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Ship motions and wave induced loads, MMA145

Status: Avslutad
Öppen för svar: 2008-03-21 - 2008-04-04
Antal svar: 0
Procent av deltagarna som svarat: 0%
Kontaktperson: Lars Bergdahl»
Utbildningsprogram som genomför enkäten: Chalmers

1. General opinion on the course

What is you general judgement of the course?

2. Do you think the course fulfilled its aim as expressed on the home page?

The aims of the course are that the participants shall be able to self-dependently analyse wave-induced loads and sea-keeping properties of ships by help of advanced modern software, and that the participants shall understand the principles of manoeuvring.

3. How well do you think the course fulfilled the learning outcome as given on the home page?

Learning outcome:
After completion of this course, the student should be able to show thorough understanding of ship and wave dynamics as well as manoeuvring, show knowledge about used simplifying assumptions and have some insight into available mathematical or numerical tools.

4. Did the lectures and guest lecture contribute to the fulfillment of the learning outcome?

5. Did the assignment contribute to the learning outcome?

6. Did the laboratory experiment contribute to the learning outcome?

7. Did the manouevring exercise contribute to the learning outcome?

8. Did the compendiums and handout material contribute to the learning outcome?

9. Do you think there was an appropriate balance between the different course moments?

10. More comments and suggestions for changes.

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