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MPSES VT-12 Design of industrial energy equipment, KVM 071

Status: Avslutad
Öppen för svar: 2012-03-05 - 2012-03-25
Antal svar: 23
Procent av deltagarna som svarat: 51%
Kontaktperson: Rickard Ambring»

Your own effort

1. How many hours per week did you spend on this course?

We mean total time, that is, it comprises the time you spent in class and the time you spent on your own work. Try to estimate the average time over the entire study period.

23 svarande

At most 15 hours/week»2 8%
Around 20 hours/week»2 8%
Around 25 hours/week»7 30%
Around 30 hours/week»6 26%
At least 35 hours/week»6 26%

Genomsnitt: 3.52

- projects required a lot of time» (Around 25 hours/week)
- Reading, exercises in course material, 6 projects in 7 weeks with exam on monday lv 8, two study visits with one additional exercise on that (rya pumps)...thank god the refrigerant wasn"t delivered on time!!!» (Around 30 hours/week)
- Especially due to the projects.» (Around 30 hours/week)
- Underestimated project work» (At least 35 hours/week)
- the project was badly planned and took to much time. And you dont get any credits for them.» (At least 35 hours/week)
- Time-consuming projects and there is no grade to compensate for the time and effort put on them.» (At least 35 hours/week)

2. How large part of the teaching offered did you attend?

23 svarande

0%»0 0%
25%»1 4%
50%»0 0%
75%»3 13%
100%»19 82%

Genomsnitt: 4.73

- Some lectures are exactly what is stated in the literature, no further learning obtained.» (75%)
- Hand-made examples during the class sessions were very easy in comparisson to the ones proposed in the exam. There is no concordance between the difficulty level from exercises done in class and in the exam exercises.» (100%)

3. Do you consider that you had sufficient knowledge to read this course?

23 svarande

Yes, absolutely»20 86%
In part, but i struggled in places»3 13%
No»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 1.13

- spot on, finally some applications of all of these heat tranfer equations and flow regimes.» (Yes, absolutely)
- Some content (heat pump, gas turbines) was more repetition than new material.» (Yes, absolutely)
- Lack of Matlab experience was a minor problem in the beginning.» (Yes, absolutely)
- I dont understand why you need to force us to use matlab, which i suck at and hate. » (In part, but i struggled in places)
- For project 1 about boiler design, the engineering combustion needs further explanations (more than the one presented in the appendix of the compendium)» (In part, but i struggled in places)

Goals and goal fulfilment

The course syllabus states the course goals in terms of learning outcomes, i.e., knowledge, skills and attitudes to be acquired by the student during the course.

4. How understandable are the course goals?

23 svarande

I have not seen/read the goals»1 4%
The goals are difficult to understand»0 0%
The goals give some guidance, but could be clearer»8 34%
The goals clearly describe what I am supposed to learn»14 60%

Genomsnitt: 3.52

- it is precise for the calculations but we don"t really know what "cultural" knowledge is important to know» (The goals give some guidance, but could be clearer)
- The way of grade the course through a four-hours examination is not fair. It does not seem a good way to evaluate and measure the knowledges acquired during the course. » (The goals give some guidance, but could be clearer)
- and what we are supposed to do» (The goals clearly describe what I am supposed to learn)

5. Are the goals reasonable considering your background and the number of credits?

Answer this this question and the succeeding one, only if you do know the course goals.

22 svarande

No, the goals are set too low»0 0%
Yes, the goals seem reasonable»19 86%
No, the goals are set too high»3 13%

Genomsnitt: 2.13

- but somewhat too hig...the thing with "overlaping" projects, where a dealine is 3 weeks ahead BUT the next project start one week before the other deadline and has the same deadline as the other project...made the whole thing messy and stressful!» (Yes, the goals seem reasonable)
- But too large emphasis (time spent) on projects.» (Yes, the goals seem reasonable)
- The goals are too high in this course (in comparison to other courses). We have to validate 2 study visits, one lab, 6 projects and one difficult examination. It is far too much and prevent us from keeping time for other courses» (No, the goals are set too high)

6. Did the examination assess whether you have reached the goals?

22 svarande

No, not at all»10 45%
To some extent»9 40%
Yes, definitely»2 9%
I don"t know/have not been examined yet»1 4%

Genomsnitt: 1.72

- The examination was longer and more specific than previously and required more understanding than previous examinations.» (No, not at all)
- the examination was absolutely too difficult. I understood most of the course requirements (mostly thanks to the projects) but the exam questions were so difficult that I might fail this course. I think it is quite unfair evaluation» (No, not at all)
- Tentan var väldigt konstigt balanserad eftersom den mest verkade ta upp delar som vi inte gått igenom så mycket i kursen. Tentan kändes inte alls representativ. Det blev inte bättre av att man inte hade tid alls att repetera kursen innan tentan då vi hade en annan tenta på lördagen innan. Det i kombination med att projekten tog en del tid fram till slutet lämnade ingen tid att repetera kursen på det djup som krävdes för att klara tentan. Jag räknade alla övningstentor som fanns tillgängliga och kände att jag hade bra koll på dem. » (No, not at all)
- Since this is a design course, and design process is time-consuming, instead of all the course grade being evaluated through a 4-hours exam, projects should have a percentage of the final grade (60-70%), and the written examination should evaluate just the theory part.» (No, not at all)
- it was really difficult and not at all like the old exams. Really not happy about how the exam was» (No, not at all)
- The examination in my opinion did not allow for any errors. Either you new the entire course by hart or you failed. Maybe a little to dramatic but that is how it felt.» (No, not at all)
- The questions without calculations are quite tricky, and knowing correctly the course content doesn"t seem enough to be able to answer throroughly» (To some extent)
- Compared with previous exams this was a level harder. No real study guidens was given that reflected the exam.» (To some extent)
- BUT: The answers to the theory questions could be found in the litterature aid for those who happened to stumble upon them. There is no way you can judge wether the student knew the right answer on before hand or read it from the paper. And the calculation exercises were seriously not about the main focus of the course! The super heater was designed as a second thing on the large boiler project week 1 and not in the way that was required to solve the exam question, and seriously, have we have only talked about different HX arrangements...if you didn"t know exactly how a "bubble through" looked like you were screwed. The exam was about stuff we shour know about but NOT the parts we should have in depth knowledge about, and as I see it, not the main focus of this course. If I am wrong - spend more time on explaining these parts,super heaters, and do calc. exercises about all different HP arrangements, cause I felt my knowledge was not enough/I couldn"t remember since so little time was spent on these things.» (To some extent)
- I had not expected such a hard exam. This was not a good ending for this course in which I really learned a lot.» (To some extent)
- First two theory questions felt a little specific and not closely connected to course goals. Question 5 could have had mollier chart instead of tables, that tests the same knowledge, but is somewhat faster and less prone to small mistakes under time pressure.» (To some extent)
- Question number 4 required more than what we where taught.» (To some extent)
- Of course, you cannot assess everything in 4 hours (but that"s what are the projects for). » (Yes, definitely)
- It was not related to the goals which we had to achieve, it was too tough, division of points on each question was unfair , one tough numerical question having 10 points,(Total 5 questions having 30 points) the other numerical question having 8 points was also not so easy, if one give correct answer of three questions having total 12 points, not possible to pass the course, by missing 18 points on two questions. The theoritical part was also very strange, except one question about heat exchanger, which was related to judge the concept.» (I don"t know/have not been examined yet)

Teaching and course administration

7. To what extent has the teaching been of help for your learning?

23 svarande

Small extent»2 8%
Some extent»6 26%
Large extent»10 43%
Great extent»5 21%

Genomsnitt: 2.78

- Hard to get personal contact outside lecture hours.» (Small extent)
- There is a lot of things in the assignments that is missing from the lectures. Somethimes the stuffs in the lectures is realy trivial and easy to understand so that it can be self learned from youst reading some. More advanced lectures with connection to the exam would be nice.» (Some extent)
- Bra föreläsningar. » (Large extent)
- It all fell in place during the projects, even though there was a lot of stress completing them» (Great extent)
- very helpfull during the projects» (Great extent)
- I think that teaching was great throughout the course.» (Great extent)

8. To what extent has the course literature and other material been of help for your learning?

23 svarande

Small extent»2 8%
Some extent»8 34%
Large extent»8 34%
Great extent»5 21%

Genomsnitt: 2.69

- The compendium (course book) was not useful at all. It has many mistakes, and the topics are not presented clearly.Often seems to assume that the reader knows what it means by all the nomenclature used, and it is not obvious.» (Small extent)
- Literature was a bit hard to read. The routine to caluclate should have been included.» (Some extent)
- Vissa kapitel borde vara mer omfattande för nu känns det som om man inte riktigt kan ta igen allt som gås igenom på föreläsningar. Till exempel borde det finnas något om kondensation. Kompendiet behöver korrekturläsas också. » (Some extent)
- There were a lot that was not clear in the compendium, felt very unsufficient. Felt like there could have been more in the compendium, more explanations and more that explained the theory behind the project solving» (Some extent)
- The course material need to be edited!! In the "The Furnace" part chapter 2 there is a new paragraph for each new sentence! When sentences in addition look like this "adding a larger amount of air than this increases the possibility of obtaining complete combustion, but also exhaust losses" and "below 800 degrees an important phase of the combustion process ceases"-WHICH, what?? ..and it goes on.» (Large extent)

9. How well did the course administration, web page, handouts etc work?

23 svarande

Very badly»2 8%
Rather badly»2 8%
Rather well»6 26%
Very well»13 56%

Genomsnitt: 3.3

- Prefer if all handouts were either handed out on paper, OR all handouts were posted on the homepage. Consistenscy is king.» (Rather badly)
- everything was there» (Very well)
- Kurshemsidan fungerade bra. Föreläsningarna kom upp i god tid innan så man kunde läsa igenom dem innan föreläsningen. Önskar bara att mer information om projekten kunde lagts upp. Nu saknas ett eller ett par PM.» (Very well)

10. What was your overall impression of the lecturses

23 svarande

Excellent»4 17%
Good»14 60%
Moderate»2 8%
Poor»3 13%

Genomsnitt: 2.17

- exam was a disapointment. And bad planning of projects...maybe one could be removed so one can truly understand the condensation and tube and shell heat exchangers...and the super heater...hmmm, we have already done HRSG in design of industrial energy systems...that one could be removed in my opinion...» (Excellent)
- "Selection of working media for heat pumps" lecture was pretty bad if you were not a chemical engineer. A lot of things in that lecture built on pretty deep knowledge in chemical engineering. I am a mechanical engineer and have no idea for example what a azeotropic mixure is, and what that entails.» (Good)
- I liked the course, but beqause of the projects it felt really heavy. It felt like too much work for that period. Last year they did not have the exam until the 16th of march. This year it was already the 5th of march. It felt like the examinator did not take that into concieration (that this period were shorter than last year) when he planned the course.» (Good)
- The planning is bad and too many project» (Moderate)
- Lecturers behave as if they have no interesst of teaching at all. All lerning in this course come from reading the litterature.» (Poor)

11. What was your overall impression of the projects?

23 svarande

Excellent»6 26%
Good»11 47%
Moderate»4 17%
Poor»2 8%

Genomsnitt: 2.08

- Really interesting projects, which really enable one to understand the concepts. The first project was a bit long for the given time and sessions in class though. And sometimes, too many reviews are made, just to correct one or two really tiny details. I guess 2 is enough» (Excellent)
- liked it a lot. Gave additional knowledge to stuff I already know, or should know by know.» (Good)
- maybe you should develop a bit more the reflexion part, the overall comprehension of the project instead of focusing only on calculations. Sometimes I just found myself lost in matlab, without remembering what was the goal of my calculation» (Good)
- Projekten var bra och jag lärde mig mycket på dem. Lite olyckligt med första projektet bara. Det hade antigen behövts ett tillfälle till eller en extra handledare på de tillfällen som gavs för det var mycket att ta till sig på kort tid. Det hade nog varit bättre att byta plats på projekt ett och två så man hinner komma in i kursen innan det börjar.» (Good)
- Especially for the first project 1 the work load was quite high. » (Good)
- Projects are very good for understanding the concepts. However, for none of the projects was there "near sufficient time scheduled". This could be somewhat improved by warning against frequently made mistakes and giving more intermediate checking options (like the first project), as large part of time is spent to find mistakes from the matlab code. Also time can be saved by clearer instructions (eg project 4, the need to take the data for boiling from HYSYS). The range of expected final result would be helpful as to know if we are on the right track.» (Good)
- But the projects were quite diffucult due to the fact that the therory behind were unsufficient in the compendium» (Good)
- The project where conducted too quick. No time to really reflect what we calculated and how its all parameters are interconnected. » (Moderate)
- The projects themselves were really good, but they took too much time to finish. The last week before exam there were two (!!) new projects issued. There was even a project with due date the week after the course was supposed to be over, I dont even think that is allowed? This seems basically like a 10p course squeezed into 7.5p in my opinion. Much of that feeling emanates from the projects.» (Moderate)
- Didnt have enough time and some i formation is realy poor.» (Moderate)
- The workload they require is far more then the 7,5 points this course SHOULD contain.» (Poor)

12. What did you think of the industrial laboratory at Rya

23 svarande

Very interesting»7 30%
Good but could be improved»10 43%
Less good, questionable»4 17%
Not interesting»2 8%

Genomsnitt: 2.04

- It was good to deal with practical aspects.» (Very interesting)
- I think it was a rather interesting heat-pump exercise.» (Very interesting)
- The calculations dont give that much new learning actualy but the showing of the plant was insightfull.» (Very interesting)
- We were given some crucila data or hypotheses just before the end, so we didn"t have time to finish entirely at the plant. Otherwise the project was good. The visit of the facility was interesting.» (Good but could be improved)
- it could be interesting to see how values are really measured, because if not, the fact to be there doesn"t bring so much more to us» (Good but could be improved)
- Tyvärr fick vi ingen guidad tur av någon som jobbade där vilket var tråkigt. Beräkningsdelen var bra. » (Good but could be improved)
- Could have been conducted at chalmers. no need to go to rya just to do calculations.» (Less good, questionable)
- didn"t see the puropse of going there to do the calculations...they could be done in school....but it is the worlds biggest heat pump so....but the work load in general in this course was pretty high so something needs to go.» (Less good, questionable)
- Did not hear anything what the person att Rya said. Felt really unnecessary to travel all that way just to do the calculations which could have been done at school, saving time vasted at the traveling back and forth.» (Not interesting)

13. What did you think of the Study visit to Metso Power?

23 svarande

Very interesting»14 60%
Good but could be improved»6 26%
Less good, questionable»2 8%
Not interesting»1 4%

Genomsnitt: 1.56

- really liked it! Keep it!» (Very interesting)
- Väldigt intressant att se en eventuell framtida arbetsgivare. » (Very interesting)
- That guide from manufacturing was awesome.» (Very interesting)
- The presentation of the company and their different missions was quite interesting. However, I have to admit that, as a chemical engineer, I found the visit of the workshop long and boring. Shorten it could be good I think.» (Good but could be improved)
- The presentation about Metso was excellent. The tour through the workshop was not that good as it seemed like our guide had no idea at all.» (Good but could be improved)
- Workshop visit too long, especially because the guy didn"t speak loud and clear enough. » (Good but could be improved)
- Too many people when we walked around and too noisy so did not hear nearly half of what was been told» (Good but could be improved)

Teaching and course administration

14. Please rate Mathias Gourdon’,s lectures

22 svarande

Excellent»11 50%
Good»7 31%
Moderate»2 9%
Poor»2 9%

Genomsnitt: 1.77

- could be more interesting but gives all the necessary basics in an easy going way. Good with calculation examples on the board!!!» (Good)

15. Please rate Robert Johansson"s lectures

22 svarande

Excellent»3 13%
Good»12 54%
Moderate»6 27%
Poor»1 4%

Genomsnitt: 2.22

- cheer up mate! It was a bit dull to listen to him I can remember, monoton and only saying what"s in the slide.» (Moderate)
- Good content. Poor presentation. » (Moderate)

16. Please rate Hanna Ljungstedt as exercise tutor

22 svarande

Excellent»3 13%
Good»11 50%
Moderate»6 27%
Poor»2 9%

Genomsnitt: 2.31

- Never had her.» (?)
- too bad that people expected her to know all about the boiler projects though since most of us thought that was what we were going to continue with. But when it all came around discussing with her gave something.» (Good)

17. Please rate Johan Isaksson as exercise and laboratory tutor

23 svarande

Excellent»7 30%
Good»9 39%
Moderate»7 30%
Poor»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 2

- Available, skilled and friendly. » (Excellent)
- The Bell thing he did on the board should be on a slide on the course home page! And don"t go through it so fast! I think that a lot of us got problems exactly with that part. Quiet guy» (Good)
- Knowledgeable, but often he speaks so low it is almost impossible to hear what he says.» (Moderate)
- Too litle explenations about the projects» (Moderate)

18. Please rate Mathias Gourdon as exercise tutor

23 svarande

Excellent»8 34%
Good»12 52%
Moderate»2 8%
Poor»1 4%

Genomsnitt: 1.82

- Good to discuss with. » (Good)
- the lection about the exercise when we used the design program, were a little bit too fast and too unsufficient» (Good)

Study climate

19. How were the opportunities for asking questions and getting help?

23 svarande

Very poor»2 8%
Rather poor»1 4%
Rather good»6 26%
Very good»14 60%
I did not seek help»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 3.39

- On so little time with assignments you need a lot of disscusion time and feedback from techers or realy more worked thrue assignments.» (Rather poor)
- But really packed and stressed up climate during some projects! Would it be possible to get one more for the boiler exercise and the tube and shell project!?!» (Rather good)
- Det var lätt att få hjälp om man orkade ta sig till VOM.» (Rather good)
- Most often the instructors were available when visited.» (Rather good)
- You could mostly get help from the theachers» (Very good)

20. How well has cooperation between you and your fellow students worked?

23 svarande

Very poorly»1 4%
Rather poorly»1 4%
Rather well»5 21%
Very well»16 69%
I did not seek cooperation»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 3.56

- Its a competition. Finish first and dont share information.» (Rather poorly)
- we have got stuff to do in this course...even after the exam...» (Very well)
- Related to the project work.» (Very well)

21. How was the course workload?

23 svarande

Too low»0 0%
Low»0 0%
Adequate»4 17%
High»6 26%
Too high»13 56%

Genomsnitt: 4.39

- High because usually the projects required to work out of the schedule hours (not the case in Industrial Energy Systems for example). But the load was still ok.» (High)
- As mentioned, projects took a lot of time.» (High)
- This course is far more then 7,5 credits.» (Too high)
- cut some of the things and do projects in order (at least the boiler and tube and shell) not criss cross deadlines...» (Too high)
- too much!!» (Too high)
- Too many projects!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!» (Too high)
- The projects demanded too much.» (Too high)
- The first three projects came too close to eachother, when you didnt had finish the previous projects. It felt really stressful and it made you not have enough time to study the theroy (reading the compendium). All your free time went on about doing the projects. » (Too high)

22. How was the total workload this study period?

23 svarande

Too low»0 0%
Low»1 4%
Adequate»4 17%
High»11 47%
Too high»7 30%

Genomsnitt: 4.04

- in the end...cause that"s when the HVAC people decided to drop the information on what we need to know actually, and added additional exercises intead of the ONE we had been doing for 6 weeks.» (High)
- Arbetsbelastningen blev väldigt hög i slutet eftersom tentorna låg på lördag LV7 och måndag i tentaveckan. Det var för lite tid.» (High)
- Because I have had 3 courses. » (High)
- Both exams where very early in the study period.» (High)
- How can you put the exams two days after the HVAC in the beginning of the Exams period and in the same time put out a new project in the last week. I think this will show on the grades» (Too high)
- This course took so much time that it impacted negatively on the other course.» (Too high)

Summarizing questions

23. What is your general impression of the course?

23 svarande

Poor»2 8%
Fair»0 0%
Adequate»5 21%
Good»13 56%
Excellent»3 13%

Genomsnitt: 3.65 (bidrar till totalt genomsnitt/jämförelseindex)

- The intense projects ruins the course. If you still want all the content to the student devide it into two 7,5 ponits courses.» (Poor)
- Grade would be good or excellent if less time was required for the projects.» (Adequate)
- glad I took it» (Good)
- good but too demanding and unfair evaluation of our abilities» (Good)
- It is good and interesting, but it needs improvements.» (Good)

24. What should definitely be preserved to next year?

- The projects - The Rya lab»
- Project, but more time for reflection what exactly we calculate»
- metso visit, boiler project, more focus on the super heater (since we obviusly missed something on the exam), plate HX proj, and so on...»
- the project exercises, but maybe not all of them, or make them a little bit shorter»
- project one is too lenghty, more time should be allocated for it. »
- Projects. »
- Metso study visit. Some of the projects, since they were good for learning. (But maybe take away one or two because of time limits.)»
- Projects»
- the projects are really good and you learn a lot of them»
- the project itselves»
- projects are too heavy and I think need more sessions.»
- the exercises»

25. What should definitely be changed to next year?

- Projects. Course content. Lecturer, planning.»
- Add an extra session for the boiler project Start the last project earlier if possible (we started the Wednesday before the exam, which was a Monday, so we didn"t have time to finish it)»
- remove the HRSG project, do renova as a calculation exercise (we have done similar things in the heat and power course) get refrigerant so that other lab can be done instead»
- the final evaluation»
- The exam shouldnt be so tough, if some one miss 10 points on one tough question, it become hard to pass the course, and immpossible to get 4 grade.»
- Add a scheduled hour or two each week for exercise questions. Provide some more relevant exercises for this as well. The number of relevant exercises in the compendium right now is very low. This might prepare us better for the examination as a bonus.»
- Compendium and the way the course is being evaluated.»
- the strucutre of the projects. bether to wait and have only one project too focuse on at the time. The last project did come out thuesday the last week! not good!»
- the extent of the projects.»
- the exam»

26. Additional comments

- This course doesn"t meet up with the usual chalmers-standard. Content is widly spread and the teatchers just push out stuffs to do... no clear aim on goals or intentions of visits.»
- Fler räkneövningar som motsvarar lättare tentauppgifter hade varit uppskattat. Till exempel ett par uppgifter till där man ska designa en panna så man får in handräkningen för det. Det är inte riktigt samma sak att räkna med matlab som att räkna för hand. Även kapitlet om värmepumpar behöver några relevanta övningsuppgifter. Gärna med några olika konfigurationer. »
- The course is quite good, most of the knowledge related to industrial equipments are covered. but the exam shouldnt be so tough that some one fail it or get 3 grade while studied so hard.»
- Spend more time on part-load solutions for centrifugal compressors because very ofter asked during exams (or at least answer e-mails about it before the exam, although you have been very available all along the quarter). »
- The EXAM... what the hell happened there??? I have never worked hard in a course before and still been so unprepared for the exam.»
Genomsnitt totalt för detta stycke: 3.65

Genomsnitt totalt för alla frågor: 3.65
Beräknat jämförelseindex: 0.66

Kursutvärderingssystem från