficult for you to find a suitable Master thesis?

22 svarande

Not at all»8 38%
Not really but It took some time»4 19%
Yes, it was not easy»9 42%
Yes, very difficult»0 0%
I dont know - I have not tried yet»1

Genomsnitt: 2.04

- It"s not difficult to find one, but just the one as good as you"ve expected. It takes time and also fortune some time.» (Not really but It took some time)
- I called 10 companies and in the end I got a thesis at Chalmers. I can"t imagen how hard it must have been for students from other companies.» (Yes, it was not easy)
- I strongly believe that Chalmers have to provide more help in this process. The students were left a bit alone.» (Yes, it was not easy)

26. What are your next intentions?

22 svarande

Job in industry (Sweden)»10 45%
Job in industry (abroad)»5 22%
Research (PhD)»1 4%
Further study (Chalmers)»1 4%
Further study (other)»1 4%
I"ll take a long time off»0 0%
I have not decided»4 18%

Genomsnitt: 2.72

27. Do you intend to continue in the same area/field as the Master Programme?

22 svarande

Yes (forever)»11 50%
Yes (for the time being anyway)»11 50%
Probably not»0 0%
Definitely not»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 1.5

- If possible, there"s unfortunately a lack of jobs at the moment so pretty much anything will do.» (Yes (for the time being anyway))

28. Do you at this point feel prepared for a professional career?

22 svarande

Yes»9 40%
Yes, but I still might need some training»10 45%
No, I definitely need some more training»3 13%
Not at all, I need much more training»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 1.72

Extra comments/suggestions

29. Finally, if you have some extra comment and/or suggestion about the Master"s programme, this is a good opportunity!

- Just an idea for the courses, Have more problems that are similar to problems on the exams that students can work on over the whole period. »
- Keep up the good work!»
- Thank you for making this survey! Nobody ever asked me about my entire Bachelor programme, (which they really should because I have lots of things to say...) Only the students that have taken a whole programme get the feeling of what the programme means and the connection and/or overlap between courses. This is as relevant info as evaluating separate courses.»
- Sustainable Power Production and Transportation is recommended for this program. »
- I think its very important to give international students the opportunity to learn swedish, as part of the masters program. It will have the double effect of improving their chances of finding a job within the swedish market and allowing them to understand and better interact with their immediate environment.»

* obligatoriska frågor

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