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Test master fellowship

Status: Avslutad
Öppen för svar: 2016-05-02 - 2016-05-02
Antal svar: 1
Procent av deltagarna som svarat: 100%
Kontaktperson: Christina Larsson»

1. Where do you sit and work together?

Rangordningsfråga. Siffran anger medelposition.

1.At home0
In student locals at Chalmers0
In other locals at Chalmers0
Other, see below0

2. Where du you usually sit and work together with other students?

(You dont have to choose all alternatives)

Rangordningsfråga. Siffran anger medelposition.

1.In lecture rooms, for example a computer room0
Other places on campus (not mentioned here)0
Another place, see my comments below0
4.In the student division premises1
5.In the library2

3. How do you prefer the course work groups to be put together?

The course work groups are put together in different ways and we all have different preferences in this question.
Please select the statements below in the order that you feel that you agree with them. Number 1 is the alternative you feel most comfortable with.

Rangordningsfråga. Siffran anger medelposition.

1.When course work groups are put together randomly0
2.When students are assigned groups by the teachers1
3.When the students form the course work groups2
4.I do not like any of the alt. I suggest another... see below3

- hhhhh» (?)

4. How do you prefer the course work groups to be put together?

The course work groups are put together in different ways in different courses. Please select the statements below in the order that you feel that you agree with them. (You do not have to choose all alternatives). Number 1 is expected to be the alternative you feel that you are most comfortable with.

Rangordningsfråga. Siffran anger medelposition.

1.When course work groups are put together randomly0
When the students can form the course work groups themselves0
3.When students are assigned groups by the teachers1
4.I dont like any of the alt. I suggest another way, see below2

- ggggg» (?)

Kursutvärderingssystem från