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Systems, Control and Mechatronics 2007/2008

Status: Avslutad
Öppen för svar: 2008-05-20 - 2008-06-05
Antal svar: 16
Procent av deltagarna som svarat: 24%
Kontaktperson: Madeleine Persson»

1. How satisfied are you with the Master"s program in Systems, Control and Mechatronics so far?

- The program satisfied all 3 parts which are systems, control and mechatronics. The courses are divided well between three parts. »
- Quite satisfied»
- Rather satisfied.»
- Satisfied.»
- My mark is 3.5/5, there has been some of the worst cources given but at the same time some of the best of my experience. »
- Någorlunda, det märks att det är första året det körs.»
- Not satisfied. The administration and information about courses and other related topics is very poor. Many of the courses have also been badly planned.»
- Quite satisfied, though it is noticeable that everything isn"t quite mature yet. »
- Medium. The choise of courses during sp 4 was a little bit to narrow»
- pretty satisfied, but i think it has too much control and mechatronics courses compared to automation courses. And the courses we are supposed to choose between this autumn I don´,t quite like, because of that I will probably choose all courses except the automation course from other programmes.»
- Medium»
- Let say 50%. »
- If I grade it between 0 and 10, I would give it a 6.»
- Very satisfied.»
- Overall I think it has been good, but it is a shame that we had to get only new courses which has been hard because you don"t know what to expect fram the exam.»
- Dissatisfied, I expected more!»

2. What are the strong (positive) things about the programme?

- I think, industries need a person with these knowledge. A person who knows system, control and mechatronics and has special ability in one of the fields. It is a very good program.»
- Connection between industry and courses:»
- Dedicated teachers/lecturers. Very god information flow to the students. I like the meetings ones a study period with students and lecturers.»
- The versatility of the program.»
- Having s2 as the core.»
- Att det innehåller iaf en del kurser som är intressanta.»
- large variety in control courses.Some teachers are well edjucated.»
- There is a red line throughout the programme, but still a lot of freedom. Most teachers are quite good at teaching in english.»
- its a very broad and interesting programme, feels like what we learn is what is needed..»
- Some really good courses. »
- Teachers are mostly knowledgeable enough for the course they are holding. The university itself has got a good reputation in the world. »
- To be able to specialize in automation, control or mechatronics. »
- The large amount of electable courses.»
- The given courses have been well composed and has given a good and wide base within the area. The information about courses has been great. »
- Interesting topics»

3. What are the week (negative) things about the programme?

- I can"t really say yet. I have to go in industries and have some experience then I can compare the topics which is most needed in introduce and the topics which introduce in the program.»
- Some courses are very unclear in thier planning and also the focus in this level should be the knowledge of the course material. Not purly calculations.»
- To much repetition in many courses. Instead go deeper into problems in the own subject.»
- It might be a little too wide ranged.»
- Some courses has been a bit weak when it comes to material distributet and also some lecturers whic realy would need a lecture of how to lecture. »
- Att kursutbudet är alldeles fär dåligt, vi saknar förkunskapskrav till de flesta s.k "valbara" kurser. Att vissa föreläsare är dåliga på engelska. Dålig information om valbara kurser. Att man genom att läsa applied mechatronics kan få en examen med inriktning mot mekatronik är ett skämt, då vi inte lärde oss mer i den kursen än vad man gör första året på dagis.»
- Many things. Bad administration. Terrible bad info about the future commings. Poor choice among courses. A bit boring courses. Badly planned courses. »
- Information has been a weakpoint. Especially when choosing new courses. You can"t for once rely on the time-edit times, as examinators change them and everyone has different way"s of entering them. Course memoes are never on the web before the first day!»
- If you have read Z before, many courses are just a repetition, that´,s not very funny at all time.. like when they reuse a lab from a groundcourse in a masterprogramme.. »
- Uneven quality of the courses. The program could give more courses the second year»
- Frankly speaking, since it"s the first time you are holding such a program, there are some weak points. This can be course literature, unprepared laboratories, weak assignments that are even wrong in some cases and unprepared Teaching Assistants. By the way, since teaching assistants are PhD students, they really have no time to spend on the job. I guess it would work better if you choose among master students for TA positions, especially those who will get 60 credit master thesis, since they won"t have courses to take care of.»
- Some courses need to be more structured and the workload needs to be reduced a bit or reorganized. There are some course literature which needs to be changed because they are not well written.»
- Too theoreticle courses with a low connection to the "real world".»
- Only new courses with no old exams. »
- Lack of applied experience(not only theory). A few teachers are incompitent. Horrible administration. Every new course excuse themself by saying that this is a new course, HOWEVER, the student don"t care if it"s new or not, it is UNACCEPTABLE to let us suffer from this!!»

4. Is the programme easy or difficult?

- It was good. It has both theory and Lab, so some times the theory is little difficult. My background is Electronic and Electrical engineering and I didn"t face any difficulty in the courses but I think for Mechanical background it must be difficult to follow the courses.»
- Somewhat between»
- To easy. The only difficult courses had been Applied signal processing and Non-linear. I had expected much more work during this first year.»
- It depends on what courses you take, I think it can go either way.»
- Rather easy, have read 150% all the way without any problems.»
- Det beror till 70% på vilka kurser man väljer. Men de obligatoriska är väl inte direkt jättelätta.»
- difficult because you have to manage with the lack of information among courses and program.»
- It"s very fluctuating - one quarter it"s a walk in the park and the next it"s really hard. Control-courses are often harder.»
- difficult»
- it varies a lot, some courses are very easy and some are so hard you wonder why you took it.. one thing that makes the programme difficult is that some courses are not finished yet, instead they are created during the course.. maybe it´,s just me but I have it like that since I´,ve started in 2004 and I´,m soo tired of it»
- Varying, depends on the courses»
- It"s very course dependent, some of the courses were really tough and some really easy. Generally speaking, They can be improved by making revisions out of assignments, lab memos, etc. »
- It is in between.»
- Somewhere in betwween.»
- It is quit easy. »
- moderate»

5. How do you find the atmospere?

- Great, both students and teachers atmosphers.»
- Very good»
- To little exchange between exchange students and other students. Maybe my own fault...»
- I am not really qualified to answer that since I do most of my studies at home.»
- Nice!!!!!!!!»
- Den är ganska bra även om man bara hänger med sitt gamla gäng.»
- Ok, but a bit dull. Almost doesnt feel like reading at a master program.»
- I don"t know very many of my classmates and there was no real introduction for us were we could get to know each other, so there isn"t much of an atmosphere. »
- Atmosphere... what atmospere? People come to class and then they leave...»
- good, all lecturers are very nice and helpful and you can see that they´,re doing there best. a thing that would have been nice when we started last autumn was if we had had some day together before the school started just to see all the other in the class.»
- Good»
- The atmosphere is good but it can be improved by holding some occasions to get the Swede and international students closer together. »
- It is pretty good.»
- good, but too bad connection between swedish and forein students.»
- The big class makes it hard to get to know everybody and to get to speak with teachers.»
- Nice»

6. Other comments.

- It is a good program. Keep it running. »
- Would be nice if all courses that are related to the MPSYS are shown as voluntary courses in the portal, (When choosing courses every period).»
- Why not have a SCM design project in parallel during study period 2-4 the first year. Try to implement the subjects directly?»
- There has a been a little weak information of who is in charge, there is no need for more meatings but a continues update of homepage with relevant information would be needed. »
- Bo Egardts kurs, nonlinear and adaptive control, är väldigt bra och bör rekomenderas i störe utsträckning så folk i mindre utsträckning väljer kurser enbart för att dom är lätta.»
- As it is now. I wouldnt recommend it. Mostly because bad planning. Almost everything can be improved.»
- I would like to see more courses from the production-master electable in the student portal, just to get more automation in MPSYS. I think the programme has done a great job trying to show different master thesis examples btw It really feels like the programme is trying to do their best and wants to become better.»
- It would have been nice with some introduction/orientation the first days to get to know each other better.»
- Thanks for all your efforts to improve the quality of education at Chalmers. »
- It would simplify the course selection if all the mandatory courses for all specializations would be held during the first year. »
- Very dissappointed with the naive approach. I"m sure you don"t care and just say that this will change for next year, that is not acceptable for us, but what can you do!?!»

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