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BOM Modelling and problem solving in civil engineering 2012, BOM035

Status: Avslutad
Öppen för svar: 2012-12-12 - 2013-01-25
Antal svar: 31
Procent av deltagarna som svarat: 45%
Kontaktperson: Sara Kvartsberg»
Utbildningsprogram som genomför enkäten: Väg- och vattenbyggnad 300 hp

Your own effort

1. How many hours per week did you spend on this course?

We mean total time, that is, it comprises the time you spent in class and the time you spent on your own work. Try to estimate the average time over the entire study period.

31 svarande

At most 15 hours/week»4 12%
Around 20 hours/week»14 45%
Around 25 hours/week»11 35%
Around 30 hours/week»2 6%
At least 35 hours/week»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 2.35

2. How large part of the teaching offered did you attend?

31 svarande

0%»0 0%
25%»3 9%
50%»2 6%
75%»17 54%
100%»9 29%

Genomsnitt: 4.03

Goals and goal fulfilment

The course syllabus states the course goals in terms of learning outcomes, i.e., knowledge, skills and attitudes to be acquired by the student during the course.

3. How understandable are the learning outcomes of the course (course goals)?

Learning outcomes
The students shall after the course:
- understand the framework of conceptual modelling in engineering practice
- express the main characteristics of different types of engineering models
- choose between different models to solve a problem at hand
- apply different types of models on basic but fundamental infrastructural and environmental engineering problems

31 svarande

I have not seen/read the learning outcomes»1 3%
The learning outcomes are difficult to understand»2 6%
They give some guidance, but could be clearer»16 51%
They clearly describe what I am supposed to learn»12 38%

Genomsnitt: 3.25

- To many different parts in this course. It would be preferable to focus on fewer tools (models), and thereby gain brief understanding in the problem solving techniques attached to civil engineering.» (The learning outcomes are difficult to understand)
- These learning outcomes are very wide - try to narrow them down to get a better outcome of the course? This year we solved no problems by hand. except for at the exam. either bring back to course - exercises to calculate etc. or delete this learning outcome?» (They give some guidance, but could be clearer)
- Problemet är att man inte vet vad man ska excemineras på» (They clearly describe what I am supposed to learn)
- målet är klart, men i praktik är det förvirrande.» (They clearly describe what I am supposed to learn)

4. Are the learning outcomes (goals) reasonable considering your background and the number of credits?

30 svarande

No, the learning outcomes are set too low»4 13%
Yes, the learning outcomes seem reasonable»24 80%
No, the learning outcomes are set too high»2 6%

Genomsnitt: 1.93

5. Did the examination assess whether you have reached the goals?

31 svarande

No, not at all»6 19%
To some extent»20 64%
Yes, definitely»4 12%
I don"t know/have not been examined yet»1 3%

Genomsnitt: 2

- Fast jag anser inte ett tentan testar det. Vad tentan ska testa var en gissnings lek som slutade dåligt. Är det verkligen så att tenstan ska bygga på att du ska kunna ekvationer? Nej inte enligt kursmålen! Jag anser INTE att tentan testar om du uppfyller målen. » (No, not at all)
- the exam seems to be a completely different subject than what we tried to learn during the course. we were focusing on computer programs and then a group project while the exams for me was another thing with difficult question which their samples could be found only in old exams.» (No, not at all)
- 5 goals and somewhat 5 teachers - all with these goals = very messy course that left most of us confused. Unfortunatly for modelling is very important.» (No, not at all)
- The examination included some tasks which haven"t been presented properly during class. » (No, not at all)
- I didn"t know what I was supposed to know at the examination, it was extremely difficult to know what things I should study for. » (No, not at all)
- Jag förstår att det är svårt att examinera de färdigheter som vi ska nå i kursen och vi klagade på att gamla tentor som vi tittat på inte känts relevanta. Årets tenta var betydligt bättre för den speglade innehållet bra. Men det känns lite konstigt att uncertainties och safety concepts får ta så stor plats (jämfört med annat kursinnehåll). » (To some extent)
- När gjorde vi något angående partial factors flruom någon enstaka föreläsning? » (To some extent)
- It"s strange to have a written exam in modeling. » (To some extent)
- BUT the uncertainties and safety factors are perhaps a too large part of the exam (one question would be enough). » (Yes, definitely)

Teaching and course administration

6. To what extent has the teaching (lectures, exercises) been of help for your learning?

31 svarande

Small extent»9 29%
Some extent»12 38%
Large extent»10 32%
Great extent»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 2.03

- No connection between the different lectures and sometimes a lecture with no connection to an exercise/exam/modelling. Just someone presenting their ph"d. Which could be intereseting if that area was the purpose of the course - to much detail in to the different areas - the the modelling part gets lost... I understand that you need detail to be able to model but then you shouldn"t bring up that many areas. 2 or max 3 should be enough for us to understand that you modell differently in different areas. » (Small extent)
- Not very giving lectures.» (Small extent)
- Stor för dataövningar och projekt. INGEN hjälp inför tentan. » (Some extent)
- actually because the teaching was upon different subject, it is difficult to consider all in one answer» (Some extent)
- almost all lectures in the beginging felt un necessery, as if it was four different coarses. the exercieses was on the other hand very good, and should be longer (maby skip the exam)» (Some extent)
- Vissa lektioner har varit bra, andra sämre. » (Large extent)
- Haven"t really been any other way to learn it» (Large extent)
- the concept with exercises is really good, but some of the exercises should be developed (Urban Metabolism, for instance)» (Large extent)
- However, these were not so well coordinated. It seemed like many teachers didn"t know what level the students were at. » (Large extent)

7. To what extent has the course literature and other material been of help for your learning?

31 svarande

Small extent»14 45%
Some extent»13 41%
Large extent»4 12%
Great extent»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 1.67

- Det är värdelöst när det inte finns något kursmaterial utan lite saker utdelat på hemsidan, det gör det oerhört svårt att få en bild av kursens innehåll. » (Small extent)
- Would be good to get exam prep exercises in the begining of the course. not the last week..» (Some extent)
- Old exande and ppt"s have been most useful.» (Large extent)

8. To what extent has the group project been of help for your learning?

31 svarande

Small extent»4 12%
Some extent»5 16%
Large extent»13 41%
Great extent»9 29%

Genomsnitt: 2.87

- We only learned one exact type of modeling, which was for most groups set to a too high level. IT would have mean more useful to learn a principle to apply to all types of models.» (Small extent)
- Det var bra för det specifika projektet, men som helhet hjälpte det in till tentan.» (Some extent)
- I think the project could be larger and than skip the exam» (Large extent)
- For the specific subject that my project was about.» (Large extent)
- Bästa med hela kursen.» (Great extent)
- the project was really good. could start earlier - more time would be good - make the project longer and skip the exam?» (Great extent)
- The last group work was the best part of the course and it tought me the most. » (Great extent)
- Urban Material Flow group project» (Great extent)

9. How well did the course administration, web page, handouts etc work?

31 svarande

Very badly»0 0%
Rather badly»3 9%
Rather well»17 54%
Very well»11 35%

Genomsnitt: 3.25

- Saker kommer ut för sent. Och det som ligger där är inte till någon direkt hjälp.» (Rather badly)
- again - to many lecturers = to many systems/everyone do it their own way = messy!» (Rather badly)

Study climate

10. How were the opportunities for asking questions and getting help?

31 svarande

Very poor»0 0%
Rather poor»3 9%
Rather good»9 29%
Very good»18 58%
I did not seek help»1 3%

Genomsnitt: 3.54

- Hjälp kunde fås under lektionstid» (Rather poor)
- För få lärare för så pass komplexa övningar/program. Känns onödigt att behöva vänta i över en timma för att få hjälp under datorövningar.» (Rather poor)
- Some lectures were really quick, others took 3 weeks which is not acceptable.» (Rather good)

11. How was the course workload?

31 svarande

Too low»0 0%
Low»3 9%
Adequate»20 64%
High»8 25%
Too high»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 3.16

- Men väldigt hög under veckorna med grupparbetet, speciellt eftersom det tog halva tiden innan vi fick programmet att fungera.» (Adequate)
- But I think the project should start earlier.» (Adequate)
- Time spent but you could spend more time on exercises and learn more.. (if you made the time in the timetable and..)» (Adequate)
- Quite much in the last weeks due to the project though but still OK» (Adequate)
- Stressigt mot slutet. Projektet måste påbörjas tidigare så man kan lämna in first draft tidigare. En dag innan final draft är för sent men andra grupparbeten som ska vara klara samtidigt i parallella kursen. Fanns inge möjlighet att fixa allt som handledaren ville. Dvs ni ger oss inte chansen att göra ett bra arbete och få ett begyg över 3» (High)
- Väldigt många obligatoriska moment där man bara skrapar på ytan på modelling-metoder. Borde vara uppdelat i flera kurser. Ex: Konstruktions-mastern läser en hel kurs om FEM medan vi har 2 timmar föreläsning och 2 timmar övning i FEM, FVM och FDM. Inte rimligt. Lärde mig ingenting.» (High)
- high because of the last 2 or 3 weeks doing the last group project which was a score-giving project. not only G or U and it was parallell to a project in another course.» (High)
- There were a lot of excercises that took many hours finishing but we ended up learning nothing from them.» (High)

Summarizing questions

12. What is your general impression of the course?

31 svarande

Poor»12 38%
Fair»5 16%
Adequate»6 19%
Good»8 25%
Excellent»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 2.32 (bidrar till totalt genomsnitt/jämförelseindex)

- Sämsta kursen jag läst på Chalmers, utan tvekan. » (Poor)
- Den här kursen har fått mig att tänka över mitt beslut att gå här. Om det verkligen är det här jag vill.» (Poor)
- It was hard to understand what types of questions that would be on the exam and therefore it was hard to prepare for it. I also did not feel like there was a red thread in the entire course.» (Poor)
- Tyvärr ska jag vara ärlig och säga att det är den sämsta kursen hittills under min chalmerstid. Var för mycket "skrapa på ytan" på modelling-metoder. Plocka obegripliga data i excell (på portugisiska?!) och sätta samman till en ännu mer obegripliga slutsatser lär man sig inget på. Det samma gäller monte carlo metoden.» (Poor)
- I don"t think the course was well structured at all. It was very unclear how the exam would look like and it was very difficult to study to it because of that. I honestly think that this is the worst course I ever etended on Chalmers» (Poor)
- Eftersom jag inte lärt mig särskilt mycket vettiga saker under kursen får den betyget underkänt! Att bara öppna dataprogram och snabbklicka lite i dom hjälper inte alls till att lära sig hur man ska lösa problem!» (Poor)
- poor planning for the course, too many computer programs for such a short time. and a strange exam with high score for passing. i thing home-exams after every program could be a better way to learn each method for each subject.(if there will be as many as programs we had this year )» (Poor)
- there is no clear overview of the course - even now after finishing I don"t feel that I can summarise it in a good way. To many people involved and to many areas and to many exercises, projects and exams = messy!!» (Poor)
- The course focuses on finished models from the institution, which is only a minor thing in the learning goals. This is also not interesting until you have actually learned the principles of modelling and how to apply these on different problems, not only problems in our field. The exercises were time consuming but not educational.» (Poor)
- I thought that the course was as an introduction to the whol program, my question is way not have tjis course for all students. » (Fair)
- I thought it was difficult to figure out what to study before the exam.» (Fair)
- It was very diffuse. » (Fair)
- Lite rörig kurs som innehåller för många delar. Svårt att veta vad fokus har legat. Urban metabolism delen var bara ett enda stort frågetecken med helt meningslös inlämningsuppgift som endast var tidsödande. Jag förstår inte varför urban metabolism över huvud taget ingår i denna kurs. » (Adequate)
- The aim of the course is very good.» (Good)
- It is a good course as it gives an insight into how modelling works but sometimes the lectures did not fully explain things related to the modelling. For example, three lectures on Urban Metabolism seemed excessive for the content, when more time could have been spent understanding how different model systems work.» (Good)

13. What should definitely be preserved to next year?

- Grupparbetet, dock lite mer tid till det eftersom det ska utgöra 50 av kursen, man gör ju inget vettigt innan det körde igång ändå.»
- Projektet»
- The project should be adressed as it help to understand the concept of modelling.»
- The group work.»
- Grupparbetet! Jag hade föredragit att ha tre större grupparbeten istället för de mindre inlämningsuppgifterna, det var först i grupparbetet som jag lärde mig saker och fattade kursen. »
- Group exercise. It helped to understand the course material better.»
- The parts on urban metabolism and hydrodynamic modelling»
- Inget, kursen bör göras om eller tas bort som obligatorisk kurs.»
- the group project was ok but it needs a little more time if it is parallell to the project in the other course.»
- the grading system, with pass/not pass on the exercises and equal weighting of project and written exam»
- The different exercises.»
- the project»
- the project and the exercises»
- The group project.»
- Group project!»
- Group work »
- The group project was very good. »
- The structure of the coarse. The computer exercises.»
- Project could probably be good if part of the course before it where modified.»

14. What should definitely be changed to next year?

- Clearer about how the exam will look like (earlier).»
- Lägg mer tid på övningarna och låta det som görs på övningarna spegla vad som kommer på tentan. OM ni säger att tentan i år kommer vara lite annorlunda än tidigare får ni gärna lägga upp exempel på hur tentan ser ut nu då man inte hade en aning vilka delar från de gamla tentorna man skulle skippa, då vi i kursen inte räknat NÅGONTING för hand men plötsligt dyker det likt förbannat upp sådant på tentan. Har väl egentligen inte lärt mig någonting viktigt och ni behöver helt enkelt göra om kursen helt och hållet om den ska finnas kvar, har ju vart ett skämt allting. Urban metabolism övningen gav INGENTING, det enda man lärde sig vara att klippa och klistra i excel utan någon som helst förståelse men tog en väldans massa tid.»
- Ta bort tentan, och exsaminera på dataövningar och projekt. Göra om övningarna lite så dom får lite mer mening med seriösa inlämningar som kan betygsättas elller utgöra grunden till ett begyg. Vissa av övni garna känns idag menlösa ex urban metabolism som inprincip gick ut på att länka i excel vilket inte var det som den skulle gå ut på.»
- Some lectures seems not related to the aim of the course. In other words, the relationship between these lectures and the course aim should be better clarified.»
- The exam, instead have a larger group project.»
- Ta bort urban metabolism. Delen med FEM var på alldeles för hög nivå, men det vet ni redan och ändrade snabbt vilket var mycket bra!»
- More lectures/exercises using software as we were just given a list of steps to follow, which was not so good to understand fully how different software works.»
- I don"t think there should be an exam, just the exercises and the project because it is not sutible to have a written exam when we only worked on computers. The part of numerical modelling should be changed so it is more acessable for the students because it seems to be an important part but that part didn"t give me any thing.»
- Skippa tentan, gör några större projekt där man får prova på att lösa problem genom modellering istället, kanske 3 projekt a 2 veckor var tror jag skulle leda till att jag skulle lära mig mer.»
- the plannering for the course should totally be changed i think. there. more time for each program should be set and maybe each student should choose two or three programs to work with during the corse. so there will be better comprehension of each program and the goal. there were too different things gathered in one course which makes the course uninteresting. maybe small exams each week or home exams could be a good idea. the lecture could be more interesting and effective. there could follow each other to be interesting at be followed.»
- exercise Urban Metabolism»
- One of the aims of the course is to "(...) serve as unifying course for students with different backgrounds", as stated in the course memo. That goal was far from being achieved.»
- the exam - make it somewhat fit with the rest of the course. no it is all very confusing. e.g. no exam, larger project and individual exercises what are of greater extent. »
- the amount of urban metabolism lecture, they were to many. And the amount of lectures room most be more. The exam, i can not see what the exam was good for, the goal for the clas was to learn students to see that there are more than one way to solve problems, but in the exam it felt that there still just one corect way.»
- Somehow adapt the course after the fact that we actually have only a couple of hours to work with every kind of model. »
- Better connection between the different parts of the course. Maybe integrate more parts into the group project.»
- The assignements where not giving at all. You got no continuity in the programs and too little time to learn them. Focus on having smaller class when having the exercise, have more teachers per student during exercise and teach us what we are suppose to know for the exam on the lectures and exercises.»
- It has to be clearer what kind of questions that are on the exam. Also add more exercises that treat questions like those on the exam.»
- many things need to be reconsidered. How the excercises and lectures could mirror the scope and purpose of the course in a better way.»
- You need to clearify what we should know and learn during this course. I was confused the entire course and did not know how to study for the exam. Maybe there could be two group projects in two different topics instead of just one?»
- Maybe it is reasonable to give more time for the group work project without extending the workload. An extra week would have been great.»
- The urban metabolism exercise was very much about only making links in excel and did give very much, even though Leonardo was very good at sending us PIM explaining the purpose of the exercises, giving us tips et cetera. Though the exercises did not feel very useful. But the subject and the lectures were very good!»
- The exercises! Exercises can be a very good way of learning, but they should be about, how to set up models and start by basic principles in the beginning of the course and then maybe turn more advanced as the weeks pass. They should NOT be trying to enter and data and try use PhD-students models.»

15. Additional comments

- Ni är ju smarta människor, ni måste ju själva känna att kursens upplägg osv är helt åt helvete dåligt. Om vi nu ska lära oss om olika modeller är det väl bättre vi jobbar lite mer med vissa än att skrapa på ytan på jätte många med värdelösa övningar som inte ger något?! Tack och hej!»
- Om tentan ska behållas MÅSTE övningsuppgifter och övningstentor som påminner om tentan lämnas ut är väl knappast meningen att studenterna inte ska veta vad man ska kunna eller her hentan kommer se ut. Jag blev mycket besviken på den här kursen.»
- Tror kursen bör göras om från grunden. Man bör överväga om den ska delas till flera kurser eller om antalet modelling-metoder ska minskas. Som det är nu hinner man inte lära sig någon om någon metod. Det enda jag tar med mig från kursen är att jag har blivit bättre på att jobba i excell. Borde inte vara en obligatorisk kurs om den inte är genomtänkt. »
- The class size was a problem in the computer rooms which could be resolved next year. Either have two rooms with one lecturer in each room, or try to find a larger room on campus (if there are any).»
- Generellt en av de sämsta kurserna jag läst!»
- me personally did not enjoy this course unfortunately and could not learn a definite subject through it. i hope you and students next year will be more satisfied with it.»
- The exercises could be more difficult and thus replace the exam.»
- it is not acceptable to have the whole class in one computerroom. If it if only one teather, have then two lectures! We were 70 people in a room where only 50 people is allowed.»
- Make the group project bigger and have less exercises.»
- You said that the course was changed for this year and the old exams on the portal could not be trusted. But how come you have a 8point question about safety factors witout even haveing this information on the uploaded slides on Ping-pong? I had never seen this type of question before and lost a lot of points due to this. Only those who studied the old exams might have gotten some points. But I was under the impression that we should NOT pay to much attention to the old exams, but apparently I should have. When we have the oral presentations of the projects, you did not divide the groups so we could listen to all different models. I for example presented in the group without the Urban Metabolism. I thought this presentation should be a learning opportunity, where we get a chance to hear all different models. Especially this year when UM was a new topic, but only a handful could be breifed deeper about it. »
- The question number 4 on the exam was not fair. We spent very little time on this subject and we did not do any exercises related to this area.»
- The aim of the course, and its content, is adequate and good but hard to exam.»
- I think the ambition is nice but it does not really fall out as planned, maybe try and realize we have not build models in this way before knowingly and maybe a basic understanding would give us more than trying to make us use and understand complex models. Do not try to walk before you can crawl.»
Genomsnitt totalt för detta stycke: 2.32

Genomsnitt totalt för alla frågor: 2.32
Beräknat jämförelseindex: 0.33

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