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Peer coaching at Kb 2011

Status: Avslutad
Öppen för svar: 2011-12-29 - 2012-01-29
Antal svar: 4
Procent av deltagarna som svarat: 80%
Kontaktperson: Per Lundgren»

1. How many years of experience do you have of teaching?*

4 svarande

<=3»3 75%
3-10»1 25%
>10»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 1.25

2. How would you describe yourself with regards to your expertise in teaching?*

4 svarande

Novice»0 0%
Competent»4 100%
Expert»0 0%
Authority»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 2

3. How you would describe your scholarship of teaching?*

To what extent are these statements correct for you?


- Literature on teaching in my field? I would read if I knew were to find it...!»

My teaching has priority over my research.*
4 svarande

Absolutely not»0 0%
Rarely»1 25%
Rather»2 50%
Absolutely»1 25%

Genomsnitt: 3

I enjoy teaching.*
4 svarande

Absolutely not»0 0%
Rarely»0 0%
Rather»1 25%
Absolutely»3 75%

Genomsnitt: 3.75

I often talk to colleagues about teaching.*
4 svarande

Absolutely not»0 0%
Rarely»2 50%
Rather»2 50%
Absolutely»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 2.5

I appreciate and am inspired by the teaching of my colleagues.*
4 svarande

Absolutely not»0 0%
Rarely»1 25%
Rather»1 25%
Absolutely»2 50%

Genomsnitt: 3.25

I read literature on teaching in my field.*
4 svarande

Absolutely not»0 0%
Rarely»2 50%
Rather»1 25%
Absolutely»1 25%

Genomsnitt: 2.75

I try out and investigate new ways of teaching.*
4 svarande

Absolutely not»0 0%
Rarely»1 25%
Rather»0 0%
Absolutely»3 75%

Genomsnitt: 3.5

I take part in designing the evaluation of my teaching.*
4 svarande

Absolutely not»0 0%
Rarely»1 25%
Rather»1 25%
Absolutely»2 50%

Genomsnitt: 3.25

Students preconceptions and perceptions control my teaching.*
4 svarande

Absolutely not»0 0%
Rarely»1 25%
Rather»2 50%
Absolutely»1 25%

Genomsnitt: 3

I disseminate results regarding teaching development.*
4 svarande

Absolutely not»0 0%
Rarely»2 50%
Rather»0 0%
Absolutely»2 50%

Genomsnitt: 3

4. Having access to (on demand) support for development as a teacher is...*

4 svarande

...detrimental.»1 25%
...irrelevant.»0 0%
...marginally useful.»0 0%
...quite useful.»0 0%
...very beneficial.»2 50%
...necessary.»1 25%

Genomsnitt: 4.25

5. My preference in teaching support would be:*

Rangordningsfråga. Siffran anger medelposition.

3.Collaboration with experts in pedagogy3.5
4.Participation in conferences and workshops4
5.Funding for own development projects4.7
6.Sabbatical at other university5

- Peer coaching as a continuous, direct feedback, courses for a broader, theoretical knowledge, sabbatical for new ideas and inspiration, as would be conferences and workshops. My own funding seems very far away right now, you need ideas firts, and experts in pedagogy tend to mess up things!» (?)

6. How useful did you find your time spent with a peer coach during the fall 2011?*

4 svarande

A waste of time»0 0%
Not time well spent»0 0%
On level with my other activities»1 25%
Very useful»1 25%
One of my best time-investments 2011»2 50%

Genomsnitt: 4.25

7. What did you appreciate most with the peer coaching?*

- Learnt how to can transfer my feelings to the audiences.»
- It was the first time I received direct feedback on my own teaching and suggestions for new things to try, which is immensely helpful »
- Availability and flexibility, suggestions.»
- It was very direct, straight forward, and it actually gave me ideas how to improve myself. Not just a lot of words!»

8. In what way will your teaching improve as a consequence of the peer coaching?

- The way I make the presentations has been improved.»
- I plan to try to implement some of the new ideas we have discussed in my teaching and evaluate the effect of the new changes.»
- Most probably increase collaboration with more experienced teachers and seeking advices or suggestions more actively for improvements.»
- I now know what my major flaws as a teacher are, something which I was not aware of before. With this knowledge, it is not so difficult to improve my lectures!»

9. Please give your suggestions for improvements in how to conduct peer coaching!

- More time with the coach will help to improve the skills more.»
- Maybe some examples prepared for different situations like: course moments (how to react, how to improve), feedback for students (for exercices, exams, etc), new courses (how to start to make a course, evaluation time for that, etc).»
- Good so far, I really hope it will be some kind of follow up, to see what was actually achieved. »

* obligatoriska frågor

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