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Conference on Teaching and Learning at Chalmers 2016

Status: Avslutad
Öppen för svar: 2016-01-13 - 2016-01-27
Antal svar: 49
Procent av deltagarna som svarat: 35%
Kontaktperson: Karin Ekman»

1. What is your main motive for attending KUL2016?

- General interest in the pedagogical development on Chalmers.»
- Getting new ideas that I could use in my own teaching.»
- Meet and talk to new colleagues. Get inspired. Learn new ideas of how to approach teaching and learning»
- Promting educational development work among coöleagues»
- Jag var del av en rundabordetpresentation. Jag går dessutom Lärande och Ledarskap och är därför väldigt intresserad av nya verktyg att använda i undervisningen.»
- Utveckla lärandet.»
- Accesible conference and possibility to network with Chalmers teachers and staff from other divisions and departments and share experiences»
- It is the ONLY conference for us teachers! We need MORE of knowledge sharing in the pedagogical field.»
- Inspiration, meet people»
- Besides being personally interested I wanted, as new PhD student, find inspiration for future supervisor and course assistent roles.»
- To learn more about pedagogy.»
- Interesting to hear about what´,s going on at Chalmers regarding teaching and learning. So positive to meet people who are committed not only to research.»
- Presenting and exchanging experiences»
- presenting, interest!»
- Giving a presentation»
- I was a presenter and I"m interested in pedagogical development»
- To present experiences from my own teaching, and to get new ideas from other teachers.»
- Hear/share teaching experiences from/with other teachers.»
- To learn what other people at Chalmers are working on regarding teaching and learning»
- Listening to whats up and meet collegues»
- To present my project work and to get inspiration for future projects. »
- Contributed with a session»
- Att utbyta tankar och idéer. Få inspiration till nya metoder att testa i min egna praktik.»
- Looking for trends in the education policy at Chalmers»
- Interest in the topic»
- Networking, see new ideas, sharing»
- To present our use of gaming in the classroom and get feedback.»
- To meet many colleagues with a strong interest in education and to share ideas for improving education at Chalmers.»
- To learn more about new trends and methods in place at Chalmers»
- Learn from others»
- To get inspiration from other teachers»
- För att få mer allmänbildning om vad som görs på Chalmers vad gäller pedagogisk utveckling samt att få mer insyn i hur institutionerna arbetar eftersom jag arbetar på en stödfunktion. Jag var även granskare så intressant att följa processen hela vägen. »
- Gaining new ideas»
- pedagogisk meritering»
- Habit and an interest in hearing about interesting pedagogical developments and such that happen around campus.»
- Get an overview of the teaching and learning engagement at Chalmers»
- Try out a workshop format and gather data»
- New ideas»
- Hearing about new trends in teaching, getting inspiration and information for my own teaching»
- To get inspiration to improve my teaching.»
- They"re several: Participating in the development of pedagogical activites at Chalmers. Networking. Learning about pedagogical methods for my own teaching.»
- Meet colleagues from other disciplines than my own Get me a picture of the educational developments at Chalmers Get tips and inspiration to develop my teaching»
- Följa vad som händer på Chalmers när det gäller pedagogisk utveckling och träffa undervisande kolleger. »
- Få inspiration och träffa andra inom Chalmers»
- Learning more, exchanging ideas with colleagues, network.»
- interest in teaching practices»
- Learning more about the pedagogical discussion at Chalmers.»
- Intressant att följa de tankar som finns om hur undervisningen kan utvecklas. Även lärorikt.»

2. To what extent did KUL2016 reach its aims and goals?

For each aim/goal (below), state to what extent you think it is reached: 1=low, 4=high


- Inte så mycket programutveckling i år. Inte heller så mycket forskarutbildning eller samverkan...»
- I tend (like many others) to hang around with the same colleges that I work with. I would like KUL to "force us" to speak to others in some way. »
- The outcome would have been higher if more participated. It´,s a great conference, sad that not all teachers at Chalmers participate.»
- Saknar mer närvaro av doktorander och studenter samt att det alltid är samma grupp människor som deltar (vi som tycker detta är kul och viktigt).»
- One teacher from Signals and systems !!!»
- Great initiative, it was very interesting to hear and see what others are doing. However, it was hard with the parallel sessions to hear all that I was interested. »
- Lack of doctoral studies and external interaction.»
- No external interaction»
- Väldigt bra anordnad konferens, kändes väldigt professionellt. Vi får se till att vissa av MP kan höja sig en nivå i den pedagogiska diskussionen till nästa år. Några MP var lite för platta rent lärandemässigt. »
- The aim has 2 components, should be evalutated as separate parts. the first is fully reached, but not the scope yet.»
- Some parts of the pedagogical Chalmers seem to be underrepresented at KUL.»

Aim: Fostering collegial conversation and sharing of experiences within the entire pedagogical sphere at Chalmers (education, doctoral studies and external interaction)
49 svarande

1 2%
8 16%
24 48%
16 32%

Genomsnitt: 3.12

Goal: To give an opportunity to share experiences from course and program development
49 svarande

0 0%
2 4%
16 32%
31 63%

Genomsnitt: 3.59

Goal: To offer an arena for pedagogical development and qualification.
49 svarande

0 0%
5 10%
26 53%
18 36%

Genomsnitt: 3.26

3. How would you like to improve the aim and goals for KUL2017?

- Funkar bra!»
- Jag tyckte det fungerade bra som det var!»
- Vi hade intressanta diskussion där mycket kunde göras för att studentens upplevelse etc skulle förbättras. Men noll koppling till tid för utveckling eller skapande av merarbete. För att genomföra en meningsfull utveckling skall två kriterier uppfyllas, studenter skall tycka det blir bättre och läraren kan lägga mindre tid på genomförande/förberedelse.»
- i think it looks good»
- As always, I find it very hard to figure out what the different sessions contain. Why not both swedish and english titles? (even when only one langugage is used in the presentation) I was a bit dissapointed when Sheila Galt (whom I always enjoy listening to and whom I find always give me food for thought) was asking the audience for input. I felt taken as hostage. I did not learn anything since she was only intereted in how we could improve her... I later saw that others were doing same thing, asking the audience for input (sessiong 4 in Kelvin). Im not at this conference to answer your questions, Im here to have answers to my questions»
- Try to advertise the conference a little bit more»
- No comments»
- How about visualising educational reasearch going on at Chalmers?»
- Do not think it needs any specific improvements»
- Tycker ett mål också borde vara spridning av informationen över chalmers.»
- Get more people to attend. Send an e-mail to all staff in may to save the date, again in october and also december. All program managers should attend themselves and accourage all teachers to attend. »
- No need»
- Som sagt ge mer feedback till MP-presentatörer om pedagogiskt innehåll. »
- No opinion.»
- Förtydliga meriteringsmöjligheten genom flera steg.»
- The current aim and goals are good.»
- The aim and goals are great. »
- More research oriented approach. To give an opportunity to get an understanding of current educational research and current teaching methods»
- Försöka få med mer konkreta exempel, vad som fungerar och inte fungerar när det gäller undervisning.»

4. What is your overall impression of KUL2016?

1=very poor, 4=very good

49 svarande

0 0%
2 4%
21 42%
26 53%

Genomsnitt: 3.48

- Maybe I went to the wrong sessions but except for a brilliant Keynote speaker I didnt really get much food for thought this year. (as always I find it hard to choose sessions - maybe because I dont master the terminology of pedagogy/education etc or maybe because your brief descriptions are vague/blurry/misleading) » (2)
- Bad lunch....(small)» (2)
- ingen diskussion om resurser, verkar som de flesta presentatörer gjorde utvecklingsarbete på fritiden.» (3)
- too cold in the mail lecture hall! (really bad!)» (3)
- Good organization & place.» (3)
- Quite a few of the abstracts seemed only moderately interesting for me.» (3)
- Inte så mycket nytt. Iskall föreläsningssal.» (3)
- Mycket bra!» (4)
- Great program, great food. Information and marketing before should be improved to get more people to attend. » (4)
- Good discussion - stimulating» (4)
- It was better than 2015 since it had more My Practice sessions, and only three MP presentations per hour.» (4)

5. Where do you place KUL2016 on this overall scale regarding the quality of the content?

1=very low quality content, 4=very high quality content

47 svarande

0 0%
2 4%
38 80%
7 14%

Genomsnitt: 3.1

- Excellent keynote speaker.» (?)
- Some presentations a bit more of advertising for a new book. » (3)
- Some sessions could have been more inspirational» (3)
- Tycker det håller en bra kvalité men kan alltid bli bättre. Kanske ännu tydligare instruktioner till författarna?» (3)
- What is quality? If it is meeting the goals of the conference it is high. If it is the level of scientific approaches from a pedagogical perspective it is lower. I think that the quaility should be a measure of how the conference meets its goals. Then I could even set grade 4.» (3)
- My practice sometimes very low quality. Presentations have more deep and seems more trustworthy.» (3)

6. What is your overall impression of the relevance of the formats at the conference?

We are interested to know about how you perceive the relevance of the different formats at KUL. Do they fit? Are they useful? Please write a comment to share a specific opinion. 1="does not fit at KUL", 4 ="perfect - keep it that way".


- didnt attend the keynote, arrived after lunch.»
- Workshops means I have to actively participate and come prepared. I want to be inspired, I want to be given practical tips and techniques. »
- I liked the presentation, but I wonder if the length of the abstract a bit too long. In the roundtable discussion that I was in it would have benefited from having a presentation of who was attending. Not a fault of the format but rather those that held - maybe give them more tips?»
- I think the problem with the presentations is that the expectations are quite high on the extend and integration of theory and empirical data, which is not always achieved. Many presentations would fit better in my practice.»
- En RT var jag på, bestod till en majoritet av folk som använde flipped classroom-teknik. Blev mest snack om hur bra det var för att övertyga resten. Blev ingen diskussion kring nackdelar, bara fördelar. Samtal med keynote räcker att ha under pauser tycker jag, men hade gärna sett någon mer presentation. Kanske två 30 min presentationer? »
- Maybe few more paper presentations »
- Too long abstracts for presentations. They should be longer than for my practice but I think the difference between them is too large. If this is changed, I think KUL could ger more presentations and less my practice, which I think would be better.»
- See comment under 9.»
- Relevant och informativ keynotespeaker, vilket bra val!»
- Tycker att presentationerna fungerar bäst, hade gärna sett att det fanns en kvart till mingel med presentatörerna efter avslut presentation.»
- Since you tried to accommodate so many speakers there were many parallel sessions, perhaps too many.»
- did only participate at presentations and a round table»

49 svarande

0 0%
4 9%
11 25%
28 65%
No opinion»6

Genomsnitt: 3.55

48 svarande

0 0%
3 10%
7 24%
19 65%
No opinion»19

Genomsnitt: 3.55

Round table discussions
48 svarande

0 0%
4 11%
11 32%
19 55%
No opinion»14

Genomsnitt: 3.44

My Practice/ Short presentation
48 svarande

1 2%
1 2%
8 20%
29 74%
No opinion»9

Genomsnitt: 3.66

Keynote speaker
49 svarande

0 0%
2 4%
7 15%
37 80%
No opinion»3

Genomsnitt: 3.76

Conversation with keynote speaker
48 svarande

0 0%
1 9%
5 45%
5 45%
No opinion»37

Genomsnitt: 3.36

7. Which new thoughts for your own teaching have KUL2016 induced (if any)?

- Peer instruction Content maps»
- Ask the students to work on both conceptual and procedural understanding.»
- New ways of thinking about assessment. Ideas for course development. Some interesting ideas relating to flipping.»
- Better prompts for quizzes and use of these»
- Användandet av tankekartor och andra former av uppgifter för att bedöma konceptuell utveckling istället för procedurell. »
- Har fått ideer men resurser saknas.»
- ive gotten a better understanding what is blended learning, what is flipped classroom and that we shouldn"t forget that we do this for the students and that the learning should be in the center.»
- I will try the conceptual approach when measuring knowledge. »
- Assessment can be important for different reasons and it is necessary to adapt teaching to align with the courses" intended learning outcomes.»
- The conference was inspiring but unfortunately I don´,t teach. »
- New ideas for lectures and examination»
- many! especially about integrating "sustainable development"»
- KUL2016»
- The keynote speech with the focus on conceptual knowledge. Some good tips on online courses»
- The use of concept maps.»
- To try to use: -concept maps -peer review of lab.reports »
- Youtube clips»
- Games, concept maps. »
- I got some thoughts on the challenge of motivation when it comes to incorporating sustainability education in certain bachelor programs where the students might not have the most beneficial attitude»
- Att jag vill jobba mer med konceptuella beskrivningar av lösningar. Lite idéer om hur jag kan spela in digitala medier till min kurs.»
- Network contacts for exchange of ideas. »
- I will consider some of the assessment methods from the keynote. »
- How to best use teaching assistants in a flipped classroom context. The need for improved skills for students with regards to figures and graphs (rather than text).»
- a better understanding of the flipped classroom method»
- Many small tips and tricks.»
- Feedback on my presentation. Maybe some ideas from the keynote speech.»
- A new range of interesting assessment tools introduced by the key note speaker.»
- na»
- Using tools for questions during lecture ( martin larsson). LARP sessions»
- I get motivation to work further with implementing blended learning in my teaching. I also got some information regarding the existing resources at Chalmers.»
- Too many to describe here=) But several had to do with aiming to focus more on my teaching leading to conceptual understanding.»
- Att man måste skriva manus innan man filmar små instruktionsfilmer för att slippa en massa editering.»
- Thoughts and reflections on examination and conceptual vs. procedural knowledge in the keynote.»
- I am very interested in blended learning, and the assessment techniques presented by the keynote were very inspiring.»

8. What was the best thing about KUL2016?

- Getting to know about Blended learning Chalmers»
- Meeting and discussing others.»
- Opportunity to talk to new and old colleagues»
- Keynote»
- Keynotespeakern, väldigt inspirerande!»
- Inspirationen dag har gett.»
- inspiring round table discussions»
- Keynote speaker.»
- Interesting keynote speaker providing an outside perspective.»
- To meet with different people during the pauses! »
- The commitment»
- good arena to meet and get new ideas»
- Conceptual / Procedural learning as a concept. Already use it but had no name for it»
- the chance to actually take one day and think, discuss and reflect on these issues»
- The mix of different types of presentations.»
- Nice meetings»
- Many different presentations. And possibility to get feedback. Much time set for questions. »
- The keynote»
- Att man får träffa många andra likasinnade och engagerade kollegor och prata undervisning och lärande med dem.»
- Round table discussions»
- My practice»
- Getting new ideas and reflecting on our role as educators»
- Supportive and positive atmosphere.»
- The possibility to exchange ideas and experiences with other people I usually do not have much contact with »
- Key note speaker. Networking in breaks.»
- To get some inspiration.»
- Variationen och speciellt MP om nya sätt att ha digitala inslag inför kurser och under kurser. Session 4 var väldigt bra planerad, att dessa var efter varandra. »
- I was positively surprised to have more than 25 people in attendance at my talk, and that I got so many questions.»
- The keynote speaker.»
- Meeting engaged Chalmers people with education in focus»
- FIKA and talks during FIKA»
- The presentations by those who received the pedagogical price.»
- The Keynote and the inspiring atmosphere at the conference.»
- The inspiring, friendly, collegial atmosphere»
- De pedagogiska pristagarnas entusiasm. »
- The keynote. Enjoyed the discussion following my own presentation.»
- Meeting colleagues from various departments and have a very hands-on conversation about teaching»
- Interacting with different professions and new departments»

9. Suggestions for improvement in KUL2017

- Be folk dubbelkolla sina namnlappar inför konferensen.»
- I was not aware that talks had been moved since the schedule I printed. Better information about changes? It was a bit cold in the building.»
- 1. Warmer premises! 2. Better presentation from our leading organization at Chalmers: our vice rector had nothing to tell us?!? Where are we going, what are the priorities, on-going central efforts, etc.»
- Encourage more workshops. Would it be possible to have a stronger sense of theme?»
- Koppla till resurser. Man kan göra vad som helst det är alla med på men hur finansieras det, pratades det inte alls om.»
- All text in both english and swedish in the programme even if only one language is used in the presentation. Perhaps using clear themes (enhance your students writing-theme, enhance your examining-skills theme, how to get started with flipped-classroom theme etc) »
- No comments»
- Every session should be given a "title". I notice you have grouped them somewhat (the "my practice") but if you could find a common theme it would be helpful»
- None in particular»
- Att man ska arbeta fram ett bra sätt att sprida erfarenheterna från konferensen till deltagarna men framförallt de som inte deltar. Den mer övergripande frågan är snarare: hur inkluderar vi övrig personal i pedagogiska samtal? »
- More marketing. Letting teachers know that they really should attend. If everyone that attends every year brings two colleagues we would get lots more attendies, can we have a challenge like that this years attendies get a gift if they bring two colleagues? Because if we get people to come once they will have a good experience and will like to come again. »
- Two days might be better. Having other shorter session spread throughout the year might be better for creating an arena for development. Can there be follow-up?»
- Maybe two slightly shorter invited keynotes of high quality?»
- One invited speaker from Chalmers as well as an international keynote speaker»
- There is sometimes not much difference between a MP presentation and a Presentation, so it is sometimes questionable what makes the difference. This year the quality was very different in the "P"resentations. If a Presentation is poor you may loose the opportunity to listen to two good MP. A suggestion: A "P"resentation should have some previous recognition. It could be that the work should have already been accepted as a journal or conference paper (at another conference). The pedagogical price awards should also be given the opportunity to "P"resent (those were good this year). Then there could be one session with the more scientific "P"resentations for those who prefer such.»
- Att försöka nå ut så att fler närvarar. Det är ett jättebra arr men det borde komma fler personer speciellt från lärarhåll och institutioner. Detta borde läggas in som att varje institution borde ha ett visst antal närvarande varje år. För det blev lite för lite folk på vissa sessioner. Det skulle behöva vara 200 pers totalt för att få lite mer volym i det. »
- Nothing in particular. »
- Less my practice or at least set a demand of 3-5 reference to science that support my practice.»
- Do not know.»
- Focus on involving larger parts of the "entire pedagogical sphere" at Chalmers to a greater extent.»
- A second state of the art keynote presentation »

10. Regarding the review process . How inclusive should KUL when accepting abstracts?

We would like your opinion on how to to balance between encouraging contribution and participation while also applying criteria and maintaining quality.
The alternatives are:
- Open and inclusive in all formats. It is important that as many as possible contribute!
- Inclusive but some quality standards are applied in some of the formats.
- Quality standards are applied to all contributions but vary between formats. Some are stricter and some are more open and more inclusive. The quality of the contribution is rewarded. Contributions may be declined after feedback and revision.
- Very strict quality Very strict quality standards in all formats. The review process generates high quality contributions (after feedback and revision) to make the conference better. Some of the contributions are probably declined.

48 svarande

Open and inclusive»2 4%
Inclusive with some quality standards»14 29%
Quality standards are applied but vary»29 60%
Very strict quality standards in all formats»3 6%

Genomsnitt: 2.68

- When having it open and inclusive there should still be room for some very "high end" contributions (which could be acknowledged as such).» (Open and inclusive)
- Somewhere between the 2nd and the 3rd option. Perhaps more leaning towards the 2nd.» (Inclusive with some quality standards)
- There need to be some standards but to high standards might be a little bit scary and KUL might lose attraction!» (Inclusive with some quality standards)
- Important to keep the forum relatively informal, so that many teachers, also with "modest" contributions inb mind feel encouraged to express their interest to talk about their experience.» (Inclusive with some quality standards)
- It should for sure be encouraged to come and discuss different approaches without having to deliver a scientific pedagogical work. The current quality measure does not fulfil its purpose. Some P are not better than some MP. The abstracts that are being improved in the review process is not read by many anyway, and it is probably better not to try to compete in quality with "real" pedagogical conferences and journals. If a goal of the conference is that we should meet it must be inclusive. The standard can anyway be high, through instructions to the presenters and through the discussions. A number of general questions could be supplied beforehand, such as "What implication does your approach have on the learning?", and the moderator could be instructed to guide the discussions into that direction instead of coming into technical issues. A track/session with proven scientific pedagogical presentations may be good, and the keynote speaker should also inspire to increase the standard.» (Inclusive with some quality standards)
- Although being a bit relaxed in the quality standards is not generally a good thing in science, it does perhaps promote collegial interaction and makes the audience feel more invited. If stringent quality standards are applied, I fear a little that the "language" will change, which could aleniate those who are not yet active in the world of SoTL. Just a thought.» (Inclusive with some quality standards)
- Kanske skulle avsändarna kunna kopplas till program och eller institutioner och få deras godkännande för att bidraga? Alla program och institutioner borde ändå engagera sig i minst ett bidrag, är en tanke jag haft.» (Inclusive with some quality standards)
- If real proceedings of the meeting are published, it is worth investing time in submitting a contribution for a presentation. Otherwise, asking for 1500 words summary is not worth the effort.» (Quality standards are applied but vary)
- Keynote speaker - high quality requirement Following sessions - start with the higher quality first and more "relaxed" in the afternoon. Of course all abstracts should be based on research but dont let this conference become to "researchy" keep it practical, hands-on, and so on. Going to a conference like KUL I do because I dont have the time to penetrate research - I do go to KUL to take shortcuts since teachers never have sufficient time to go into deep research.... :)» (Quality standards are applied but vary)
- Previous years I have been a staunch supporter of an open and inclusive arena believing that accepting more contributions lead to larger participation at the conference. I still believe that participation is very important, but I no longer see a strict correlation between easy acceptations and high attendance numbers. Nowadays I think that high quality are important for the participants to actually gain good experiences from the conference and actually find inspiration to further develop teaching.» (Quality standards are applied but vary)
- The "my practice-format" is useful and it doesn"t need any in-depth links to current research within pedagogy. Other presentation may be more of a pedagogical type.» (Quality standards are applied but vary)
- Jag tycker det är bra att ha MP som är till för "alla" som vill bidra och uppmuntra till deltagande. Sen vill jag se en session som håller hög vetenskaplig standard och är bidrag tänkta att publiceras i internationella journaler. Problemet är kanske att det inte produceras så många artiklar varje år från Chalmers sida. Men oavsett, en session med högre nivå.» (Quality standards are applied but vary)
- Good as it is now.» (Quality standards are applied but vary)
- Svårt är mellan 2-3. Det ska ju inte skrämmas bort potentiella föreläsare. Så vi måste hålla öppet men inte nagga på kvalitet allt för mycket. » (Quality standards are applied but vary)
- Some quality control is necessary - otherwise the audience (and the speakers) are just wasting their time.» (Quality standards are applied but vary)
- the current review process with feedback is very valuable!» (Quality standards are applied but vary)
- Keeping the standards high means better presentations/discussions at KUL, which means that more people are likely to attend and come back year after year...» (Quality standards are applied but vary)

Kursutvärderingssystem från