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REMi Project Industrial Ecology Master programme

Status: Avslutad
Öppen för svar: 2008-05-08 - 2008-06-15
Antal svar: 30
Procent av deltagarna som svarat: 46%
Kontaktperson: Giorgia Nervi»
Utbildningsprogram som genomför enkäten: Chalmers
Klass: Övriga

General student information

1. Previous to enrolling in the Industrial Ecology Master Programme, which kind of educational background did you hold?*

30 svarande

environmental engineering»5 16%
environmental sciences»2 6%
other engineering background»19 63%
other natural science background»4 13%
other»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 2.73

- Physics + Electrical Engineering» (other engineering background)
- Chemistry» (other engineering background)
- engineering physics» (other engineering background)
- My background was on Industrial Engineering» (other engineering background)
- general engineering education » (other engineering background)
- Engineering physics» (other engineering background)
- Physics» (other engineering background)
- Physics» (other natural science background)
- Geology» (other natural science background)

2. Concerning your graduation, what is your current status?*

30 svarande

I have graduated from the IE Master Programme»22 73%
I have not yet graduated from the IE Master Programme»8 26%

Genomsnitt: 1.26

3. If you have not graduated yet, what is your current situation?

8 svarande

I am still active, I have the thesis or some courses left»5 62%
I am not active, I have just the thesis left»2 25%
I am not active, I have just a few courses left»0 0%
I am not active, I have the thesis and some courses left»1 12%

Genomsnitt: 1.62

4. In case you have not yet graduated and are no longer an active student: are you planning to complete your studies at the Industrial Ecology Master programme in the future?

3 svarande

Yes, I about to restart»2 66%
Yes, but not in the short run»0 0%
No»0 0%
Not sure»1 33%

Genomsnitt: 2

5. Have you obtained any other educational diploma after your graduation from the Industrial Ecology Master programme?*

30 svarande

No»25 83%
Yes, in a closely related field»1 3%
Yes, in a partly related field»2 6%
Yes, in a completely different field»2 6%

Genomsnitt: 1.36

First employment

6. How long did it take for you to find the first employment that was relevant to the education received during the Industrial Ecology Master programme?*

A position as PhD student is also considered as an employment.

30 svarande

immediately or even before graduation»10 33%
up to three months after graduation»6 20%
three to six months after graduation»5 16%
more than six months after graduation»0 0%
I have not had yet such an occupation»9 30%

Genomsnitt: 2.73

7. Where was it located?

21 svarande

in Sweden»11 52%
in your home country (if you are not Swedish)»7 33%
in another country»3 14%

Genomsnitt: 1.61

Current employment

8. Please indicate the share of time (in between graduation and today) that you have spent working on a job relevant to the education received during the Industrial Ecology Master programme.

A position as PhD student is also considered as an employment.

24 svarande

100%»13 54%
75%»3 12%
50%»2 8%
25%»3 12%
0%»3 12%

Genomsnitt: 2.16

9. If you are working, in which sector are you currently employed?

(e.g. industry, own business, consultancy, university, research institute...)

(på denna fråga var det möjligt att välja flera svarsalternativ)

- University»
- university research»
- PhD»
- Governmental»
- Currently Ph.D Just finished Management Consulting/Strategic Advisor for home government climate change secretariat»
- Consultancy»
- University»
- Industry: Oil and Gas. »
- work for the government»
- industry »
- industry/university (industrial PhD)»
- power distribution»
- Governmental agency»
- University»
- food chains»
- research institute»
- Industry»
- University»
- building sector»
- Research institute»
- university»
- I worked with LCA on a industrial research institute during the summer between the courses and the thesis (2 months).»
- waste management industry»

10. What is the size of the company or organization you are working for?

22 svarande

small to medium sized (< 200 employees)»5 22%
large sized (> 200 employees)»17 77%

Genomsnitt: 1.77

11. In which role are you currently working?

(e.g. R&D, sales...)

- Lecturer»
- associate researcher, awaiting for funding for PhD research»
- PhD»
- Environmental coordinator»
- Current PhD»
- Sales, LCA, ISO, »
- PhD student»
- Commercial Operations Manager`»
- analyst »
- quality, security and environmental management»
- R&D»
- trainee»
- Programme manager for energy R&D»
- Research»
- I work as Food systems analyst»
- research fellow»
- Dirver for sustainable food production»
- As a PhD»
- projects»
- applied research projects»
- LCA researcher.»
- operation manager»

12. Is your current activity related to the Master education in Industrial Ecology?*

30 svarande

almost completely»17 56%
partially»11 36%
not related»2 6%

Genomsnitt: 1.5

13. Where are you currenlty located?*

30 svarande

in Sweden»19 63%
in your home country (if you are not Swedish)»6 20%
in another country»5 16%

Genomsnitt: 1.53

Evaluation of Chalmers Master programme education

14. To what extent do you think the Industrial Ecology Master programme education has contributed to your career and professional growth?*

30 svarande

it was fundamental»17 56%
it contributed partially»13 43%
it did not play a key role»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 1.43

15. Please state some of the most positive aspects of the Master programme in Industrial Ecology*

- Group activities, study visits, hand-ins»
- broad knowledge basis, closeness to research environments, valuation of cross-disciplinary curiosity and involvement, forward-looking.»
- globally relevant topic - very aktuell, professionally organized and taught»
- The multicultural aspect and the engagement and ethusiasm from both students and teachers.»
- For me, it tied together many vague notions I had about the world and gave me an outlet to apply my full set of skills. Also, the full range of international students was great!»
- The system perspectiv thinking»
- a lot of good teachers nice to meet people from so many different countries up to date education»
- The approach of ecology both on a technical and political views was very valuable for me. The mixed of nationality was extremely interesting, it gives a real approach of how the environmental problems and solutions have to be treated on a world perspective! and it was also a lot of fun!!»
- team work»
- Problem solving oriented, great teaching staff, awesome services. »
- good overall knowledge in environmental related subjects, some of the teachers were very good, good atmosphere among students»
- I got a good feeling of a come-on-guys-lets-get-out-there-and-save-the-world spirit.»
- team working, presentation, discussion of fundamental challenges, seeing the whole picture »
- * It gave me knowledge in a concrete area where a felt that I could contribute. * International environment/students »
- a basic understanding »
- I learnt the meaning of system perspective in sustainabel development»
- First having a good technical knowledge of environmental problems related to climte change, water resources, land use. Having teachers that were well connected with the issues. Focus on the practical and technical side of the resource and waste flows in society.»
- Studying in a freing lenguage, having an holistic and systemic approach. dealing with people from all around the world. All these things were very positive»
- international experience, systems perspective thinking, broad coverage of sustainability studies»
- Great multi-cultural environment Working with great supervisor on my thesis Great professors wellknown in their fields »
- A good overwiew of environmental research and strategy Good lecturers Several projects working in groups and presentations»
- general ecolgy, environment international»
- »
- I loved the close relationship between the students and the lecturers. The cordinator was wonderful.»
- Good opportunity to generate knowledge on many new concepts and current issues»
- the future issues approach»
- Project work, presentations»
- good mix of courses, mostly good quality of the content and teachers. Björn Sandéns course in technical development was, if not the most practically applicable in the industry, probably the best course I have read. (a comment to q.14: I hope and believe that I will work with environmentally related issues, but Im not sure that it will be so on my first job.)»
- experience, new things»
- Gives a global insight of the key issues for the future. Provides tools that are relevant for companies that are willing to improve their environmental load. »

16. Please state some important aspects of the Master programme in Industrial Ecology that you think should be changed*

- Some old teaching styles»
- none»
- better show the red line that holds the programme together, the relevance between the courses»
- I would like to see a closer colaboration between the Master programme and the industry ("Industrial ecology"). »
- As a full engineer, the technical subject matter was fairly easy and I was hungry for more, but I found the cross cutting subject matter extremely helpful. It"s always a tough balance I guess.. seeing as it was an amazing experience for me and many of my colleagues, perhaps a slow "kaizen" approach is best.»
- The course in LCA and environmental tools could be more positive, and more focust on explaining the environmental burdan etc. Fore me, right now, environmental work = information.»
- environmental management could be taken off the program more group work to get to know eachother better »
- Globally I am quite happy with the Master of IE. Don"t see essential things to change...keep it international!»
- more practical»
- Applied Industrial Ecology: only the first two quarters then use that hours for another class, more technical. More technical classes. Environmental Management was the biggest waste of time ever. »
- more connection to engineering, more modelling and more depth in courses (the overall work load is way lower at IE than in my previous studies so I think that more things can be put into the program). »
- It needs a bit more "spetskompetens". To me it felt like I got the same education in sustainable development as every other Chalmers student, just a little bit more.»
- nothing I could think of»
- * Ensure that the programme stays international with at least 60% non-swedish students »
- more connected to industry/firms»
- nothing that I remember»
- A little bit more career guidance and a little more on renewable energy technologies (although I think this is now included since I started in 2005). »
- do not know what should be changed»
- The LCA module was as long as the entire Applied IE module (which included MFA, IOA etc) but remained too much at the theoretical level. I feel that tools like LCA deserve a more practical approach (see also question 17).»
- Course "science of environmental change" »
- Could be more business and organisational perspective»
- too general sometimes some courses are telling the same»
- »
- More emphasis is being placed on only developed countries»
- Maybe there is too much talking in generalities. I prefer a learn-by-doing way.»
- Maybe it should have more applied tool courses, maybe now that is two years long the industrial ecology applied tools course can be extended»
- More practical education, not many guest lectures»
- it should be encuraged to arrange company vissits instead of presentations in the seminar course (but the seminars are, at least sometimes, interesting so Im not sure that they should be replaced totally.)»
- Environmental Management should be changed, the topics at least»
- For people who are bound to work for private companies in the future it would be interessting to spend more time on economic sciences related to the environment.»

17. Over the duration of the Industrial Ecology Master programme, were subjects covered well? Was there anything that you missed or lacked?*

- Some foundamental physics knowledge»
- Excellent. »
- in some areas i lacked the latest "news", what is happening in that topic in/outside the academic world - to find the IE hot spots. but in general subjects were covered very well.»
- Over all, subjects were covered well. Perhaps you could foucus more on practical tools in several different topics.»
- I thought it was good. Covered most aspects of sustainability.. maybe only a cursory examination of water issues»
- LCC = Life cycle cost, EPD = environmental produkt declaration.»
- No I do not think so»
- I think for the time that was available, the topics were pretty well covered. At least it me gave ideas of which topics I"d like to look further into.»
- mathmatics»
- More technical aspetcts of renewable energy production. »
- Yes, the subjects were covered well. I think it might be hard to go into industry after the program since IE seems more steered into the type of things you need for research and phd positions. »
- I wanted to learn more about the recycling industry. There was a bit too much repetition. Especially of the parts you hear so much about today, e.g. what every person can do to reduce their co2 emissions and energy consumption (turn of the light when they leave the room, unplug the electric devices running on stand by...). Things like that is good to know, but it can be too much.»
- good structure: courses of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th etc quarter were based on knowledge from the 1st quarter»
- not really»
- the connection to existting firms»
- No, it was a good mix of different subjects that covered the field in a good way.»
- I think all subjects were coverd ver well. Maybe a bit more could have been done on EU policy related to industry, transport and buildings so that students can think about what policy recommendations they might make to the EU from an Industrial Ecology perspective. I am not sure if T.S. covers that kind of thing sufficiently.»
- do not know»
- I sometimes lacked more in depth presentation of(especially practical training with) some tools (economic tools from the Policy instrument module and tools from the Applied IE module and LCA, see qu. 16). But in the allocated time I don"t think it would have been possible to really develop this practical part.»
- YES, NO»
- Could be more business and organisational perspective»
- information about building element: environmentally friendly construction elements»
- »
- Yes»
- I expected more information on practical issues like how the theories work in the real industries. However, all the guest lectures are quite general and do not have much introduction on the actions.»
- maybe it need to have a research methodology course»
- All subjects covered well.»
- Nothing commes to mind.»
- covered well»
- see question 16»

18. Generally speaking, how satisfied do you feel regarding the education received at the Industrial Ecology Master programme at Chalmers?*

Please, state why below.

30 svarande

very satisfied»19 63%
satisfied»10 33%
not very satisfied»1 3%
completely unsatisfied»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 1.4

- very very very satisfied, it gave me a broad basic knowledge of the wide area of IE, and allowed me to plan my future working in the field that I always wanted to work in.» (very satisfied)
- Thank you!! » (very satisfied)
- Very satisfied and very impressed with the Industrial Ecology concept and the people connected to the course itself. Well done Ulrika and John!» (very satisfied)
- As expressed in qu. 16 and 17, I sometimes a lacked practical approach. But I am aware that time was limited. Therefore I definitely am very satisfied with the broad overview of sustainability issues, concept and tools I was confronted with. I liked how these subjects were taught too. And I could use it right away in my professional life. In relation to qu. 16-17, I actually consider the master thesis and my first weeks/months of professional activity as the true practical part of the studies.» (very satisfied)
- A good overwiew of environmental research and strategy Good lecturers Several projects working in groups and presentations » (very satisfied)
- Overall good, but the program can be speeded up a bit.» (satisfied)

* obligatoriska frågor

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