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MPALG 1213-1 Logic in computer science, DAT060|DIT201

Status: Avslutad
Öppen för svar: 2012-10-22 - 2012-11-09
Antal svar: 46
Procent av deltagarna som svarat: 41%
Kontaktperson: Maria Sörner»

Opening question

1. Which university do you belong to?

Some of our courses are taken jointly by students of the University of Gothenburg and Chalmers University of Technology. In order for us to be able to look at the answers of each student group separately, we would like you to indicate which university you are registered at.

45 svarande

University of Gothenburg»7 15%
Chalmers University of Technology»38 84%

Genomsnitt: 1.84

Your own effort

2. How many hours per week did you spend on this course?

We mean total time, that is, it comprises the time you spent in class and the time you spent on your own work. Try to estimate the average time over the entire study period.

46 svarande

At most 15 hours/week»11 23%
Around 20 hours/week»22 47%
Around 25 hours/week»12 26%
Around 30 hours/week»1 2%
At least 35 hours/week»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 2.06

- Good assignments and lectures» (Around 20 hours/week)
- Most of the time was spent on the weekly exercises, which were very representative of what you needed to know for the entire course. With a few exceptions (drinker"s paradox) they were also challenging enough for their respective weeks without being too difficult.» (Around 25 hours/week)

3. How large part of the teaching offered did you attend?

46 svarande

0%»1 2%
25%»2 4%
50%»7 15%
75%»15 32%
100%»21 45%

Genomsnitt: 4.15

- I attended a lecture that covered the same topics before, so I had no need for the lectures.» (0%)
- I mainly attended the exercise sessions because the lectures from the first few weeks felt more focused on the theoretical aspects of the course rather than the various proof methods etc.» (50%)
- Didn"t attend most of the exercise sessions.» (75%)
- Missed some Fridays due to laboration in another course.» (75%)
- I couldn"t read what Jan wrote on the black board so those lectures wasn"t very meaningful.» (75%)
- Its impossible to attend the 8 am sessions on fridays. Those times are for bachelors.» (75%)

Goals and goal fulfilment

The course syllabus states the course goals in terms of learning outcomes, i.e., knowledge, skills and attitudes to be acquired by the student during the course.

To review the learning outcomes for this course, click here. (Opens in new window)

4. How understandable are the course goals?

46 svarande

The goals are difficult to understand»0 0%
The goals give some guidance, but could be clearer»8 17%
The goals clearly describe what I am supposed to learn»38 82%

Genomsnitt: 2.82

- The goals should not be formulated so that the student is referred to as a "he", it seems a bit outdated... I don"t think these goals are what I learned, but I learned a lot in the course but the proof techniques and the basics of computability and models seems to be missing from the goals. Since the course was good, I think the goals should be change rather than the course.» (The goals give some guidance, but could be clearer)

5. Are the goals reasonable considering your background and the number of credits?

Answer this this question and the succeeding one, only if you do know the course goals.

44 svarande

No, the goals are set too low»1 2%
Yes, the goals seem reasonable»43 97%
No, the goals are set too high»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 1.97

- Since it was a course for new students at master level it was a good pace for the course.» (Yes, the goals seem reasonable)

6. Did the examination assess whether you have reached the goals?

46 svarande

No, not at all»0 0%
To some extent»9 19%
Yes, definitely»37 80%
I don"t know/have not been examined yet»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 2.8

- I don"t think it focused much on "... understand and use formal tools for checking software and hardware, such as SAT-solver and model checking tools (used in software engineering)". It did focus much on "... be able to explain the meaning of soundness and completeness for various logic (propositional, predicate and temporal logic) and to write derivation trees in natural deduction in predicate logic."» (To some extent)
- We did not learn about specific model-checking software, but I consider that a good thing. Learning about specific languages and tools usually becomes more complex without contributing very much to general understanding.» (To some extent)
- "use formal tools for checking software and hardware" ... "and model checking tools (used in software engineering)" was not really tested. Was that even part of the course?» (To some extent)
- Very much natural deduction on the exam, there are other stuff which we could have been tested on.» (To some extent)
- The exam did not (as far as I know) contain any questions about SAT-solvers or model checking tools.» (To some extent)
- It felt like a very reasonable and good exam.» (Yes, definitely)

Teaching and course administration

7. To what extent has the teaching been of help for your learning?

45 svarande

Small extent»1 2%
Some extent»8 17%
Large extent»22 48%
Great extent»14 31%

Genomsnitt: 3.08

- - I did not attend the lectures» (?)
- Mainly the exercise sessions, where several things were clarified.» (Some extent)
- The lectures were quite heavy but the exercise sessions made the topics easy to understand.» (Great extent)
- Like I said before, Jan"s lectures - small extent. The excersise sessions (with Simon/Anders) and Simons lectures - Great extent. But the exercise classes should sometimes focus more on next weeks assignments. » (Great extent)
- Excellent job by everyone, Simon was perhaps a little quick between writing on the board and asking questions.» (Great extent)

8. To what extent has the course literature and other material been of help for your learning?

46 svarande

Small extent»3 6%
Some extent»8 17%
Large extent»25 54%
Great extent»10 21%

Genomsnitt: 2.91

- Didn"t like the book at all. It wasn"t explainen all the moments that we went through at the lectures.» (Small extent)
- Access to solved exercises is the key to success. I"m glad someone at Chalmers has a non-restrictive view on this.» (Large extent)
- It was my primary source of learning but there were several problems with it. The first chapter (about proofs in propositional logic) was very good and neatly summarized everything. The rest of the chapters became increasingly unclear and badly organized. There were too many proofs of general principles that we weren"t supposed to do ourselves, and too little explanation of key concepts in both natural deduction and temporal logic.» (Large extent)
- The exercises were great! Sometime I think they were a bit to hard, but overall I learned a lot thorugh these.» (Large extent)

9. How well did the course administration, web page, handouts etc work?

46 svarande

Very badly»0 0%
Rather badly»1 2%
Rather well»23 50%
Very well»22 47%

Genomsnitt: 3.45

- It would had been much better if we had access to more exams with solutions. I could solve quite a few of the exam problems, but was unsure if my answer was good enough to get full grading.» (Rather badly)
- Unfortunately, there are no lecture notes available.» (Rather well)
- There would be nice to have lecture notes on the web page aswell. » (Rather well)
- Everything was clearly visible on the single-page website, and relevant updates were quickly posted when needed.» (Very well)


10. Do you think having assignments is good?

45 svarande

No, not at all»0 0%
To some extent»1 2%
Yes, definitely»44 97%

Genomsnitt: 2.97

- I think the statistics show a big correlation between doing assignments/labs -> passing the exam. You"re fooling us into keeping current with the lectures!» (Yes, definitely)
- But I think they should be mandatory. I only did one of the assignments because I didn"t take the time to do the other. » (Yes, definitely)
- I think you should grade the assignments harder though. It wasn"t very good to hear lecturers saying "we were less strict in grading the assignments then what we will be on the exam.". It should be the other way around..» (Yes, definitely)
- It"s really good to have assignments that you can do if you want but don"t have to. It might be difficult to have the self dicipline to do the assignments, but that"s every persons responsibility.» (Yes, definitely)
- Spending several hours on the assignments each week was the primary way in which me and my friends learned the material in the course. They were also reasonable in scope and difficulty.» (Yes, definitely)
- Great way to make students study and learn the course.» (Yes, definitely)
- Like I mentioned before, I have learned a lot through these assignments. But sometimes I think they could be a bit to hard.» (Yes, definitely)
- I really liked the weekly assignments and learned a great deal from them. Somewhat uneven difficulty on them though, a few assignments were quite easy and some very difficult.» (Yes, definitely)

11. Should the bonus points from the assignments count more or less for the final exam? (Currently they count 10%.)

46 svarande

Less than 10%»1 2%
10%»34 73%
More than 10%»11 23%

Genomsnitt: 2.21

- Since there is very little creativity in this subject, and the assignments were not that long, I think 10% is fair.» (10%)
- 10% seems reasonable although I would do them even if it were lower because they were a good benchmark of what we needed for the exam.» (10%)
- Sounds fair.» (10%)
- Good balance, I felt motivated to do them, but didn"t whine about loosing some points» (10%)
- for the current workload and extent of the assignments 10% is fair. But i would have appreciated more assignments and with that more bonus points.» (10%)
- But 10% i ok i guess, if you consider how much you learn from them and that you can use this on the exam..» (More than 10%)
- Was really no win in making them for the bonus points, only for the continous learning.» (More than 10%)
- It did not felt like it was worth it with only 10%, but it might not be reasonable to have to many bonus points.» (More than 10%)
- Maybe not in the current version but I think making assignments count more is a great idea.» (More than 10%)
- It is reasonable to think that most people want get the maximum points on the assignments. So suppose that the average get around 3-4 points. In a 60 points exam these points are pretty worthless. Of course, these points could always help to pass the exam or get a higher grade but according to the time I"ve spent with these I would like them to be worth more. I would say that it is not worth the effort for a maximum of 6 bonus points at a 60 points exam, IF it weren"t for the fact that you really learn a lot by doing these. » (More than 10%)

12. Are there enough easy problems?

46 svarande

No, not at all»0 0%
To some extent»21 45%
Yes, definitely»25 54%

Genomsnitt: 2.54

- As far as I can remember I think quite few of them could be classified as "easy", but then the book provided many different example exercises that were easier so I"m not sure it"s a problem.» (To some extent)
- It was very various. At some assignments there were a lot of easy problems, and at others there were less.» (To some extent)
- Some were easy, some were a bit harder, I felt well prepared for the exam. sometimes feedback came too late (some responses were wordy and feedback on them came to late to adjust language on the next assignment, so old errors would carry over to the next response on similar questions)» (To some extent)
- The book has a lot of good exercies with solutions» (Yes, definitely)
- Good qssignments!» (Yes, definitely)

13. Are there enough difficult problems?

46 svarande

No, not at all»0 0%
To some extent»16 34%
Yes, definitely»30 65%

Genomsnitt: 2.65

- The same as with the easy problems. Sometimes more, sometimes less. (Read the comment above.)» (To some extent)

14. How much time did you averagely spend on one assignment?

46 svarande

Less than 1 hour»1 2%
1-5 hours»26 56%
5-10 hours»15 32%
10-15 hours»4 8%
More than 15 hours»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 2.47

- Assignment 2 ~ 10 min incl TeX.» (1-5 hours)
- I think the question is a bit ambiguous. Doing the actual assignment doesn"t take much time, preparing for it does more so. Some students might try the assignment before doing the exercises, making the time spent on assignments quite long.» (1-5 hours)
- I only did about two assignments» (1-5 hours)
- I only had the time to do the first of them due to another course which took all of my attention.» (1-5 hours)
- Only did the last one.» (1-5 hours)
- Generally around five hours in one sitting at school and then a couple of hours verifying the assignment later and writing it down.» (5-10 hours)
- The assignments were my main way of studying.» (5-10 hours)
- Also very various on different assignments.» (10-15 hours)

Study climate

15. How were the opportunities for asking questions and getting help?

46 svarande

Very poor»0 0%
Rather poor»2 4%
Rather good»11 23%
Very good»19 41%
I did not seek help»14 30%

Genomsnitt: 3.97

- It would be good to allocate time for individual consulation with the lecturers or course assistants.» (Rather poor)
- Very friendly course staff.» (Rather good)
- The assistants were very friendly and helpful and also available most of the time, either over e-mail or in their office.» (Very good)
- Great with the closeness to the teachers. I was very useful for my learning.» (Very good)

16. How well has cooperation between you and your fellow students worked?

46 svarande

Very poorly»1 2%
Rather poorly»1 2%
Rather well»14 30%
Very well»21 45%
I did not seek cooperation»9 19%

Genomsnitt: 3.78

- » (Very well)
- We discussed the material to help each other learning the difficult parts. There was no co-operative parts in the course Otherwise. » (Very well)

17. How was the course workload?

46 svarande

Too low»0 0%
Low»5 10%
Adequate»34 73%
High»7 15%
Too high»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 3.04

- I did not put fulltime on this course since my other course took all my attention.» (Low)
- Hehe adequate set of connectives» (Adequate)

18. How was the total workload this study period?

45 svarande

Too low»0 0%
Low»1 2%
Adequate»25 55%
High»14 31%
Too high»5 11%

Genomsnitt: 3.51

- The project management course took a lot of time and effort. » (Adequate)
- I reread a third subject.» (High)
- Algorithms had really time consuming assignments.» (High)
- I took 3 courses while working part-time, which overall was too much.» (Too high)
- Other course resposible.» (Too high)

Summarizing questions

19. What is your general impression of the course?

46 svarande

Poor»0 0%
Fair»1 2%
Adequate»0 0%
Good»32 69%
Excellent»13 28%

Genomsnitt: 4.23 (bidrar till totalt genomsnitt/jämförelseindex)

- unusually fun course» (Good)
- Good course for learning the basics of CS.» (Good)
- I really liked the course. The subject where interesting and the lecturers where very good as well.» (Excellent)
- I was able to immediately apply knowledge from this course in another exam to solve several problems.» (Excellent)
- Very good course, it was interesting!» (Excellent)

20. What should definitely be preserved to next year?

- 6 assignments»
- exercise.»
- The assignments and exercise sessions.»
- Assignments»
- assignments»
- The assignments»
- - Level of difficulty in the exercise and exam»
- the friday exercise sessions were very good»
- I think the assignment work load was fair. »
- Good assistants and sessions going over solutions to exercises and assignments. No coverage of specific software and programming languages (as mentioned before).»
- The home assignments were important to get me started from the first weeks. »
- Assignments. Learned almost everything in the course thanks to the assignments.»
- Assignments. They made me learn step by step.»
- The assignments! Good initiative!»
- Assignments»
- Jan Smith telling the history behind things we learn. On one side it feels as we"re wasting time (because it won"t help for the exam), but it really made the lectures more interesting.»
- Assignments, the two phd.-students that had most of the lectures where great.»
- The assignments!»
- The difficulty level of the bonus assignments, they should be rather easy if you"ve understood the week"s content to encourage people to actually do them.»
- The excercises was great. But during the excercises, spend less time going throuhg last weeks assignment and more on the comming weeks. »
- The assignments»
- Everything. »
- The course assistants »
- Exactly the same:»

21. What should definitely be changed to next year?

- The course assistant should discuss more exercises questions during the exercise session every week.»
- None.»
- More time at the exercise sessions since if felt like a lot of time we did not have time do go through everything that needed to be done.»
- It was sometimes frustrating to do the assignment and then go over it all again on the excersises. I feel the time could be better spent studying other examples»
- Some lectures were entirely devoted to writing out long proofs of the board, but these are very difficult to follow and in reality not important for the exam anyway. So I think such lectures should be avoided.»
- It would be useful to have some supplementary written material in addition to the book. Specifically, the book wasn"t very clear about the rules for introducing and substituting variables: I was surprised to see that global variables could seemingly be introduced at any time, and that substitutions during all-elimination could be anything, not just a single variable name. The book did not explicitly say any of this. Additionally, the chapters on LTL and CTL were very bad at structuring the information. For instance, the definition of the connectives (F, G, U, etc.) were very brief and scattered all over the place. I would have appreciated some form of one- or two-page written summary of every week"s topic, much in the same way that the proof rules for propositional logic were brilliantly summarized on page 27 (by far the best page in the book). Another problem with the book was that it did not clearly define how LTL and CTL formulas are interpreted. It would be useful with a more structured description of how the formulas are evaluated, in what order, and which states and/or paths are considered during the evaluation. Finally, the lack of something like proof rules related to LTL and CTL made it more difficult to solve these exercises because we weren"t sure how to reason and how to describe our reasoning. If possible it would be useful with a clarification of how solutions for these assignments can and should be structured.»
- Some times I think we didn"t get enough lecture time for the preparations of the exercises which did some of the exercises harder than they should be.»
- SAT sounded interesting but was only given short amount of time, too much time proving its correctness.»
- None»
- The assignments, make them more equal in difficulty and workload. And raise the bonus points.»
- More exams with solutions. Some example documents for Latex would had been nice.»
- More focus on the predicate models, maybe this is the hardest part to grasp for me at least.»
- During the excercises, spend less time going throuhg last weeks assignment and more on the comming weeks. »
- Possibly make it clearer which parts are important with respect to the examination.»
- Nothing»

22. Additional comments

- None.»
- Considering the size of the class, couldn"t the department have afforded another exercise session with a tutor? I strongly believe that exercise is the main factor in a successful examination.»
- The exam turned out to be more "open ended" than the assignments led on.»
- Great course! Thanks Jan, Anders and Simon»
- Would be nice if there were more "Computer Science" in the course.»
- I don"t think we should share this course with GU. They don"t have enough knowledge to to keep up with the Chalmers students, which makes the exercise classes focus on making them understand things that is obvious for the Chalmers students. This makes the majority of the class missing a lot of time that we could have spent on learning more instead of a recap for the GU students. »
- I enjoyed the course. Thanks.»
Genomsnitt totalt för detta stycke: 4.23

Genomsnitt totalt för alla frågor: 4.23
Beräknat jämförelseindex: 0.8

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