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Energy Systems Modelling –, from industrial to global scale, FENM110

Status: Avslutad
Öppen för svar: 2015-12-09 - 2015-12-18
Antal svar: 8
Procent av deltagarna som svarat: 100%
Kontaktperson: Niclas Mattsson»

General questions

1. What is your overall impression of the course?

8 svarande

poor»0 0%
fair»0 0%
good»2 25%
very good»6 75%

Genomsnitt: 3.75

- A good mix of literature seminaries, lectures, theory, modelling, assignments. » (very good)

2. Was the course announced in a timely fashion so you could plan your autumn semester?

8 svarande

no»0 0%
somewhat»1 12%
yes»7 87%

Genomsnitt: 2.87

- The workload was not clear before the first assignment. The implementation of the first assignment was very stressful. After the first assignment, it became possible to make a better timeplan for the rest of the assignments.» (yes)
- Although the different assignment required different amount of time, which would have help to know before hand. » (yes)

3. How well do the above learning goals reflect the content of the course?

You can find the learning goals in the Course PM here:

8 svarande

poor»0 0%
fair»0 0%
good»3 37%
very good»5 62%

Genomsnitt: 3.62

4. How well were the learning goals fulfilled?

8 svarande

poor»0 0%
fair»0 0%
good»4 50%
very good»4 50%

Genomsnitt: 3.5

5. How appropriate was the general course structure (lectures, literature seminars and modeling assignments)?

8 svarande

poor»0 0%
fair»0 0%
good»3 37%
very good»5 62%

Genomsnitt: 3.62

- Good mix of theory, discussions and applying the knowledge.» (very good)
- I would have wished some more scheduled time for getting on the right track with the calculations/modeling implementation. » (very good)

6. What is your general impression of the literature seminars (choice of literature and value of discussion)?

Feel free to comment on individual seminars in the comment box.

8 svarande

poor»0 0%
fair»0 0%
good»5 62%
very good»3 37%

Genomsnitt: 3.37

- Sometimes the articles were hard to grasp when you did not have an background. It would be good to get questions before(which we did in some cases) to know what to focus on. The explanation of marginal electricity for that seminar was very good to have before reading the articles.» (good)

What is your impression of the main blocks of the course?

7. Course introduction. Lectures: Energy modeling history, model classification and system boundaries (Fredrik Hedenus)

8 svarande

poor»0 0%
fair»0 0%
good»3 60%
very good»2 40%
Don"t know/did not participate in this block»3

Genomsnitt: 3.4

8. Lectures: Energy economics and energy in the process industry. Assignment: Retrofit options in a process industry (Matteo Morandin)

8 svarande

poor»0 0%
fair»1 16%
good»3 50%
very good»2 33%
Don"t know/did not participate in this block»2

Genomsnitt: 3.16

- It seemed as if Matteo did not really prepare for his lecture but just copied a (longer) lecture from a different course, which led to timing problems. Interesting topic nonetheless, even if I did not see why it should be included in a modelling course. » (fair)
- maybe not put in as much content in the lecture but discuss a few things in more detail - also discuss a bit on the basics to use for the assignment - not everyone had the background ready on how to start thinking about the assingment - maybe a short introtduction just for the assingment and tips on how to start solving it» (good)
- Interesting lecture! Although for me the part about energy economics didn"t added that much compare to the courses on the master program. » (good)

9. Lectures: Linear programming, shadow prices and advanced optimization techniques. Assignment: District heating in LPtown. (Niclas Mattsson)

8 svarande

poor»0 0%
fair»0 0%
good»0 0%
very good»8 100%
Don"t know/did not participate in this block»0

Genomsnitt: 4

- maybe seperate the introduction on how to use gams from the actual assingment a bit more» (very good)
- Very interesting assignment and questions! » (very good)

10. Lecture: System simplifications. Assignment: Electricity dispatch in southern Sweden using both a simulation and an optimization model (Lisa Göransson)

8 svarande

poor»0 0%
fair»0 0%
good»3 37%
very good»5 62%
Don"t know/did not participate in this block»0

Genomsnitt: 3.62

- i think it was userful to start with the assignment in the course and have possibility to discuss, but then it might be nice also to be able to have a look at it before the lecture, to get an overview of what we will be doing and start thinking a bit and not see it the first time and start right away» (very good)
- Very good! Although I would have liked more in-deepth questions on the assignment. The questions were somehow simple. » (very good)

11. Lecture: Endogenous learning (experience curves) in energy system models. Assignment: Investment model for electricity in southern Sweden with future uncertainty (Mikael Odenberger)

8 svarande

poor»0 0%
fair»0 0%
good»2 25%
very good»6 75%
Don"t know/did not participate in this block»0

Genomsnitt: 3.75

- i think it was userful to start with the assignment in the course and have possibility to discuss, but then it might be nice also to be able to have a look at it before the lecture, to get an overview of what we will be doing and start thinking a bit and not see it the first time and start right away» (very good)
- Very good! » (very good)

12. Lecture: Allocation of scarce resources and scarcity rents. Assignment: Global energy system modeling (Fredrik Hedenus)

8 svarande

poor»0 0%
fair»0 0%
good»5 62%
very good»3 37%
Don"t know/did not participate in this block»0

Genomsnitt: 3.37

- was a little bit hard to practically use concepts like scarcity rent in the model - maybe a bit more guidelines how to understand the model» (good)

A few final questions

13. What should be preserved for the next round of the course?

- All. Very good course.»
- The time slots for the lectures was good. There was enough time to complete the assignments in a satisfactory manner. This should be preserved.»
- different lecturers with different focus and concepts in their presentation and assignments a lot of practical work in the assignments to actively use what we learn»
- Almost all of it! »
- Number of assignments. Literature seminars.»
- The general structure and topics concerning modelling.»

14. What should be changed for the next round of the course?

- The communication after the assigned time was a bit of a problem. I did not receive answer to some of my emails when I got stuck with assignments. It might not be possible for everyone to come by personally to ask questions. It would be helpful if all the teachers are available on emails also.»
- for some of the assignments in the middle/end there was not a lot of time before the seminar»
- Better description of assignment questions (specially for assignment 5) Having more comment lines in the model code,e.g. to add units in the comments, helps students understand the model.»
- Perhaps have 4 hour hours without lunch break (either morning or afternoon). Add some scheduled time to get started with the calculations in assigment 1 and modeling implementation in the other assignments. »
- Timing between time consuming assignments and comparatively easy ones. Not so intense report writing but, instead, more discussions.»
- First lecture. Try to take into account more that not everyone is familiar with GAMS. Harmonize time budgets for different tasks. Ask questions in the tasks more clearly. »

15. Was the difficulty level of the course appropriate?

Please mention in the comment box if any individual elements of the course were significantly easier or more difficult than others.

8 svarande

too easy»0 0%
somewhat easy»0 0%
appropriate»7 87%
somewhat hard»1 12%
too hard»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 3.12

- It was some challenges but not something that could not be solved eventually.» (appropriate)
- Most of the elements of the course were at appropriate level. Assignments one and five were somewhat hard. But I got help from the related teachers. » (appropriate)

16. How useful was the course for your PhD research?

Please mention in the comment box if any individual elements of the course were significantly less or more useful for you than others.

8 svarande

not useful»1 12%
somewhat useful»3 37%
very useful»4 50%

Genomsnitt: 2.37

- Very usefull in a sence of general knowledge of the research area. Some parts of the course can absolutely be applied to my research.» (somewhat useful)
- Shadow prices, MIP, scarcity rent, the impact of adding constraints in the model and learning about the electricity system were very useful.» (very useful)

17. Additional comments (about anything)

- really interesting course :)»

Thank you for taking the time to help us improve the course!

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