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Evaluation of outgoing exchange students 2013

Status: Avslutad
Öppen för svar: 2013-06-03 - 2013-06-30
Antal svar: 70
Procent av deltagarna som svarat: 41%
Kontaktperson: Lovisa Aijmer»

1. My field of study*

70 svarande

Architecture (A )»9 12%
Architecture and engineering (AT)»3 4%
Electrical engineering (E)»0 0%
IT engineering (IT)»5 7%
Civil engineering (V)»7 10%
Computer engineering (D)»3 4%
Industrial engineering and management (I)»16 22%
Design engineering (TD)»4 5%
Mechanical engineering (M)»11 15%
Automation and mechatronics engineering (Z)»4 5%
Physics (F)»3 4%
Engineering mathematics (TM)»0 0%
Chemical engineering (K)»2 2%
Bio engineering (Kb)»1 1%
Chemical engineering with physics (Kf)»2 2%
Affärsutveckling och entreprenörskap»0 0%
Sjöubildning»0 0%
Högskoleingenjör (H)»0 0%
Other»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 6.77

- Maskin från h - sektionen » (Mechanical engineering (M))

2. Exchange programme*

Please state which exchange programme you are accepted in

70 svarande

Norden/Nordplus»0 0%
Nordic 5-Tech»0 0%
Double master degree»6 8%
Erasmus»37 53%
World wide»22 31%
Unitech»4 5%
Terzio (Högskoleingenjör /Affärsutv)»0 0%
Don"t know»1

Genomsnitt: 4.34

- Jag skall inte åka på utbyte till hösten» (Don"t know)

3. What are your main reasons for applying to an exchange programme?

- Open up for an international career.»
- I think it will be a good experience, both personally and education wise.»
- Moving abroad»
- To learn new cultures and a third language.»
- To get more experience as an international student and develop my knowledge by being in different situations.»
- Getting an invaluable life experience without going broke.»
- Wanted to study in an english speaking country.»
- Experience»
- To add international experience to my education and to take advantage of chalmers" contact network to meet a new culture and learn a new language.»
- Det verkar spännande och roligt att åka iväg. Också bra när man ska söka jobb.»
- I think its going to be a good experience and I think its going to be very fun»
- Getting international experience and experience from another university, and improving my cultural awareness.»
- För att utvecklas som arkitekt och höja kvaliteten på min utbildningsperiod samt att generellt skaffa mig specialkunskaper som gör mig mer eftertraktad på arbetsmarknaden.»
- Jag vill ha en internationell karriär och utbytesstudier är ett bra första steg mot detta. Jag tror dessutom att man växer mycket som person av att vara utomlands i ett år. »
- Interesting, and it opens new opportunities in the future. Explore a new country, culture and language. »
- I want to get international experience, learn new things and get to know new people.»
- För att det är kul och för att det ger en inblick i andra kulturer samt att det förmodligen kommer öka mina chanser att få ett jobb senare. »
- Life experience and a new environment»
- International experience»
- Exciting experience Study at a different place Development of a foreign language»
- Cultural exchange and learning new languages.»
- Develop myself, learn languages»
- Career opportunity»
- To learn the language and meet new cultures.»
- The experience I"m conviced it will bring»
- I want to experience life and studies in another country.»
- Want to go abroad»
- New experience and the double master degree part»
- Getting valuable experience from studying in a foreign environment. »
- Great experience»
- For the experience.»
- New experiences, change of environment »
- New fun experience »
- Jag ville hålla alla "dörrar" öppna för hösten »
- Erfarenheter, både av skolkunskaper och livserfarenhet av allt utanför skolan »
- Intressant. Det är en i raden av viktiga erfarenheter att ha inför yrkeslivet.»
- Get new experience»
- Erfarenhet genom utbytet och roligt»
- Experience and language skills »
- learn english»
- Finished my courses here in combustion, wanted to specialize in controls»
- I want to see something outside Chalmers and Gothenburg and I also wanted to get a chance to learn another language fluently.»
- To get international experience»
- I wanted to try a new culture. Try to start from scratch, living in a whole new country knowing noone and nothing. Exciting to leave a city you"ve lived in your whole life.»
- It"s interesting and growing for my person. It"s a good and cheap way to get to see the world. I don"t have to sacrifice any time from my studies. I get to know people from other countries in a natural way»
- Att få resa och uppleva andra kulturer. Få ett uppehåll från Chalmers.»
- Wanna see a new culter, live abroad, learn the language better. »
- experience»
- Vill utomlands och uppleva annan kultur och öva språk.»
- Experience a different school and expose myself to other cultures. An invaluable opportunity!»
- Fun»
- I utbytet ingår praktik vilket jag tycker är bra, och det känns väldigt skönt att få lite omväxling. »
- För att jag vill bo och studera i ett annat land ett tag, få möjligheten att lära mig ett annat språk ordentligt och uppleva en annan kultur.»
- Get a new experience and try to live abroad»
- A great chance to see the world.»
- för att få bredare erfarenheter»
- The possibility to widen my network through cross-cultural intercations»
- Experience a differenct culture and study environment»
- Jag ville utveckla mina språkfärdigheter och uppleva något annorlunda.»
- Fun experience, being abroad for half a year, Italy is a nice country, new language... »
- Experience, adventure»
- Seems like a good experience for life. Seems fun. Been at Chalmers more or less all the time for 3 years, want to experience something different.»
- to get experience and contrasting views thorough academy and hopefully professional life.»
- new perspectives on architecture. fun»

4. What are your main reasons for choosing your study destination?

- I find China one of the most interesting places in the world at the moment both economical, architectural and socially.»
- A university where the education is at least as good as Chalmers. »
- Language»
- Nice city within my preferred language region.»
- It has a completely different context and society from Sweden.»
- To learn from a different culture»
- The country is english speaking as well as having a good reputation. »
- Language and quality»
- I like the language, the food and culture and have always wanted to live there.»
- Spännande land och kultur. Även spännande att få ta hand om ett kontor där (taiwan).»
- The chance of accepting a nomination form Chalmers based on my grades.»
- The opportunity to strenghten my english skills.»
- Hög kvalitet, gott rykte, hård utbildning»
- Jag kan språket sedan tidigare. Dessutom finns det bra universitet inom mitt studieområde.»
- Shanghai is the new "land of dreams"»
- Coincidence. »
- Jag gillar USA. UW i Seattle är en bra skola och det ligger i ett område med goda möjligheter till skidåkning och klättring, två stora intressen. »
- Seems more fun»
- The school»
- Knowledge in specific foreign language and recommendation from friends.»
- Want to learn German.»
- Good school, nice town, near coast and nice weather »
- Co-op between the schools»
- To learn the language and meet new cultures.»
- Recomendations from former exchange students»
- The country is a personal favourite country.»
- Reputation of school and location»
- It was the one offered»
- Good reputation and skilled in the fields of technology and management with close proximity to industry. »
- The language»
- Fun, different, good school, and many new experiences.»
- University reputation, selection of courses, geographical location»
- I have studied the language »
- Jag ville utveckla språkfärdigheter och vet på samma gång att Schweiz är ett land där man är duktig på att konstruera broar och tunnlar »
- Bott i landet tidigare, kan språket, dessutom är det en attraktiv stad i mitt tycke»
- Nytt intressant område där den ekonomiska expansionen är enorm.»
- Good school»
- Annorlunda inriktningar emot chalmers, kan läsa kurser där som ej finns på Chalmers samt att utveckla mina språkkunskaper. »
- Language »
- learn english»
- Took ETH zurich as they are the best in controls»
- I want to learn to speak Spanish fluently and get to know the Mexican culture»
- It is a good and well known school»
- Good schools, great technological development the last decade, and also an exciting country.»
- There was a place. China is a exiting country. »
- Det var inte så många att välja på med de betyg jag hade, men framförallt valde jag Argentina på grund av att jag har läst språket och jag tycker att kulturen verkar avslappnad.»
- The language and the nice city. »
- learn the language»
- Speaking german.»
- Have only heard fond things about Australia and want to live there for a while. Also a good school!»
- Reputation, location»
- Jag har en del familj i tyskland och har alltid velat jobba där. »
- Att jag inte bott där tidigare, landets språk och att det ligger långt bort. Och såklart att landet verkar ganska ballt!»
- The language and the culture»
- The language and the climate.»
- Då jag hört mycket bra om skolan och landet»
- Scool reputation and geographical location»
- Connection to preferable subjects»
- Asien är ett spännande område som utvecklas väldigt mycket. »
- Italy is warmer, I like the people, the food, the atmosphere, close to other locations I want to visit. »
- Culture, language, city»
- The population is known for being good English speakers. I don"t want the language to be a barrier.»
- English as official language. school with high rank.»
- good school, different kind of school (art), love the city»

5. How did you find information about the exchange programmes?

You can choose several options

70 svarande

(på denna fråga var det möjligt att välja flera svarsalternativ)

Chalmers webiste»52 74%
Other website»2 2%
Chalmers information event in RunAn»23 32%
Fellow students»41 58%
Teachers»7 10%
I contacted an International coordinator at Chalmers»3 4%
Study counsellor (studievägledaren)»10 14%
The student union»2 2%
Other»4 5%
No opinion»0

- I stumbled upon it. Not promoted very well.» (Chalmers webiste)
- By email.» (Teachers, Other)
- I wanted to study abroad and naturally look at the options that Chalmers provided» (Chalmers webiste, Other)
- quite confident that chalmers had an exchange program» (Fellow students)
- Not very good information about the university. Still don"t know much. No folders, all websites in Chinese.» (Chalmers webiste, Other website, Fellow students)

6. If you went to the information event and fair in RunAn in October, please rate the event

1 is the lowet grade and 5 is the best. Please comment below!

69 svarande

1 2%
3 8%
14 38%
14 38%
4 11%
I did not attend»33

Genomsnitt: 3.47

- Informationen som gicks igenom hade jag redan tagit reda på för länge sedan med hjälp av Chalmers hemsida. Det kunde varit mer konkret information. Sedan hade jag uppskattat om det fanns före detta elever från de länder jag var intresserad av. Jag hade i och för sig väldigt höga förväntningar på mötet men det gav nästan ingen ny kunskap.» (2)
- I had already read the information on studentportalen and I did not think that the information event gave me any more information about the exchange programmes then the information on the homepage» (3)
- It was not relevant with the long information from people that had been on exchanges. It would be better with many people talking for just one or two minute about their exchanges. I missed to get information about the CITO office in Taiwan and about Asia Magazine since that are big parts of the exchange in Asia and were not mentioned. » (3)
- More student examples of exchange programmes, not focus too much on a specific example.» (3)
- ok» (3)
- Too informative and slow, should be more inspirative» (3)
- Kunde varit lite mer förberett. Man kanske hade kunnat ha ett separat möte per världsdel eller liknande? Överflödigt att lyssna på information som inte gäller en själv. » (3)
- I do not remember so much, I would have appreciated something more, like more knowledgeable people.» (3)
- Man fick veta mycket av det man ville. Det var lite jobbit med att alla utbytesprogram var samtidigt dock så viss information var inte relevant. » (4)
- It was very good» (5)
- Good and informative.» (5)
- Missed the info of the event» (I did not attend)

7. Please rate the information on student exchange in studentportalen

1 is the lowest grade and 5 is the best. Please suggest improvements

70 svarande

2 2%
7 10%
23 33%
28 41%
8 11%
No opinion»2

Genomsnitt: 3.48

- Checklists, both for the applicationprocess and then the actuall exchange. What documents are needed, what are the deadlines, grants, visas, insurances information about when the term starts(!).» (1)
- Studentportslen in general is a very bad source of information because its hard to orient yourself there and sometimes it"s really slow.» (1)
- Update which students who can apply to which schools. A bit confusing to search for spots just for my educational direction (M). Divide so that I can look only at schools that accept M.» (2)
- Fick reda på att vi kunde studera i München först när jag pratade i enrum med panne. Detta kunde man inte läsa om på studentportalen » (2)
- Standardize» (2)
- Information om de franska skolorna är knapp. » (2)
- skaffa bättre och mer engagerade utbyte kontakt personer. » (2)
- better, and valid links would improve. » (2)
- Not easy to find everything, like the "diaries" from former students etc. The student portal in general is messy, so it is partly that!» (2)
- more information which is specific for each country and university» (3)
- More handy links» (3)
- A bit more structure in the information and time horizons could be helpful.» (3)
- Verkar saknas lite information om man är försäkrad via skolan eller om man måste teckna egen försäkring. » (3)
- Överskådligt och bra. Dock lite dåligt uppdaterad sida! Vet att information om vissa utbyten uppdaterades efter att ansökningsperioden var slut...» (3)
- Information you need before for chosing where you want to study is good, but there"s not much help when you"re doing your application.» (4)
- Some information was not up to date, although that was quickly delt with after I emailed and asked about it.» (4)
- Jag tycker att det fanns oklarheter angående vilka utbildningsområden som respektive universitet är intresserade av. Vad ska man leta efter om man byter utbildningsområde när man börjar sin masterutbildning? Exempel:jag kommer att byta utbildningsområde när jag börjar min masterutbildning (byter från K till F). Ska jag då söka utbytesuniversitet som är intresserade av K- eller F-studenter? Och vilka andra studenter konkurrerar jag med då, K- eller F-studenter? Sådant hade varit bra att förtydliga i studentportalen.» (4)
- Perhaps more info about how to prepare for the application. » (4)
- Information about the amount of the Erasmus scholarship. Links to other scholarships, links to CSN documents.» (4)
- I think Chalmers should store what courses at Chalmers corresponds to courses at the applayable Universities that World Wide and Erasmus etc offers. That would have saved me a lot of time! » (4)
- Uppdatera den något bättre så att all information är relevant. Men det finns mycket matnyttigt och reseberättelserna är toppen, hoppas att det kommer fler nya!» (4)
- Really good, especially with the accessibility to trip reports from previous chalmerist"s» (4)

8. Those of you who submitted an application in MoveOn, please suggest improvements:

- Make which information that is needed more clear»
- Jag tror att jag tyckte att den var bra. Ibland var det svårt att hitta lämpligt utbildningsområde (o.s.v.) i rullmenyerna, men jag antar att det har att göra med att det ska vara en någorlunda internationell standard och att det inte går att utforma exakt som det ser ut på Chalmers. »
- Some questions were hard to know how to fill in. Examples would be good.»
- Not always easy to know which program you study since they have different names. Maybe the counsellor can help with that.»
- I can"t think of any suggestions.»
- The login procedure was not always functioning. I had to request a new password very several times, even though I typed the correct one. »
- Cant think off anything.»
- Ability to save in between»
- That you can"t choose three schools in the system when you really only should be able to apply for two schools.»
- messy»
- it was fine.»
- Det är svårt att förstå hur det man svarar kan påverka hur och vida man får åka iväg på utbyte. Ibland passar inte ngt alternativ in på det man vill skriva och kan därför bli missvisande. »
- Some part are a bit unclear. It is not allways easy to understand what is wanted.»
- Tydligare instruktioner (vad exakt ska man fylla i på respektive fråga!). Man blir väldigt förvirrad som student när man ska fylla i dokumentet. »
- I think it was easy and painless!»
- I think one mail mistakenly got marked as spam by google. Perhaps the mail server is not setup correctly?»
- info should be coordinated on different webpages. for instance the name of the pdf:s appeared different in all the four-five places i saw it.»

9. Please rate the service and support you get from your coordinator at Chalmers

1 is the lowest grade and 5 is the highest

70 svarande

6 9%
6 9%
17 26%
22 34%
12 19%
No opinion»7

Genomsnitt: 3.44

- Seemed like he had no idea what he was doing during application process. Received an email that I had not been nominated. He thaught I was applying for an architecture exchange place though I had clearly stated in my application that I was applying for a engineer exchange. After calling him it turned out I had been nominated after all. The whole application process seems thoroughly unprofessional.» (1)
- not good at all !!! didn"t want to help me, very disappointed!!! shouldn"t work with students if she isn"t welling to help. » (1)
- I got information that i was admitted verbally, after first finding out that the system registred my applications for other countries in the second and third choice. My application was forgotten no less then 3 times, the coordinator disregarded my mail and phone calls. Another coordinator went for holidays just before the end of the application period, the time they are the most needed. I finally got information that I was nominated 2 weeks before the end of the official application period, after hunting the coordinator in person and waiting in the office until the situation was solved. This resulted in that i had to choose courses during my exam period where i had no time to spare.» (1)
- Nu efter att jag blivit tilldelad mitt antagningsbesked har jag fått helt okej kontakt med min kordinator, men totalt sett under hela förloppet från ansökan till definitiva antagningsbesked har informationen varit under all kritik. Nu talar jag inte bara om egen erfarenhet, utan jag har även många många vänner som ska åka på utbyten och nästan alla har haft problem med koordinatorer som inte har tillräcklig information om utbyten, som har haft dålig framförhållning etc. Dessutom verkar själva antagningsprocessen till respektive utbyte väldigt flummigt. Med så många bra utbytesmöjligheter som Chalmers har att erbjuda borde man verkligen satsa på att personalen på Chalmers International Mobility är bättre uppdaterade och att platserna fördelas på ett rättvist och mer ordnat sätt. » (1)
- I think that the response from my coordinator has been slow. I also think that she does not know enough, I have been forced to take contact with students that are at the same university that I am going to or contact my exchange university directly to get any information» (2)
- Slarvig hantering» (2)
- Slow on info. Short notice on application. » (2)
- Answers like "That would probably work" just dont cut it.» (3)
- There were some late responses on email and sometimes none. I also did not know that I had been accepted until about two weeks later than usual when I sent a mail to ask.» (3)
- A bit complicated to make sense of everything that needs to be done.» (3)
- well. It"s a very very confusing office. No one know who to talk to. Lovisa is often busy. » (3)
- Väldigt trevlig och hjälpsam men vet oftast inte mer, och ibland mindre, än jag. Trodde att de skulle ha baskunskaperna om universiteten de är ansvariga för.» (3)
- She knows some things, but I feel like she does not really care so much that I would have liked. I have asked her basic questions without getting descent answers, but it has after all been okay, I guess..» (3)
- Jag har fått tillräcklig information för att kunna få ihop min ansökan och koordinatorn är lätt att få tag på för underskrifter och liknande. » (4)
- Helt ok, får hjälp när man frågar men annars relativt dåligt med information » (4)
- Inget att klaga på.» (5)
- I have got great support from my coordinator, beyond my expectations and I"m very happy about that.» (5)
- A lot of time and dedication!» (5)
- Everything worked smoothly.» (5)
- not given yet but they seem nice» (No opinion)

10. Any other comments or suggestions regarding the preparation of your exchange?

- »
- The application process is very confusing, but that probably has to do with the recieving university and not the service at chalmers... although if the coordinator here was better informed about the process at the recieving university and could assist more it would be helpful.»
- Double check applications, and if possible present results to all applicants simultaneously.»
- Maybe make a page for those of us that has been accepted where we can find all the information we need before going. (E.g. information about insurance)»
- That the coordinator have more information and can answer my questions»
- When handing in the application it was hard finding where to leave it. I would like a sign on the box where I was supposed to leave it and a better explanation on the web page on how to get there.»
- De elever som är ute nu har varilt mycket hjälpsamma och så har även reseberättelserna varit. »
- would love a a list of things to take care of which I could just tick of when I prepare for my travels. Preferebly that list would be unique for each traveldestination»
- A little confusing regarding who should sign the learning agreement»
- No»
- Non so far»
- The selection of students for the exchange programs World Wide and Erasmus has been unprofessional and the people working with the exchange programs don"t really seem to know what they are doing. Many people have been confused during the selection process»
- Skapa lathundar för oss elever. Eftersom man aldrig har gjort en sådan här omfattande antagning tidigare så är det många steg som är nya för en. En lathund som innefattar diverse viktiga datum och aktiviteter(material som måste skickas in etc) hade underlättat. Förstår att detta kan vara svårt att göra då många skolor skiljer sig åt angående deras antagningsprocess. »
- Gör det enklare att hitta informationen man behöver! »
- Det är mycket att förbereda men man får alltid bra hjälp från CIM»
- The coordinators are very helpful, but they don"t know much about the exchange schools»
- Coodinate. Create a grading for the persons dealing with exchange. Deal with the situation, allocate people not fit for the job. »
- Koordinatorn på Chalmers har väldigt dålig koll på mitt utbyte och jag blir snarare förvirrad än klarsynt av att pratata med denne. »
- I have not yet made all preparations, as I will apply first in september.»
- Not really»
- Bra att vi fick svar om nomineringarna innan jul! Den största saken att förbättra skulle jag säga är att skaffa bättre konkret koll på hur det funkar med utbytesuniversiteten, det skulle nog uppskattas mest. »
- Another meeting arranged by Chalmers for the students going to the same country/part of the world would have been nice.»
- More information! Update on application procidure and so on»
- Ändring måste ske! Planera bättre inför nästa år. Var bättre uppdaterade och förberedda inför ansökningsperioden. Ge alla inom respektive utbytesprogram besked samtidigt (Borde vara en självklarhet iofs!) Tydliggör ni ansökningsprocessen för studenterna så kommer även arbetsbelastningen på er att minska. »
- It would be good with some information on how likely the nomination from Chalmers will lead to an actual spot at the exchange school, as it is not I expect to get in, but who knows in practice?!»
- A very minor suggestion: Instead of Word documents use website forms or open office-documents. Word is not available on most computers at campus near Datateknik and I can"t use it on my personal computer.»
- ingen ordning alls, ingen vet något, fick gå runt i flera veckor och fråga alla utan några svar, som inte ville boka in en tid med mig ,hon vägrade, undrar några gånger varför vi har studievägledare om dem inte ens vill hjälpa oss studenter?!? » (den här kommentaren har blivit redigerad i efterhand)

* obligatoriska frågor

Kursutvärderingssystem från