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Evaluation of AM department day 2012-03-07

Status: Avslutad
Öppen för svar: 2012-03-29 - 2012-04-15
Antal svar: 64
Procent av deltagarna som svarat: 42%
Kontaktperson: Anders Boström»


1. Are you a

63 svarande

PhD student»25 39%
Administrator»9 14%
Technician»2 3%
Researcher/teacher»26 41%
Project assistant»1 1%

Genomsnitt: 2.5

2. Did you attend

64 svarande

(på denna fråga var det möjligt att välja flera svarsalternativ)

All day»42 65%
Morning»16 25%
Afternoon»14 21%
Dinner»11 17%
Did not attend at all»2 3%

TM - day in general

3. Do you think the department days should be mandatory?

61 svarande

Yes»36 59%
No»16 26%
No opinion»9 14%

Genomsnitt: 1.55

- Obligatorisk, men det kunde räcka med en stor sammankomst per år + mindre tillställning före jul. Gärna också växla om med studiebesök någon gång.» (?)
- But only once a year.» (Yes)
- Naturligt ska man som nu kunna ha giltigt skäl att inte delta» (Yes)
- Felställd fråga. Om man ska ha institutionsdagar måste de vara obligatoriska. Jag tycker för övrigt att man SKA ha institutionsdagar.» (Yes)
- Det är bra att veta vad institutionen siktar på att nå under den närmaste framtiden och hur kollegorna presterat, men det blir lite tröttsam om det blir en hel dag.» (No)
- "Mandatory" implies a consequence if a person doesn"t attend. If there isn"t one, it shouldn"t be called mandatory. Missing out on a whole working day can be very inconvenient at times, and the option to skip the department day if need be should be open. Also, if the reasoning behind calling it mandatory is that otherwise no one would attend, then maybe the day should be skipped altogether. Or held only once a year. (don"t get me wrong, I appreciate the department day)» (No)
- Should be encouraged, not made mandatory. Good department days will "sell themselves"» (No)
- Everything is (in some sense) mandatory since you are getting your salary. It"s just a question of how is paying for the time...» (No opinion)

4. What"s your opinion on what language to use in presentations during TM days?

62 svarande

English»26 41%
Swedish»3 4%
Mix»25 40%
Does not matter»8 12%

Genomsnitt: 2.24

- I"m capable of speaking both languages, but many employees are not. What"s the point of having people come to the department day, if they don"t understand a thing??» (English)
- I am a native Swedish speaker but I think English is the correct choice for this kind of event.» (English)
- Invited/External speakers may use Swedish. Particular swedish groups if group activites.» (English)
- Obviously English. Some people don"t know Swedish, and the day is said to be mandatory.» (English)
- De som vill får lyssna och diskutera på engelska, även om det kanske inte är optimalt. Det är ju obligatoriskt nu och blir alldeles för jobbigt för de som inte kan Svenska att hela tiden lyssna på något "oförståeligt".» (Mix)
- I think the presenter should be free to choose.» (Mix)
- English as far as possible» (Mix)
- Jag tycker man ska få välja det språk man känner sig bekväm med. De flesta är ok med engelska men det borde inte vara ett krav.» (Mix)
- A short brief should be introduced in English or be distributed few days before the TM day (as previously done). I actually did not want to participate into the group activity, since I did not understand anything.» (Mix)

5. Do you think information from AM management is important to have during the department days?

62 svarande

Yes»47 75%
No»7 11%
No opinion»8 12%

Genomsnitt: 1.37

- But not too long. It was very nice that Per Lövsund wasn"t there this time as he gives very long and boring presentations.» (Yes)
- But keep it short and give a summary of the most important current issues.» (Yes)
- Very bad that Per Lövsund didn"t attend» (Yes)
- All feedback is excellent. It lets us know how we are doing.» (Yes)
- Ja, om det finns någon. Inte för sakens skull.» (Yes)
- Beroende på vilken form av inst dag. Vid "intern form" obligatoriskt med information från ledningen. Vid studiebesök - om det passar» (Yes)
- If relevant Yes. Othervise No» (No opinion)
- Information?» (No opinion)

6. Do you believe the dinner is an important part of the TM day?

62 svarande

Yes»44 70%
No»5 8%
No opinion»13 20%

Genomsnitt: 1.5

- I also liked the little quiz after the dinner.» (Yes)
- It was a bit stressed this time. A three course dinner would have been better, and the very good band should have stayed longer.» (Yes)
- but unfortunately I normally can"t attend ,-)» (Yes)
- Det är ett socialt tillfälle där folk hinner umgås i ett avslappnat läge.» (Yes)
- It is good for mingling and of course, one has to eat. » (Yes)
- This is a social activity where we get to unwind and see each other in different settings. Personally, I would like that there are place settings to really get us to know other people. I definitely use these days to network throughout the organisation in areas I would otherwise struggle to.» (Yes)
- Social activities bring people together» (Yes)
- Jag tycker dock alltid att det ska finnas ett färdmedel fixat för de som behöver lämna. » (Yes)
- Although I did not participate, I actually believe in that it is very important.» (Yes)
- but should be balanced to its cost» (Yes)
- I would if I hadn"t spent the night with my closest colleagues, as so often is the case at these things, unfortunately.» (No opinion)
- Never attended because of family» (No opinion)

7. What is your general opinion of the department day 2012-03-07?

62 svarande

Very poor»1 1%
Poor»2 3%
Adequate/OK»22 35%
Rather good»29 46%
Very good»8 12%

Genomsnitt: 3.66

- To stiff with too little interaction. Good location and food. Would have appreciated coffee in the morning (like a morning reception starting at 08:30).» (Adequate/OK)
- The talk in the morning wasn"t that interesting» (Adequate/OK)
- Jag var inte där. Varför finns det inte någon - not applicable ruta?» (Adequate/OK)
- afternoon better» (Adequate/OK)
- Perhaps a bit too long.» (Rather good)
- The iso-14001 certification was too focussed on dangerous chemicals.» (Rather good)
- The presentation on education was not good. To many slides with to much information on each, and the presenter just read through them basically.» (Rather good)
- Everything was bad except the dinner.» (Very good)

8. What did you think about the location?

61 svarande

Very poor»1 1%
Poor»3 4%
Adequate/OK»25 40%
Rather good»19 31%
Very good»13 21%

Genomsnitt: 3.65

- I prefer to visit some industry.» (Poor)
- But why are we "downgrading" the presentation facilities? The lecture halls at Chalmers are *much* better. To get away from Chalmers, why not use facilities e.g. at GU?» (Adequate/OK)
- Jag var inte där. Varför finns det inte någon - not applicable ruta?» (Adequate/OK)
- Not considering price..-» (Very good)
- It should always be in Göteborg city.» (Very good)
- Perfect location» (Very good)

9. What did you think about the layout of the day with guest lecture in the morning and work on "a good course" an lic posters in the afternoon?

61 svarande

Poor»1 1%
Rather poor»2 3%
Adequate/OK»26 42%
Rather good»22 36%
Very good»10 16%

Genomsnitt: 3.62

- The guest lectures in the morning were too slow. It wasn"t rocket science that they told us about.» (Adequate/OK)
- More interaction and less presentations is better.» (Adequate/OK)
- afternoon better» (Adequate/OK)
- Teaching is a very important issue, time to lift it on all divisions.» (Very good)

10. Was there enough time for social interaction/discussion and to get to know each other?

62 svarande

Yes»45 72%
No»7 11%
No opinion»10 16%

Genomsnitt: 1.43

- Overall yes, but the dinner was too short.» (Yes)
- Group activities, lunch and dinner. Very nice, knows and says "hello" to some more people now.» (Yes)
- Knappt någon tid alls. Dessutom blir man ihopparad med personer från andra avdelningar som man inte träffar alls dagligen så om det ska ges tid för sociala interaktioner så bör denna tid i första hand ges för socialt umgänge med de i sin egen avdelning då det borde vara prio ett att lära känna dessa. Institutionens dag tycker jag fungerar bra för att förmedla övergripande information om vad som händer med institutionen och Chalmers. Institutionen är för stor för att man på en knapp dag, under raster mellan föreläsningar och andra aktiviteter, skall kunna få ett en fruktbart socialt umgänge med hela institutionen. På sin höjd hinner man utbyta lite kallprat och hälsa. Om man vill stimulera det sociala så tycker jag sådana aktiviteter bör organiseras på avdelningsnivå och då fokusera på just det sociala. Varför inte ordna teambuildingar vars syfte just är att lära känna sina medarbetare såsom de flesta företag med mer än 5 anställda gör?» (No)
- Had no chance to attend the dinner but during the rest of the day I think we could have had more time to interact.» (No opinion)

Morning session

11. What did you think of the content of the presentation of environmental certification?

61 svarande

Poor»3 4%
Rahter poor»12 19%
Adequate/OK»12 19%
Good»24 39%
Very good»6 9%
Did not attend this presentation»4 6%

Genomsnitt: 3.49

- Jag blev ytterst överraskad av miljö-folket. Visst bryr man sig om miljön och försöker förbättra omstandigheterna, men vissa förslag tyder på brist på kunskap och långsiktig planering om framtiden. Riva ner alla parkeringsplatser på Chalmers? Hur klokt är det? Man blir även mer besviken när ett gäng forskare och vetenskapsmän hyllar den iden. Vill man inte bila till och från jobbet kan man SJÄLV välja göra det, men att tvinga folk är totalt egoistiskt. Man kan resonera att idrott är skadlig mot moljön, då man genererar värme och äter mer, vilket bidrar till ohållbarhet. Slutligen, en bil som går runt och letar parkeringsplats släpper ut mer koldioxid än en som är parkerad. Antingen skrotar man alla bilar i världen eller parkerar dem för att unvika onödiga utsläpper. Skatt, bensin, parkering och försäkringspriserna är höga och de som kör bilar har sina anledningar. Effektivare bilar, mindre motorer, och alternativa bränslen är svaret. Jag tycker att det har mest blivit en trend att försvara sådana ideer utan att tänka på vad man i själva verket menar. Jag tycker att Chalmers miljö folket bör kunna prestera mycket bättre. Kanske en bredare utbildning och högre kunskapsnivå för dem kan hjälpa.» (Poor)
- The presentation was in Swedish and despite questions being asked in English, responses still given in Swedish. Are non-Swedish speakers not meant to care about the environmental certification.» (Poor)
- I did not buy the whole ISO14001 standard and why we should have it and why it is better than the other ISO standard we have. But what do I know? » (Rahter poor)
- Important topic but too lengthy» (Rahter poor)
- Too focussed on handeling of chemicals.» (Rahter poor)
- i dont think all need to hear so much about this. 100 persons*700 SEK/h*3 h =200 kSEK! is it worth it?» (Rahter poor)
- The guest lecture did not provide much for us who do not deal with chemicals. Could have been more interesting if it also provided an overview of the demands in the standard.» (Adequate/OK)
- Given that much of what was presented (like handling of chemicals) did not relate that much to my personal activities I think the presentation was OK, the speakers were well prepared.» (Adequate/OK)

12. What did you think of the morning speakers?

61 svarande

Poor»1 1%
Rahter poor»6 9%
Adequate/OK»13 21%
Good»25 40%
Very good»12 19%
Did not attend this presentation»4 6%

Genomsnitt: 3.86

- Who came up with this question? Impossible to answer when not better specified. does it refer to the presentation above or the presentations by Anders and Katarina?» (Adequate/OK)

Afternoon session

13. What did you think of the theme "what constitutes a good course"?

60 svarande

Poor»3 5%
Rather poor»4 6%
Adequate/OK»17 28%
Rather good»21 35%
Very good»15 25%

Genomsnitt: 3.68

- Leaved after lunch» (?)
- It was OK, but it actually did not answer his question and provided rather little hands-on advice. (I know it is difficult and I know that it may be out of "courtesy", but I think this is a good opportunity to "provoke" a bit)» (Adequate/OK)
- The intentions are very good but the realisation was not. Should have been more organised group work with more time and clear targets (not just a coffee discussion). Gives the impression that it is of little importance» (Adequate/OK)
- Ett mycket viktigt ämne som jag tycker bör diskuteras mer för att upprätthålla/förbättra kvalitén på utbildningen som vi ger på institutionen.» (Adequate/OK)
- Jag var inte där. Varför finns det inte någon - not applicable ruta?» (Adequate/OK)
- It is of great relevance given that our business is teaching. » (Very good)
- It was excellent to have teaching in focus as this is an area where there are many different opinions and where changes need to happen.» (Very good)

14. What did you think about the presentations of Mikael Enelund, Lennart Josefson and Peter Folkow?

56 svarande

Poor»2 3%
Rather poor»4 7%
Adequate/OK»14 25%
Rather good»24 42%
Very good»12 21%

Genomsnitt: 3.71

- Leaved after lunch» (?)
- see above» (Poor)
- Quite boring and not very interesting nor well prepared. Why go through an example of a course reformation to show off and to present an idea to get students to pass the course rather than learning for the future» (Rather poor)
- too lengthy. We could have been better prepared for a specific task to stimulate discussions» (Rather poor)
- Mikaels slides were not good and if I was attending that lecture as a student, I would have left in the coffee break. Ironic given we were talking about "what constitutes a good course." The data presented by Lennart and Peter were very good as it provides feedback.» (Adequate/OK)
- Jag var inte där. Varför finns det inte någon - not applicable ruta?» (Adequate/OK)
- Why do you have rather good on this question, but good on q12?» (Rather good)
- A bit too much data and too little analysis.» (Rather good)
- Folkow o Josefson föredömligt korta och strukturerade!» (Rather good)

15. What did you think about the poster exhibition and the quest?

59 svarande

Poor»1 1%
Rather poor»3 5%
Adequate/OK»31 52%
Rather good»20 33%
Very good»4 6%

Genomsnitt: 3.38

- Leaved after lunch» (?)
- I presented a poster and all questions except two were about giving the correct answers. There wasn"t any real discussion on the topic of the poster.» (Rather poor)
- It would have been better without the questions. Now, too much focus was on finding the answers rather than actually seeing what other havedone. » (Adequate/OK)
- It was OK, but it was difficult to get to some posters because of the crowd, the quest made people browse through the posters just in order to find the answers instead of trying to get a deeper understanding or a discussion with the PhD students.» (Adequate/OK)
- The last question was not properly formulater...» (Adequate/OK)
- It"s a good concept but its been done now.» (Adequate/OK)
- Jag var inte där. Varför finns det inte någon - not applicable ruta?» (Adequate/OK)
- didnt look much» (Adequate/OK)
- Perhaps to many posters.» (Rather good)
- posters are fun, quests are fun. fun + fun = 2 x fun. True story. » (Rather good)

Summary questions

16. What would you like to preserve to the next department day?

- dinner, group activities»
- dinner and poster session»
- Posters are fun (although probably a lot of (uncredited) work for the PhD students.»
- A location outside Chalmers. »
- The group discussions, they can really give you a new perspective on things. It is healthy for everyone to speak to people outside your safety circle. »
- interaction, get to know people from other divisions»
- I liked the focus on education.»
- In general OK.»
- Dinner and lunch.»
- social activities»
- Jag var inte där. Dock är jag en stor fan av posters. Jag tycker också att teman ska vara riktade mot kärnverksamhet, såsom undervisning, forskning etc. inte en plattform för kommunikation av central styrning. För detta ska man ha andra kanaler.»
- The layout of the day with guest lecture in the morning, some work on a department internal topic and lic posters in the afternoon, and dinner. »
- teaching is a good constant topic»
- poster exhibition + quest»
- Den trevliga och avspända atmosfär som präglade dagen. Den arrangerade avdelningens förtjänst!»
- The layout is good, specially the poster exhibition and quest»
- Two different issues before and after lunch. Group activities.»

17. What would you like to change for the next department day?

- Start with the coffee and not have it at 11 before lunch.»
- Keep it in english!»
- Presentation facilities (meaning room)»
- More time for interaction (both socially ) but also with focus on particular topics of interest for the department. Less presentations and more group activities.»
- More wine with the dine. »
- The attitude of the personnel visiting the department day...»
- that is is enough to have a department day once every year»
- a) It being mandatory. A lot more fun if your presence is your own choice. Also, otherwise, the only safe conversational topic is whatever you"d rather do. In my opinion researchers often tend not to like being herded - it"s not really in agreement with the scientific prerogative. b) Too much stuff of little interest. Focus on the core values. c) The number of department days a year could be fewer.»
- The department management should give an (not too long) information.»
- The starting time should be 10:00 and not a minute sooner.»
- It shouldn"t be held twice a year. That is too often. My suggestion: skip calling it "mandatory" and hold it once a year. I think people will still attend.»
- faster pace in presentations to cover more subjects»
- maybe half day is enough»
- Antalet inst.dagar per år, se ovan»

18. Do you have a suggestion for a theme, a problem or topic of interest for the next TM day?

- Innovation And Entrepreneurship»
- Transport in relation to environmental goals [see Riksrevisionens criticism] and future capacity [see Trafikverkets kapacitetsutredning]. »
- Creating a sustainable working environment (including reduction of stress, goal setting, creation of a feeling that we are all belonging to the same group despite the different divisions striving for a joint responsibility to develop Applied Mechanics in the "right" direction)»
- How money driven is our research? Is it too applied? Are we doing engineering work or research? »
- How do we achieve big impact in the scientific community and society in general?»
- How do we encourage more females into engineering? Is positive discrimination at Chalmers correct or should we start working harder outside of Chalmers?»
- Research and Education. It"s what we"re supposed to be working with, after all. Perhaps a mini-conference of a sorts, offering alternative presentations? Then the head of department could have a key-note-like presentation to inform and describe plans for the future or suchlike. Familiar scientific paraphernalia is another thing I suspect a lot of scientists appreciate. »
- I cannot imagine anything right now. If I get a good idea I will inform my head of division.»
- Are the programmes given by TM to easy.»
- Diversity Innovation Strengthening the Chalmers brand»
- Tyvärr, inte på rak arm.»
- How to write a good project proposal!»
- teaching : problem solving or didcipline learning»
- How to use time more effectively (teaching, research admin like mail and others).»

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