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Study Environment Questionaire

Status: Avslutad
Öppen för svar: 2011-05-23 - 2011-10-31
Antal svar: 30
Procent av deltagarna som svarat: 24%
Kontaktperson: Architectural student committe»

Study environment questionnaire

We would like to know your views about your degree and study environment. The questions are a part of our work toward improving your degree and your replies can be used in order to improve your study experience. Your participation is voluntary, anonymous and offers you a way to influence your degree and study environment.
This questionnaire is for students studying Architecture and Architecture & Engineering.
OBS! When you reply to the questions you should base your answers on your last study term. N.B.!

Bakgruound questions  

1. Age*

- 30»
- 23»
- 26»
- 26»
- 27»
- 26»
- 24»
- 24»
- 24»
- 28»
- 21»
- 23»
- 23»
- 21»
- 33»
- 29»
- 25»
- 24»
- 30»
- 22»
- 31»
- 29»
- 24»
- 40»
- 21»
- 26»
- 22»
- 21»
- 27»
- 24»

2. Gender*

30 svarande

14 46%
16 53%

Genomsnitt: 1.53

3. Living with children?*

30 svarande

Yes»4 13%
No»26 86%

Genomsnitt: 1.86

4. Employed whilst studying:

30 svarande

Yes»6 20%
No»24 80%

Genomsnitt: 1.8

5. If yes how many hours

- 10/month»
- 6/week»
- 8-16 h/week»
- 30 procent»
- internship 1,5 years and extra work 3 hours each week.»

6. Other commitments outside of study:

30 svarande

Yes»6 20%
No»24 80%

Genomsnitt: 1.8

7. If yes how many hours

- 10-30/week»
- 4/week»
- 2-3 h/week»
- 10»
- 5 hours/month»
- 10»

8. Degree

- master of science Architecture»
- diploma»
- master»
- Master»
- Architecture»
- master student»
- Bachelor equivalent, enrolled in Master of Architecture »
- 1 year of master»
- Bachelor"s Degree in Interior Design»
- bachelor»
- master degree»
- Architecture, Design for Sustainable Development»
- master 2 architecture»
- Bachelor of Architecture»
- Master in Design For Sustainable Development»
- master»
- arkitektur»
- architecture»
- Master»
- Master Degree»
- Master of Architecture»
- Undergraduate»
- Master»

9. Exchange student?

30 svarande

Yes»13 43%
No»17 56%

Genomsnitt: 1.56

General questions about your degree

10. How positive do you feel about your future occupation?

30 svarande

Very negative»0 0%
Negative»2 6%
Neither positive nor negative»1 3%
Positive»22 73%
Very positive»5 16%

Genomsnitt: 4

- The finished term failed to help me to develop more of my interest and potentials, though some parts are because of my own. » (Negative)
- The people I"ve met who are architecs would do good to learn a little more humility towards other professions and not least students. It does not feel very positive to work with this kind of people in the future.» (Neither positive nor negative)
- I have realized that having an architectural degree is extremely valuable and the development I have gone through during my studies have brought me to the point I am at right now, where I can shape my own future occupation, weather or not it will be in a "traditional" architectural role or not.» (Positive)

11. How proud do you feel to be studying Architecture or  Architecture and Engineering at Chalmers?

30 svarande

Not proud at all»0 0%
Not proud»1 3%
Sometimes proud and sometimes not proud»7 23%
Proud»17 56%
Very proud»5 16%

Genomsnitt: 3.86

- The study atmosphere and ambition , as well as many interesting events and activities are my favorite.» (Proud)
- Internationally, Sweden has a good reputation for design and sustainability, but unfortunately I feel like no one recognizes Chalmers in particular. I have been extremely proud of my education, where analytical skills, social responsibility and political commentary is allowed and supported. Compared to my many experiences with architectural education abroad, I value these traits as I feel they are extremely important for the future of the profession as well as the built environment we are creating. Although I realize Chalmers might be criticized for being too analytical and not artistic enough, I personally think this is a strength to be built and expanded upon, and in no regard a failure on behalf of the core values of the school, the faculty and the students.» (Proud)

12. Do you feel that you are influencing your degree? Do you get the opportunity to influence the design of the degree and its contents?

29 svarande

1 3%
4 13%
9 31%
14 48%
1 3%

Genomsnitt: 3.34

13. Do you think that everyone is treated fairly and with respect?

29 svarande

Not att all»0 0%
No»2 6%
Yes and No»9 31%
Yes»15 51%
Yes, entirely»3 10%

Genomsnitt: 3.65

- During critique, the teachers/architects often comment on student projects in an unnecessarily disrespectful way.» (Yes and No)
- We had some problems in the critique situations where some students had problems coping with the critique given and some teachers gave critique on an inappropiate level.» (Yes and No)
- There is still an issue with the diverse foreign students, mostly regarding language skills. I have time and again seen foreign students being ignored or not being able to participate in meaningful discussions because of reluctancy to speak on their part, or reluctancy to listen from faculty and students. If we want to make the most out of such a mutual exchange, which is of great value to Chalmers as well as the partnering universities that are sending their students here, we need to address this communication barrier immediately. I think a lot of Swedish students are missing out on opportunities to interact with this great international resource, and vice versa.» (Yes and No)
- not very clear about this question» (Yes)

The setup of your degree

14. Are the subjects/classes’, objectives clear and understandable?

30 svarande

Not clear at all»0 0%
Not clear»3 10%
Clear and not clear»9 30%
Clear»16 53%
Very clear»2 6%

Genomsnitt: 3.56

- The Design systems course was a bit hard to wrap your head around. Also the Sustainable development and design professions did not have too clear an objective.» (Clear and not clear)
- Some are very clear, but in general I think the objectives are rarely discussed at the start of the class, leaving the student to read the often very dry and formal objectives on the course homepage, without engaging with fellow students or teachers to discuss what this class could be an opportunity to explore. The formal objectives, and individual objectives with a course may be very different.» (Clear and not clear)

15. Is the style of teaching clear and easy to understand?

29 svarande

Not clear at all»0 0%
Not clear»4 13%
Clear and not clear»10 34%
Clear»13 44%
Very clear»2 6%

Genomsnitt: 3.44

- In some cases there is an attitude of beeing mysterious and not revealing a truthful picture of what the course is about. I would have wanted a superclear and idea of what is expected and what the goal is. Some sort of backcasting so that the work we students do is more focused on a goal than explorative work where we have to find our own way.» (Clear and not clear)
- Sometimes it is unclear what we are supposed to learn.» (Clear and not clear)
- The semester has been filled with unclear goals and objectives along the way towards the main goals. Inexperienced and/or unengaged teachers has been the main problem.» (Clear and not clear)

16. How much of your study time is spent on project work?

29 svarande

Very little of time»0 0%
Little of time»1 3%
Enough time»11 37%
All time»6 20%
Almost all time»11 37%

Genomsnitt: 3.93

- Confusing order of alternatives. » (Almost all time)

17. Does that rate at which you are given new work  and is the kind of work you are given varied?

27 svarande

Not varied att all»0 0%
Not varied»2 7%
Enough varied»14 51%
Veried»11 40%
Very much varied»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 3.33

- Bad Question, please refrase. The syntax gives no sense, hense I have given no answer» (?)
- I don´,t understand the question» (?)

18. How is the process experienced during work projects?

27 svarande

Very negative»0 0%
Negative»2 7%
Neither positive nor negative»7 25%
Positive»17 62%
Very positive»1 3%

Genomsnitt: 3.62

- mixed,» (?)
- Without proper tools, the design process is a mess... I have yet to master a good way of planning and executing a project to my satisfaction (which is perhaps the point, that no project ever will be). I would"ve wished to have more practical examples of different ways of working and how to shape a process, already from year one.» (Negative)
- Often stressful but now I´,ve learned to handle the process better» (Negative)
- It depends on the teacher, the consultations and the assignment. » (Neither positive nor negative)


19. Do you get suffcient feedback on the work you do?

29 svarande

No feedback at all»2 6%
No feedback»2 6%
More or less»14 48%
Enough feedback»9 31%
Sufficient feedback»2 6%

Genomsnitt: 3.24

- I have learnt to seek feedback from the sources I need, even if it might be outside of school. The desk crit occasions have rarely been as rewarding as other, less formal forums of feedback, and I had already by the second year realized that most of what the studio assistants/guest critics say is redundant, banal and often not very pedagogical, unfortunately leaving me with little respect for said assistant or critic.» (More or less)
- Varies a lot. Should be clearer what the goals and criterias are» (More or less)

20. Generally, how helpful is critical feedback to your development?

29 svarande

Not helpfull at all»0 0%
Not helpfull»0 0%
More or less helpfull»8 27%
Helpfull»15 51%
Very helpfull»6 20%

Genomsnitt: 3.93

- A mix of positive and negative feedback is needed, to know both what is well performed in the project and how it could have been developed or changed» (More or less helpfull)

21. How helpful to your development is the feedback and cricism you receive from external lecturers/tutors/examiners to be?

29 svarande

Not helpfull at all»0 0%
Not helpfull»2 6%
More or less helpfull»11 37%
Helpfull»12 41%
Very helpfull»4 13%

Genomsnitt: 3.62

- When the feedback is clear, fair, objective and constructive, it is very helpful. However, sometimes I feel that the critics tend to focus on the wrong thing and sometimes they are even downright malicious. There is too much personal opinions in their comments.» (More or less helpfull)
- We have had little external lecturers» (More or less helpfull)

22. When you receive cricism - do you think it is constructive/helpful?

29 svarande

Not constructive/helpful at all»0 0%
Not constructive/helpful»1 3%
More or less helpfull»7 24%
Constructiv/Helpfull»19 65%
Very much constructive/helpful»2 6%

Genomsnitt: 3.75

- This is the same question as the last one.» (More or less helpfull)
- As mentioned above, much of the criticism I have received at Chalmers has been poorly communicated, although often positive without giving a good enough reason.» (More or less helpfull)
- Sometime teachers give a very personal reflection on the work we do. I have a real problem with that, critiscism should be completely objective and not based on personal taste.» (Constructiv/Helpfull)

23. a) How clear are the instructions you receive for project work?

29 svarande

Not clear at all»1 3%
Not clear»3 10%
More or less clear»11 37%
Clear»14 48%
Very clear»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 3.31

- This has been beneficial, as one is forced to take a stand, and mould the project into what one wants» (Not clear)
- In some courses they are clear, but sometimes we hardly receive any instructions at all, and in some cases the instructions are changed several times during the process, which is very annoying.» (More or less clear)
- Teachers usually leave us open questions, giving us in this way more responsabilities on our project. Aspect that I think is very positive» (More or less clear)
- Some parts were clear some totally unclear» (More or less clear)

24. b) How good is the supervision and guidance you receive for project work?

29 svarande

Very poor»1 3%
Poor»2 6%
More or less poor»9 31%
Good»16 55%
Very good»1 3%

Genomsnitt: 3.48

- Different courses are more or less good.» (More or less poor)

25. c) How was your experience of the middle cricism of project work?

28 svarande

Very poor»1 3%
Poor»3 10%
More or less poor»5 17%
Good»16 57%
Very good»3 10%

Genomsnitt: 3.6

- It depend from project to project. Some are excellent help along they way, others just a stressful interruption.» (More or less poor)

26. d) How was your experience of the examinations (fi,nal seminar) of  the project work?

29 svarande

No good att all»0 0%
Not good»2 6%
More or less good»5 17%
Good»15 51%
Very good»7 24%

Genomsnitt: 3.93

27. e) How do you perceive the form of the presentaon to be?

28 svarande

No good att all»0 0%
Not good»1 3%
Good and not good»3 10%
Good»20 71%
Very good»4 14%

Genomsnitt: 3.96

- Don´,t understand the question» (?)

28. f) Do you feel that the teachers are listening to you and are trying to understand your ideas?

29 svarande

Not att all»0 0%
No»0 0%
Yes and No»8 27%
Yes»13 44%
Yes really»8 27%

Genomsnitt: 4

- Sometimes they have just formed their own opinion and stop listening.» (Yes and No)

29. g) How easy is it to get in contact with the teachers?

29 svarande

Very difficult»0 0%
Difficult»2 6%
Neither difficult nor easy»9 31%
Easy»12 41%
Very easy»6 20%

Genomsnitt: 3.75

- Did not attempt to get in touch with them beyond the appointed times» (Neither difficult nor easy)
- Again, it varies from teacher to teacher. Some are never at their office, and don"t answer emails.» (Neither difficult nor easy)
- I appreatiate the openness with the teachers very much.» (Easy)
- Usually it is easy, but it depends from teacher to teaches» (Easy)

30. How do you perceive the cooperation between students  and teachers to be?

29 svarande

Very poor»0 0%
Poor»1 3%
More or less poor»3 10%
Good»20 68%
Very good»5 17%

Genomsnitt: 4

31. How do you perceive the cooperaon between the teachers to be?

28 svarande

Very poor»0 0%
Poor»4 14%
More or less poor»5 17%
Good»17 60%
Very good»2 7%

Genomsnitt: 3.6

- It is unacceptable to have deadlines in two different courses the same week.» (Poor)
- No coordination between different core courses, missing good opportunities to develop ideas and projects further.» (Poor)

32. a) How well do you feel that large group work is functioning?

29 svarande

Very bad»1 3%
Bad»4 13%
Neither bad nor good»11 37%
Good»12 41%
Very good»1 3%

Genomsnitt: 3.27

- Depends on who"s in the group.» (Neither bad nor good)

33. b) How well do you feel that the pair drawing work is going?

27 svarande

Very bad»0 0%
Bad»0 0%
Neither bad nor good»9 33%
Good»16 59%
Very good»2 7%

Genomsnitt: 3.74

- don´,t understand the question» (?)
- Most of the time I get a good partner.» (Good)

34. c) How is the atmosphere in class is?

29 svarande

Very bad»0 0%
Bad»0 0%
Neither bad nor good»4 13%
Good»16 55%
Very good»9 31%

Genomsnitt: 4.17

- The first three years, the atmosphere was a bit too competitive, but during the master, everyone is more relaxed.» (Good)

35. How good is the collaboration between students?

29 svarande

Very bad»0 0%
Bad»1 3%
Neither bad nor good»4 13%
Good»18 62%
Very good»6 20%

Genomsnitt: 4

- Studio work is great, as people can openly discuss questions they might have, ask for help and share resources.» (Good)

36. Does the school  try to resolve the problems that arise or are they left without being dealt with?

27 svarande

Not att all»2 7%
No»0 0%
Yes and No»13 48%
Yes»9 33%
Yes, really»3 11%

Genomsnitt: 3.4

- They don´,t solve the problems which are pointed out year after year» (?)
- i don"t know» (Yes and No)

Physical study environment

37. How do you feel that the physical environment is generally?

29 svarande

Very poor»0 0%
Poor»7 24%
More or less poor»6 20%
Good»13 44%
Very good»3 10%

Genomsnitt: 3.41

- Too little space in Urban studio. This needs more area for the students» (Poor)
- Bad ventilation and lighting makes it hard to spend too much time in the building (perhaps a good thing though...)» (Poor)
- Not enough space for group work, not enough computers» (Poor)
- too hot in summer, too cold in wonter» (More or less poor)

38. How do you think that the physical environment is in the lecture hall?

29 svarande

Very bad»0 0%
Bad»8 27%
Neither bad nor good»11 37%
Good»9 31%
Very good»1 3%

Genomsnitt: 3.1

- too cold!» (Bad)
- The A-salen is horrific. The chairs are extremely uncomfortable, the lighting is bad, you have to crane your neck to see the screen and why are almost all the chairs in the same level?! It"s impossible to see anything if there"s a tall person in front of you.» (Bad)
- A-salen is terrible, but others are okay» (Bad)
- Not properly equipped for lectures or a very nice place to bring guests, as it is a horrible representation of Swedish architecture/educational standards.» (Bad)

39. How do you find the physical environment is in the drawing room?

29 svarande

Very poor»0 0%
Poor»3 10%
More or less poor»10 34%
Good»15 51%
Very good»1 3%

Genomsnitt: 3.48

- The studios that face the courtyard are impossible to be in during the spring!» (More or less poor)
- bad ventilation,more computers and tables,light tables,scanners,printers.» (More or less poor)

40. Where do you prefer to study?

29 svarande

at home»6 20%
at school»23 79%

Genomsnitt: 1.79

- Descent computers with my own material. pens, material and so on. The practical stuff.» (at home)
- Easier to get things done.» (at school)

41. How many hours do you spend on your studies each week on your project work?

29 svarande

< 20 hours»2 6%
~30 hours»3 10%
~40 hours»6 20%
~50 hours»11 37%
~60 hours»6 20%
> 60 hours»1 3%

Genomsnitt: 3.65

- sometimes more» (~60 hours)

42. How many hours do you spend on your studies each week on other studies?

27 svarande

< 20 hours»22 81%
~30 hours»1 3%
~40 hours»3 11%
~50 hours»0 0%
~60 hours»1 3%
> 60 hours»0 0%

Genomsnitt: 1.4

- There is little overlap between periods, so when I work with the project, this is full time, and when there is other stuff, that is in focus.» (?)
- How many hours are there left? :P» (< 20 hours)

43. How many opportunities to you get to have a life outside of your studies, e.g. social interaction, family, leisure activities etc?

29 svarande

No opportunities at all»0 0%
No opportunities»1 3%
More or less»10 34%
Some opportunities»11 37%
Many opportunities»7 24%

Genomsnitt: 3.82

- The workload is quite large, especially with all the mandatory attendance.» (More or less)
- In normal study time there are many opportunities, but before the deadline no opportunities» (More or less)

44. How would you estimate your confidence? (self-confidence is confidence in your ability to perform)

29 svarande

Very low»0 0%
Low»3 10%
Neither low nor high»8 27%
high»16 55%
Very high»2 6%

Genomsnitt: 3.58

- I"m approaching a new fild for me» (Low)
- Nobody at school is doing anything to improve that. It"s always the same people who gets to hear that they are good.» (Neither low nor high)
- Since second year, when I think most students took a turn downwards on that confidence scale for some reason, my education had brought me great personal development and has led me to where I am now.» (high)

45. How would you estimate your self-esteem? (self-esteem is the belief in your value regardless of performance)

29 svarande

Very low»0 0%
Low»5 17%
Neither low nor high»8 27%
high»12 41%
Very high»4 13%

Genomsnitt: 3.51

46. a. How confident are you in the contents and objectives of your degree? with confident we mean your trust.

28 svarande

Very low»0 0%
Low»0 0%
Neither low nor high»12 42%
high»15 53%
Very high»1 3%

Genomsnitt: 3.6

- Haven"t really thought about it.» (Neither low nor high)

47. b. How confident are you in Chalmers University of Technology

29 svarande

Very low»0 0%
Low»1 3%
Neither low nor high»9 31%
high»17 58%
Very high»2 6%

Genomsnitt: 3.68

- There is a bit uneven standard in the education at the moment. » (Neither low nor high)
- I respect Chalmers for its solid values and investment in its students, but of course, there is always much to be done to live up to the full potential I think architectural education can be at such a great school.» (high)

48. Do you have suggestions, requests/wishes or other comments? We are grateful for these.

- The entire organization has collapsed a bit. Both have courses are laid out with schedules. Combinatorics of different courses is unnecessary complicated. Responsibility distribution is sometimes unclear. The school building isn"t optimum for the purpose. Otherwise a fantastic study atmosphere.»
- Revise the form, make sure you use proper english, and that the questions make sense and that there is little confusion about the grading of answers.»
- more and wider ways of spreading the different information, like seminars, summer courses, activities, and preferably in English!! Better studio environment, like more computers and facilitated with small kitchen, for we spent whole day in the studio during the weekdays. »
- Give more room to personalize your education. I know that the Master"s studios have a purpose in their division, but I am not convinced the current development (with almost cultish studio devotion and division) is healthy or creating better architects. 20 people should not be thinking, breathing and drawing the same, so every possibility to individually review and map out ones development, skills and personal strengths is very important.»
- Ana Betancour is a very profesional teacher and work very good with the ideas from the students !!!»

* obligatoriska frågor

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