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Stochastic optimization algorithms, FFR105

Status: Avslutad
Öppen för svar: 2012-10-25 - 2012-10-31
Antal svar: 32
Procent av deltagarna som svarat: 58%
Kontaktperson: Mattias Wahde»
Utbildningsprogram som genomför enkäten: Chalmers: masterskurs


1. How do you rate the lectures?

32 svarande

Not good at all»0 0%
Not so good»0 0%
Neither good nor bad»1 3%
Good»18 56%
Very good»13 40%

Genomsnitt: 4.37

- I did not attend many lectures. Maybe there should be a question about that first?» (Neither good nor bad)
- I"ve felt that sometimes things were going a bit too slow.» (Good)
- De kunde gärna fått vara längre. Ofta var de bara en timme långa. En idé vore också om man hade kunnat gå igenom hemuppgifterna efter deadline. » (Good)
- Jag gillar dem. Bra att du kan avsluta tidigare, när du är klar. Alla föreläsningar borde dock innehålla något av (examinations-) vikt, så att man inte känner som jag kände någon gång att, det här hade jag inte behövt kliva upp kl 07 för, även om det är intressant.» (Good)
- It was sometimes difficult to write as quickly as Mattias. Otherwise very good.» (Good)
- The lectures were great, you didn"t really have to read the course book if you attended the lectures. Some calculations were made extremely fast so that you didn"t have the time to realize what you where actually writing (if you were copying the board). A lot of lectures ended 10-15 early, because of this. Calculations on board could be done slower to fill up the whole lecture. » (Good)
- You cut a few lectures short. This time could maybe be used for more theory and thus prepare better for the exam.» (Very good)
- Teacher speaking with a clear voice, and all lectures had a good plan and ordering. Impossible to get lost » (Very good)
- Extremely professional » (Very good)
- The lectures have been very structured and if one misses a lesson its easy to find out what pages to read in the book to catch up. » (Very good)

2. To what extent have the lectures been of help for your learning?

32 svarande

Not at all»1 3%
Some extent»8 25%
Large extent»14 43%
Very large extent»9 28%

Genomsnitt: 2.96

- The book is already very clear» (Some extent)
- I haven"t been to many, to be honest, but the ones I went to were good.» (Some extent)
- Since the course book is so similar it is difficult to say.» (Some extent)
- Föreläsningar + labbar var det enda jag gjorde i kursen, ändå känner jag att jag behärskar kursen.» (Large extent)
- Very good level, exactly the right things are explained in detail» (Very large extent)

3. Do you think that the lectures complemented the course literature well?

32 svarande

No, not at all»0 0%
Not so much»5 15%
Yes»14 43%
Yes, very much»13 40%

Genomsnitt: 3.25

- The lectures had the same content as the book. The book was however really good.» (Not so much)
- This is maybe my biggest criticism about the course: the lectures follow the book too closely. I didn"t felt like I"ve missed much the few times I haven"t been to the lectures if I just read the equivalent content in the book.» (Not so much)
- Mycket likt boken. » (Not so much)
- En konstig fråga med tanke på att du själv skrivit boken, du har givetvis lyft upp det du tycker är viktigt där.» (Not so much)
- This question is difficult since the lecturer wrote the course literature. The lectures went over the essnentials in the book, which is always good.» (Yes)

4. To what extent has the Matlab introduction been of help for your learning?

32 svarande

Not at all»3 9%
Some extent»10 31%
Large extent»9 28%
Very large extent»10 31%

Genomsnitt: 2.81

- Jag hade tillräckligt med kunskap om Matlab för kursen på förhand. Vad andra kan, vet jag ej.» (Not at all)
- Wasn"t able to come. Evenings are booked many weeks in advance in most cases. » (Not at all)
- I think the introduction should be more about making the program yourself. As is, it is almost copy-paste from the introduction sheets.» (Some extent)
- Otherwise, the first HP would have been a problem for me, since I had no prior experience with matlab» (Large extent)
- Introt var givande eftersom det snabbt gav en känsla för GA. » (Large extent)
- That wasn"t very compliceated if you are used to Matlab but it is a pretty good way to see what to avoid later on in the Home Problems» (Large extent)
- Having a sort of "main frame" for the GA was good. One could then focus on the details» (Large extent)
- I never used Matlab before this year. The Matlab introduction was enough to get me started» (Very large extent)
- It was very good to just copy code right of the paper to know how to "program in the right way"» (Very large extent)

5. To what extent have the home problems been of help for your learning?

32 svarande

Small extent»0 0%
Some extent»1 3%
Large extent»7 21%
Very large extent»24 75%

Genomsnitt: 3.71

- It may be interesting to get the correction of the problems we didn"t do. For example in HP1 I didn"t have the time to write all my solutions for the 2nd exercises, and It would have been a great help to get a correction of this problem» (Some extent)
- Att implementera är ett bra sätt att lära sig. Om kursen även hade haft labbar så hade det varit bra. Dock var instruktionerna och code style för petiga. Även valfritt programmeringsspråk hade varit bra, då med större krav på att rapporten ska utformas så att läsaren kan åter upprepade resultaten bara genom att läsa. Visst, att följa instruktionerna är en lärdom i sig, men det tog fokus från själva kursen. » (Large extent)
- Very good problems, difficult but not too much. » (Very large extent)
- Challenging and very fun!» (Very large extent)
- They were perhaps a bit too extensive. I dare not even admit how much time it took, even though I skipped question 3 of hp 2. » (Very large extent)
- Det har gett mig mycket. Det är först när man kodar som man internaliserar förståelsen av algoritmen, känner jag.» (Very large extent)
- I would however have wanted more freedom when doing the hp"s. Sometimes the instructions can be a little limiting instead of helpful, it is good to know what is expected though.» (Very large extent)

6. What is your impression of the course literature?

Course literature: Wahde, M. Biologically inspired optimization methods

32 svarande

Very poor»0 0%
Poor»0 0%
Average»2 6%
Good»15 46%
Very good»15 46%

Genomsnitt: 4.4

- Jag tycker att du har skrivit en bra bok Mattias men jag blev tokig på all kommatering. Ibland förklaras även saker lite för många gånger, med parenteser och "of course" vilket jag tycker försämrar läsflödet. » (Average)
- Somewhat scattered in its presentation of concepts otherwise very good. I did appreciate that it was accessible as E-book from the library.» (Good)
- I think it could do with some more examples» (Good)
- Den är välskriven.» (Good)

7. How well did the course administration, web page, communication etc. work?

32 svarande

Very badly»0 0%
Rather badly»0 0%
Rather well»6 18%
Very well»26 81%

Genomsnitt: 3.81

- Uppdaterades frekvent, även FAQ fick jag användning för - lägga upp svar på samma frågor nästa år? Spec. tänker jag på hur man skulle få output på LGP-problemet, det kom jag inte på förrän jag läste ditt svar.» (Rather well)

Your own efforts

8. How many hours per week did you spend on this course?

Hours per week include time in lectures, reading the course literature, working with home problems etc.

32 svarande

At most 15 hours»6 18%
About 20 hours»11 34%
About 25 hours»10 31%
At least 30 hours»5 15%

Genomsnitt: 2.43

- Den andra kursen vi tog samtidigt var tyngre och det stal fokus. » (At most 15 hours)
- Jag gör aldrig mer än nödvändigt.» (At most 15 hours)
- The home problems were really time consuming, but it was interesting to work on them» (About 25 hours)
- More than 30 hours were spent the weeks we had hand in on exercises, and under 25 the weeks we didnt.» (About 25 hours)
- Cause I am late for almost a month, I have to catch up and pass it.» (At least 30 hours)
- The home problems were pretty time consuming but it was worth it for sure» (At least 30 hours)

9. How large part of the teaching offered (lectures and exercise classes) did you attend?

32 svarande

Less than 20%»2 6%
20-40%»2 6%
41-60%»4 12%
61-80%»2 6%
More than 80%»22 68%

Genomsnitt: 4.25

Study climate

10. How were the opportunities for asking questions and getting help during the course?

32 svarande

Very poor»1 3%
Rather poor»0 0%
Rather good»9 28%
Very good»16 50%
I did not seek help»6 18%

Genomsnitt: 3.81

11. How was the course workload?

32 svarande

Too low»0 0%
Low»3 9%
Adequate»19 59%
High»9 28%
Too high»1 3%

Genomsnitt: 3.25

- High doesn"t necessary means bad, here it was quite good in fact» (High)
- In fact the load was not very much. Just managing to do the home problems before deadline was difficult. I think it is better to let the students do their best until the end of quarter and not get disappointed of doing more effort to get higher grades.» (High)

Course goals, level of difficulty, exam

12. How understandable are the course goals?

Note that the aim of the course was described in the first lecture. You may wish to revisit the slides from that lecture.

32 svarande

I have not read the goals»10 31%
The goals are difficult to understand»0 0%
The goals give some guidance, but could be clearer»1 3%
The goals clearly describe what I am supposed to learn»21 65%

Genomsnitt: 3.03

- Målen var väl beskrivna men jag lyssnade inte. Ledsen :) » (I have not read the goals)
- Or I have forgotten what I read.» (I have not read the goals)
- This was great. I knew exactly what was expected which made the work easier and less stressful.» (The goals clearly describe what I am supposed to learn)

13. Is the level of difficulty of the course reasonable, considering your background and the number of credits?

32 svarande

No, the level is too low»3 9%
Yes, the level is reasonable»29 90%
No, the level is too high»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 1.9

- Finns det ytterligare matematisk analys att göra på algoritmerna? Det blev ett sidospår nu men hade kunnat bli mer intressant, misstänker jag.» (No, the level is too low)
- There could be a bit more of a push regarding the mathematical basis of some parts.» (Yes, the level is reasonable)
- I think the difficulty level was perfectly balanced.» (Yes, the level is reasonable)

14. Did the examination as a whole assess whether you have reached the goals?

The course was examined in two parts:

Home problems (25p)
Exam (25p)

31 svarande

No, not at all»0 0%
Yes, to some extent»10 32%
Yes, definitely»21 67%

Genomsnitt: 2.67 (bidrar till totalt genomsnitt/jämförelseindex)

- see q12» (?)
- För tidigt för mig att säga. Jag har ingen distans till det, än.» (Yes, to some extent)
- Except from what I missed due to deadlines. The first and second trimester of course is intensive. Although it is good not to study new materials in last weeks, the students needs a few more time to finish home problems. I had extra time to study for the exam but no opportunity to do optional home problems although I know how to solve them.» (Yes, definitely)
- I think the exam was good, not that many "tricky" questions but rather questions that was meant to see if the student had really been studying. I mean it was not an "intelligence test" like some exams can be where you can study but still not pass.» (Yes, definitely)
- Although as earlier stated I did not read them.» (Yes, definitely)
Genomsnitt totalt för detta stycke: 2.67

Summarizing questions

15. What is your general impression of the course?

32 svarande

Very poor»0 0%
Poor»0 0%
Average»1 3%
Good»16 50%
Very Good»15 46%

Genomsnitt: 4.43

- Jag gillade den, och du gjorde ett väldigt bra jobb. Tack.» (Good)

16. Is there anything you think should be changed until next year?

- no lectures so early in the morning»
- Some steps in the proofs are not as clear as I would like them to be. I either had to derive them myself to understand or search the web for reasoning behind them. Sources in the "obvious" steps would good.»
- Well, I think a few exercise sessions would be great, because I"ve had many moments getting stuck on silly things that could be helped in a second with a tutor.»
- The homework should inspire student, not just follow the instruction, anyway the homework now is easy to grade.»
- Add the vector "scrambling" mutations for the GA to HP2 so that the students can see how well the GA can work after some problem specific modifications :)»
- perhaps aa bit less home problems. perhaps. not sure.»
- HP1 var väldigt beroende av någon övning som varit i början, som jag inte varit på. Nu är det mest ett estetiskt problem, eftersom PDF:en fanns att tillgå och jag därför kunde ta koden därifrån, ändå. HP2.3 såg ut att vara alldeles för mycket arbete för poängen. Jag gjorde alla andra uppgifter, men den bedömde jag mig faktiskt inte hinna med. Dels eftersom den berörde ett område, ANN, som var ett sidospår i kursen och dels för att jag hade en annan kurs vid sidan om.»
- Mayby divide the two homeproblems to three so that they are smaller and more spread out.»
- I like to have one more home problems and less points on the exam. I love to do the home problems.»
- I think the fact that a lot of students skipped task 3 in home problem 2 can be interpreted as a sign that hp2 was in fact too large. We did our best, spent a lot of time working on them but didnt even have time to start working on task 3. »
- I think the exam should be a 5 hour exam. The questions in the exam takes a lot more time than in usual exams. You dont really have the time to check any of your solutions if you want to complete all the questions.»

17. Which areas do you think need more emphasis (or less emphasis) in the course?

Topics covered: Classical optimization, Stochastic optimization (EAs, PSO, ACO), (Matlab) programming

- Den matematiska analysen av algoritmerna.»
- I don"t think any change is necessary. »
- Stochastic Optimization»
- Classical Optimization should be known to everyone I think. That part felt unneccesary to me atleast.»
- I think the balance was pretty good. I found the classical optimization the hardest though. Maybe some repetition of that in the end could be good.»

18. Additional comments

- I hope there will be more information about how to improve the algorithm to solve some practical problem»
- It was the best course I have had in Chalmers. Very well organized and managed. The students exactly know what to do and at the end they learn a lot of things that will not be easily forgotten due to implementing them in practice. »
- The comments and feedback on the homeproblems was very very good. I have appreciated alot that you take time to read the code that ive wrote and give specific comment on what to improve and think about. »
- Personally I did not have time to do any of the recommended exercises in the course book, since I had other courses taking a lot of time also. Therefore I think I did worse on the exam that in the home problems.»

Genomsnitt totalt för alla frågor: 2.67
Beräknat jämförelseindex: 0.83

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