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Chalmers conference on teaching and learning KUL 2014

Status: Avslutad
Öppen för svar: 2014-01-15 - 2014-01-29
Antal svar: 59
Procent av deltagarna som svarat: 59%
Kontaktperson: Peter Folkow»
Utbildningsprogram som genomför enkäten: Chalmers

1. To what extent did KUL2014 reach its goals?

1=low, 4=high


- The mix of available ways of presenting made it easy for you to reach out with a suitable way of presenting!»
- I really enjoy KUL, I have got a LOT of inspiration and the discussions around coffetable, in lunch hall, in corridors have definately increased. It is inspiring to have it just before reading period starts although I will not be able to use or try all I want already now.»
- I år var det ganska lite om programutveckling vad jag kunde se. Kanske man kunde bjuda in några PA/MPA inom Chalmers för att få med fler bidrag om det.»
- Could have been more PA and MPA there regarding program development.»
- Det måste bli ett mycket högre deltagande för att målen ska anses väluppfyllda för flera lärare. Om vi viceprefekter kunde se deltagarlistor innan skarp deadline för anmälan till KUL kunde vi genomföra fler riktade puffar.»
- It is a bit questionable how formal the pedagogical qualification is due to participation/presentation at KUL, since there are no papers. To me it is however fine. It should not be mandatory to write a full paper.»
- I am not teacher so some of the questions are difficult to answer. I am not sure if I know.»
- What is meant by "arena for formal pedagogical qualification"?»

to promote collegial discussions on teaching and learning
59 svarande

0 0%
0 0%
14 23%
45 76%

Genomsnitt: 3.76

to give teachers an opportunity to receive feedback on their teaching
57 svarande

7 12%
17 29%
25 43%
8 14%

Genomsnitt: 2.59

to give teachers an accessible arena for formal pedagogical qualification
53 svarande

3 5%
10 18%
24 45%
16 30%

Genomsnitt: 3

to give a chance to exchange experiences of program development
56 svarande

0 0%
8 14%
32 57%
16 28%

Genomsnitt: 3.14

2. How would you like to improve the goals for KUL2015?

- The goals are fine as they are.»
- Much more focus in terms of analysis of teaching examples are needed. Just presenting teaching examples is not enough.»
- Maybe a bigger focus on strategy for future development of the pedagogy in the end»
- Higher level of faculty participation.»
- No opinion - I liked this year»
- Goals are fine as they are. However, I dont know if "receive feedback on their teaching" is so relevant. "Receive feedback on ideas" would be better! I would want an arena where I could come and ask for help, lets say I have heared about some active learning pedagogy and want to apply on my lectures, but I just dont know how or where to start. I would like to have a board/panel to approach with very specific problems and from them receive input. Im not asking for the "tools" but the application on my specific course/subject. »
- 1) Teaching and learning should be an area of advance such as life sciences and transportation. 2) Explicitly promote reflection on teaching and learning.»
- Focus more on practical aspects. More workshops/presentations on tips for your practical teaching.»
- Jag tror det tredje målet är att ställa för höga förväntningar på KUL.»
- Perhaps add a type of session where we can discuss issues we have with a course or our teaching in general. Right now we"re (only) focusing on what we think is good and what we like in our teaching and our courses. Therefore it would be good with an opportunity to also discuss problems with colleagues from other disciplines.»
- Somehow include what to do next, how to continuously improve over the whole year.»
- Målen är bra tycker jag.»
- The UOL and viceprefekt much be better to promote KUL to PA/MPA and teachers.»
- Jag tror inte att vi kan ge "feedback on teaching" på en konferens - däremot "feedback on teaching strategies". Det skulle också vara klädsamt och puffande i "rätt riktning" att starkare i målen tala om studenters lärande istället för bara lärares undervisning.»
- Varför inte ha mer formella konferenspapper, med proceedings etc, enligt samma stuk som på vanliga vetenskapliga konferenser?»
- Perhaps more focus open discussions? I thought it ran quite well though, so I don"t have too much more to add.»
- Even more time for group discussions.»
- Att stimulera problematisering av organiseringen av grundutbildningen/grundutbildningsprocessen, bl.a. ur ett genus/jämställdhetsperspektiv men med ett starkt integrerande i ämnen/kunskapsområden/pedagogik och kopplat till både genomströmning som studenters mående.»

3. Given your background and function at Chalmers, to what extent did you find KUL14 inclusive or not?

1=very exclusive, 4=very inclusive

58 svarande

1 1%
4 6%
21 36%
32 55%

Genomsnitt: 3.44 (bidrar till totalt genomsnitt/jämförelseindex)

- Inclusive? Meaning what??» (?)
- Very few of my colleagues attended. Very few PhD students attended. I suspect a few more would have attended if KUL had been promoted in our Weekly News... » (1)
- In these activities it is easy to get the impression that those who have seen the light are right and their task is to convinse the others. They may be right, but this is where inclusive gets tricky.» (2)
- All speakers referd to the crowd as teachers and administration personal, as a student I felt a little forgotten. » (3)
- If it is referring to the conference being relevant to me? » (3)
- Många bra initiativ styckevis men inte kopplat till ett "flow" för hela grundutbildningen.» (3)
- Good with the parallell sessions in smaller groups where it is easy to ask questions and discuss things.» (4)
- Jag är både gammal MPK och PA,så jag kände mig väldigt inkluderad. » (4)
- Jag uppmanade Per Stenström att vara med och prata om Flipping the calssroom. Han var det och nu är han väldigt positiv till KUL och uppmanar fler lärare att vara med. Jag tror att vi måste göra på det sättet för att få fler lärare att delta. Bra att det inte är alltför hög tröskel för ett bidrag. Inslagen måste vara relevanta för lärare för att de ska vilja vara med.» (4)

4. Where do you place KUL2014 on this scale?

1=very low quality content, 4=very high quality content

59 svarande

1 1%
7 11%
38 64%
13 22%

Genomsnitt: 3.06 (bidrar till totalt genomsnitt/jämförelseindex)

- Som jag förstår det så är inte KULs syfte att endast inkludera rigid forskning, utan att istället ha en lägre ribba för accept så att deltagarna alls vågar skriva» (2)
- I think the quality is alright for the intended audience and purpose.» (2)
- Felt like some of the content was fairly low quality. » (2)
- Quality -- matching what objectives?» (3)
- The second keynote destroyed some of the very good impression of the conference. Bad structure, unclear topic, bad presentation. The academic level was low. » (3)
- great keynotes» (3)
- The second session for all was to specific in one specific area. » (3)
- Det beror ju vad man menar med kvalitet. Men det var givande på flera olika sätt för mig. Tyckte speciellt att den första keynoten var givande eftersom den hade lärarnas motivation som ett så tydligt fokus. » (3)
- Too little was made available to the participants to be able to judge quality of parallel sessions they could not attend.» (3)
- Jag skulle ha föredragit samma stuk som det är på vanliga vetenskapliga konferenser.» (3)
- The second speaker wasn"t so exciting and I would like the sessions to be more in the middle of the day than in the end like it was now. » (3)
- One of the better conferences i have been attending» (4)

5. What is your main motive for attending KUL2014?

- networking,keynote speakers, »
- It gives inspiration and ideas for my teaching, and it is useful to meet colleagues from other departments.»
- Meeting colleagues that wants to discuss teaching. »
- Learning from peers on teaching methods, practices and examples.»
- Improve my own teaching/courses»
- Interest in teaching and course development»
- Meet new people, build networks, spread information about my work»
- Supporting colleagues and promoting discussions.»
- Lära mig av andra, få synpunkter av vad andra tycker om vad jag gjort, men framförallt få motivation till att själv skriva»
- Meeting other teachers/persons working with teaching and learning, and listen to and participate in discussions with these people.»
- Interesting topics. To present a paper.»
- To get ideas for my own teaching and to have a chance to meet with other in the faculty»
- Inspiration! New ways of thinking! Possibility to meet my colleagues and others in matters only relating to pedagogy and teaching. »
- General interest in teaching and learning»
- Inspiration - and I got it»
- To present my reseach project»
- To learn more about how teachers at Chalmers and Chalmers as organization approach pedagogical development and how they communicate about it.»
- To meet people involved in teaching, networking.»
- Meet other teachers.»
- learning networking become inspired»
- First time, came to check it out. I will be back, but not necessarily every year.»
- Intersting questions and debates»
- Getting an oriententation of the area»
- Man får en bild av vad som händer inom utbildningarna på KUL. Dessutom var jag nyfiken på eftersnacket om UKÄ-utvärderingen, eftersom jag ingick i projekt-gruppen.»
- Personal interrest in teaching and Engineering Education»
- Meeting, listening to, and talking to colleagues from all over Chalmers.»
- To learn more about what is currently happening at Chalmers in the education area. Meet people. Listen to interesting presentations. Get inspired...»
- Learn more about pedagogical questions»
- Get together with others and listen to interesting pedagogical examples.»
- Eftersom jag är UOL tycker jag att jag ska vara med. Dessutom alltid kul att se vad som pågår.»
- A good opportunity to see what is going on within education at Chalmers. Meeting collegues. Being inspired.»
- Learn more about teaching in Chalmers.»
- To develop my teaching and exchange thoughts and ideas»
- Självklart! En morot till mig själv att skriva och tala om det jag anser viktigt för lärande på Chalmers. »
- To share knowledge and ideas.»
- Update about the education, teaching och learning field. »
- Pedagogical development»
- orientera mig om vad som pågår»
- To learn more and to meet with other teachers.»
- Interest in the subject»
- Just started a teaching position at Chalmers, so for me it was an opportunity to meet people, get a feel for things happening at Chalmers, and take the time to chat with my colleagues»
- To get inspired and to meet colleagues»
- Important to send a signal within my own department that this is important.»
- To learn about interesting development at Chalmers. »
- Interested to discuss pedagogical issues »
- A good update and to get inspiration»
- I have not been to KUL before, and it was a valuable experience. »
- -Meet other teachers and discuss ideas. -Get new pedagogical ideas.»
- Att förstå Chalmers värderingar och synsätt i strävan för utveckling av grundutbildningen.»
- Meet teachers, hear about projects and thoughts at other departments. Get inspired!»

6. Which new thoughts for your own teaching have KUL2014 induced (if any)?

- The importance of key/threshold concepts.»
- Incorporate more of active learning in my courses.»
- A lot of inspiration regarding examination, and good contacts.»
- Try new things! Be transparent with what you are doing, and people around Chalmers are very eager to help eachother within the field of developing your teaching»
- Thoughts on difficulties with "phase" as a concept, and my description of the focus in oral examinations. I should try to emphasize the ability to reason even more, and put less stress on showing "the correct answer".»
- En hel del...»
- How to organize e-learning (both for separate courses and as a part of "normal" courses)»
- The first keynote taught me new things. She had an extremely well structured presentation, she took contact with many of us before the speach. »
- Nothing yet since this was my first conference but I will start to try out films as support for my students.»
- I have been inspired to identify "troublesome parts" (similar to the "phase problem" the second key note speaker talked about) and use modern media (inspired by Per Stenström and Per-Olof Aranäs) »
- Promote reflection in my teaching. Change lecture format from providing content to discussing content. Strive for inter-disciplinary courses.»
- To provide more digital on-line materials for students»
- I don´,t teach.»
- New thoughts on evaluation and examination.»
- to collect local data on what I improve to work more on troublesome concepts and find the key to the gate »
- To incorporate more student reflection into my courses. The flipped classroom is also a very interestng.»
- Too early to say.»
- I had some good discussions about reflection and this is something I definitely will work with in the future.»
- The need of a twofold linking of teaching and active learning in education.»
- Jag ska lägga in lite mer reflektion för min kandidatarbetesgrupp som börjar på tisdag. Ska ha några flera aktiva saker i en föreläsning som jag ska ha på torsdag. »
- To better map teaching goals to examination.»
- Lots, including how to incorporate more active learning.»
- Jag ska leta upp tröskelbegreppen på kurs och programnivå och se om jag kan få kollegorna att diskutera hur vi gemensamt ska underlätta för studenterna. Jag ska försöka använda PingPong ännu mera effektivt, med inslag av "flipped classroom" inklusive obligatoriska quiz innan man dyker upp på mina föreläsningar - där fokus ännu mera kommer att läggas på diskussion kring tröskelbegrepp.»
- Many different. It is good to see other possibilities in teaching, that I may adopt.»
- I don"t teach »
- It would be too time-consuming to write here.»
- Online/e-learning possibilities»
- There´,s so much more to try, it´,s fun and it takes a while before it will be a "success"»
- No new thoughts about my own teaching, but I got more general inspirational views from others, and got confirmed about some good practices. »
- -Electronic feed-back systems like "socrative.com" -Would like to try and "flip the classroom" more. »
- Inte en ny tanke men stärkt i tanken om hur viktigt det är med progression i tanken på hur utbildningen organiseras - också för itegration av perspektivfrågor som t.ex. genus - alltså att "lösningen" inte är en kurs i t.ex. Genus och teknik»
- Develop the working forms during exercise sessions (övningar).»

7. Have you been inspired to write a paper on teaching and learning yourself?

56 svarande

Yes»35 62%
No»21 37%

Genomsnitt: 1.37 (bidrar till totalt genomsnitt/jämförelseindex)

- Perhaps» (?)
- This is not directly supported in terms of time and money from the department.-» (Yes)
- I had a paper with a colleague this year. » (Yes)
- I want to further investigate the student perspective on excellent teaching.» (Yes)
- already done so» (Yes)
- Recently I have been asked to direct a course and perhaps I can use a concept from my PhD studies. Some sort of action research could be possible, perhaps. » (Yes)
- Vi ska nog försöka skriva ett KUL-bidrag om vårt masterprogram till nästa år. (Det var inte min idé dock).» (Yes)
- Though not quite sure what yet!» (Yes)
- Men jag kommer att behöva en deadline och någon att samarbeta med för att det ska bli av!» (Yes)
- I have written before, but did get some pointers on how to increase to scientific value of the underlying studies» (Yes)
- Not for a while though. Need to settle into teaching first.» (Yes)
- Maybe » (Yes)
- But I will not pursue that, since I don"t have time.» (Yes)
- Yes, but do not have material for one. Hopefully in the future.» (Yes)
- I am still learning ....» (No)
- I"d rather spend my time developing courses than writing about it.» (No)
- I am a student now and not right now interesting in research at the moment» (No)
- I am not a teacher.» (No)
- I don"t teach (administrative staff) » (No)

8. What is your overall impression of KUL2014?

1=very poor, 4=very good

59 svarande

1 1%
2 3%
27 45%
29 49%

Genomsnitt: 3.42 (bidrar till totalt genomsnitt/jämförelseindex)

9. Suggestions for improvement in KUL2015 and other comments

- korta presentationer som alternativ till presentationer (inte ett sökbart format) plus att ha kvar pecha Kucha som sökbart. En kort och en lång keynote. den korta kan vara nationell och den långa (i tid) internationell»
- MAccording to me the keynote-speakers were not spot on this year. Cynthias talk was mostly suitable for CLC, not so much for the ordinary staff. Jonte was a bit confusing, not very clear. »
- Need to inform all teaching staff at Chalmers about the event (the information has not reached every teacher). Need to get a clear indication from Chalmers management what the goals for Chalmers are in the future in the are of education. More guest speakers. Not many contributions from EER at Chalmers/GU. Why? Aren"t we supposed to learn from EER? They are experts.»
- Live streaming of sessions»
- The information mails before KUL were a bit dizzy and many mails came with information, hard to read it all through etc...»
- Work harder to get more teachers to attend.»
- Bra jobbat, programledningen!»
- No»
- Guest-lecturers that have been using different teaching techniques »
- I find it difficult to really grasp what each session actually covers even though the program has a short abstract on each speaker. Those could be better written! Sometimes I would like to change rooms within the session but I dont dare to do that. For sesssions divided into two halves, I would appreciate if doors could be opened for a few min allowing ppl to move between sessions. I am already looking forward to next KUL!! »
- Make the keynotes more active (or How can we promote active learning and excellent teaching when the keynotes are so boring!). One way would be to give the keynote speaker the following template to adhere to: 1) Pecha kuche to introduce topic 2) Peer-to-peer interaction among participants (breaking the ice) 3) Pecha kuche to introduce topic / reflect on previous pecha kuche 4) Activity - speed dating / forming groups based on experiences or roles or attitude towards teaching concepts (breaking the ice) 5) Pecha kuche to introduce topic / reflect on previous presentation 6) Discussion/questions»
- Continue with great keynotes - Peter Robinson next?»
- Tyvärr är det Jonte Bernards föreläsning som drar ner mitt betyg på årets KUL.»
- I really enjoyed the different types of sessions: Petcha Kucha, Panel, presentation, workshop , roundtable- Keep all of them! I attended a workshop during the last session and tha really kept me awake! :-)»
- I"m not so sure about pecha kucha... But perhaps having an open type of session where people who want to do a play, a demonstration, or something novel would be interesting!»
- I think it is great with such a conference and I really felt a lot of energy in the rooms, but there is one problem. Once back in your daily environment it is difficult to conserve this energy and take the next step. I do not know how to improve this, but it would be great if there was a way»
- Pecha kucha var bra. Behåll det! Det är bra med en variation i formerna på sessionerna. Jag tyckte det blev bra diskussioner i de sessioner jag var med i. Keep up the good work! Vi borde göra datumet känt för de administrativa cheferna & prefekterna så att det inte krockar med institutionsdagar etc som det gjorde i år för BoM. Det var synd!»
- Lotsa in fler att delta och presentera. Ge några exempel på "bra" bidrag enligt kriterierna, och visa varför de bedömdes som bra. Vi måste sänka tröskeln för att våga bidra med bra presentationer - inte sänka kvalitetskrav, men sänka obehaget och "snobbkänslan" som jag tror att vissa lärare känner - och därmed avstår.»
- It was strange with a moderator at the round-table discussions. Isn"t it the person calling for that discussion that has the best idea of how it should be done? Drop that moderator.»
- Choose keynote speakers carefully»
- I would like the sessions to be more in the middle of the day than in the end like it was now. I think it is enough with one keynote speaker »
- A more formal feedback arena on teaching activities»
- better invited guests, maybe a bit shorter day keep the different types of interactions and the outline with paralel sessions»
- Have shared some of my experiences and new ideas with other colleagues at my division and they want to try it out in their teaching as well. To me, that is a sign of success when the ideas spread outside of the people involved in KUL.»
- Kanske att utmana ingenjörskunnande och nyttiggörande av tekniskt kunnande med kritiskt tänkande, kunskapssyn, bildning, mening, människoorienterad utveckling... »
Genomsnitt totalt för detta stycke: 2.84

Genomsnitt totalt för alla frågor: 2.84
Beräknat jämförelseindex: 0.67

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