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MPSES 2012-14

Status: Avslutad
Öppen för svar: 2014-05-30 - 2014-07-15
Antal svar: 20
Procent av deltagarna som svarat: 42%
Kontaktperson: David Pallarès»
Utbildningsprogram som genomför enkäten: Maskinteknik 300 hp
Klass: Övriga
Utbildningsprogram studenten tillhör: Maskinteknik 300 hp


1. Where did you take your Bachelor degree?*

20 svarande

Sweden - Chalmers (M)»11 55%
Sweden - Chalmers (K, Kf)»2 10%
Sweden - Chalmers (others)»0 0%
Sweden - another university»1 5%
Another EU country»5 25%
Another non-EU country»1 5%

Genomsnitt: 2.5

Programme information

2. From where did you get the most important information about the programme

20 svarande

(på denna fråga var det möjligt att välja flera svarsalternativ)

Presentation by Master Coordinator»9 45%
Another presentation, given at Chalmers»2 10%
Another presentation, given outside Chalmers»0 0%
Friends»2 10%
The web»13 65%
Other sources (please comment)»1 5%

- Presentation arranged by the master program and Marm together with Göteborgs Energi. » ()
- email conversations with David Pallares» (The web, Other sources (please comment))

3. To what extent did the official information about the programme influence your choice?

20 svarande

Notably, it was rather decisive in my choice»9 45%
Slightly, it helped partially in my choice»9 45%
Not at all, I had made up my mind already»2 10%

Genomsnitt: 1.65

4. What is your opinion on the offical information about the master programme when you applied?

20 svarande

Very poor»0 0%
Rather poor»1 5%
Neither poor nor good»1 5%
Rather good»16 80%
Very good»2 10%

Genomsnitt: 3.95

Programme goals

5. Have you in mind the goals of the Master Programme?

20 svarande

Yes, mostly»6 30%
A few of them»8 40%
Not really»6 30%

Genomsnitt: 2

6. Are the goals fulfilled within the programme?

You can check them out at http://www.chalmers.se/en/sections/education/masterprogrammes/programme-descriptions/sustainable-energy/learning-outcomes

19 svarande

No, not at all»0 0%
To some extent»4 21%
Almost»8 42%
Yes, definitely»7 36%

Genomsnitt: 3.15

Programme layout

7. What do you think of the programme curriculum?

20 svarande

Very poor»0 0%
Rather poor»0 0%
Rather good»13 65%
Very good»7 35%

Genomsnitt: 3.35

8. Is there any subject/course that you would like to add into the programme?

19 svarande

Yes (indicate which)»7 36%
No»12 63%

Genomsnitt: 1.63

- Design of Industrial Energy Equipment should perhaps be manditory » (Yes (indicate which))
- engineering CFD simulation» (Yes (indicate which))
- Some more close related computational courses should be able to make compulsory/compulsory. e.g. compressible flow, gas turbine technology, turbine machinery. » (Yes (indicate which))
- Microgirds, controlling and electrical subjects» (Yes (indicate which))
- Building technology - in a sustainable perspective. Not just HVAC» (Yes (indicate which))
- One, or a couple of courses where you can see, and experience more how engineering work is done in reality. Hands-on. » (Yes (indicate which))
- I think there should be an entire course on Renewable Energy investments and financing.» (Yes (indicate which))

9. Are there any courses that you think should either be heavily revised or even removed from the programme?

19 svarande

Yes (indicate which)»11 57%
No»8 42%

Genomsnitt: 1.42

- Sustainable Development» (?)
- Sustainible electric power systems (took the course in 2012 so it might have changed already)» (Yes (indicate which))
- HVAC should maybe not be compulsory. » (Yes (indicate which))
- HVAC It should be reformed to fit us better. A lot of it was just more or less repitition.» (Yes (indicate which))
- SEPS, HVAC» (Yes (indicate which))
- I think that the Heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems engineering should be made into a semi-compulsory course instead.» (Yes (indicate which))
- Sustainable Aspects of Transport» (Yes (indicate which))
- HVAC, TEK465 and VTM081» (Yes (indicate which))
- HVAC Engineering was too specific in my opinion to be a mandatory course.» (Yes (indicate which))
- HVAC» (Yes (indicate which))
- Revision of Heating ventilation and air conditioning systems. This course can be done so much better. Calculation tasks for the students and a general theory base to be able to solve the probelms would be nice. A better explanation of the course content in the beginning. A group-work or hand-in would be nice, to make sure that the knowledge is there.» (Yes (indicate which))
- CFD.» (Yes (indicate which))

10. Have you identified lecture field overlap between any courses?

20 svarande

Yes (indicate what and between which courses)»10 50%
No»10 50%

Genomsnitt: 1.5

- Sustainable energy Future and energy system modelling and planning.» (Yes (indicate what and between which courses))
- CFD for Engineers had overlapping time where they shouldn"t. » (Yes (indicate what and between which courses))
- Sustainable energy futures and sustainable development, too very high extent. » (Yes (indicate what and between which courses))
- The CFD for engineers course took up time outside its block hours. No lectures were overlapping but the huge project work which requires some help.» (Yes (indicate what and between which courses))
- Computional fluid dynamics and modelling and planning. Was not able to attent courses on friday´,s and missed one exercise during year 1» (Yes (indicate what and between which courses))
- Some slight overlaps in several courses but nothing major.» (Yes (indicate what and between which courses))
- Sustainable energy Futures and energy systems modelling and planning. Fields overlapp, but not lecture methods. Which means that I find both courses very good. » (Yes (indicate what and between which courses))
- Sustainable Energy Futures(really good course!) nearly similar content in Sustainable Development(moderate quality)» (Yes (indicate what and between which courses))

11. Have you experienced large differences in the difficulty level between obligatory courses?

20 svarande

Yes, very large»4 20%
Yes, rather large»7 35%
No, just as reasonable»9 45%
Not at all»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 2.25

- Sustainable development, HVAC (low) and calculation courses as DIEE (high)» (Yes, very large)
- I thought that the Heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems engineering course was too easy. Note that I remember them saying that it was a basic introductary course. But in the first lecture spending some time with explaining that if it is cold outside it will become cold inside really set the bar too low I think.» (Yes, very large)
- Heat and power system engineering (heavy) and HVAC » (Yes, very large)
- HVAC and SEPS had a quite low difficulty level. There is even more difference between the semi-manditory courses like DIEE and sustainible aspects of transport » (Yes, rather large)
- Hardly had to study for FFR170 and the theory part of VTM081, but had to put in much more of an effort at MEN115 and MEN120» (Yes, rather large)

12. Have you experienced large differences in the work load between courses?

19 svarande

Yes, very large»3 15%
Yes, rather large»11 57%
No, just as reasonable»5 26%
Not at all»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 2.1

- Heat and power system engineering (heavy) and HVAC » (?)
- Sustainable development, HVAC (low) and calculation courses as DIEE (high)» (Yes, very large)
- The CFD for engineers course was the one which stood out. The projects took a lot of time. » (Yes, very large)
- similar to the above answer » (Yes, rather large)
- The CFD course had a very high work load, and at the same time the Combustion course was quite difficult to handle at the same time. » (Yes, rather large)
- Computional fluid dynamics and design of energy equipment had a lot of workload compared to other all courses.» (Yes, rather large)
- Computational Fluid Dynamics meant a lot more work than most other courses, however only voluntary» (Yes, rather large)
- ESMP has to high workburden with all its projects» (Yes, rather large)
- Compulsory ones and non-compulsory.» (Yes, rather large)

Programme administration

13. What is your general impression of the programme direction by David Pallarès?

19 svarande

Very poor»1 5%
Rather poor»0 0%
Neither poor nor good»0 0%
Rather good»6 31%
Very good»12 63%

Genomsnitt: 4.47

14. What is your opinion on the administrative support provided by Johan Bankel?

18 svarande

Very poor»0 0%
Rather poor»1 5%
Neither poor nor good»5 27%
Rather good»10 55%
Very good»2 11%

Genomsnitt: 3.72

15. What is your general impression of the study orientation service provided by Pia Hepsevier?

19 svarande

Very poor»0 0%
Rather poor»1 5%
Neither poor nor good»3 15%
Rather good»1 5%
Very good»6 31%
Have not used it»8 42%

Genomsnitt: 4.89

Study climate

16. Did you feel welcomed by Chalmers and the staff at the master programme during your first days?

20 svarande

No, not at all»0 0%
To some extent»0 0%
Quite OK»5 27%
Yes definitely»13 72%
No opinion/did not attend»2

Genomsnitt: 3.72

17. How well has cooperation between you and your fellow students worked?

20 svarande

Very poorly»0 0%
Rather poorly»0 0%
Rather well»8 40%
Very well»12 60%

Genomsnitt: 3.6

18. Did you experience segregation between Swedish and non-Swedish students?

20 svarande

Yes, definitely»2 10%
Yes, to a too large extent»0 0%
Not much, but there was a litlle»8 40%
Not at all»10 50%

Genomsnitt: 3.3

- More between erasmus and master students. They do have different aim"s with their studies at Chalmers. » (Not much, but there was a litlle)
- The non-Swedish students were super nice and hard working.» (Not at all)
- We were a very good year.» (Not at all)

19. How satisfied are you with the opportunities to come in contact with teachers?

20 svarande

Not satisfied at all»0 0%
Not much satisfied»0 0%
Neither/not»1 5%
Rather satisfied»6 30%
Very satisfied»13 65%

Genomsnitt: 4.6

20. To what extent is your knowledge/competence from your bachelor degree sufficient to attend this programme?

20 svarande

Fully, no problems at all»12 60%
Notably»8 40%
Scarcely»0 0%
Not at all, I struggled a lot»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 1.4

21. To what extent has the use of English represented a hinder in your learning?

(consider both yours and lecturer"s English)

20 svarande

Fully, a lot is lost on the way»0 0%
Notably»0 0%
Scarcely»14 70%
Not at all, it does not make a difference»6 30%

Genomsnitt: 3.3

22. Who has been the main responsible for this language hinder in your case?

15 svarande

Mostly the lecturer, he/she couldn"t express himself/herself»4 26%
50/50»5 33%
Mostly I, I struggled with my English»6 40%

Genomsnitt: 2.13

- I am a fluent english speaker» (Mostly the lecturer, he/she couldn"t express himself/herself)
- Very different between different lecturers, some had no difficulties whatsoever, some struggled notably with english.» (50/50)
- To learn complex things in a foreign language are always harder than in your native language. Good exercise.» (Mostly I, I struggled with my English)
- In this case I must admit that it has been pretty hard later on when I have heard a word in Swedish (I am Swedish by the way) and I have thought "What is that" and then they say the english word and I understand directly. So personally I would like to have some more combined Swedish/English since I will probably work in Sweden later on as well.» (Mostly I, I struggled with my English)

Summarizing questions

23. What is your general impression of the programme?

20 svarande

Very poor»1 5%
Rather poor»0 0%
Neither poor nor good»0 0%
Rather good»6 30%
Very good»13 65%

Genomsnitt: 4.5

24. Considering your experience, would you choose this programme if you could turn back time?

20 svarande

No»0 0%
Probably not»0 0%
I would need to think more about it»2 10%
Probably yes»4 20%
Yes»14 70%

Genomsnitt: 4.6

- personal preferences changed» (I would need to think more about it)
- I have encountered other specific fields of interest that would have been easier to pursue studying other programmes. This however has nothing to do with the quality of MPSES» (I would need to think more about it)
- I would be more inclined to choose this course if there were more energy related finance/economics.» (Probably yes)
- It been a really nice program, some corses like SEPS and HVAC drags down the general impression. However really interesting, close connected to industy.» (Yes)
- Because it is fun to learn, to actively take part in group works and to feel that we will have a use for it in the future.» (Yes)

25. What should definitely be preserved in the Master programme?

- Sustainable energy futures»
- The technical approach of the environmental issues. This point of view in electricity production and heat generation is so important and interesting. Also how they are connected to the electricity grid are good. Over all the how the face the issues we are facing. »
- The freedom of choice between semi-compulsary courses.»
- David Pallares»
- Sustainable Energy Futures as the first course is a brilliant start to the programme. Keep it!»
- everything except for the Heating ventilation and airconditioning.»
- To start the programme with Sustainable Energy systems»
- The general structure of the programme with the including course.»
- the possibility to choose between different courses and even take some outside of the programme!»
- Power Market, Energy Systems, Energy futures, Policies and SEPS.»

26. What should definitely be changed in the Master programme?

- Sustainable electric power systems.»
- Be more specific about the semi-compulsory courses and add some more. »
- Maybe try with the industrial environment program to make both more specific. Make use of each other and have a clear point of view with the different tracks in the program. »
- Make the Heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems engineering semi-compulsary.»
- More semi-compulsary courses. Computional fluid dynamic should be semi-compulsory when considering the workload and content of the course. Modelling and planning should be re-structured in order to be interesting rather than focusing on workload. »
- The information about the Master Thesis work was good to start with. But, there was a lack closer to the presentations. It would be good if there was a forum where all presentations could be found. Is it not of the programmes interest to have people attending the presentations?»
- the Heating ventilation and airconditioning.»
- Do not preserve the semi-compulsary courses. Its better to change them to mandatory courses. »
- More compulsive elective courses in different study periods to chose from (or requirement to take only 2 instead of 4), so that planning is easier with the other free courese we can choose and they don"t overlap»
- HVAC, CFD and Life cycle assessment and sustainable development.»

Future plans

27. Was it difficult for you to find a suitable Master thesis?

20 svarande

Not at all»6 31%
Not really but It took some time»9 47%
Yes, it was not easy»4 21%
Yes, very difficult»0 0%
I dont know - I have not tried yet»1

Genomsnitt: 1.89

- I think it is harder for people from abroad to find a thesis within a company. Maybe Chalmers can give some support in creating contact with companies» (Yes, it was not easy)

28. What are your next intentions?

20 svarande

Job in industry (Sweden)»13 65%
Job in industry (abroad)»3 15%
Research (PhD)»1 5%
Further study (Chalmers)»0 0%
Further study (other)»0 0%
I"ll take a long time off»2 10%
I have not decided»1 5%

Genomsnitt: 2.05

29. Have you actively started to search an employment?

20 svarande

Yes»15 75%
No»5 25%

Genomsnitt: 1.25

30. Have you secured an employment?

20 svarande

Yes»5 25%
No»15 75%

Genomsnitt: 1.75

31. Do you intend to continue in the same area/field as the Master Programme?

20 svarande

Yes (forever)»5 25%
Yes (for the time being anyway)»14 70%
Probably not»1 5%
Definitely not»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 1.8

- Could not find job in this field, so I went to work for an Oil company in Norway.» (Probably not)

32. Do you at this point feel prepared for a professional career?

19 svarande

Yes»7 36%
Yes, but I still might need some training»11 57%
No, I definitely need some more training»1 5%
Not at all, I need much more training»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 1.68

Extra comments/suggestions

33. Finally, if you have some extra comment and/or suggestion about the Master"s programme, this is a good opportunity!

- MPSES class of 2014 rules! Really satisfied with the programe.»
- I know it"s a bit hard, but could be more clear about the exchange with Stuttgart. That it takes quite a long time and try to make the choices clearer so that it doesn"t take so much time when you get down here. »
- Thank you for this time David. You put a lot of effort in to improve the program and are concerned about the students, this definitely shows! Good job! »
- Not really, feel like I"ve gotten everything important out. Thank you for two good years.»
- Regarding the exchange with stuttgart and the future of it. Do not forget to ask the people doing the exchange before you decide on new conditions for future years. It might adventure the whole exchange.»
- Thanks to everyone here at Chalmers! It was a great experience! :)»
- Thanks for a great master programme. I happy with most of it :)»

* obligatoriska frågor

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