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Structural Concrete, VBB072

Status: Avslutad
Öppen för svar: 2008-09-09 - 2008-09-22
Antal svar: 21
Procent av deltagarna som svarat: 52%
Kontaktperson: Björn Engström»
Utbildningsprogram studenten tillhör: Väg- och vattenbyggnad 300 hp

Your own effort

1. How many hours per week did you spend on this course?

We mean total time, that is, it comprises the time you spent in class and the time you spent on your own work. Try to estimate the average time per week over the entire study period.

21 svarande

At most 15 hours/week»0 0%
Around 20 hours/week»7 33%
Around 25 hours/week»11 52%
Around 30 hours/week»3 14%
At least 35 hours/week»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 2.8

- I can"t really remember.» (Around 20 hours/week)

2. How large part of the teaching offered did you attend?

21 svarande

0%»0 0%
25%»0 0%
50%»0 0%
75%»2 9%
100%»19 90%

Genomsnitt: 4.9

- It was really a fantastic experiencing of studying this course and I really developed my many ground concepts about different things.» (100%)

Goals and goal fulfilment

The course syllabus states the course goals in terms of learning outcomes, i.e., knowledge, skills and attitudes to be acquired by the student during the course.

3. To what extent did you reach the following goal? The student should be able to describe and explain the non-linear behaviour of slabs, plates and discontinuity regions loaded until failure.

21 svarande

0-20%»0 0%
20-40%»0 0%
40-60%»3 14%
60-80%»3 14%
80-100%»15 71%

Genomsnitt: 4.57

4. To what exent did you reach the following goal? The student should be able to describe and explain various approaches to analyse these members and express limitations and ranges of validity.

21 svarande

0-20%»0 0%
20-40%»1 4%
40-60%»3 14%
60-80%»10 47%
80-100%»7 33%

Genomsnitt: 4.09

5. To what extent did you reach the following goal? The student should be able to design and detail renforced concrete slabs, plates and discontinuity regions using plastic analysis.

21 svarande

0-20%»0 0%
20-40%»1 4%
40-60%»2 9%
60-80%»6 28%
80-100%»12 57%

Genomsnitt: 4.38

6. To what extent did you reach the following goal? The student should be able to design reinforcement in slabs and flat slabs using linear FE-analysis.

21 svarande

0-20%»0 0%
20-40%»0 0%
40-60%»7 33%
60-80%»9 42%
80-100%»5 23%

Genomsnitt: 3.9

7. To what extent did you reach the following goal? The student should be able to describe and explain the mechanical behaviour of prestressed concrete members.

21 svarande

0-20%»0 0%
20-40%»2 9%
40-60%»3 14%
60-80%»7 33%
80-100%»9 42%

Genomsnitt: 4.09

- I understood everything at the time but it was too much content in too little time. So, it"s pretty hard to remember all the details. Back then, right before the exam I would have answered 80-100% but not anymore.» (60-80%)

8. To what extent did you reach the following goal? The student should be able to analyse, design and detail statically determinate structural members of prestressed concrete.

21 svarande

0-20%»0 0%
20-40%»2 9%
40-60%»4 19%
60-80%»7 33%
80-100%»8 38%

Genomsnitt: 4

9. Are the goals reasonable considering your background and the number of credits?

Answer this this question and the succeeding one, only if you do know the course goals.

21 svarande

No, the goals are set too low»0 0%
Yes, the goals seem reasonable»20 95%
No, the goals are set too high»1 4%

Genomsnitt: 2.04

- It is somewhere between too high and adequate I think.» (Yes, the goals seem reasonable)
- To set the goals lower would not seem like a good idea, perhaps the course is a bit too big» (Yes, the goals seem reasonable)
- THe work load was quite high» (Yes, the goals seem reasonable)
- Because my background was not high enough to follow the lessons easily» (No, the goals are set too high)

10. Did the examination assess whether you have reached the goals?

We mean the total examination: "Dugga", FE-project and final examination.

21 svarande

No, not at all»0 0%
To some extent»7 33%
Yes, definitely»14 66%
I don"t know/have not been examined yet»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 2.66

- Way too little time on the final examination considering the extent of the ploblems» (To some extent)
- I"ve had too little time to study on the exam, and have had 2 exams that day» (To some extent)

Teaching and course administration

11. To what extent has the lectures been of help for your learning?

21 svarande

Small extent»0 0%
Some extent»1 4%
Large extent»7 33%
Great extent»13 61%

Genomsnitt: 3.57

- Tveklöst de bästa föreläsningar, vad vad gäller upplägg, struktur, m.m., jag tagit del av under mina dryga fyra år på chalmers... Björn Engström sätter en helt ny, svåröverträffad standard för hur man bedriver undervisning.... Mycket bra!!» (Great extent)

12. To what extent has the the course literature and other material been of help for your learning?

21 svarande

Small extent»0 0%
Some extent»1 4%
Large extent»9 42%
Great extent»11 52%

Genomsnitt: 3.47

- There is no way to get everything without the help of the compendia.» (Large extent)

13. To what extent has the FEM-project been of help for your learing?

21 svarande

To small extent»2 9%
To some extent»11 52%
To large extent»6 28%
To great extent»2 9%

Genomsnitt: 2.38

- We got some practice in designing a slab and using its plastic behaviour but we didn"t learn anything new by doing the project (except handling Abaqus). Considering that all the time for the project could be used for studying the examples back and forth and reading the corresponding parts of the compendium I have to say that the project was of very little use for the understanding.» (To small extent)
- Absolut inget fel på själva projektet. Dock lades för stor energi.. och framförallt tid, på att få användarovänliga programmet abacus att fungera.» (To some extent)

14. To what extent has the "dugga" been of help for your learing?

21 svarande

Small extent»0 0%
Some extent»5 23%
Large extent»9 42%
Great extent»7 33%

Genomsnitt: 3.09

- Forced us to learn the theory which is very good.» (Large extent)

15. How well did the course administration, web page, handouts etc work?

21 svarande

Very badly»0 0%
Rather badly»0 0%
Rather well»3 14%
Very well»18 85%

Genomsnitt: 3.85

- It may have been better to get all examples in one bundle instead of handing it out one by one.» (Very well)
- Excellent!!!» (Very well)
- Mängder av uppgifter av varierande karaktär med utomordentligt välskrivna lösningar fanns att tillgå. Ett stort plus till att många uppgifter även delades ut i föväg på lektionerna så att man lättare kunde följa med på vad som sades vid tavlan... Allt annat kopplat till kursadministrationen fungerade också jätte bra.» (Very well)

Study climate

16. How were the opportunities for asking questions and getting help?

21 svarande

Very poor»0 0%
Rather poor»0 0%
Rather good»5 23%
Very good»14 66%
I did not seek help»2 9%

Genomsnitt: 3.85

17. How well has cooperation between you and your fellow students worked?

21 svarande

Very poorly»0 0%
Rather poorly»1 4%
Rather well»9 42%
Very well»11 52%
I did not seek cooperation»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 3.47

18. How was the course workload?

21 svarande

Too low»0 0%
Low»0 0%
Adequate»8 38%
High»12 57%
Too high»1 4%

Genomsnitt: 3.66

- OK+ (i.e. a bit too much too do to fully "get the grip" of the subject)» (Adequate)
- som vanligt... med andra ord...» (High)
- Perhaps a bit too high but since the parallel course didn"t have as high workload it was manageable. » (High)
- Definitily too much, especially because of the project. If the project would to some degree provide a preperation for the exam it would have been ok. But the project and exam preparations have been completely seperate things. The only reason why this course worked out quite well despite of that is because the Geotechnics course didn"t demand so much of us.» (Too high)

19. How was the total workload this study period?

21 svarande

Too low»0 0%
Low»0 0%
Adequate»7 33%
High»9 42%
Too high»5 23%

Genomsnitt: 3.9

- OK+ (i.e. a bit too much too do to fully "get the grip" of the subject)» (Adequate)
- se ovan» (High)

Summarizing questions

20. What is your general impression of the course?

21 svarande

Poor»0 0%
Fair»0 0%
Adequate»1 4%
Good»8 38%
Excellent»12 57%

Genomsnitt: 4.52

- The teaching was very good and I feel like I"ve learned a lot. Despite off the massive workload this was a really good course!» (Good)
- The course itself is very good and seems to be very well planned. But it is much work to do, and working with ABAQUS in the FEM-project was very time-consuming » (Good)
- One of the best courses of the first 4 years.» (Excellent)
- Det är ingen överdrift att säga, att detta är tveklöst den bästa kursen jag har läst på chalmers vad gäller innehåll, upplägg och struktur. Det är lätt att se varifrån Karin Lundgren och Marie Johansson har hämtat inspiration när de bedrev kurserna Bärande Konstruktioner och Konstruktionsteknik, som är de enda två kurserna som ens kan jämföras med Structural Concrete. » (Excellent)
- very good structure of the course, the examples added to the lectures perfectly and were very well explained. It was clear and understandble what we were supposed to learn in the course» (Excellent)

21. What should definitely be preserved to next year?

- Dugga!»
- The "dugga"»
- The theory on plasticity and elestic behavior is very important to grasp»
- Allt!»
- The Björn"s book is really nice»
- FEM-project»

22. What should definitely be changed to next year?

- Nothing.»
- FE tasks in ABAQUS does mostly cause irritation over the woftware and not a great deal of learning.»
- Geometry of FEM project to complicated. Have a simpler geometry and the students can consintrade on lerning the diffrence between handcalculation and FEM in sted of spending many hours in building the model in FEM.»
- Jag har en invändning: Tentatiden. Jag vet att det finns vissa tentor som hålls i sex timmar. Denna borde bli en sådan...»
- The project. There needs to be a better connection between the project and the course. Since the design of slabs is a rather easy part of the course, maybe doing something about prestressed beams would be of a much greater use.»
- The distribution of the timetable, too many hours of the same course per day.»
- The lectures of 4h felt very long and it was hard to take it all in, maybe a division of 2h lecture + 2h problem solving would make it moore effective»
- The FEM-project could be somewhat simplified, that goals can be reached by more simple slab forms»

23. Additional comments

- Bra kurs!! Relevat, bra ordnad!»

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