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LP3_11/12_Strategic management, BOM070

Status: Avslutad
Öppen för svar: 2012-03-13 - 2012-03-25
Antal svar: 21
Procent av deltagarna som svarat: 53%
Kontaktperson: Christina Larsson»

1. One question about the course in general*

Estimate to what extent, on a scale from 1- 5 , you share the opinion of this statement, where
1 means that you do NOT AT ALL agree with the statement
5 means that you COMPLETELY agree with the statement


The general impression is that the course was very good*
21 svarande

0 0%
0 0%
8 38%
9 42%
4 19%
I dont know»0

Genomsnitt: 3.8 (bidrar till totalt genomsnitt/jämförelseindex)

2. Five questions about the course

Estimate to what extent, on a scale from 1- 5 , you share the opinion of these statements, where
1 means that you do NOT AT ALL agree with the statement
5 means that you COMPLETELY agree with the statement


- As most management courses, the goals and learning outcomes where unclear. Most often one gets far to much text to read without any structure and thus it"s hard to establish any good context.»
- The emails that was recived from the lecturer during the cource was very good and informative. Good communication channel! (Some lecturers only post messages on Pingpong or on the Studentportal).»
- Usually I don"t give 5, or the max points, because no one is perfect and if I give 5 then there will be no chance for any advanced work or immagination.»
- Could have had more work... Have seminars or something...»
- The book we use is not so clearly structured. Therefore, it also makes the course not so well organized.»
- It was very difficult to follow the course schedule due to non-correct timeedit and late announced as well as non-announced changes in course syllabus»
- Sir Thomas Good Job Done!»
- In general very good course. It required a lot of independent work with the group.»

It was clear to me what the learning outcomes of the course were
21 svarande

0 0%
2 9%
5 23%
10 47%
4 19%
I dont know»0

Genomsnitt: 3.76

The examination and the aims of the course were well related
21 svarande

0 0%
1 4%
3 14%
11 52%
6 28%
I dont know»0

Genomsnitt: 4.04

The course was very well administered
21 svarande

1 4%
2 9%
6 28%
6 28%
6 28%
I dont know»0

Genomsnitt: 3.66

I felt that the course had a high degree of significance for my education
21 svarande

0 0%
2 9%
7 33%
7 33%
5 23%
I dont know»0

Genomsnitt: 3.71

The course demanded a high degree of work effort
21 svarande

1 4%
0 0%
6 28%
8 38%
6 28%
I dont know»0

Genomsnitt: 3.85

3. What elements of the course should definitely remain?

- The project work was interesting and good, I think. Although, it"s very hard to know exactly what to write or do - feels like at most times we just tried to write something sensible without any grounds or connections to the theory.»
- Invite some teachers to give lecture.»
- max lecture»
- The academical paper! You really have to put in some effort if you have not fully followed the lectures»
- The early presentation, that makes the students to start off the team work in time.»
- The two projects»
- The project about SBP.»
- The guest lecture part regarding change management is very good.»
- Phil Thomas, case studies. Maybe even more focus on the case studies since some of them were really interesting»
- Guest lecture - Bill Brittain Strategic Business Plan Home exam»
- Business plan was good and the presentation in the beginning.»
- strategic case studies»
- the final assignment»

4. Were there any elements missing in the course?

- I would have liked some kind of summary of the course - for example a bunch of questions that defines the most important parts of the relevant chapters. Would be more efficient than reading them all without getting a clear overview and context. Otherwise it feels that the course doesn"t leave me any wiser.»
- No.»
- more group work during the class»
- Have more discussion about case studies and their results. »
- Seminars.. More projects.. More real projects related to companies today for example»
- Some seminary for discussion about. »
- I think it may be better if the teacher can give a more clear outline regarding the course as a whole.»
- Maybe some guest lecture from a company and their strategic views.»
- No.»

5. What, if anything, do you think should be changed in the course?

- The lectures perhaps - they were sometimes very long (a whole day), and rather tiresome. Have workshops instead? With more discussions and students interacting and answering questions perhaps. Otherwise it"s easy to become tired.»
- No.»
- the time of lectures»
- The group work idea, is a bloody nightmare! It kills the spirit of competition between the students. It helps the good students to get better grades and easier job if they can match with each other and push the others deep down if they got the wrong match in the group. The teachers should design the assignments according to the number of students. The teacher should not say to one student who wish to work alone because he have got the wrong group that you need to do the same requirements as a group of 3 or 4 students. This is not fair at all and the teacher should take such concerns seriously because it can be very very harmful and they should not force the students to work in the wrong group otherwise 1 student needs to do the job of 4 students! And to be fair, 4 students should have more work than 3, and 3 should have more work than 2 , and 2 should have more work than 1. For example, every student should write 3000 words, so 4 student need to write 12000 words, while 2 students need to write 6000 words. »
- Less lectures and more projects or more work so we learn to do/create strategy and work with it... You learn more by doing than listening to some guy telling you how he did it or how it should be done»
- The textbook is not so good, although it introduce lots of knowledge, but it fail to introduce sufficient theoretical background.»

6. Which parts/elements of the course were the most important for your learning outcome?

If there is anything missing in the list below, please let us know! (Comments)


- This course does not need a certian book. We have bought the book for 500SEK and it was not really usuful because we needed to get information from different resource. It is enough with papers and online references. »
- Personally, I didn"t complete the Academic Essay due to a sort of crisis situation involving a fire accident and my main complaint of the course is directed to the teacher. I think the teacher is fun and knowledgeable on the subject, but he didn"t even answer my mail about the accident, where I explained my situation and asked how to solve it - with hand-in or additional work later on etc. I think the teacher is fun and knowledgeable on the subject, but he didn"t even answer my mail about the accident, where I explained my situation and asked how to solve it - with hand-in or additional work later on etc. » (den här kommentaren har blivit redigerad i efterhand)

21 svarande

5 23%
OK»4 19%
7 33%
++»5 23%
Not relevant / I dont know»0

Genomsnitt: 2.57

21 svarande

2 11%
OK»4 22%
7 38%
++»5 27%
Not relevant / I dont know»3

Genomsnitt: 2.83

21 svarande

1 6%
OK»4 26%
5 33%
++»5 33%
Not relevant / I dont know»6

Genomsnitt: 2.93

Project work
21 svarande

0 0%
OK»3 15%
5 25%
++»12 60%
Not relevant / I dont know»1

Genomsnitt: 3.45

Ask questions
21 svarande

1 4%
OK»8 38%
7 33%
++»5 23%
Not relevant / I dont know»0

Genomsnitt: 2.76

Hand -ins
20 svarande

0 0%
OK»2 10%
10 50%
++»8 40%
Not relevant / I dont know»0

Genomsnitt: 3.3

21 svarande

1 6%
OK»2 12%
6 37%
++»7 43%
Not relevant / I dont know»5

Genomsnitt: 3.18

Team work
21 svarande

1 4%
OK»2 9%
8 38%
++»10 47%
Not relevant / I dont know»0

Genomsnitt: 3.28

Independent work
21 svarande

1 4%
OK»4 19%
5 23%
++»11 52%
Not relevant / I dont know»0

Genomsnitt: 3.23

Occasions with critique (feedback)
21 svarande

1 5%
OK»7 36%
7 36%
++»4 21%
Not relevant / I dont know»2

Genomsnitt: 2.73

Guest lectures
21 svarande

1 5%
OK»2 10%
7 35%
++»10 50%
Not relevant / I dont know»1

Genomsnitt: 3.3

External study visits
21 svarande

5 71%
OK»0 0%
1 14%
++»1 14%
Not relevant / I dont know»14

Genomsnitt: 1.71

Other element
15 svarande

1 20%
OK»2 40%
2 40%
++»0 0%
Not relevant / I dont know»10

Genomsnitt: 2.2

Genomsnitt totalt för detta stycke: 3.8

Genomsnitt totalt för alla frågor: 3.8
Beräknat jämförelseindex: 0.7

* obligatoriska frågor

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