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Composite and nanocomposite materials, MPM052, 2007-2008

Status: Avslutad
Öppen för svar: 2008-05-18 - 2008-07-03
Antal svar: 9
Procent av deltagarna som svarat: 45%
Kontaktperson: Rodney Rychwalski»
Utbildningsprogram som genomför enkäten: Chalmers
Utbildningsprogram studenten tillhör: Maskinteknik 300 hp

Your own effort

1. How many hours per week did you spend on this course?

We mean total time, that is, it comprises the time you spent in class and the time you spent on your own work. Try to estimate the average time over the entire study period.

9 svarande

At most 15 hours/week»2 22%
Around 20 hours/week»4 44%
Around 25 hours/week»1 11%
Around 30 hours/week»1 11%
At least 35 hours/week»1 11%

Genomsnitt: 2.44

- I think that the work load was reasonable, but not not too much.» (Around 20 hours/week)

2. How large part of the teaching offered did you attend?

9 svarande

0%»0 0%
25%»0 0%
50%»0 0%
75%»7 77%
100%»2 22%

Genomsnitt: 4.22

- There is an overlapping between this course and practicals of joining tech. » (75%)
- Very good lessons and lesson structure. » (100%) (den här kommentaren har blivit redigerad i efterhand)

Goals and goal fulfilment

The course syllabus states the course goals in terms of learning outcomes, i.e., knowledge, skills and attitudes to be acquired by the student during the course.

3. How understandable are the course goals?

9 svarande

I have not seen/read the goals»0 0%
The goals are difficult to understand»0 0%
The goals give some guidance, but could be clearer»1 11%
The goals clearly describe what I am supposed to learn»8 88%

Genomsnitt: 3.88

4. Are the goals reasonable considering your background and the number of credits?

Answer this this question and the succeeding one, only if you do know the course goals.

9 svarande

No, the goals are set too low»0 0%
Yes, the goals seem reasonable»9 100%
No, the goals are set too high»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 2

5. Did the examination assess whether you have reached the goals?

9 svarande

No, not at all»1 11%
To some extent»0 0%
Yes, definitely»1 11%
I don"t know/have not been examined yet»7 77%

Genomsnitt: 3.55

6. To what extent has the teaching been of help for your learning?

9 svarande

Small extent»0 0%
Some extent»0 0%
Large extent»5 55%
Great extent»4 44%

Genomsnitt: 3.44

7. How well did the course administration, web page, handouts etc work?

9 svarande

Very badly»0 0%
Rather badly»1 11%
Rather well»3 33%
Very well»5 55%

Genomsnitt: 3.44

- it"s complicated with so many handouts, if you miss a class it"s really hard to study at home since you don"y have the pictures» (Rather badly)
- compendium with already printed pictures would be better» (Rather well)
- Perhaps a detail, but it would be nice to get all of the information in .pdf instead of .doc though it is easier to open and handle.» (Rather well)

Study climate

8. How were the opportunities for asking questions and getting help?

9 svarande

Very poor»0 0%
Rather poor»0 0%
Rather good»0 0%
Very good»9 100%
I did not seek help»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 4

- Very helpful teaching assistence and everybody has been answering questions given at their bests. And all of you have worked for doing assignments as eay to understand as possible. Great.» (Very good)

9. How well has cooperation between you and your fellow students worked?

9 svarande

Very poorly»0 0%
Rather poorly»0 0%
Rather well»3 33%
Very well»6 66%
I did not seek cooperation»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 3.66

- Oh, the language barriers are huge! But everbody has been nice to each other.» (Rather well)

10. How was the course workload?

9 svarande

Too low»0 0%
Low»0 0%
Adequate»5 55%
High»4 44%
Too high»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 3.44

11. How was the total workload this study period?

9 svarande

Too low»0 0%
Low»0 0%
Adequate»3 33%
High»5 55%
Too high»1 11%

Genomsnitt: 3.77

- But that is due my choice of courses.. and due to a lot of projects in both courses.» (High)

Summarizing questions

12. What should definitely be preserved to next year?

- i think it"s good not to focus only on PMC»
- Good course structure.»
- The practicals with the Matlab calculations and the experiment as well as the diary assignment.»
- Structure, calculation assignments.»
- some tutorial where too much. especially the exercise where there was an example from the compendium writen on the black board.»

13. What should definitely be changed to next year?

- the practical lab was not really useful»
- More topics for the case study (project). Also, more lab sessions would be appreciated. »
- publish the compendium if possible.»
- Don"t know, nothings ever perfect but Ib can"t find much to say. »
- maybe a little bit more in design»

14. The level of information presented in the course was

9 svarande

too low»0 0%
reasonable»7 77%
too high»2 22%

Genomsnitt: 2.22

- The course gives a very good overview of the subject, also providing details.» (reasonable)
- information is provided in an engineering point of view» (reasonable)
- It is s LOT of text, and sometimes it feels like it is hard to find the relevant information. And to sort everything out.» (too high)

15. Should the course cover more of fewer topics

9 svarande

more»1 11%
reasonable»8 88%
fewer»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 1.88

16. Solved problems helped to master computational aspects

9 svarande

disagree»0 0%
hesitant»2 22%
agree»7 77%

Genomsnitt: 2.77

- The problems are perfectly designed.» (agree)

17. Lab session was helpful towards the laminate theory

9 svarande

disagree»1 11%
hesitant»1 11%
agree»7 77%

Genomsnitt: 2.66

- not really useful to understand the point, it was mainly computation and copying information from the compendium... i think it should be explained a bit more during the practical» (disagree)
- There could be more than 1 lab.» (agree)
- excellently matched with the calculation base on CLT» (agree)
- Actually a very good lab. Interesting!» (agree)

18. Project/diary was helpful towards "my first use of composite materials" and realizing connetions between parts A-F

9 svarande

disagree»0 0%
hesitant»3 33%
agree»6 66%

Genomsnitt: 2.66

- the tasks had to be explained a bit better» (hesitant)
- The diary was quite hard to grip what should be done. It is hard to base a project on the book only...» (hesitant)
- Almost all the information is available in the book.» (agree)

19. Compendium was a helpful source

9 svarande

disagree»0 0%
hesitant»2 22%
agree»7 77%

Genomsnitt: 2.77

- quite useful, not comfortable cut"n paste of images» (hesitant)
- The compendium is a complete reference which best covers both educational and technical aspects of composites. » (agree)
- Very good compendium. It helps when I don"t have to write everything down during class and I can listen. » (agree)

20. Organization of the course was transparent and caring

9 svarande

disagree»0 0%
hesitant»0 0%
agree»9 100%

Genomsnitt: 3

21. On the whole you would

9 svarande

not recommend the course»0 0%
hesitant»1 11%
recommend»8 88%

Genomsnitt: 2.88

- This course on Composites gives the image that how ordinary materials and simple analysis can make complex and efficient engineering structures.» (recommend)
- It is a good course, giving a very broad overview of composite materials. The structure of the course is very good, too. » (recommend)
- A very pleasant course!» (recommend)

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