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MPDSD H12 - Creative Exploration and Expression

Status: Avslutad
Öppen för svar: 2012-10-18 - 2012-11-02
Antal svar: 4
Procent av deltagarna som svarat: 28%
Kontaktperson: Roberto Cattaneo»
Utbildningsprogram som genomför enkäten: Arkitektur 300 hp
Utbildningsprogram studenten tillhör: Arkitektur 300 hp

1. How do you think the learning outcome has been pursued during this course?*

With "learning outcomes" we mean the knowledge, understanding, skills and perspectives you are expected to reach.

The purpose of "Creative exploration and expression" was to introduce those students coming from non-design based bachelor programs (e.g. building and civil engineering, building economics, etc) to architects" processes, tools and way of working.

4 svarande

Very well»0 0%
Well»1 25%
Quite well»3 75%
Quite badly»0 0%
Badly»0 0%
Very badly»0 0%
No opinion»0

Genomsnitt: 2.75

2. Day 1 - Introduction*

You met Mikael Mangold, a former MPDSD student with civil engineering as background, who brought his own experience and discussed your expectations about the master programme.

What is your impression about day 1?

4 svarande

Very positive»0 0%
Positive»2 50%
Quite positive»2 50%
Quite negative»0 0%
Negative»0 0%
Very negative»0 0%
No opinion»0

Genomsnitt: 2.5

3. Day 2 - Feeling spaces, stimulation senses*

The lecture introduced you to the concept of space in the way architects read it.

What is your impression about day 2?

4 svarande

Very positive»1 25%
Positive»1 25%
Quite positive»2 50%
Quite negative»0 0%
Negative»0 0%
Very negative»0 0%
No opinion»0

Genomsnitt: 2.25

- I would want even more notions and methods presented that are common to the architects. For instance, BIM, GIS, SWOT. » (Very positive)
- I think this lecture could be combined with the first lecture, and more time spent on tools/project.» (Quite positive)

4. Day 3 - Tools for idea development and presentation*

The focus of the day was to show you what digital tools are used by architects and give you a kick off in the use of AutoCAD (or Revit).

What is your impression about day 3?

4 svarande

Very positive»0 0%
Positive»1 25%
Quite positive»3 75%
Quite negative»0 0%
Negative»0 0%
Very negative»0 0%
No opinion»0

Genomsnitt: 2.75

- It was good to have a try. Because I had already tried autocad though I felt it didnt provide that much to me. » (Quite positive)
- It was useful to see all the different programs, but it may have been nice to focus on the differences, pros/cons of each, when it"s best to use which, etc. » (Quite positive)

5. Day 4 - Creating space, stimulating senses*

During day 4 you were asked to sketch a proposal for the modification of the space you had analyzed.

What is your impression about day 4?

4 svarande

Very positive»1 25%
Positive»2 50%
Quite positive»1 25%
Quite negative»0 0%
Negative»0 0%
Very negative»0 0%
No opinion»0

Genomsnitt: 2

- I found this assignment & course very helpful!» (Very positive)
- It was good to get a try with the paper and pen and to work with analysing. » (Positive)

6. What is your general impression about the course?*

4 svarande

Very positive»1 25%
Positive»3 75%
Quite positive»0 0%
Quite negative»0 0%
Negative»0 0%
Very negative»0 0%
No opinion»0

Genomsnitt: 1.75

- It is a good intention with the course and I think it is important. It would be nice to have the course integrated with the work in he other course. When I started the programme I was prepared to put extra energy to adapt to the new way of studying. This course sometimes helped with a general understanding but sometimes it was reason to more stress since the programme already required specific tasks. Perhaps it would be nice if these tasks could be included in the course and be a platform for the work? » (Positive)

7. What should be preserved next year?*

- I think the concept of having thematic meetings is awesome and I like the thought of how they were connected. »
- n/a»
- The course is really useful and should be maintained.»
- I really learned a lot from the assignment (analyzing and changing an existing space). »

8. What should be changed next year?*

- I think it is important to not put a lot of stuff extra on the students. The adaptation is quite heavy as it is and the tasks for the programme feels big. So if the task could be integrated I think it would be a good solution. »
- duration too short to learn»
- It should be longer to be able to grasp more.»
- It"d be ideal if all the classes could be closer together and take place during the first month (ie. same time as the initial Design Professions course)»

9. Other comments

- I also think it is important to keep the meetings quite close to each other. Not too long between them. If the course could be connected to the programme, perhaps this would come naturally. For instance we were to produce posters for a presentation in the programme course and perhaps presenting inDesign could be a good opportunity in realtion to this. »
- good intro»
- Thanks for doing this course! It was great to get a more personalized and tailored introduction to architecture and to be able to meet and discuss the other engineers in the masters program.»

* obligatoriska frågor

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