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MPSYS Welcome Day 2014

Status: Avslutad
Öppen för svar: 2014-09-16 - 2014-09-26
Antal svar: 26
Procent av deltagarna som svarat: 28%
Kontaktperson: Knut Åkesson»

1. Did you attend the MPSYS Welcome Day?

If not, what was the the reason you did not attend.

26 svarande

Yes»26 100%
No»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 1

- Left after the second fika.» (Yes)

2. Describe what you appreciated most during the day.

- Getting forced to meet the exchange students»
- Spending time with fellow class mates and getting to know them better.»
- The quizwalk. It was nice to walk in groups of three and you get to know a new person.»
- The two group activities where we built different structures out of spaghetti/BBQ skewers.»
- all most Every bit of it but I enjoyed the riddles and the sport activities the most »
- Everything. Place, food, games, quizes.. In short Alla.»
- Everything was a great deal of fun, but especially the games posing actual engineering challenges (marshmallow challenge and the egg drop) were very fitting.»
- Gathering with a lot of people and getting new friends was the fundamental part for me. Strengthening bonds with older classmates were a bonus! »
- I appreciated the Marshmallow task, egg task and the outdoor activities more.»
- All the fun activities and that we got to switch groups all the time. »
- The weather! The construction exercises were also good.»
- The kind of games which are not just games but inspiring ideas to help you to overcome the difficulties that you may faced in your projects and even your whole life. »
- Fun activities, nice food, I really liked that it was a whole day event so we could really get to know each other»
- That we changed groups a lot, so that I got the possibility to introduce myself to a lot of people.»
- The games were fun, specially the spaghetti challenge. »
- Making new friends!»
- The food, the enviroment and the company»
- Getting to know my colleagues closer and 2nd year students.»
- There was a lot of fun activities and we were well fed.»
- That it was arranged at all! It was really a good initative and it made me feel appreciated by the program. All activities was really good for the prupose of getting to know new people.»
- quiz and brännboll»
- marshmallow challenge and the advice based on it.»
- the building of marshmallow tower and egg drop challenge, but of course mainly to meet and talk with my new classmates»
- Most? That is hard to tell. The weather. The people. The food. The games. »
- Meeting the other people (at lest those who attented) from the programme and of course the weather :)»
- the relaxed atmosphere. Nice games, fun.»

3. How can the Welcome Day be improved?

- More food, got hungry pretty fast »
- nothing.»
- Ending at 8 was a bit late - if you don"t live in the city centre or somewhere along tram 11:s route you won"t be home until 10.»
- It can be more fun it you pick different islands or even different things every year. not the sane island every year. »
- Its already perfect!»
- Informing the students earlier of the day will ease the planning for the students. Hyping the day via elder students is also a great tool. The activities during the day itself were really nice. Having a change with you could be nice for the dinner since the activities in the afternoon could get you worked up. Bathing should also be an option! »
- welcome day can be improved by creating more outdoor activities.»
- Since most people in the world know the football"soccer"rules I think organizing football match could be a good idea. »
- Not sure»
- Have activities where all people will be seen, in the quiz-walk everyone could have their saying since you were so few, but in the "brännboll" you disappear into the team. I think some people needs to be forced to talk to others to make new friends, and too big groups I don"t think help that. »
- Have it in week one.»
- More activities Not during week working days»
- Ta bort bindellekarna»
- 1.Adding more events»
- In my opinion it could be scheduled a little earlier.»
- More regulat activities like "MPSYS Lunch" at Zaloonen on one day each week or s.th... or any other regular activities during the first semester just to improove links between the students (we are a quite big course, it is very hard to get to know to all people)»
- Send out a schedule with some information how the day is about to be and which times stuff happen at»

4. Should we do the Welcome day for next year students?

26 svarande

Yes»26 100%
No»0 0%
No opinion»0

Genomsnitt: 1

- It is nice to meet many of the class" students so you can just sit next to one of them in lectures and get to know them more.» (Yes)
- yes, definitely» (Yes)
- YES. Absolutely, yes.» (Yes)
- It"s a great day and you can achieve so much with this day. Planting seeds in everybody for future group » (Yes)
- » (Yes)
- It was a nice way of getting to know new people.» (Yes)
- Of course!» (Yes)
- of course!» (Yes)

5. Are you willing to help organizing the welcoming of next year students?

If yes, you can write your email address in the comment field or just send an email to knut@chalmers.se.

26 svarande

Yes»8 50%
No»8 50%
Do not know»10

Genomsnitt: 1.5

- harle@student.chalmers.se» (Yes)
- mamadou@student.chalmers.se barkante@gmail.com » (Yes)
- joshin@student.chalmers.se» (Yes)
- sidhanti@student.chalmers.se» (Yes)
- mazin@student.chalmers.se» (Yes)
- Rasmuspalsson91@gmail.com but im not sure, ill have to see if i got the time later on, but send me an email.» (Yes)
- It depends on opportunities for a year abroad.» (Do not know)
- Depending on the time I"ll have next year, I"ll help! If this can"t be decided later this year then I will have to pass unfortunately.» (Do not know)

6. Other comments or suggestions

- The day was a good combination of thinking, physical activity and talking to people.»
- ... Another welcome day?»
- I can not really find words to thank you. »
- Thanks alot!»
- - see (3) - just two coffee breaks during the afternoon are maybe not enough ,-) - they offered gread food!»

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