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Evaluation MPSES 2011-13

Status: Avslutad
Öppen för svar: 2013-02-27 - 2013-05-27
Antal svar: 34
Procent av deltagarna som svarat: 70%
Kontaktperson: David Pallarès»
Utbildningsprogram som genomför enkäten: Chalmers: masterskurs
Klass: Övriga


1. Where did you take your Bachelor degree?*

34 svarande

Sweden - Chalmers (M)»15 44%
Sweden - Chalmers (K, Kf)»3 8%
Sweden - Chalmers (övrigt)»1 2%
Sweden - another university»5 14%
Another EU country»7 20%
Other»3 8%

Genomsnitt: 2.85

Programme information

2. From where did you get the most important information about the programme

34 svarande

(på denna fråga var det möjligt att välja flera svarsalternativ)

Presentation by Master Coordinator»10 29%
Another presentation, given at Chalmers»0 0%
Another presentation, given outside Chalmers»1 2%
Friends»9 26%
The web»26 76%
Other sources (please comment)»6 17%

- Master program students which I contacted via mail and students I met on the Chalmers campus » ()
- Master Program fair.» ()
- BEST (Board of European Students of Technology) website. They have a BEST University Centre site, with information about the university and programmes there.» ()
- Chalmers website» ()
- Mostly from older friends» ()
- don"t remember anymore, but know I typed in something last year in the same survey» ()

3. To what extent did the official information about the programme influence your choice?

34 svarande

Notably, it was rather decisive in my choice»16 47%
Slightly, it helped partially in my choice»18 52%
Not at all, I had made up my mind already»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 1.52

4. What is your opinion on the offical information about the master programme when you applied?

34 svarande

Very poor»1 2%
Rather poor»1 2%
Neither poor nor good»3 8%
Rather good»23 67%
Very good»6 17%

Genomsnitt: 3.94

Programme goals

5. Have you in mind the goals of the Master Programme?

34 svarande

Yes, mostly»8 23%
A few of them»15 44%
Not really»11 32%

Genomsnitt: 2.08

6. Are the goals fulfilled within the programme?

You can check them out at http://www.chalmers.se/en/sections/education/masterprogrammes/programme-descriptions/sustainable-energy/learning-outcomes

28 svarande

No, not at all»0 0%
To some extent»3 10%
Almost»14 50%
Yes, definitely»11 39%

Genomsnitt: 3.28

Programme layout

7. What do you think of the programme curriculum?

34 svarande

Very poor»0 0%
Rather poor»1 2%
Rather good»26 76%
Very good»7 20%

Genomsnitt: 3.17

8. Is there any subject/course that you would like to add into the programme?

32 svarande

Yes (indicate which)»14 43%
No»18 56%

Genomsnitt: 1.56

- General course about renewable energy technology that covers PV, solar thermal applications, biomass (biogas and combustion), wind etc.» (Yes (indicate which))
- courses related to renewable energy sources» (Yes (indicate which))
- I think a product development course focusing on sustainable aspects could be good if it doesn"t exist yet. Many students have ideas but it might be dificult to do something with them due to lack of knowledge in product development» (Yes (indicate which))
- More focus on non-thermal renewable energy sources like wind, solar, wave and tidal. Feels like the program aims to much on thermal power plants. » (Yes (indicate which))
- Nanotechnology for sustainable energy» (Yes (indicate which))
- A course about renewable energy sources. You can gain a lot of information about this field but from different courses, so it would be nice with a course where you learn about all related subsystems in for example a wind power system.» (Yes (indicate which))
- I consider the policy measures very relevant for the program and I would include this in complement to Sustainable Energy Futures.» (Yes (indicate which))
- Turbomachinery and CFD Courses» (Yes (indicate which))
- Some deeper insight on economics, applied especially to the energy and environmental field. Many courses have smaller elements of it, but I believe one, solid course could form a very good basis. That way all the other courses could spend less time on that part, but focus on the applications. District Heating/Cooling is only covered very briefly, and it would be great to have an opportunity to dig into that. I believe there is ground for a course to cover it more deeply, kind of "Heat and Power 2.0". Both technical, environmental and economical side of district energy would be very interesting and is a hot topic in general. Bio energy. Again, it is only covered briefly as a source for power production and in a general, sustainability aspect. But the technical aspects and applications are not. Only the course "Biorefineries" is an option, and it is placed at a time that makes it difficult to attend (period3). A course covering the technical aspects of both production as well as applications would be very useful. It can cover the numerous ways of utilizing the source, both in power plants and as biofuels.» (Yes (indicate which))
- Windpower, there should really be a windpower course since that is what the world is building right now. » (Yes (indicate which))
- I think that the course power market management was very good and should be mandatory. The understanding of the market was so much better for me after that course.» (Yes (indicate which))
- more electric power engineering courses. Power system analysis for example.» (Yes (indicate which))
- electricity courses, in the of modeling/ simulation of electricity systems. » (Yes (indicate which))
- Possible some form of environmental physics course. I took a course on this in Delft and it gave a more in depth physical and technical dimension of the environmental impacts of for example contaminants in the atmosphere, in water and in land. Also global warming effects and the models trying to analyze them were described.» (Yes (indicate which))

9. Are there any courses that you think should either be heavily revised or even removed from the programme?

33 svarande

Yes (indicate which)»19 57%
No»14 42%

Genomsnitt: 1.42

- The calculation part on Sustainable Energy Futures is too easy. Overall the course content is really good though. (I.e revise suggested)» (Yes (indicate which))
- Sustainable electric power systems» (Yes (indicate which))
- Sustainable development,Life cycle assessment, Technical change and the environment» (Yes (indicate which))
- Heating, Ventilation and Air conditioning was not at all designed for our needs. I understand the reasoning behind the course but we should not take the same course as students who have no idea what a heat exchanger or a heat pump is. Sustainable electric power systems could use a bit of work as well.» (Yes (indicate which))
- Sustainable Electric Power System (semi). Either re-do the whole course or skip it. » (Yes (indicate which))
- HVAC!!! Remove right away, no use for that whatsoever, why is it compulsory??» (Yes (indicate which))
- Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning. The course should be made elective or more focused on the energy field, at the moment there is a lot of focus on building layout and the indoor environment which is better suited for the students attending Civil Engineering masters.» (Yes (indicate which))
- Improve sustainable electric power systems.» (Yes (indicate which))
- I consider design of industrial equipment a very technical course (i.e. based on specific design methods more likely to be developed by mechanical engineer professionals in a team group) that does not fit the holistic view of other courses.» (Yes (indicate which))
- the courses: sustainable power production & transportation, sustainable electric power systems as well as industrial energy systems. The HVAC course should be revised so that MPSES students recive education without other master programs.» (Yes (indicate which))
- HVAC. Having a course covering the subject is good, and quite essential for the programme. But it has not been run very well. Doing it together with the civil engineering students may not be the best idea.» (Yes (indicate which))
- Industrial energy systems. It feel like the chem-business payed chalmers to run this course. I am really disappointed in this one, it is mandatory but id never ever work with pinch point analyses. Sad to spend 7 weeks on something that is not relevant in my life on this level. » (Yes (indicate which))
- Heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems Sustainable electric power systems» (Yes (indicate which))
- Life Cycle Assessment Technical Change and the Environment» (Yes (indicate which))
- I think that the course HVAC need to be changed. The goal contra the lecture is not very clear. Also sus. electrical power systems was rather poor, it felt like it wasn"t any planning behind the course. Keep in mind that it was a year ago I took both the courses. » (Yes (indicate which))
- Increased depth in the HVAC course adapted to MPSES Students that have to attend this course!» (Yes (indicate which))
- Heating and ventilation- to be revised. sustainable electric power systems- to be revised.» (Yes (indicate which))
- I was very disappointed in the HVAC course. First of all it wasn"t clear how this was related to energy engineering, it wasn"t very well planned overall and in my opinion the knowledge gap between mechanical and civil engineers was to wide.» (Yes (indicate which))
- The Sustainable Electric Power Systems should not be one of the semimobligatory courses (or it could be good to have it as one if the course was much better!)» (Yes (indicate which))

10. Have you identified lecture field overlap between any courses?

34 svarande

Yes (indicate what and between which courses)»15 44%
No»19 55%

Genomsnitt: 1.55

- Heat and Power and Sustainable Energy Futures. Both talked about CCS for example. Does not make sense since both courses are compulsory, unless the courses are given by different institutions (which I do not know if that is the case)» (Yes (indicate what and between which courses))
- I remember that heat pumps were part of KVM013, ENM045 and KVM071.» (Yes (indicate what and between which courses))
- I dont remember but there was just single times and it was adjusted» (Yes (indicate what and between which courses))
- some concepts have been slightly repetitive throughout different courses. However, these courses have been optional. But for example there were a lot of exercises of different yield potentials from land in both sustainable development and sustainable energy futures. Energy systems modelling and planning & Industirla energy systems had an overlap concerning system optimization with aspects of economical costs for heat load duration curves and different power production plants. HVAC & Industrial energy systems had an overlap concerning heat pumps. » (Yes (indicate what and between which courses))
- don"t remember which classes unfortunately» (Yes (indicate what and between which courses))
- Sustainable Energy Futures touch upon pretty much every subsequent course since it introduces the field of climate change and sustainable development. Industrial Energy Systems introduce the pinch concept which is later used in Design of Industrial Energy Equipment during the design of heat exchangers. Overlap usually means a greater understanding can be achieved, so this is only a good thing according to me.» (Yes (indicate what and between which courses))
- Sustainable energy futures and sustainable development (optional).» (Yes (indicate what and between which courses))
- Sustainable Development and Sustainable Energy Futures. A lot of overlapping regarding Climate Change and the backgrounds for mitigating global warming, and sustainable development in general. » (Yes (indicate what and between which courses))
- An example would be heat pumps, which is included in a couple of courses. However, I donnot see overlapping as a problem.» (Yes (indicate what and between which courses))
- Industrial energy systems. The part of the course that covered turbines and power generation was a light version of Heat and power and a total wast of time. At least tell the teacher to inform the student on when this lectures will be so they don"t wast their time going.. Energy system modeling and planing was good but had some repetition in general, nothing specific but there is possible to make the course more advance. Assume the student know slight more in general » (Yes (indicate what and between which courses))
- Power system analysis» (Yes (indicate what and between which courses))
- Sustainable development and sustainable energy futures, but that it was good. Aslo to some extend Environmental risk assessment and Life cycle analysis» (Yes (indicate what and between which courses))
- Unfortunately the Combustion and the CFD for Engineers courses overlapped which was a shame since they fit very well together. This scared a few people from my class who otherwise would have taken that combination.» (Yes (indicate what and between which courses))
- But not much though, it could be like one lecture in a (two) course(s), but not that a whole course is overlapping another» (Yes (indicate what and between which courses))
- Mainly an overlap between master"s courses and bachelor"s courses. » (No)

11. Have you experienced large differences in the difficulty level between obligatory courses?

34 svarande

Yes, very large»1 2%
Yes, rather large»14 41%
No, just as reasonable»18 52%
Not at all»1 2%

Genomsnitt: 2.55

- Becsause of different backgrounds not the courses itself» (Yes, rather large)
- combustion is hard, sustainable energy futures very easy » (Yes, rather large)
- Sustainable Energy Systems and Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning where easier than Heat and Power Systems Engineering and Industrial Energy Systems.» (Yes, rather large)
- HVAC is significantly "easier" than the rest of the courses, mostly as there are no compulsory elements of the course. Between some of the semi-compulsories there are differences as well. Sustainable Development is a bit lower level than some of the other courses. I found Design of Industrial Energy Equipment to be the most demanding course of the programme, more than the others. Otherwise, nothing worth mentioning, as the courses are quite equal in difficulty.» (Yes, rather large)
- Heat & power and industrial energy systems is harder than e.g. Sus. Energy futures. » (Yes, rather large)
- Heat and ventilation: to easy and unstructured Heat and power: hard (mostly depending on being the first course) » (Yes, rather large)
- sustainable energy futures, sustainable development- light load, heat and power engineering high load» (Yes, rather large)
- For example the difference between the very basic HVAC course and the challenging and motivating Heat and Power Systems Engineering Course» (Yes, rather large)
- except from HVAC which is a long repetition of things already known in further depth by most...» (No, just as reasonable)

12. Have you experienced large differences in the work load between courses?

34 svarande

Yes, very large»9 26%
Yes, rather large»12 35%
No, just as reasonable»13 38%
Not at all»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 2.11

- combustion engineering and heat and power was rather heavy» (Yes, very large)
- Combustion Engineering had a large work load compared to sustainable energy futures for example. But this may also be because most concepts in sustainable energy futures had already been presented in our bachelor course "miljö & energiteknik" while pretty much everything in combustion engineering was new for mechanical engineering students» (Yes, very large)
- combustion, sustainable energy futures» (Yes, very large)
- much work in the first courses and less work in the later courses» (Yes, very large)
- Heating and ventilation- light load, Industrial energy systems - medium load, design of industrial energy equipment and heat & power systems engineering high load.» (Yes, very large)
- For example Heat & Power (large workload) HVAC (not to large)» (Yes, rather large)
- Fuel-cell was rather easy compared to for example Industrial Energy Systems. » (Yes, rather large)
- Some courses had a fair amount of assigment combinin technical problems and discussions. Others had far too much use of software that is also unavailable out of the campus or that is seldom a small part of the equivalent role of an energy professional. Too much stress in the actual results of the asignments rather than the learning process.» (Yes, rather large)
- The largest difference in work load was between Heat & Power and heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems» (Yes, rather large)
- Design of Industrial Energy Equipment and all others» (Yes, rather large)
- DIEE course is quite a mouth ful...» (Yes, rather large)
- Yeah I would say that there is a difference but its quite normal in my opinion. One example is the combustion course for example compared with the policy instruments course. But like I said that can be expected!» (Yes, rather large)

Programme administration

13. What is your general impression of the programme direction (David Pallarès)?

34 svarande

Very poor»0 0%
Rather poor»0 0%
Neither poor nor good»0 0%
Rather good»12 35%
Very good»22 64%

Genomsnitt: 4.64

14. What is your opinion on the support from the Student centre (Per-Anders Träff, Cecilia Hedenstierna, Christina Larsson, Pia Hepsevier)?

33 svarande

Very poor»1 3%
Rather poor»2 6%
Neither poor nor good»10 30%
Rather good»13 39%
Very good»7 21%

Genomsnitt: 3.69

Study climate

15. Did you feel welcomed by Chalmers and the staff at the master programme during your first days?

33 svarande

No, not at all»0 0%
To some extent»0 0%
Quite OK»12 44%
Yes definitely»15 55%
No opinion/did not attend»6

Genomsnitt: 3.55

16. How well has cooperation between you and your fellow students worked?

33 svarande

Very poorly»0 0%
Rather poorly»2 6%
Rather well»9 27%
Very well»22 66%

Genomsnitt: 3.6

17. Did you experience segregation between Swedish and non-Swedish students?

34 svarande

Yes, definitely»2 5%
Yes, to a too large extent»1 2%
Not much, but there was a litlle»20 58%
Not at all»11 32%

Genomsnitt: 3.17

- I think is due to most students have previously known each other from their past Chalmers studies.» (Yes, definitely)
- At times it is a bit more comfortable to speak Swedish for some people, which can create groups during conversations/discussions.» (Not much, but there was a litlle)
- more in the beginning/first lp» (Not much, but there was a litlle)
- There is a language barrier but I think it was low considering that. I"m as a swede are lazy and prefer swedish when discussing problems with my friends » (Not much, but there was a litlle)
- Some course where software used is in Swedish but I know they work hard to make up for it with user manual translations etc.» (Not much, but there was a litlle)
- In my class I didn"t see any problem with this at all. » (Not at all)
- I am Swedish, but during the master programme I almost never spoke Swedish in group works or in class. So I think I integrated with the international students. However it looks like Erasmus students tend to stay in Erasmus groups.» (Not at all)

18. How satisfied are you with the opportunities to come in contact with teachers?

34 svarande

Not satisfied at all»0 0%
Not much satisfied»0 0%
Neither/not»2 5%
Rather satisfied»18 52%
Very satisfied»14 41%

Genomsnitt: 4.35

- Can be hard to get reach of them in person sometimes, but i think they are allways reachable on mail» (Rather satisfied)
- In some courses there are many exercises to hand in , this gives the students and the teachers + phd assistants much work load. I think a reduced number of excercises to hand in and to be corrected should make the life easier for phd assistants and give more time for learning theory for the students. Win-win situation keeping a high learning rate for the course.» (Rather satisfied)
- There is always a way to come into contact with your teachers, be it by e-mail or face-to-face time, and they always try their hardest to help.» (Very satisfied)
- more integrated now then ever (compared to bachelor level)» (Very satisfied)

19. To what extent is your knowledge/competence from your bachelor degree sufficient to attend this programme?

34 svarande

Fully, no problems at all»16 47%
Notably»16 47%
Scarcely»2 5%
Not at all, I struggled a lot»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 1.58

20. Has the use of English represented a hinder in your learning in some occasion?

(consider both yours and lecturer"s English)

33 svarande

Yes, and it was due to my poor level»2 6%
Yes, and it was due to the poor level of a lecturer»5 15%
No»26 78%

Genomsnitt: 2.72

Summarizing questions

21. What is your general impression of the programme?

34 svarande

Very poor»0 0%
Rather poor»0 0%
Neither poor nor good»0 0%
Rather good»16 47%
Very good»18 52%

Genomsnitt: 4.52

22. Considering your experience from this programme, would you choose this programme if you could turn back time?

34 svarande

No»0 0%
Probably not»0 0%
I would need to think more about it»3 8%
Probably yes»11 32%
Yes»20 58%

Genomsnitt: 4.5

- maybe sthg more focused on the economics» (I would need to think more about it)
- It was always this or the Naval programme. Naval and Ocean engineering has always been of interest for me so hard to say. » (I would need to think more about it)
- Mostly for personal reasons. Not sure if it is the right choice for me. The programme has been lacking a bit of continuety and coherence between courses. There should be more support in terms of finding master thesis projects to work on. The flexibility of the programme is great, but still it somehow lacks opportunities to work in-depth with some topics.» (I would need to think more about it)
- I really enjoy the content of the program. However, the level feels lower compared to some other Master"s programs (may just be a personal opinion though)» (Probably yes)
- I think there should be an reconsidring about what courses are mandatory/semimandatory or not. » (Probably yes)
- The overall idea of the program is very good and I like the ability to choose (many) courses on my own.» (Yes)
- I found almost every course ood an interestin» (Yes)
- Because the topics and concepts interest and stimulate me a lot. I also feel that it"s important for the current and future generations to have an understanding of our energy related issues» (Yes)
- I have learned more than I could hope about the field of energy technology and I would definitely recommend it to anyone with the same interests as me. » (Yes)
- Absolutely! The strength in this program is without a doubt based on two things. 1. The energy field in general is today in the process of reforming to a more sustainable direction, we now have the knowledge background to contribute in this reformation 2. The energy department at Chalmers has both width and depth. We are leaders in specific interesting technologies such as CLC and Gasification/Fluidized Bed and have a broad knowledge of energy and environmental areas.» (Yes)

23. What should definitely be preserved in this Master"s programme?

- The high ambition and quality of teaching and exercises»
- Sustainable energy futures,Heat and power systems engineering,Power market management, Environmental policy instruments»
- The wide range of selectable interesting courses»
- Most of the obligatory courses and the energy system modelling and planning course. »
- The first two courses, Sustainable Energy Futures and Heat and Power Systems Engineering where very good and they formed an excellent knowledge base for further studies. Together they also created a perfect balance between work load and difficulty in the study period. The efforts from the program direction to create events for us students, both related to the education and purely recreational, have been very appreciated.»
- The great availability of optional subjects! Flexibility allows the student to express their interest and focus on target areas of their own.»
- The Heat & Power course and the sustaiable energy futures course»
- Christian Azar. Environmental aspects of transport (Sönke behrends). »
- The compulsory courses were relevant»
- Program Director Such courses as: Sustainable Energy Futures Energy Systems Modeling and Planning Power Market Management Sustainable Energy Production and Transportation»
- Heat & power, sus. Energy futures, power market management. »
- The system perspektive connected to sustainable development»
- Christian Azars course "Sustainable Energy Futures" as well as the broad range of elective courses. The student has the opportunity to chose if they want to take theoretical expertise-building courses or courses with a broader more systems oriented perspective! »

24. What should definitely be changed in this Master"s programme?

- I do not like the part with the semi-compulsory courses. I would rather see a larger number of compulsory courses and more elective courses.»
- Well there were some obligatory courses which were very close to each other, like sustainable energy futures & sustainable development (small part of this was also close to sustainable transport). Hence there should be more options to choose from.»
- the program"s schedule. try to give to the students more options on courses that can choose in each semester by just rearranging them! »
- Heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems engineering really needs to be changed. »
- It would be good to improve the lectures of sustainable electric power systems as the concepts were a bit dificult to understand through the lectures.»
- More renewable energy sources like wind, solar, wave etc. »
- I would suggest more freedom in choosing the courses. The compulsory, but even more the semi-compulsory courses make it often impossible to take other, for my education more relevant courses. It is not a serious problem, but I had at least 1-2 occasions, where I would have taken other course if I could.»
- More information about related courses and the level of pre-requisites to each course.»
- A smaller amount of semi-compulsories.»
- Lina Breiting (el-course) was horrible, but i know they made some changes. Exclude pinch point course. Include more windpower and more solarpower. Good with study-visits at power plants. »
- heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems should not be a compulsory course.»
- Not much»
- The quality level of Hvac and electrical power systems»
- Hard to say. Like I said the HVAC course should definitely not be mandatory!»

Future plans

25. Was it difficult for you to find a Master thesis?

34 svarande

Not at all»9 29%
Not really but It took some time»12 38%
Yes, it was not easy»9 29%
Yes, very difficult»1 3%
I dont know - I have not tried yet»3

Genomsnitt: 2.06

- I allready knowed what I wanted to write about, so it was not so complicated» (Not at all)
- As I developed an own topic» (Not really but It took some time)
- Departments do not offer enough thesises. Companies lack budget to adquire students thesis. It is difficult to find support. I would rather have a more standarised organisation of thesises.» (Not really but It took some time)
- very difficult with companies, not so many places in labs at chalmers and we don"t receive any real help to find the thesis» (Yes, it was not easy)
- Had some bad luck with companies. » (Yes, it was not easy)
- Give more guidelines on how to proceed. Set up important dates for master thesis in the student portal.» (Yes, it was not easy)
- There should be more support in the process of finding a thesis to work on.» (Yes, very difficult)
- Studies abroad set me back half a year so I will start looking for a thesis shortly.» (I dont know - I have not tried yet)
- Or, just started to try and yes, it seems somewhat tricky..» (I dont know - I have not tried yet)

26. What are your next intentions?

33 svarande

Job in industry (Sweden)»19 57%
Job in industry (abroad)»7 21%
Research (PhD)»4 12%
Further study (Chalmers)»0 0%
Further study (other)»0 0%
I"ll take a long time off»0 0%
I have not decided»3 9%

Genomsnitt: 2

27. Do you intend to continue in the same area/field as the Master Programme?

34 svarande

Yes (forever)»12 35%
Yes (for the time being anyway)»22 64%
Probably not»0 0%
Definitely not»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 1.64

- I might try jobs in different sectors, but the underlying field will always be based on energy technology and development towards a more sustainable world.» (Yes (forever))
- Sustainable energy systems» (Yes (forever))
- Maybe even forever, hard to know right now.» (Yes (for the time being anyway))
- Hard to say where I"ll end up in a couple of years but I think it will still be related to energy in some way but I do not know. I have seen many engineers end up in strange places so I do not assume anything. » (Yes (for the time being anyway))
- still I do not see exactly what job titles I can apply for with my background.» (Yes (for the time being anyway))

28. Do you at this point feel prepared for a professional career?

34 svarande

Yes»9 26%
Yes, but I still might need some training»22 64%
No, I definitely need some more training»3 8%
Not at all, I need much more training»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 1.82

Extra comments/suggestions

29. Finally, if you have some extra comment and/or suggestion about this Masters programme, this is a good opportunity!

- I think it is a great program and i would recommend everyone to go to it!»
- Great Masters Program!»
- Some orientation towards future types of careers in the different industries. Reinforce the role of the MPSES student as a professional.»
- I know it"s up to the students to secure a good study environment, but I do believe that it would be great with more introduction activities. They could be prepared by Chalmers, or at least forced more. So having some set activities in the beginning, and forcing regular social activities more throughout the year. On a general note, outside this specific programme, I deeply miss the opportunity to study during summer- The break is very long, and it could be a good opportunity to work in the department with smaller projects in return of credits, or attending courses. »
- Its a great programme and i would do it agian, i learnet more than i have ever done in my academic life during these two years. I am impressed. The only thing that id like is to exclude some courses that are very branch-specific and add courses that are "renewable energy", which is the reason for taking the programme. Thank you very much for two excellent years!»

* obligatoriska frågor

Kursutvärderingssystem från